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(1) If P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.4, P(C) =0.8 , P(AB) = 0.08, P(AC) = 0.28, P(ABC) =0.09,
P(A+B+C)  0.75 and P(BC) = x then

(a) 0.23  x  0.48 (b) 0.32  x  0.84

(c) 0.25  x  0.73 (d) None of these

(2) Three of the six vertices of a regular hexagon are chosen at random. The probability that the
triangle with these three vertices is equilateral, is equal to
1 1
(a) (b)
2 5
1 1
(c) (d)
10 20
x x+4
(3) If 2 .3 = 7 x , then x =

4 log e 3 4 log e 3
(a) (b)
log e 7 − log e 6 log e 6 − log e 7
2 log e 4 2 log e 4
(c) (d)
log e 7 − log e 6 log e 7 + log e 6
1 1 1 1
(4) + + 3+ + .......... =
3 2.3 3.3 4.34

(a) log e 2 − log e 3 (b) log e 3 − log e 2

(c) log e 6 (d) None of these
(5) A tetrahedron has vertices at O (0,0,0) , A(1,2,1) , B(2,1,3) and C(-1,1,2). Then the angle
between the faces OAB and ABC will be
−1  19  −1  17 
(a) cos   (b) cos  
 35   31 
(c) 30 (d) 90

sin 8 x − cos8 x
(6)  1 − 2sin 2 x cos2 x dx =
(a) sin2x+c (b) - sin2x + c
(c) sin2x + c (d) –sin2x + c

(7)  x (x 2 4
+ 1)3/ 4
1/ 4 1/ 4
 1   1 
(a)  1 + 4  +c (b) −  1 + 4  +c
 x   x 
3/ 4 3/ 4
 1   1 
(c)  1 +  +c (d) −  1 +  +c
 x4   x4 
(8) If y = a log | x | + bx2 + x has its extreme values at x = -1 and x = 2 , then
(a) a = 2, b = -1 (b) a = 2, b = -1/2
(c) a = -2 b = 1/2 (d) None of these

(9) Let [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x. If f(x) = [x Sinπ x] then f(x) is
(a) Continous at x=0 (b) Continous in (-1,0)
(c) Differentiable in (-1,1) (d) All the above

 1+ i 

(10) If   = 1 , then the least integral value of m is

 1− i 
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 8 (d) None of these
 dn 
(11) F  n f ( x)  =
 dx 
n n
(a) (i.s ) f ( s ) (b) s f ( s )
(c) ( −i.s ) f ( s ) (d) ( −1) s f ( s )
n n n

(12) Fs  f ( x) cos ax =

1 1
 Fs  f ( s + a ) + Fs  f ( s − a )  Fs  f ( s + a ) − Fs  f ( s − a )
2 2
(a) (b)

1 1
 Fc  f ( s − a ) − Fc  f ( s + a )  Fc  f ( s + a ) + Fc  f ( s − a )
2 2
(c) (d)

(13) L t 2 sin at =

2a (3s 2 + a 2 ) 2a(3s 2 − a 2 )
(a) (b) (c)
( s 2 − a 2 )3 ( s 2 + a 2 )3
2a (3s 2 + a 2 ) 2a(3s 2 − a 2 )
( s 2 + a 2 )3 ( s 2 − a 2 )3
 1 
(14) L−1  n 
 ( s + a) 

t n −1 t n −1
(a) e − at (b) e at
(n − 1)! (n − 1)!
tn − at at t
(c) e (d) e
n! n!
2x − 
(15) lim =
 cos x

(a) 2 (b) 1
(c) -2 (d) None of these

(16) If K is a scalar and I is a unit matrix of order 3, then adj (KI) =

3 2
(a) K I (b) K I
(c) − K I (d) − K I
3 2

If e = 1 , e = 2.72 , e = 7.39 , e = 20.09 and e = 54.60 , then by Simpon’s Rule, the value
0 1 2 3 4

 e dx is
(a) 5.387 (b) 53.87
(c) 52.78 (d) 53.17
The positive root of the equation e + x − 3 = 0 lies in the interval
(a) (0,1) (b) (1,2)
(c) (2,3) (d) (2,4)

(19) For the following data

 (x − x) 2
= 25 ,  ( y − y) 2
= 256 ,  ( x − x )( y − y) = 80 , the Pearson’s coeff. of correlation is
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.8
(c) 1 (d) 0.1

(20) If correlation between x and y is r, then between y and x correlation will be

(a) –r (b)
(c) r (d) 1-r

(21) In a PCM system, if the code word length is increased from 6 to 8 bits, the signal to quantization
noise ratio improves by the factor
(a) 8/6 (b) 12
(c) 16 (d) 8

(22) The pulse shape used for distortion less transmission is

(a) Rect – pulse. (b) Sync – pulse
(c) Raised cosine pulse (d) None of the above.

