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Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70

Characterization of crispness of French fries by fracture and

acoustic measurements, effect of pre-frying and final frying times
T. Sanz , C. Primo-Martı́n b, T. van Vliet b,c

Agrotechnology and Food Innovations (A&F), Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR), Bornsesteeg 59, Postbus 17,
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences, Diedenweg 20, Postbus 557, 6700 AN Wageningen, The Netherlands
Wageningen University, Bomenweg 2, Postbus 8129, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands

Received 8 May 2006; accepted 30 July 2006


The influence of pre-frying and final frying time on the crispness of French fries was evaluated by simultaneous analysis of the fracture
and acoustic properties during instrumental simulation of human chewing. The analysis of the frequency distribution of the force and
sound events corresponding to the crust of the French fry reflected an effect of both pre-frying and final frying time on instrumental
crispness. Up to 60 s pre-frying, an increase in the number and magnitude of force and sound events was found, which reflect an increase
in crispness. The increase in final frying time increased crispness, but it cannot counterbalance a lack of pre-frying. The moisture content
of the whole French fries cannot explained the effect of pre-frying on crispness. Conversely, the effect of pre-frying can be explained when
considering only the moisture content of the crust. Pre-frying may allow an easier loss of water from the crust during final frying, which
will enhance its crispness.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: French fries; Crispness; Texture; Fracture properties; Acoustic properties; Frying; Moisture

1. Introduction ties of the raw material as well as the processing conditions

during manufacturing (Lamberg, Hallstroem, & Olsson,
French fries are the most popular potato product in 1990).
many countries because of their pleasant taste and texture. Basically the manufacturing process of French fries con-
The world production of fried, frozen potato products sists of the following steps; firstly the raw potatoes are
exceeds 4500 million kg, of which French fries represent washed, peeled and cut into strips of the desired thickness.
about 86% (Stier, 2004). This potato product is made from Next the potato strips are blanched in hot water in a two
potato strips with a cross section of approximately steps procedure: short blanching at elevated temperatures
1 · 1 cm2 and length of 6–7 cm (Lesinska & Leszczynski, (80–100 C), to inactivate enzymes (polyphenol oxidase
1989). The quality of French fries depends on the proper- and peroxidase) followed by a second longer blanching at
lower temperatures (65–70 C), to control the reducing
sugar content. After blanching the strips are dried in hot
air and subsequently pre-fried for 30–90 s at 170–190 C.
The pre-fried strips are cooled, frozen and packaged.
Corresponding author. Present address: Instituto de Agroquı́mica y Finally, the consumer will fry the potatoes again for 3–
Tecnologı́a de Alimentos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas,
Polı́gono La Coma s/n, 46980 Paterna, Valencia, Spain. Tel.: +34
6 min before consumption.
963900022; fax: +34 963636301. Texture of French fries is recognized as one of the most
E-mail address: (T. Sanz). important quality aspects. The texture of good quality

0963-9969/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
64 T. Sanz et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70

