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Theories of Motivation and Their Application in Organizations

University of The People

BUS 5113: Organizational Theory and Behavior

Dr. Donna Pepper

September 29, 2020

Communication is defined as the process by which information is transmitted and
understood between two or more parties, the communicational aspects of an organization have
become an increasingly important strategic issue; emphasizing that communication must be
effectively adjusted for the intended target group. Communication can be described as
information flows through various channels between a sender and a receiver, including
conformation of a message and elements of disturbance in the process (Importance of
Communication, n.d.).
My current superior has gained my trust. I tend to believe everything he tells me as I have
always found them to be true even at times when I queried them. However, I chose (sometimes)
as my response because I keep margin for every person in my life, no one knows what will
happen in the future, due to my previous job experience I were disappointed with my superior, as
a result of eroded trusts in authority-based relationships.
This affected my perception of people in higher authority. “In both your personal life and
your work life, you’re bound to encounter people who take advantage of you, and these painful
experiences can make you cynical” (Bingham, 2017). My current superior gained my trust by
explaining the reasons behind his decisions most times. I found this appealing and it created an
open communication channel between us. Naturally, I question thoughts. I believe this is
necessary as humans are imperfect and make mistakes. Even with the best of intentions, we pass
information in an unclear manner at times. I have observed that without querying the information
received, the receiver might have a different interpretation of the data from the intended message
of the sender. I also believe that sometimes, people share information based on the situation and
how comfortable they are at the moment. This makes me query any information received even
when they are well-intentioned.
In communication, everyone have his own filters. Personal and particular experiences
color our perceptions, how people view the world and how they communicate (Lumen Learning,
n.d). I choose (Always) as my response because I always filter and process details to my own
advantage. Every organization has its own language. Most times they mistake that everyone
speaks their language even when the individual has just joined them. So, I tend to filter to my
own advantage at the beginning before I understand the language of the organization in other to
communicate effectively with superiors and subordinates alike. This process of filtering could
either be a barrier or a gateway depending on the receiver personal experiences.
n.d.-b). I always filter and process details to my own advantage. Every organization has their
own language. Most times they mistake that everyone speaks their language even when the
individual has just joined them. So, I tend to filter to my own advantage at first before I
understand the language of the organization in other to communicate effectively with
superiors and subordinates alike. This process of filtering could either be a barrier or a
gateway depending on the receiver’s personal experiences
n.d.-b). I always filter and process details to my own advantage. Every organization has their
own language. Most times they mistake that everyone speaks their language even when the
individual has just joined them. So, I tend to filter to my own advantage at first before I
understand the language of the organization in other to communicate effectively with
superiors and subordinates alike. This process of filtering could either be a barrier or a
gateway depending on the receiver’s personal experiences
n.d.-b). I always filter and process details to my own advantage. Every organization has their
own language. Most times they mistake that everyone speaks their language even when the
individual has just joined them. So, I tend to filter to my own advantage at first before I
understand the language of the organization in other to communicate effectively with
superiors and subordinates alike. This process of filtering could either be a barrier or a
gateway depending on the receiver’s personal experience
I perceive that information is not always shared efficiently across my organization. So my
answer is (sometimes). This perception is based on the response times associated with certain
decisions at the senior management level. Top management tends to delay with decisions and
sometimes miss out on certain cases presented to them for their feedback until these are referred
to them again. I perceive that this current situation is a result of information overload. It clearly
does not have to do with barriers such as stereotypes and prejudice.
I am (always) able to achieve a compromise in the organization because I respect other
people’s views. Open and honest communication is a healthy and effective style of
communication. It is neither aggressive manipulative nor passive. I find that this style of
communication is easier developed starting with family ending with the organization. Few
colleagues, whom I have come across having this assertive style of communication, shared
similar family backgrounds.
In managing rumors in an organization, understanding that it is not something that can be
abolished entirely helps. People will always share information in informal means. Dispelling any
untrue information on time before it spreads in a business environment and creating an open-
door policy between the management and employees helps leaders to effectively manage
grapevines. As a result my choice will be (Always) because I never let rumors affect the
Bingham, S. (2017, May 3). If Employees Don’t Trust You, It’s Up to You to Fix It. Harvard
Business Review.

Importance Of Communication In An Organization Information Technology Essay. (n.d.).

Retrieved from

Lumen Learning. (n.d.-b). Barriers to Effective Communication | Principles of Management.

Lumen. Retrieved July 17, 2020, from
    Communication is defined as the process by which information is transmitted and understood

between two or more parties, the communicational aspects of an organization have become an

increasingly important strategic issue; emphasizing that communication must be effectively

adjusted for the intended target group. Communication can be described as information flows

through various channels between a sender and a receiver, including confirmation of a message

and elements of disturbance in the process (Importance of Communication, n.d.).

          My current superior has gained my trust. I tend to believe everything he tells me as I have

always found them to be true even at times when I queried them. However, I chose (sometimes)

as my response because I keep margins for every person in my life, no one knows what will

happen in the future, due to previous job experience I were disappointed with my superior, as a

result of eroded trusts in authority-based relationships.

         This affected my perception of people in higher authority. “In both your personal life and

your work life, you’re bound to encounter people who take advantage of you, and these painful

experiences can make you cynical” (Bingham, 2017). My current superior gained my trust by
explaining the reasons behind his decisions most times. I found this appealing and it created an

open communication channel between us. Naturally, I question thoughts. I believe this is

necessary as humans are imperfect and make mistakes. Even with the best of intentions, we pass

information in an unclear manner at times. I have observed that without querying the information

received, the receiver might have a different interpretation of the data from the intended message

of the sender. I also believe that sometimes, people share information based on the situation and

how comfortable they are at the moment. This makes me query any information received even

when they are well-intentioned.

        In communication, everyone has his own filters. Personal and particular experiences color

our perceptions, how people view the world, and how they communicate (Lumen Learning, n.d).

I choose (Always) as my response because I always filter and process details to my own

advantage. Every organization has its own language. Most times they mistake that everyone

speaks their language even when the individual has just joined them. So, I tend to filter to my

own advantage at the beginning before I understand the language of the organization in other to

communicate effectively with superiors and subordinates alike. This process of filtering could

either be a barrier or a gateway depending on the receiver's personal experiences.

        I perceive that information is not always shared efficiently across my organization. So my

answer is (sometimes). This perception is based on the response times associated with certain

decisions at the senior management level. Top management tends to delay with decisions and

sometimes miss out on certain cases presented to them for their feedback until these are referred

to them again. I perceive that this current situation is a result of information overload. It clearly

does not have to do with barriers such as stereotypes and prejudice.

         I am (always) able to achieve a compromise in the organization because I respect other

people’s views. Open and honest communication is a healthy and effective style of

communication. It is neither aggressive manipulative nor passive. I find that this style of

communication is easier developed starting with family ending with the organization. Few

colleagues, whom I have come across having this assertive style of communication, shared

similar family backgrounds.

          In managing rumors in an organization, understanding that it is not something that can be

abolished entirely helps. People will always share information in informal means. Dispelling any

untrue information on time before it spreads in a business environment and creating an open-

door policy between the management and employees helps leaders to effectively manage

grapevines. As a result, my choice will be (Always) because I never let rumors affect the


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