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Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 70–76

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Assessing fish assemblages in reed habitats of a large shallow

lake—A comparison between gillnetting and electric fishing
T. Erős ∗ , A. Specziár, P. Bíró
Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Klebelsberg K. u. 3., H-8237 Tihany, Hungary

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: To know the possible bias of different fishing methods is essential in fisheries management, ecology and
Shallow lakes conservation. In this study species number, abundance, biomass, length class distributions and predefined
Fish communities ecological features of fishes were compared across two data sets collected simultaneously using gillnet
Multi-mesh gillnets
sampling and electric fishing in the reed habitats of the shallow and eutrophic Lake Balaton, Hungary.
Electric fishing
Sampling effort
With increasing sample size, electric fishing proved to be more effective in detecting new species, and
samples collected with this method were more species rich when standardized to the number of individ-
uals collected. Ordinations based on relative abundance and biomass data indicated highly contrasting
differences between the two methods. Bleak were caught by multi-mesh gillnets in much higher relative
numbers. However, the shape and size selectivity of the gillnets also reinforced differences between the
two methods. Size distribution data showed that gillnets caught relatively more middle-sized fish com-
pared with electric fishing. Estimates of the abundance and biomass of non-native species by gillnetting
and electric fishing differed, and differences were found in the proportions of various guilds (feeding,
spawning and habitat). However, it was not possible to conclude which gear’s estimate is closer to reality.
The study illustrates that reliance on single-gear surveys can be misleading in assessing fish assemblages
in reed habitats of a large and shallow, eutrophic lake.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction While there is a great need for a standardized fishing protocol for
lake habitats, such a methodology is still under development in
The accurate estimation of biotic assemblage attributes (e.g. European countries. The two recommended sampling methods that
species richness and composition, relative abundances, functional are used most often are gillnet sampling (Appelberg et al., 1995;
metrics) is a fundamental requirement in environmental monitor- CEN, 2005) and electric fishing (CEN, 2003). Gillnets are passive
ing and assessment (Cao et al., 2003; Kennard et al., 2006). For tools, and as such their catching effectiveness depends largely upon
sampling fish assemblages a variety of catching methods are avail- fish activity. Even if multi-mesh gillnets are used, their species, mor-
able (Cowx, 1996; Murphy and Willis, 1996). However, catching phological and size selectivity can be significant. Electric fishing, an
effectiveness, including species selection and size selectivity pat- active method, is generally considered to be the most adequate sin-
terns may differ for each gear, making it difficult to determine gle tool for sampling shallow (i.e. less than 1.5 m deep) freshwater
whether these differences allow for accurate characterization of habitats (see e.g. Cowx, 1996). However, the efficiency of electric
assemblage attributes. Hence, there is a need for a more intensive fishing can vary significantly with the physical and chemical char-
evaluation of between-gear variations to determine their relative acteristics of the habitat, the device used, etc. As a consequence,
efficiency (Casselman et al., 1990; Jackson and Harvey, 1997; Cowx this sampling method can also show important species and size
et al., 2001; Olin and Malinen, 2003; Goffaux et al., 2005). selectivity.
Fish assemblage metrics are being intensively used to determine Very few studies have examined comparatively the effectiveness
the ecological status of lakes (Randall and Minns, 2002; Gassner et of gillnetting and electric fishing when assessing the assemblage
al., 2003; Drake and Valley, 2005; Garcia et al., 2006), and fish as a attributes of fishes either from rivers (Growns et al., 1996; Goffaux
group is one of the key biotic elements for such evaluation under et al., 2005) or lakes (Vaux et al., 2000). Vaux et al. (2000) concluded
the Water Framework Directive of the European Union (EU, 2000). that when developing Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
protocols the number of fish species and individuals collected per
4-min transect by electric fishing (Coffelt Mark-10 350 w backpack
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +36 87 448 244; fax: +36 87 448 006. gear) was either superior or similar to that of gillnets set overnight
E-mail address: (T. Erős). in the lakes of the northeastern United States. However, their gill-