French fries consists of two parts: a crispy outer crust of 2. Materials and methods
about 1–2 mm (depending on the frying time and tempera-
ture) and a moist and soft interior, like a cooked potato 2.1. French fries production
(Bouchon & Aguilera, 2001). In a structural sense, the crust
can be described as a semi-rigid sponge, partly filled with French fries production was carried out using the pilot
oil. About 80% of the crust’s volume is made up of void plant facilities available at Agrotechnology and Food
space (Lima & Singh, 2001). Confocal Scanning Laser Innovations (A&F, Wageningen, The Netherlands).
Micrographs showed that oil in the crust was like an Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) of the Bintje variety, har-
‘egg-box’ surrounding intact dehydrated potato cell (Pedre- vest 2005, were kindly provided by Aviko (Steenderen, The
schi & Aguilera, 2002). Netherlands). The same batch (21.9% dry matter) was used
Different mechanical properties of French fries have for all the experiments. Before production, the tubers were
been measured as an instrumental measure of its texture. stored at 8 C for a maximum of three months. Firstly, the
Bunger, Moyano, and Rioseco (2003) studied the influence tubers (1 kg each time) were peeled, cut into strips
on instrumental texture of a NaCl soaking step by evaluat- (11 · 11 mm) with a mechanical cutting device and
ing different parameters characterizing the force displace- blanched in tap water. Blanching was carried out in two
ment curve (hardness, work and rigidity) obtained by steps: first at 80 C for 3 min and next at 65 C for
puncturing simultaneously 10 French fries with a multiple 20 min. The blanched potatoes were pre-dried in hot air
puncture probe. The maximum shear force necessary to (70 C) for 5 min, which resulted in a drying percentage
cut the potato strips with a rectangular attachment was of 12%. Relative humidity (RH) was controlled in the pilot
employed to study the effect of the use of degraded oil on plant where the French fries were produced. It varied
texture after frying (Kita, Lisinska, & Powolny, 2005). between 30% and 35%. After pre-drying the potatoes were
Measurement of the puncture force and texture profile pre-fried in liquid palm fat at 180 C for 30, 60 and 90 s;
analysis was used to evaluate the effect of time and temper- also not pre-fried potatoes were prepared. Subsequently
ature of blanching on final texture (Aguilar, Anzaldúa- the strips were cooled at 4 C for 20 min and then frozen
Morales, Talamás, & Gastélum, 1997). Golubowska at 30 C for 20 min. The frozen potatoes were kept for
(2005) studied the relationship between non-starch polysac- 1 week at 20 C and finally fried in peanut oil for 4, 5
charide and lignin content and texture by measuring the and 6 min at 180 C. For fracture and acoustic measure-
maximum shear force. None of these studies was focused ments and for moisture analysis of the outer layer single
on crispness related attributes. frozen potato strips were fried, while for moisture analysis
The number of mechanical events and their size in a of the whole French fry, batches of 250 g were fried.
force versus deformation curve has been proposed as an
appropriate way to quantify crispness. The frequency dis- 2.2. Mechanical and acoustic measurements
tribution obtained from this data is considered to form a
mechanical signature of the crisp food (Vincent, 1998). Mechanical testing was performed using a texture ana-
Recently, a correlation between the number of fracture lyzer (TA-XT Plus, Stable Micro Systems Ltd., Surrey,
events and sensory perception of crispness of French fries UK). A standardized protocol was followed for each anal-
was found (Van Loon, 2005). In addition to the fracturing ysis. After final frying the individual strip, the oil was
properties, the emission of sound is important for the per- allowed to drain off for 30 s. The mechanical and acoustic
ception of crispness (Drake, 1963; Duizer, 2001; Luyten, properties were determined exactly 3 min after the strip was
Plijter, & van Vliet, 2004; Vickers & Bourne, 1976). The removed from the fryer. The French fry was fractured
sound emitted from foods during deformation and eating transversally with a wedge-shaped aluminum probe (30
originates from the fracture process. Likely sound emission cutting angle, 15 mm wide) at a speed of 40 mm/s while
is an inherent property of the fracture process of crispy/ lying on a flat place. In this way biting with the front teeth
crunchy foods. Without sound emission, the food products was simulated (Vincent, Jeronimidis, Kahn, & Luyten,
may still behave in a brittle way but their crispness is 1991). Two measurements were carried out on each potato
graded to be much less or absent. Recently, Chaunier, strip and ten potato strips were analyzed for each frying
Courcoux, Della Valle, and Lourdin (2005) stated that condition. A force–deformation curve was constructed
mechanical tests were not sufficient to predict the crispness from the resistance that the probe encountered during
of corn flakes and acoustic measurements should be penetration.
incorporated. The sound emitted during fracturing was recorded using
The present work focuses on the effect of pre-frying and an acoustic sensor (Bruel & Kjær 4189 prepolarized free-
final frying times on the crispness of French fries using a field 1/2’’ microphone plus a 2671 Deltatron preamplifier
fracture–acoustic approach based on the quantification of microphone) with a frequency band of 6.3 Hz up to
the number and size of fracture and acoustic events. To 20 kHz and a sensibility of 50 mV/Pa. A fixed distance of
the best of our knowledge this is the first time that simulta- 5 cm from the French fry to the microphone was used.
neous fracture and acoustic measurements have been per- Both the analogue sound signal and the data of the texture
formed to analyze crispness of French fries. analyzer were converted to a digital signal using a Brüel &
T. Sanz et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70 65