(23) Compading is used

(a) to protect small signal in PCM from quantizing distortion
(b) to overcome quantized noise in PCM
(c) to overcome the impulse noise
(d) none of these

(24) Mutual information of a channel is

(a) Information from a source.
(b) Average information at the destination.
(c) Uncertainty of the channel input that is resolved by observation of the channel output.
(d) None of the above.

(25) A fair coin is tossed three times in succession. If the first toss produces a head, then the probability
of getting exactly two heads in three tosses is
(a) 1/8 (b) 1/2
(c) 3/8 (d) 3/4

(26) The fourier transform of function f(at) is given by

2/a F(  )
(a) f(at) F( A ) (b) f(at)
(c) f(at) 1/a F(  /a) (d) none

(27) Noise with uniform power spectral density of N0W/Hz is passed through a filter H (  ) = 2 exp(-j 
td) followed by an ideal low pass filter of bandwidth BHz. The output noise power in Watts is
(a) 2N0B (b) 4N0B
(c)  N0B (d) 16 N0B

(28) Which of the following function could be valid PSD of a real random process
2 
(a) (b)
 + 16
 + 16

j 2
(c) (d) all of the above
 2 + 16
(29) Value of intrinsic impedance of free space is
(a) 120 Ω (b) 377 Ω
(c) 250 Ω (d) 325 Ω

(30) Which is not property of EM waves?

(a) Electric field component in direction of wave propagation is zero
(b) Magnetic field component in direction of wave propagation is zero
(c) Electric and magnetic field components are sinusoidal in nature
(d) Power flow is perpendicular to wave propagation

(31) A 2 m parabolic reflector is used at 3 GHz then gain of parabolic reflector antenna is
(a) 14.52 dB (b) 22.35 dB
(c) 34.07 dB (d) 42.28 dB

(32) Which of the following statements related to the reflex klystron oscillator is correct?
(a) Lower the mode number, higher the repeller voltage
(b) Higher the mode number, shorter the DC transit time
(c) Higher the mode number, lower the repeller voltage
(d) Lower the mode number, longer the DC transit time

(33) Two identical directional couplers are used in a waveguide to sample the incident and reflected
powers. The output of the two couplers is found to be 2.5 mW and 0.15 mW. The value of VSWR in the
waveguide is
(a) 1.6 (b)1.54
(c) 1.64 (d) 1.7

(34) The semiconductor diode which can be used in switching circuits at microwave range is
(a) PIN diode (b) Varactor diode
(c) Tunnel diode (d) Gunn diode
(35) The CE current gain of a PNP transistor whose CB current gain is 0.99 will be:-
(a) 99 (b) 97
(c) 98 (d) 1

(36) A flip flop has a 10 nanosec delay from the time its clock pulse goes from 1 to 0 to the time the
output is complemented. The maximum delay in a 10-bit binary ripple counter that uses these flip-flops is:
(a) 10 nanosec (b) 100 nanosec
(c) 10 millisec (d) 100 millisec

(37) In voltage series negative feedback Rif and Rof

(a) increases, decreases as compared to previous value
(b) decreases, increases
(c) increases, increases
(d) decreases, decreases

(38) A non blocking folded network of N subscriber line will have _____________no. of switching
(a) 2N (b) N/2
(c) N2 (d) N

(39) During a two hour busy period 2400 calls arrive at an exchange. Average holding time per calls is
two minutes. What is the traffic load in erlang.
(a) 2400 E (b) 40E
(c) 60 E (d) 80E

(40) Determine the switch advantage ratio of three stage network with N inlets and N outlelts for for the
case N =128
(a) 2.13 (b) 1.75
(c) 2.81 (d) None of the above

(41) Convolution is used to find:

(a) The out put response of an LTI System
(b) Frequency response of a System
(c) The time response of a LTI system
(d) The phase response of a LTI system

(42) If is the region of convergence of x (n) and is the region of convergence of y(n), then the
region of convergence of x (n) convoluted y (n) is
(a) . (b)

(c) . (d) .

