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Social media addiction is common among public and private school. It is a
type of behavioral addiction that results in spending too much time on social
media platforms. Those media platforms has been shown negatively influence to
a person, health and as well as in academic performances of students. It grown
and become a big part of our daily life and each person can’t ignore the power of
social media.
According to Andreassen&Pallesen2014 Individuals with social media
addiction are often overly concerned about social media and are driven by an
uncontrollable urge to log on to and use social media. However according to
Griffiths 2000 Social media addiction can be viewed as one form of internet
addiction where individuals exhibit a compulsion to use social media to excess.
This research aimed to prevent social media addiction inside the school
campus through face to face among Senior High School students of Oriental
Mindoro National High School. Moreover fliers was beneficial to those students
because it contains “how to prevent social media addiction”.
The researcher choose this kind of problem because they would like to know
how social media platforms affect to students and also they would like to prevent
social media addiction among Senior High School students of Oriental Mindoro
National High School.
The participants of the study were of best help to the school administration
in addressing the problem. The school stakeholders were given the chance to be
partners with the participants in their guest to not only excel in their studies but
also be socially and physically active.

There are many theories of communication that have been created regarding
computer mediated communication that can be applied to social media usage, as
general communication theories. Social media offers a unique interaction
platform users, which allows communication theories to be explore in a different
setting,. Social media does not allow for face to face interaction yet studies in
computer mediated communication show it yields highly connected interpersonal
relationships (Walter, 1996). There are several theories that are applicable to
social media and the addiction factor including the social identity Modes of
deindividual effects, the interpersonal hypothesis, use, and Gratification Theory
and Media Dependency Theory.
Social identity model of deindividual effects. One of the models to help explain
social media behaviour and why people are drawn to these online networking
platforms is the social identity model of deindividual effects (Side model). Created
utilizing both social psychology and communication studies frameworks, this
model explain how behaviour of group changes when cloaked by anonymity
(Richer, Spears& Postmes 1995). It is also often associated with computer
mediated communication making it easily applicable to platforms like social
media. Although social media platforms allows the creation of a customized
profiles, no regulations exist about it these profiles are truthful of even based on
real people, while most users seem to prefer to add their name, picture and
personal information to their profiles in order to interact with people they know
in real life, it is not required that they do so. Also due to privacy practices, it may
be hard for social media moderators to even regulate base types of profile, other
forms of social media, such as message boards, often do not require the cration of
an account at all. This gives an air of anonymity to not only the internet in general
but social media as well
Interpersonal Impact Hypothesis, according to So, this theory offers a more
explicit account of media’s influence on risk perception than does cultivation
theory. Rather that suggestion a general main effects of media, exposure on risk
perception (as cultivation theory does) the impersonal impact hypothesis posits
that the effect of the mass is determined by the type of perceived risk (2012) the
goes on note the hypothesis has implications mainly for social standing and less
personal implications, which is an important function of social media.
Uses and gratification theory assumes that there is an active media
consuming audience, the media platforms are competitive and people are self -
aware of their usage and interest (West & Tuner, 2007). Since social media users
have to seek-out the platform and create a profile, they can be considered
actively media consuming. Social media platforms complete when it comes to
attracting users.



Determine the
effect of social
Profile of
media in the
Analysis of data academic
Age:12-18 through: performance of SHS.
Manage the time
Sex: Female/ Male Interview waste in social
SHS of Oriental Questionnaire media stop the
Mindoro National social media
High School Survey addiction of
students will lessen
the bad effects of
social media
The first box presents the input study which includes the specific background of
respondents to easily know who is the respondents of the research.
The second box shows the processes by the researchers in the course of the study
no other than conducting a focus group interview.
The last box contains the expected output at the end of the study which serves as
an indicator whether the objectives was attained or not


This research study aimed to address social media addiction among Senior
High School in Oriental Mindoro National High School. It specifically sought
answers the following questions.
1.What are the proofs that social media platforms affect to SHS students in
Oriental Mindoro National High School?
2. What are the problem encountered in social media of a SHS students in
Oriental Mindoro National High School?
3. What kind of help to students in social media platforms?
4.Based from the finding of the study, what pruposed intervention could be
utilized by the researchers to better address the social media addiction among
Senior High School students of OMNHS?