Kjaer ‘Front-end’ system (type number 2827) with a sam- 3. Results and discussion
pling rate of 65 kHz. Fracture and sound tests were per-
formed inside an isolated acoustic chamber to avoid 3.1. Effect of pre-frying on fracture and acoustic properties
interference by external sources of sound. The reduction
in the audible region was about 50 dB. Recording, replay A typical force–time curve obtained during the fractur-
and basic signal analysis were performed using Brüel & ing process of a French fry is shown in Fig. 1. The profile
Kjaer Pulse Labshop Software (version 7.0). More detailed shows the existence of multiple peaks of varying amplitude,
signal analysis was done using Brüel & Kjaer Sound Qual- reflecting the presence of a brittle structure (Vincent, 1998).
ity type 7698 software and a Microsoft excel macro (Visser, Crispy properties of French fries are expected to be mainly
Luyten, Hamer, & van Vliet, submitted for publication). associated to the outer layer, the crust region (Bouchon &
This macro allows counting the number of force and sound Aguilera, 2001) therefore, only the first 125 ms of the curve,
events in the force versus time and sound pressure versus counting from the first contact of the wedge with the
time curves, respectively, as a function of the size of the potato, were considered for further analysis. In this way
event (threshold). the influence of the compression of the inner part of the
French fry on the fracturing data is also reduced.
2.3. Moisture analysis Fig. 2 shows the force and the simultaneously recorded
sound during the mentioned first 125 ms of the fracture
2.3.1. Moisture analysis of the whole French fries process for the different pre-frying times and a final frying
After final frying the potatoes were cooled at 4 C for time of 5 min. An increase in pre-frying time produced an
20 min. Subsequently they were ground in a Hobart cutter increase in the jaggedness of the force curves, together with
until the particles were smaller than 0.5 cm. From this an increase in the number of higher amplitude peaks. For
material a sample of approximately 200 g was taken and the sound signal a significant increase in the number of
weighted (±0.01) and pre-dried for 15 h at 60 C. After sound events was found with increasing pre-frying time.
pre-drying the samples were weighted and ground in an The non-pre-fried potatoes did not emit sound during frac-
ultra-centrifuge mill (Retsch) using a sieve mesh size of turing; only the background noise produced by the texture
4 mm. From the pre-dried grinded potatoes a sample of analyzer can be observed (Fig. 2). Both the increase in the
approximately 3–4 g was weighted (±0.0001) and dried at number of high amplitude force events and in the number
105 C for 3 h. After drying the sample was weighted again. and magnitude of sound events reflect an increase in crisp-
The moisture content of the French fries was calculated ness (Van Loon, 2005; Visser et al., submitted for
from the different weights determined. publication).
To quantify objectively the influence of pre-frying and
2.3.2. Moisture analysis of the outer layer of the French fries frying times, the number of peaks and their size were
A near-infrared ray reflectance moisture meter KJT-100 counted. In Fig. 3 the number of force peaks higher than
hand-held model (Kett US, CA, USA) was used to quantify a certain threshold (TH) is plotted against that TH. TH
the moisture content of the surface (crust) of the French values lower or equal to 0.3 were not considered because
fries. The infrared moisture meter irradiates the sample with at these TH values there is a large contribution of noise
infrared light, measures the amount of reflected light with a to the measured number of peaks. To enhance clarity of
sensor and converts the measured amount into a moisture the graph, especially of the higher thresholds, the number
content value. Measurements were performed with a dis- of peaks was multiplied by the TH.
tance of 15 cm between the sample and the source of light. The effect of pre-frying was dependent on the TH
For this purpose, a distance indicator is provided to main- employed. For a TH values of 0.5 N or higher the number
tain a distance of 15 cm between the sample and the source of peaks was significantly lower for the non-pre-fried
of light. A calibration line of a deep-fried product was used
to calculate the moisture content from the absorbance val-
ues. The moisture analysis of the outer layer was determined
before and after final frying of the French fries. After final
frying the individual strip the oil was allowed to drain off for
60 s and the surface moisture content was measured within
the next 120 s. Three French fries were used per measure-
ment and three measurements at different spots of the strip
were performed.