0165-7836/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Erős et al. / Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 70–76 71

netting procedure included samples from a diverse array of large ing and the gillnet data (see below), NPUE was calculated as the
lake habitats (such as bottom sets in the hypolimnion, metalimnion, standardized total number of fishes collected per hour.
and epilimnion and pelagic epilimnetic sets), while electric fish- Similarly to electric fishing, gillnetting was carried out during
ing samples were confined to the littoral zone. Currently there are the daytime. Although it is suggested that gillnet sampling should
no detailed comparative data on electric fishing and gillnetting for be carried out at night (Appelberg, 2000; CEN, 2005), deviation
samples taken from the same (or equivalent) lake habitats. from the standard was necessary for two reasons. First, setting gill-
In studies of fish assemblages, generally, the open habitats of nets in the daytime allowed comparison of the two methods during
lakes are sampled with gillnetting, while electric fishing is used in the same time period. Second, daytime sampling avoided the rapid
the littoral zone along the shoreline or among macrophytes (e.g. accumulation of fish in the gillnets (see Olin et al., 2004), which
Diekmann et al., 2005; Mehner et al., 2005). In previous stud- can happen in under one hour at night in Lake Balaton (Specziár,
ies, therefore, fish assemblage comparisons between habitats also 2001). For gillnetting, 1.5 m high European standard benthic gill-
implied differences in the bias of the sampling methods. Since the nets (Appelberg, 2000; CEN, 2005) rigged with two more 2.5 m long
relative bias of both electric fishing and gillnet sampling is largely panels of 65 and 80 mm mesh sizes were used. Thus our nets com-
unknown, the aim of this study was to compare and evaluate elec- prised 14 panels of 43, 19.5, 6.25, 10, 55, 8, 12.5, 24, 15.5, 5, 35, 29,
tric fishing and gillnet catches, collected in the natural habitats of a 65 and 80 mm meshes and in total were 35 m long. The gillnets cov-
large Central-European lake. Reed habitat is one of the most impor- ered the whole water column in all cases. The duration of set was
tant natural habitat types in shallow eutrophic lakes and wetlands, between one and two hours during the period 09:00–11:00 a.m.
providing feeding, spawning and refuge areas for fish. Conse- Such a relatively short time period was necessary to avoid excessive
quently, we examined relationships between species richness and accumulation of fish in the nets so as not to exceed the 6 kg catch
sampling effort, assemblage composition, size class variations and limit per net (CEN, 2005). At each site, five nets were set in random
some important functional metrics (as used in fish-based evalu- locations, and consequently 25 nets were used for this study.
ations) to get a deeper insight into the relative effectiveness of The European standard multi-mesh gillnet is known to be
electric fishing and gillnetting in assessing fish assemblages in the ineffective for catching fish <5 cm (Appelberg, 2000; CEN, 2005).
reed habitats of Lake Balaton, Hungary. Similarly, general electric fishing techniques are largely ineffective
for fish <2 cm, to an unknown extent (except devices specialized
2. Methods for catching 0-group fish; see e.g. Cowx et al., 2001). To avoid bias
in our comparisons, all young-of-the-year fish were omitted from
2.1. Study area and sampling procedure the analyses. This age group (i.e. 0+) could be distinguished easily
by length-frequency analysis.
Lake Balaton is one of the largest shallow lakes in Central Europe For biomass data, the weight of each individual fish was esti-
(596 km2 ). Its mean depth is 3.2 m and the lake is meso-eutrophic mated based on previous length-weight regressions, calculated
(Istvánovics et al., 2007). The littoral zone of the lake is mostly mod- for the fishes of Lake Balaton (Specziár et al., 1997; Specziár
ified. Although widely distributed in the past, reed vegetated areas unpublished data). Mean water depth ± S.D. was 1.18 ± 0.23 m and
are now fragmented, with a total area of only 11 km2 . 1.27 ± 0.24 m for electric fishing (n = 87) and gillnetting (n = 25)
Electric fishing and gillnetting were carried out in the summer samples, respectively, and did not differ between the sampling loca-
of 2007 on five occasions (06, 07, 12, 27 June and 04 July). Five dis- tions examined with the two methods (t-test, P < 0.001). Water
tinct reed habitats were examined, one each day, along the northern transparency (Secchi depth) was 0.62 ± 0.20 and 0.63 ± 0.23 m,
shoreline of the lake. The sites belonged to the littoral zone and respectively, and did not differ between the sampling sites either
were large enough to allow both electric fishing and gillnetting (t-test, P < 0.001). Conductivity, an important parameter for the effi-
with many replicate samples (see below). The reed was fragmented ciency of electric fishing, varies between 550 and 671 ␮S/cm in Lake
enough for both setting the nets and conducting boat electric fish- Balaton (Specziár and Vörös, 2001).
ing. Finally, the sites were remote enough from boat harbours to be
relatively infrequently used by anglers. 2.2. Data analysis
Electric fishing was carried out during daytime using a
generator-powered machine (Hans-Grassl Gmbh EL64 II GI; DC, Sample-based and individual-based rarefaction analyses were
7.5 kW, 300–600 V; see accessed 17 used to examine changes in the estimated number of species as
March 2008). The cathode, a 5 m long copper cable, was floated at a function of both number of samples and number of individuals
the rear of the boat. To allow effective manuovering in the reed, a collected (Gotelli and Colwell, 2001; Colwell, 2005). Although it
small rubber boat (Yamaha 300S) with an electric engine was used. is not easy to standardize samples collected with an active (elec-
The crew comprised two persons: one for catching the fish with tric fishing) and a passive (gillnetting) catching method, rarefaction
the hand-held anode (2.5 m long pole with a net of 40 cm diam- analyses can provide the least-biased evaluation of differences in
eter, mesh size 6 mm) and one for driving the boat. Continuous the number of species collected with the two methods.
electrofishing was carried out by dipping the anode into the water Two-dimensional nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS)
at approximately 3 m long intervals and pulling the anode toward ordinations were run to visualise the variability and differences in
the boat, while moving slowly ahead. For each electric fishing 35 m fish assemblage composition between the two sampling methods.
long sections were sampled (this being equal to the length of one The analyses were run based on square-root-arcsine transformed
gillnet set). A high precision GPS device (Garmin GPSMAP 76Cx; relative abundance and biomass data. To obtain robust and read-
precision 2–4 m in the field) was used to measure the length of the ily interpretable results, samples from a certain reed site were
sampling route. Altogether 17, 19, 16, 18, and 17 replicates of 35 m pooled according to the collection method applied. Consequently,
long sections were electrofished in the five habitats, which yielded the positions of 10 sampling points (two collecting methods and
a total of 87 samples (3045 m). Fishing time for each section took five spatially separated reed habitats) were compared in the anal-
∼4 min. The captured fish were identified, their standard length yses. Species with an overall relative abundance or biomass of less
measured (mm) and then released at the end of each section. To than 1% were combined into a single “rare species” group to pre-
avoid recapture, each electric fishing started c. 10–15 m away from vent the number of variables (i.e. species) from highly exceeding the
the previously sampled section. Based on both the electric fish- number of objects (sampling points). Since the relative abundance
72 T. Erős et al. / Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 70–76