Assumptions of the study

Social media is one of the most used platforms around the world. Since it is
known internationally, there are good and bad effects. Most of the Senior High
School students of Oriental Mindoro National High School use cellular phones
meaning the also use social media platforms such as ; Facebook, messenger,
instagram, youtube and wattpad. These said apps are addicting themselves so
they tend to overuse the said apps. They don't sleep enough because of chatting,
reading, watching and scrolling too much and this may cause sleep deprivation.
Because of this they have a lack of energy which cannot help them in staying
awake at school. A lot of students deal with the same problems because of social


This study will focus on the possibilityof preventing social media addiction
through giving fliers and face to face interview. The participants of this research
were the students from GAS senior High School Department of Oriental Mindoro
National High School enrolled S.Y 2019-2020.
At the end of this study the readers are able to discern that social media addiction
has a negative impact socially and physically.


This study has great significance to the following beneficiaries. Through this
research the need and concern of target beneficiaries will be catered or
addressed. The importance of this study will not only be reflected on the
researchers themselves but also on the different stakeholders.

Students. This study helped the students in discovering how social media can
affect to a person. In addition, the research helped the students socially and
Teachers. This research study gave ideas to teachers as to social media addiction
can affect to students. As a teacher, it is his or her responsibility to know what is
good and what is bad for the students.
Administration. This study is a one way that showed them the negative effects of
social media in every students in this generation.
Future researchers. This helped the next researchers to make their study less
difficult. This can be their guide and basis for their study.
The researchers defined the following terminologies according to their function
use in the study.
Social Media Addition - it is generally defined as the problematic, compulsive use
of social media platforms that results in significant impairment in an individual
function in various life domains over a prolonged period.
Social Media Platforms- a web based technology that enables the development,
deployment and management of social media solutions and services.
Academic performance –the knowledge and skills that students have mastered in
a subject or a course.
Chapter lll
This chapter presents the design, sampling and data gathering and procedures of
this study

Research Design
This research study utilized qualitative action research design that’s why the
researchers can provide a fresh and thorough analysis of the social media
addiction among Oriental Mindoro National High School SHS students through
giving fliers and face to face interview. It is action because there will be
actionwithin the system that is being tried to be improved and understand. It is
research because because it is systematic critical inquiry made public(Feldman, as
cited by legal, 2009). Therefore through the process of researching the
researchers were able to give action to the concern of this research.
Research Locale
The study was conducted in five different strand or track that consist fifteen
sections of Senior High School of Grade 12 students in OMNHS.
Respondents of the research
The respondents were composed of 25 Grade 12 students which were taken from
section of Senior High school of OMNHS.

Research Sampling
The research used non-probability or purposive sampling techniques is used in
this study wherein it involves selection of individuals that are proficient and well
informed with a phenomenon of interest. Additionally the participants are
available and willing to give an opinion in an articulate, expressive and reflective
manner (Etikan et,al 2016). More specifically the researchers used expert
sampling. Expert sampling is a non probability sampling chosen by the researchers
upon recommendation of experts who know well the participants.
The students- participants are from different classes who are willing to become
active respondents during face to face interview situations.
Future researchers- this study provided baseline data researchers
Research Instrument
The main instrument of the study was face to face interview based from the
process from the research paradigm on how social media affect to students
socially and physically.


The student participant of this research shared their thoughts and
experiences through an in depth interview about social media addiction affect to
them. In-depth interviewing is a qualitative research technique that involves
conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to
explore their perspectives in a particular idea, program or solution(Boyce 2006).
The questions used in the interview were anchored to the research questions of
this research that aimed to give solution to addicted students on social media
platforms of OMNHS SHS in terms of giving fliers in order to prevent social media

Prior to the conduct of the study, the researcher asked first the approval of
their subject teacher ,the subject teachers of the student participants, the
assistant principal, other concerned individuals and the students who will be the
participants of this research study
The researcher ensured that the student participants of this studyare well aware
of the purpose and process of this study. For the convenience of the researchers
and participants alike, the participants are allowed to speak in their language of
choice, either in English and Filipino.
Validation of data gathered was also done through the signal of the Gas
Argon students in OMNHS. Furthermore, the gathered data were taken with full
confidentially as respect to the participants.

In analyzing the data of this research study, the researchers used focus individual
interview. An in-depth interview is one of the valuable tools for collecting
qualitative data (Dilshad and Latif 2013).
In-depth interviewing is a qualitative research technique that involves
conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to
explore their perspective on ab particular idea, program or situation (Boyce 2006)
The qualitative data analysis is conducted using in-depth interview from the
SHS students participants in OMNHS by answering a semi-structured set of guide
questions. Repertory grid was used for Quality Data Analysis.

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