2.4. Statistics analysis

Pairwise comparison between means were tested using a

two-sided t-test (a = 0.05) with GenStat software v 8 (VSN Fig. 1. Force registered during fracturing of a French fry. Pre-frying time
international Ltd., Herts, UK). 60 s and final frying time 5 min.
66 T. Sanz et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70

5 0.8
no pre-frying no pre-frying

Sound pressure (Pa)

Force (N)

2 0

1 -0.2
-1 -0.8
0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Time (s)
Time (s)

5 30 s pre-frying
30 s pre-frying 0.6

Sound pressure (Pa)

Force (N)

2 0

1 -0.2

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 -0.8
0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Time (s)
Time (s)

5 60 s pre-frying
60 s pre-frying 0.6
Sound pressure (Pa)

3 0.2
Force (N)

2 0

-1 -0.8
0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Time (s)
Time (s)

90 s pre-frying
90 s pre-frying 0.6
Sound pressure (Pa)

Force (N)

2 0

1 -0.2

0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 2. Force (left side) and sound pressure (right side) as a function of time during the first 125 ms of deformation for various pre-frying times (indicated).
Final frying time was 5 min.

samples than for the pre-fried ones. For a TH of 0.9 N an The quantification of the acoustic events can be seen in
increase in the number of peaks from 30 to 60 s and a slight Fig. 4. This figure shows that the differences in fracture
decrease from 60 to 90 s is found, although the differences behavior between the samples are clearer from the sound
were non-significant. data than from the mechanical data. Likely sound mea-
T. Sanz et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70 67

5 min frying
20 no pre-frying

(n. peaks >TH)x TH

30 s pre-frying
60 s pre-frying
90 s pre-frying


0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5 2
Threshold (TH)(N)

Fig. 3. Influence of pre-frying on the number of force events higher than a certain threshold (TH). Final frying time: 5 min. Bars stand for standard

5 min frying no pre-frying
20 30 s pre-frying
(n. peaks>TH) x TH

60 s pre-frying
15 90 s pre-frying


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 2 2.5
Threshold (TH)(Pa)

Fig. 4. Influence of pre-frying on the number of sound events higher than a certain threshold (TH). Final frying time: 5 min. Bars stand for standard