Table 1
The species composition, relative abundance and biomass of fishes collected with gillnetting (N = 25 nets; 35 m each) and electric fishing (N = 87 × 35 m long sections; 3045 m

Common name Scientific name Rel. abundance (%) Rel. biomass (%) Status Trophic Reproductive Habitat

Gillnet Electric. Gillnet Electric. Guild Guild Guild

Asp Aspius aspius 0.023 0.532 0.090 3.897 na Pisc Lith Non-b
Bitterling Rhodeus sericeus 0.129 3.727 0.021 0.064 na Insv/Herb Ostr Non-b
Bleak Alburnus alburnus 91.765 62.513 40.592 2.681 na Plankt Phli Non-b
Bream Abramis brama 0.340 0.639 3.732 1.129 na Omni Phli Bent
Carp Cyprinus carpio 0.070 0.852 9.905 34.024 na Omni Phyt Bent
Eel Anguilla anguilla – 5.112 – 23.416 nn Insv/Pisc ? Bent
European catfish Silurus glanis – 0.213 – 0.631 na Pisc Phyt Bent
Gibel Carassius gibelio – 0.532 – 2.666 nn Omni Phyt Non-b
Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella – 0.106 – 6.267 nn Herb Pel Non-b
Perch Perca fluviatilis 0.633 0.213 3.259 0.061 na Insv/Pisc Phli Non-b
Pike Esox lucius – 0.319 – 2.569 na Pisc Phyt Non-b
Pikeperch Sander lucioperca 0.035 1.278 0.004 12.247 na Pisc Poly Non-b
Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus 0.023 1.065 0.029 0.082 nn Insv Psam Non-b
Roach Rutilus rutilus 4.030 10.863 26.758 5.430 na Omni Phli Non-b
Rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus 0.340 10.330 3.476 3.657 na Omni Phyt Non-b
Ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus 0.035 – 0.026 – na Insv Lith Bent
Tench Tinca tinca – 0.106 – 0.314 na Omni Phyt Bent
Volga pikeperch Sander volgensis 0.035 – 0.398 – na Pisc Poly Bent
White bream Blicca bjoerkna 2.518 1.597 11.707 0.865 na Omni Phli Bent
Whitefin gudgeon Romanogobio albipinnatus 0.023 – 0.003 – na Insv Psam Bent
Total number or biomass (kg) of fish 8537 939 106.21 126.8

