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Competency Performance Checklist

Eye, Cord, Weight & Anthropometric


Skill Competency
Yes No
Care of the Eye
1. Position the newborn on the supine.
2. Irrigate the eyes first with sterile water applied to the nasal side of the eye. (inner cantus) and
allow ed to run off the opposite side Outer canthus). This serve as preliminary precautionary
procedure to wash away potential bacteria.
3. Using the forefinger of the non-dominant hand placed over cheeckbone, gently
pull the lower lid down. This creates small conjunctival sac into which the solution
or ointment is to be applied. “never apply drops or ointment directly onto the
4. Using the dominant hand that holds the dropper. Instill 1 drop 1% silver
nitrate into the center of the conjunctival sac.
When instilling an ointment, squeeze the tube gently to deposit 1cm of
medication from the inner to the outer canthus of the lower lid of the eye.
5. Observe care not to touch the eye with the dropper or tip of ointment tube to
prevent contaminating these objects.
6. In event there is an order to give two preparations (ointment and drops), give
drops first, wait 3 minutes, then apply the ointment to allow each drug to work.
7. Close the eyelids slowly to prevent expression of the medication.
8. Wipe excess medication in one sweep from inner to outer canthus to prevent
contamination to the contralateral eye.
Care of the Cord
1. Palpate umbilical cord to check for pulsations.
2. After pulsations stopped, clamped cord using plastic clamp or cord tie 2 cm
from the base.
3. Place the instrument clamp 5 cm from the base.
4. Cut near plastic clamp (not midway) and checked for the presence of 2 artery
and 1 vein.
5. Keep cord clean and dry.
Weight & Anthropometric Measurement
1. Prepare the weighing scale by checking its functionality.
2. Weigh the newborn without clothing in grams (Normal weight ranges from 3000-3400g.).
3. measure the height by turning the child to side, using a heel – to crown measurement with the
use of a tape measure (Normal newborn height ranges from 19-21 inches or an average of 50 cm.
4. Measure head circumference by incircling the tape measure around the newborn head in cm.
(The normal head circumference ranges from 33-35 or 13-14 inches).
5. Slip down the tape measure at the newborn’s chest at the nipple line. (Normal newborn chest
ranges from 31-33 cm or 12-13 inches.
6. Then down to the abdomen (abdominal circumference is almost equal to chest circumference).
7. Dressed the newborn to keep warm and dry. Apply bracelet for newborn
9.Document findings.
Final Score /21


Overall Performance: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory


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