surements are more sensitive than mechanical measure- The quantification of the force and sound events for the
ments with relation to crispness of French fries. For all different pre-frying and final frying conditions is shown in
thresholds considered a significant increase in the number Tables 1 and 2, respectively. For a preliminary check if
of events was found with increasing pre-frying time up to there was an interaction between pre-frying time and final
60 s and a slight (non-significant) decrease from 60 to frying time ANOVA was used. Results showed that there
90 s pre-frying. This will imply an optimum pre-frying time was no significant interaction. For the final frying time,
of 60 s, although a proper sensory test should confirm this the same trend was obtained as for the effect of pre-frying
conclusion. In the case of the non-pre-fried potatoes a com- time. A longer final frying time produces an increase in the
plete absence of sound events higher than 0.2 Pa was number of large force events (TH P 0.7 N) and in the
found, which reflects their low crispness. number and magnitude of sound events, which indicates
As the differences in the amount of large force events an increase in crispness. This result agrees with previous
between the non-pre-fried and the pre-fried potatoes was findings by other authors. Du Pont, Kirby, and Smith
only evident for force drops larger than 0.5 N, it is con- (1992) found an increase in sensory crispness of French
cluded that at least structures (beams, struts, films, etc. in fries with frying time. Ross and Scanlon (2004) using a ten-
the crust) with a fracture force higher than 0.5 N are neces- sile test found a change in the potato crust from a ductile or
sary to obtain an appreciable sound emission (sound pres- pliant to a more brittle material as frying time increased.
sure higher than 0.2 Pa). Moreover, these structures have However, the increase in crispness with final frying time
to fracture in a brittle way to get the high crack speeds that was less pronounced than the increase with pre-frying time.
result in an accompanying sound event (Luyten et al., 2004). This implies that a longer final frying time cannot be used
as an alternative to counterbalance the lack of crispness
3.2. Effect of final frying time due to the absent, or a short (30 s), pre-frying step. For
example, even after a 6 min frying time, the non-pre-fried
To evaluate the effect of final frying time the French fries potatoes showed lower crispness than after 4 min frying
were fried for 4, 5 and 6 min. of the 30 s pre-fried potatoes.
Table 1
Influence of pre-frying and final frying time on the number of force peaks higher than a certain threshold (TH)
TH (N) Number of force peaks > TH
4 min frying 5 min frying 6 min frying
Pre-frying-time Pre-frying-time Pre-frying-time
0s 30 s 60 s 90 s 0s 30 s 60 s 90 s 0s 30 s 60 s 90 s
0.3 64.9aA 61.2aA 60.4aA 61.0aA 63.5bAB 62.7aA 57.7cA 60.1abcAB 59.3cB 60.7acA 56.9abcA 55.6bcB
(5.0) (4.9) (7.4) (6.4) (4.7) (6.6) (7.5) (5.2) (6.2) (7.2) (6.9) (6.9)
0.5 24.7aA 27.0aA 22.8aA 23.7bA 23.2aAB 26.4aAB 22.9bA 23.9baA 21.2bB 23.7aB 23.9aA 22.8aA
(3.84) (3.2) (2.6) (3.3) (5.9) (4.9) (2.7) (3.6) (4.1) (2.9) (3.5) (3.3)
0.7 4.7bA 7.7aA 8.4aA 7.1aA 5.3bA 8.8aA 8.0aA 8.2aAB 6.6bA 8.4aA 9.0abA 10.4aB
(2.2) (3.4) (4.1) (3.0) (2.6) (3.0) (4.4) (4.1) (5.1) (3.0) (3.1) (3.9)
0.9 0.4bA 2.2aA 3.2aA 2.3aA 1.1aAB 2.0abA 3.6bA 2.8bAB 2.7aB 3.1aA 4.1aA 4.9aB

T. Sanz et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70

(0.6) (3.2) (2.5) (2.0) (1.2) (2.5) (3.9) (2.0) (4.1) (2.6) (3.2) (4.6)
1.2 0.1aA 0.5abA 1.1bA 0.9bA 0.1aA 0.7abA 2.0bA 1.1bAB 1.2aA 1.2aA 2.2aA 2.7aB
(0.3) (1.6) (1.4) (1.3) (0.3) (1.2) (2.7) (1.3) (2.5) (1.6) (2.4) (3.0)
1.5 – 0.2aA 0.6aA 0.7aA – 0.3aA 1.3aAB 0.7aA 0.8a 0.7aA 1.5aB 1.8aA
(0.9) (0.9) (0.8) (0.5) (2.1) (0.9) (2.2) (1.2) (1.6) (2.1)
2 – 0.1aA 0.2aA 0.2aA – 0.1aA 0.6aAB 0.3aAB – 0.4abA 0.8aB 0.8aB
(0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.3) (1.4) (0.6) (0.8) (1.0) (1.0)
Values between brackets correspond to the standard deviation.
For the same row and for the same final frying time means without a common letter are significantly different.
For the same row and for the same pre-frying time means without a common letter differ are significantly different.