Total number and biomass of fish collected for both techniques are also indicated at the bottom of the table. ‘status’ refers to whether the species is native (na) or non-native
(nn) to Lake Balaton. The abbreviations for trophic guilds are as follows: Herb, herbivores; Insv, insectivores; Plankt, planktivores; Omni, omnivores; Pisc, piscivores. The
abbreviations for reproductive guilds are as follows: Lith, lithophils; Ostr, ostracophils; Phyt, phytophils; Phli, phyto-lithophils; Pel, pelagophils; Psam, psammophils; Poly,
polyphils (non-specialist). Habitat guild refers to whether the species is benthic (Bent) or non-benthic (Non-b).

of bleak Alburnus alburnus comprised 88.9% of the total, two analy- Finally, Mann–Whitney U-tests were used to test differences
ses were performed for relative abundance data: one including all in the functional (i.e. “ecological guild”) composition of fish
fish species and one in which bleak was omitted from the analysis. assemblages between the two methods (see Table 1 and results
The Bray and Curtis dissimilarity coefficient was used as a distance for metrics). Three guilds (spawning, trophic and habitat) with
measure in all analyses. All two-dimensional analyses yielded a simple and robust guild variables were considered, beside the
stress value (the measure of the match between distances in the number/proportion of non-native species, which is an important
original matrix and distances in the reduced ordination space) of variable in environmental assessment studies. The classification
less than 5.3 and consequently proved to be highly interpretable. In of species to a given guild variable followed Goffaux et al. (2005).
the program used, stress varies from 0 to 100, with low stress val- Species which were lacking from this study were categorized using
ues (i.e. <20) indicating highly effective variance reduction (PC-Ord the system of Balon (1981) for spawning guild and the simplified
Version 3.0, McCune and Mefford, 1997). system of Erős et al. (2008) for trophic and habitat guild variables. To
Between-gear differences in length distributions for all species increase the robustness of the analysis, statistical evaluations were
combined (i.e. the total sample) and for the two most abundant made only for the most abundant guild categories (see Table 2).
fish (bleak and roach Rutilus rutilus) were compared using the Chi- As for NMDS, samples were pooled for each site and collection
square test for independent samples. method used, and consequently, comparisons for each metric were

Table 2
Median values of different fish assemblage variables (number and proportion of guild variables) based on the samples collected with gillnetting or electric fishing

Gillnet Electric fishing P

Number of non-native species 0 2 0.009

Rel. abundance (%) of non-native species 0.0 5.9 0.009
Rel. biomass (%) of non-native species 0.0 37.6 0.009
Number of omnivorous species 3 4 NS
Rel. abundance (%) of omnivorous species 7.7 12.8 NS
Rel. biomass (%) of omnivorous species 43.5 26.2 NS
Number of insectivorous/piscivorous and piscivorous species 2 3 NS
Rel. abundance (%) of insectivorous/piscivorous and piscivorous species 0.8 7.7 0.009
Rel. biomass (%) of insectivorous/piscivorous and piscivorous species 2.3 41.7 0.009
Number of phytolithophilic species 5 4 0.037
Rel. abundance (%) of phytolithophylic species 99.1 76.3 0.009
Rel. biomass (%) of phytolithophylic species 89.3 10.2 0.009
Number of phytophilic species 1 3 0.016
Rel. abundance (%) of phytophylic species 0.6 12.6 0.009
Rel. biomass (%) of phytophylic species 10.1 26.0 0.047
Number of benthic species 3 2 NS
Rel. abundance (%) of benthic species 2.1 1.8 NS
Rel. biomass (%) of benthic species 21.0 23.9 NS

Differences were tested with Mann–Whitney U-test; NS, non-significant.

