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El estudiante debe investigar el tema de futuro simple y futuro idiomático.

SIMPLE FUTURE Subject will /won´t Verb Complement You will / won´t visit
Veracruz. Ana will / won´t enjoy volovanes.

IDIOMATIC FUTURE Subject to be going to verb Complement You are / aren´t

going to visit Veracruz. Ana is / isn´t going to enjoy volovanes.

Make 3 sentences in SIMPLE FUTURE (1 affirmative, 1 negative, 1 interrogative)

1.-_I will eat today
I will not eat today
Will I eat today?
2.-__You will play xbox
You will not play xbox
Will you play xbox?
3.-_He will wacth the tv
He will not watch the tv
Will he watch the TV?
Make 3 sentences in IDIOMATIC FUTURE (1 affirmative, 1 negative, 1 interrogative)
1.-_I am going to walk to the school
I am not going to walk to the school
Am I going to walk to the school?
2.-__You are going to wash the clothes
You are not going to wash to the clothes
Are you going to wash to the clothes?
3.-_He is drive to the oxxo
He is not drive to the oxxo
Is he drive to the oxxo?

El estudiante investiga acerca del uso de los verbos modales: should, must y have to.
Make 6 sentences (2 should, 2 must, 2 have to)
1.-(should)_She should return later
You should see her tomorrow
2.-(should)_She should return later
She should try to finish her projects on time
3.-(must) You must arrive on time
Must I take all this medicine?
4.-(must)_You must install a new program
You must not drink if you are going to drive
5.-(have to)___He has to feel better later
I have to go to the dentist again next week
6.-(have to)__We have to stay together
__We have to invite the family to the party


Subject Have/ Has Verb in Past participle Complement.
Examples: I Have eaten Chapulines. Juan Has visited Guadalajara. My Friends and I Have
played Fortnite
1.-__She has finished her homework
2.-I have forgotten all my problemas
3.-__She has been cooking all morning
4.-__It has rained a lot this week
5.-__I have seen what he can do

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