Table 2
Influence of pre-frying and final frying time on the number of sound peaks higher than a certain threshold (TH)
TH (Pa) Number of sound peaks > TH
4 min frying 5 min frying 6 min frying
Pre-frying-time Pre-frying-time Pre-frying-time
0s 30 s 60 s 90 s 0s 30 s 60 s 90 s 0s 30 s 60 s 90 s
0.3 0.6aA 4.0bA 12.8cA 8.7cA 0.2aA 5.4bAB 19.8cA 10.5bcA 2.4aA 9.7bB 23.1cA 21.5cB
(1.7) (5.3) (12.2) (7.9) (0.5) (7.0) (19.5) (10.5) (4.8) (8.5) (18.0) (14.5)
0.7 – 0.5aA 2.4aA 1.5aA – 0.4aA 3.0bA 1.9abA 0.4a 1.3bA 4.1cA 3.8cB
(1.2) (3.6) (2.3) (0.9) (3.3) (3.0) (1.2) (2.1) (4.0) (3.8)
1.2 – 0.1aA 0.6aA 0.4aA – 0.1aA 0.6bA 0.3abA – 0.2aA 0.8aA 0.7aA
(0.5) (0.9) (0.7) (0.3) (1.1) (0.7) (0.7) (1.6) (1.3)
1.6 – 0.1aA 0.1aA 0.2aA – – 0.2aA 0.1aA – 0.05aA 0.5aA 0.2aA
(0.2) (0.5) (0.4) (0.6) (0.3) (0.2) (1.3) (0.5)
2 – 0.05a 0.06aA 0.1aA – – 0.06A – – – 0.4aA 0.1aA
(0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (1.2) (0.2)
Values between brackets correspond to the standard deviation.
For the same row and for the same final frying time means without a common letter are significantly different.
For the same row and for the same pre-frying time means without a common letter are significantly different.
T. Sanz et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70 69

This situation implies that pre-frying and subsequent 16

cooling are essential for the final crispness of the French 14
Before final frying 4 min 5 min 6 min
fries. 12

Moisture (crust) %
3.3. Relationship between moisture and crispness

In order to better understand the influence of pre-frying 6

and final frying on crispness the moisture content of the 4
whole French fry and of the outer layer only were 2
no pre-frying 30 s 90 s
3.3.1. Moisture content of the whole French fry Pre-frying time(s)
The moisture content values of the whole French fries
Fig. 6. Influence of pre-frying and final frying time on the moisture
after final frying are shown in Fig. 5. As expected, an
content of the outer crust of the French fries. Bars stand for standard
increase in both pre-frying and final frying time decreases deviations.
the moisture content of the French fries (Gamble, Rice,
& Selman, 1987). The comparison of the results for mois-
ture and crispness reveals that moisture of the whole 25
French fry cannot be used to explain the difference in crisp-

Number of sound peaks

ness due to different pre-frying conditions. The clearest 90 s pre-frying
example appears when comparing potatoes pre-fried for 15
60 s and final fried for 5 min and non-pre-fried potatoes
final fried for 6 min; although their moisture content is 10
30 s pre-frying
the same, their crispness is drastically different. This implies
that the differences in crispness due to different pre-frying
No pre-frying
conditions cannot be understood in terms of different mois- 0
ture content of the whole French fries alone. 0 5 10 15
Moisture in the crust (%)
3.3.2. Moisture content of the outer layer Fig. 7. Number of sound peaks higher than 0.3 Pa emitted during fracture
As the fracture and acoustic properties were studied of French fries versus crust moisture content (%).
only for the outer layer of the potatoes, which is the part
that primarily determines the crispness of the French fries,
the moisture content of the outer layer was also determined pre-frying time than the change in moisture content of the
(Fig. 6). The water content of the outer layer, before the whole French fry. The pre-frying step leads to a decrease in
final frying step, was strongly affected by the presence of moisture of the crust that cannot be achieved with the non-
a pre-frying step. Non-pre-fried French fries had a mois- pre-fried potatoes by only increasing the final frying time.
ture content of 12% that decreased to approximately 9% This conclusion is reflected in Fig. 7, where the correlation
after final frying. Pre-frying for 30 or 90 s led to a moisture among the moisture in the crust and the number of sound
content of 8–9% before final frying. The latter decreased peaks higher than 0.3 Pa is shown. The figure shows that
the moisture level of the crust to 5–7%. These results show data are well grouped according their pre-frying time,
that the change in moisture content of the outer layer of the which illustrates that there is a good correlation between
French fry can better explain the increase in crispness with the effect of pre-frying on the moisture of the crust and

