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AMISH YOUTH styled hair and other worldly

Amish youth are raised
according to the church’s religious The degree of exploration
beliefs, but they are not actually depends on the adolescent. Though
members of the church until they the church frowns on this behavior, it
choose to join at their baptism. This is has no control over someone who has
usually between the ages of 16 and 21. not yet joined their church. Typically,
Until that time, some adolescent extremely wild behavior by
Amish choose to explore the world’s adolescents is attributed to poor
pleasures. They may do this without parental instruction.
the risk of being shunned because they
have not yet made their baptismal Though there is a period of
vow. lawlessness for Amish youth, more
than 80% choose to join the church.
Some boys, in particular, will Many are swayed in their decision by
buy automobiles, drink alcohol and their family ties and the knowledge
join Amish youth gangs or crowds that that they must be members to be
get into adolescent mischief-making. married in the church. Also, farming or
It may be tame things such as ice apprentice type professions are all that
skating, parties, barn dances or is available to them for employment
movies. These are all done a possibilities because of their limited
respectful distance from the Amish education.
home and church leaders. Often they
wear modern store-bought clothing, Intelligencer Journal Sunday 21/12/97


A. In the paragraph, find another word that means the same:

1. teenager
2. blamed on
3. luxuries
4. teaching
5. influenced
6. In general
B. Match the following words to the definitions (2 points)

worldly raised frown vow shunned limited

1.) _______________: To refuse to talk to someone or have any relationship with someone
2.) _______________: To be responsible for a child until he or she is grown
3.) _______________: To make a solemn promise or decision that you will do something.
4.) _______________: with restrictions or not complete
5.) _______________: a facial expression of unhappiness made with the mouth; not smiling
6.) _______________: sophisticated, urbane, trendy; not innocent or naive

C. Answer the following questions

1. How do young people become members of the church?


2. At what age do Amish youth usually become members?


3. Can Amish youth experience the non-amish world? When?


4. Why do many youth decide not to abandon the Amish religion?


5. What kinds of mischief do Amish youth get into?


D. What kinds of things are considered “mischief-making” in your culture? Is that the same or
different from current culture?







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