T. Erős et al. / Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 70–76 73

made based on five, five samples for electric fishing and gillnetting,

3. Results

Of the 20 species caught, 11 species were common for both

methods, while 6 and 3 species were caught exclusively either by
electric fishing or gillnetting, respectively (Table 1). For both meth-
ods, there were no differences in the number of species caught in
35 m long sampling units (Fig. 1a), although electric fishing samples
proved to be much more species rich when the samples were stan-
dardized according to the number of individuals collected (Fig. 1b).
The NPUE ± SD was 250 ± 252 for multi-mesh gillnets and 162 ± 173
for electric fishing.
Ordination of fish assemblage composition by NMDS showed
clear differences between the sampling methods based on both
relative abundance and relative biomass data (Fig. 2). Analysis
of relative abundance data including bleak (Fig. 2a) indicated
the dominance of this species in gillnet catches compared with
electric fishing, where rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus, “rare
species” (especially eel Anguilla anguilla, bitterling Rhodeus sericeus,
pikeperch Sander lucioperca, and pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus)
and roach were relatively more dominant. A similar analysis with-
out bleak (Fig. 2b) reflected the higher relative abundance of roach,
perch Perca fluviatilis and white bream Blicca bjoerkna in gillnet
catches, in contrast to electric fishing, where bitterling, eel, rudd
and some rare species (especially asp Aspius aspius, gibel carp
Carassius gibelio, pike Esox lucius) proved to be the most impor-
tant species responsible for the separation. Ordination of relative
biomass data (Fig. 2c) revealed the importance of further species
such as pike, gibel carp and carp Cyprinus carpio in the differences
in fish assemblage composition between the two methods.
Comparison of length-frequency distributions based on all
species combined (i.e. the total sample) showed significant dif-

Fig. 2. Ordination by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of five reed habi-

tats based on the composition of the fish assemblages collected with electric fishing
(open circles) and gillnetting (filled squares). Data are as follows: (a) relative abun-
dance data for the whole assemblage, (b) relative abundance data without bleak and
(c) relative biomass data. The species shown beside the plots were significantly cor-
related with the ordination axis (Spearman’s rho in parenthesis, *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
***P < 0.001). For the definition of “rare species” see Section 2.2.

ferences (Chi-square test) between electric fishing and gillnetting

(Fig. 3; P < 0.001). Electric fishing caught both small (i.e. <5 cm) and
large (i.e. >25 cm) individuals in greater proportions and specimens
Fig. 1. Estimated number of species (±S.D.) as a function of (a) number of sam-
ples and (b) number of individuals collected with electric fishing (open circles) and larger than 50 cm were caught exclusively with this method. The
gillnetting (filled squares). length-frequency distributions of the two most abundant fishes,
74 T. Erős et al. / Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 70–76

