Inglés 4° Coronavirus PDF

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Coronavirus or COVID _19 is a worldwide problem. Countries around the world are on a
battle against this powerful virus.

Coronavirus started in Wuhan, China on January 22nd in an infected animal. Then the
virus mutated and spread from an animal to a human. Now it has affected more than
243.000 people in 169 countries and it has killed 10.000 people during this period.
Countries include China, America, The UK, Spain and Italy. Now smaller countries like
Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay have been affected too.

Doctors and scientists know it is contagious and say there’s no real cure up to the
moment. The symptoms are high fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared that this is a global emergency.
China as well as many other countries have been in a quarantine and people don’t go to
work, students don´t go to school and public transport has been partly suspended.

1) Read the following text and say TRUE or FALSE:

1. Coronavirus started in China. ………………….

2. It is contagious ………………
3. Many countries around the world have been affected. ……………
4. There’s no cure for this virus. ……………..
5. There are no deaths because of Coronavirus. ……………..
6. During the Chinese quarantine, students go to school…………..

2) find the words that mean:

a- Spread from one person to another:
b- A sign of something wrong with your body:
c- A period when you are separate from other people:
d- A king of germ that can cause disease:
e- High temperature in your body:

3) Search information on the internet and answer the questions

A. What’s the best way to prevent coronavirus?
B. What things mustn’t you do?
C. How long does it take for the symptoms to appear?
D. What are the key symptoms?

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