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Nama : Niken Widiyastuti

NIM : 201902078

Kelas : 3B Keperawatan

Dialogue About Asking and Showing Operating Theatre And Pediatric Ward

Widiya: Excuse me Mrs, can you help me please ?

Nurse : What can I do for you?

Widiya : Can you tell me the way to operation theatre nurse ?

Nurse : Of course mrs, go along this stairs, then turn right. The operation theatre is beside to
the Meternity ward

Widiya : Okay Thank you nurse

Nurse : Sure. You’re welcome. Is there anything I can help you again Mrs ?

Widiya : Yes Nurse, could you tell me how to get to Pediatric Ward nurse ?

Nurse : No problem mrs, go up stairs in second floor, and then turn left. The Pediatric Ward
In Front Of the Orthopedic ward.

Widiya : Okay thank you very much nurse.

Nurse : No Problem Mrs. You’re welcome.

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