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Group Charter

BIS 343 Team Project - Group Charter - Template

This group charter delineates and evaluates the procedures the group has decided to use in
order to achieve an optimal project outcome. The group members have united to create this
charter and every member fully supports the following information.
Group Purpose
The purpose of this team is to advance the education of each team member and ensure a
successful venture through BIS 343. The team will support each other and hold each other
accountable to meet group goals, including having projects submitted by each respective
Group Members AND level of participation/involvement - [GREAT, GOOD or POOR]
1. Robbin Scholl Great
2. Brian Herman Great
3. Kelly Graham Great
4. Erik Rubbelke Great
Group Member Skills/Expertise
1. Robbin Scholl - Leadership and Organization Note Taker
2. Brian Herman - Interviewee
3. Kelly Graham - Note taker
4. Erik Rubbelke - Note taker
Ground Rules and Handling of Conflicts

• Rule 1 - Robbin Scholl will submit the assignments

• Rule 2 - Every team member will read the assignment instructions before work begins
• Rule 3 - Each team member will check in with the group via the discussion board at a
minimum every other day unless the team has been notified in advance of a scheduling
• Rule 4 - Each team member will be respectful and courteous to each other. If conflict
arises, each member pledges to find a compromise to the solution and by using an
interests-based approach if possible (Thompson, 2014, p. 208).
• Rule 5 - Before an assignment is submitted, each team member must give their
concurrence to show their support of the project being up to their expected quality.
• Rule 6 - In order to comply with Rule 5, each team member will provide their
approval/dissatisfaction and corrective recommendation for the assignment no later than
2:00PM on the day it is due in Blackboard via the Group Discussion Board.
• Rule 7 - Any email traffic sent to the Instructor and pertaining to a group assignment will
have all members of the team CC’d.
Work Expectations
Every team member will submit parts of the assignment such as deciding which MTT references
to use and will be in charge of partially writing the assignment. Each member will sign into
group discussions at least every other day and every day 3 days leading up to the assignment
deadline to check for any needs or changes to the assignment.
Other resources provided in APA format

Thompson, L. L. (2014). Making the team: A guide for managers (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson.

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