complement each other when examining species richness, rela-

tive abundance/biomass relations, length-frequency distributions
and the composition of ecological guilds. However, the relative
effectiveness of one method over the other depends largely on
(1) the examined attribute of the fish assemblage, (2) the spe-
cific selectivity of the electric fishing gear and gillnets used in this
study, (3) the species composition, abundance and size relations
of the assemblage, including the specific behaviour of individual
fish species, and (4) the abiotic conditions of reed habitats in Lake
Electric fishing yielded more species than gill netting, show-
ing similarity to other studies (Growns et al., 1996; Goffaux et al.,
2005). However, the effectiveness of the two methods in detect-
ing new species depended largely on sampling effort (i.e. number
Fig. 3. Length class distributions of all fish combined for electric fishing (open bars)
and gillnetting (filled bars).
of samples). In fact, gillnetting was slightly more effective than
electric fishing at low sample sizes, but the species detection
rate declined more sharply after 20 samples. On the contrary, the
bleak and roach, showed significant differences between electric sample-based rarefaction curve of electric fishing catches did not
fishing and gillnetting for bleak (P < 0.001), whereas the differences give even approximate saturation, but showed a slight but contin-
were not significant (P > 0.1) for roach (Fig. 4). Since the gillnet was uous increase with the number of samples, suggesting that with
found to be ineffective in catching fish <5 cm (Appelberg, 2000; more effort additional species could have been detected. Since
CEN, 2005), we performed an additional analysis by omitting all the species pool of the lake is well known from many decades of
fish below 5 cm. The comparison also yielded significant between- research (e.g. Bíró, 1997; Specziár et al., 1997), we can estimate
method differences in length-frequency histograms (P < 0.001). that ca. five additional species could have been detected with more
Significant differences (Mann–Whitney U-test) were found intensive electric fishing, including those found exclusively in gill-
between the two sampling methods in the number and proportion net catches. However, these additional species live in other habitat
of species belonging to various ecological guilds (Table 2). types (e.g. the pelagic razor fish Pelecus cultratus) or are very rare
in the lake (e.g. mud loach Misgurnus fossilis) and therefore can
4. Discussion appear in the catches sporadically and/or at extremely high sam-
pling effort.
Our study illustrates that reliance on single-gear surveys can In the few other studies in which similar sampling methods were
be misleading in assessing fish assemblages in reed habitats of a used (Growns et al., 1996; Goffaux et al., 2005), much higher differ-
shallow, eutrophic lake. Both electric fishing and gillnetting could ences in species detection were found between electric fishing and
gillnetting (but see Vaux et al., 2000, who used a low-powered elec-
tric fishing gear). Individual-based rarefaction curves indicated that
the relatively low effectiveness of electric fishing in detecting new
species in the function of samples was possibly due to low catch-
ing effectiveness (162 ind h−1 ). Since gillnet catches proved that the
density of fish was high in reed habitats in the eutrophic Lake Bal-
aton (250 ind net−1 h−1 ), it is likely that low water transparency
can be the main reason for the relatively poor performance of elec-
tric fishing in this shallow and therefore frequently mixed, turbid
water. When changes in the number of species were modelled in
the function of the number of individuals sampled, electric fishing
highly outperformed gillnetting. Overall, these results on species
diversity patterns suggest that both methods can be relatively use-
ful for detecting number of species and presence–absence patterns
in the reed habitats of Lake Balaton but that combining the two
methods can be more advantageous. Electric fishing is more effec-
tive if staffing, time and sampling costs allow intensive sampling
for collecting a large amount of fish, but gillnet sampling can be as
effective as electric fishing if only a limited number of samples can
be collected.
The high standard deviation values of NPUE data indicated
remarkable variability for both sampling methods. The examined
fish assemblage comprised mainly cyprinids which form shoals of
various size; this phenomenon may partly explain such high vari-
ability. However, the partly separated open water patches in the
reed habitats could also have affected the segregation of fish, which,
in turn, may have magnified spatial heterogeneities in fish abun-
dance. In fact, we could clearly observe the patchy distribution of
fish when catching them by electric fishing (the active method),
although the environmental variables across sections were appar-
Fig. 4. Length class distributions of (a) bleak and (b) roach collected with electric ently the same. These results call attention to the importance of
fishing (open bars) and gillnetting (filled bars). spatially intensive surveys when assessing the fish assemblages of
T. Erős et al. / Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 70–76 75

the littoral zones of lakes with high habitat complexity, such as reed ent gear types may give reason for more reliable interpretations
habitats. (Jackson and Harvey, 1997) the real structure of the fish assemblage
Between-method differences based on relative abundance and may remain unknown for large habitats with diverse communities.
biomass data confirmed the results of species detection analysis Nevertheless, increasing between-gear consistency with increasing
and showed that individual fish could be collected with relatively sampling effort may improve confidence in the data. Our data sug-
low efficiency with electric fishing. Although bleak was the most gest that, although costly for fish-based evaluations of ecosystem
abundant fish in both catches, big shoals (i.e. >30 ind) could be only health, monitoring should be based on multiple gears. The results
occasionally collected with this method. On the contrary, bleak did should then be evaluated separately and/or in the form of a com-
not avoid the net and was found in high numbers in gillnet catches. posite index to make more reliable comparisons of fish assemblages
Nevertheless, electric fishing was relatively more efficient in catch- within and between habitats.
ing surface or water column fish (rudd, roach) compared with
benthic species (white bream) that were also abundant. This further Acknowledgements
shaped differences between the two gears. These data also prove
that water transparency, and additionally water depth, affected the We would like to express our thanks to Géza Dobos and András
catching effectiveness of electric fishing. The differences were also Sevcsik for their help in the field work. This research was par-
reinforced by the stronger species and/or size selectivity of the tially funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA No.
gillnet. Eel and bitterling were the most important species in this T046222).
respect, supporting the study of Goffaux et al. (2005) on riverine
fish assemblages. In addition, relative biomass data revealed the References
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(<5 cm) effectively, because smaller individuals usually move less CEN (European Committee for Standardization), 2003. Water quality—sampling of
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