4 min 5 min 6 min 4. Conclusions

50 Analysis of the frequency distribution of the number

Moisture (%)

40 and magnitude of force and sound events obtained while

fracturing French fries with a wedge at human chewing
speed reflects an effect of both pre-frying and final frying
20 time on crispness. The increase in pre-frying time up to
10 60 s increased the number of large force peaks (P0.7 N)
0 and the number and magnitude of sound events, which
no pre-frying 30 s 60 s 90 s reflect an increase in instrumental crispness. A further
Pre-frying time (s) increase from 60 to 90 s pre-frying showed a slight decrease
Fig. 5. Influence of pre-frying and final frying time on the moisture in crispness. The increase in final frying time increased
content of the whole French fries. Bars stand for standard deviations. crispness, but it cannot counterbalance a lack of pre-frying.
70 T. Sanz et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 63–70

The differences in crispness due to different pre-frying times Du Pont, M. S., Kirby, A. R., & Smith, A. C. (1992). Instrumental and
cannot be explained in terms of moisture content of the sensory tests of texture of cooked frozen French fries. International
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 27(3), 285–295.
whole French fries, but can be explained in terms of the Gamble, M. H., Rice, P., & Selman, J. D. (1987). Relationship between oil
moisture content of the outer layer. The pre-frying step uptake and moisture loss during frying of potato slices from c.v.
likely affects the morphology of the outer crust by allowing Record UK tubers. International Journal of Food Science and Tech-
an easier loss of water during the final frying step. nology, 22(3), 233–241.
Golubowska, G. (2005). Changes of polysaccharide content and texture of
potato during French fries production. Food Chemistry, 90, 847–851.
Acknowledgements Kita, A., Lisinska, G., & Powolny, M. (2005). The influence of frying
medium degradation on fat uptake and texture of French fries. Journal
Special thanks to Wim Lichtendonk for the support in of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85, 1113–1118.
the fracture and sound measurements, to Dinie Slotboon Lamberg, I., Hallstroem, B., & Olsson, H. (1990). Fat uptake in a potato
for the instructions on the French fries processing machin- drying/frying process. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie,
23(4), 295–300.
ery and to Pieter Vereijken for the assistance in the statistic Lesinska, G., & Leszczynski, W. (1989). Potato science and technology.
treatment. Also many thanks to Aviko BV (Steenderen, New York: Elsevier Science.
The Netherlands) for supplying the raw potatoes and for Lima, I., & Singh, R. P. (2001). Viscoelastic behavior of fried potato crust.
the expertise assistance of Martin Keijbets. The authors Journal of Texture Studies, 32, 131–141.
are indebted to the Ministerio de Educación Cultura y De- Luyten, H., Plijter, J. J., & van Vliet, T. (2004). Crispy/crunchy crusts of
cellular solid foods: A literature review with discussion. Journal of
porte of the Spanish Government for the post-doctoral Texture Studies, 35(5), 445–492.
grant awarded to author T. Sanz. Pedreschi, F., & Aguilera, J. M. (2002). Some changes in potato chips
during frying observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy
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