(43) The Discrete Time Fourier transform of the exponential signal ejw0n is
(a) a constant (b) a rectangular gate
(c) an impulse (d) a series of impulses

(44) is
(a) an energy signal. (b) a power signal.
(c) neither an energy nor a power signal. (d) an energy as well as a power

(45) To compute the DFT of x(n)= {1,2,1}, the minimum number of complex multiplications required
will be
(a) 3 . (b) 6.
(c) 9. (d) 4

(46) Which ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) is usually used for voice service?
(a) AAL1 (b) AAL3
(c) AAL4 (d) AAL5

(47) In IEEE 802.11, the access method used in the DCF sublayer is _________.
(a) CSMA/CD (b) CSMA
(c) CSMA/CA (d) DSSS

(48) TETRA is a standard for

(a) Cordless phone (b) Trunked radio
(c) Mobile phone (d) LAN

(49) Which is not security components used in GSM?

(a) HLR (b) SIM
(c) EIR (d) AuC
(50) The handoff in a CDMA network can be
(a) Hard (b) Soft
(c) Soft- Softer (d) All the above

(51) In modes for which the Ez and Hz fields are non zero are called as :-
(a) TE mode (b) TM mode
(c) Hybrid mode (d) None of the above

(52) In case of Evanescent field, exponential decay of field will take place in :-
(a) Core (b) Cladding
(c) No exponential delay (d) In both core & cladding

(53) Fresnel reflection loss occurs when a ray passes from one medium to another medium having :-
(a) a different RI (b) Same RI
(c) Both of the above (d) None of the above

(54) SONET Level OC3 is equivalent to the following SDH Level :-

(a) STM – 1 (b) STM – 4
(c) STM – 8 (d) STM – 16

(55) In eye-pattern technique, the height of the eye opening at specified sampling time gives the :-
(a) Noise margin (b) Fade margin
(c) Frequency (d) Wavelength

(56) G/T of an ant is a measure of :-

(a) Ant gain. (b) Figure of merit of a receiver.
(c) Noise temperature of an ant. (d) None of above.

(57) In the comn sub sys of a satl, channelized TWTAs have to :-

(a) Operate near saturation. (b) Operate at active region.
(c) Operate at the cut off. (d) Operate just above saturation

(58) Earth Sensor in a satl consists of :-

(a) An IR device. (b) A Si photovoltaic cell.
(c) A slit aperture. (d) A pair of slit apertures.

(59) Eclipse in satl due to Earth occur :-

(a) Once an year for 44 days. (b) Twice an year for 22 days each.
(c) Four times an year for 11 days each. (d) None of the above.

(60) In case of DAMA :-

(a) Proportion of BW or time allotted to the earth stn is fixed in adv.
(b) Resources are allocated as needed in response to changing tfc conditions.
(c) Resources are allocated as desired by the user.
(d) Resources are programmable by the user..


(61) A network in which there are multiple network links between computers to provide multiple paths
for data to travel is defined as a
(a) Mesh network (b) star network
(c) hybrid network (d) bus network

(62) Method of allocating memory that can be used instead of or in conjunction with paging is
defined as
(a) fragmentation (b) segmentation
(c) memory protection (d) none of the above

(63) The basic unit of data at data link layer is

(a) Bit (b) packet
(c) Frame (d) byte

(64) For the network with a subnet mask of, the range of IP addresses is
(a)– (b)–
(c) – (d)–

(65) Suppose you are doing RSA encryption with p = 13, q = 7, and e = 5. Find the decryption exponent
(a) d=22 (b) 29
(c) 27 (d) 32
(66) The IEEE convention for wireless communication is
(a) 802.3 (b) 802.11
(c) 802.16 (d) 802.13

(67) The two basic building blocks of all encryption techniques are
(a) substitution and transposition (b) substitution
(c) transposition (d) all of the above

(68) Total numbers of bits used in IPv6 is

(a) 32 bit (b) 64 bit
(c) 128 bit (d) 256 bit

(69) Sliding window protocol used in data link layer is a

(a) congestion control algorithm (b) routing algorithm
(c) flow control algorithm (d) error control algorithm

(70) Which layer in OSI model encodes and decodes as well as encrypts and decrypts data,
compresses and decompresses data
(a) Application Layer (b) Session layer
(c) Presentation Layer (d) Transport layer

(71) Which of the following is not a command of Data Definition Language (DDL) in SQL.
(a) Drop (b) Insert
(c) Truncate (d) Alter

(72) In a distributed database

(i) Databases may be stored in multiple computers located in the same physical location.
(ii) Databases may be dispersed over a network of interconnected computers.

(a) Both (i) and (ii) are false (b) Both (i) and (ii) are true
(c) (i) is true and (ii) is false (d) is false and (ii) is true

(73) ________________ is a compiled collection of programs or SQL statements that live in the
database and it can access and modify data present in many tables.
(a) Command (b) Stored procedure
(c)Trigger (d) None of the above.

(74) In SQL generally how many types of “Join” are specified.

(a) One (b)Two
(c) Three (d) Four

(75) A candidate key is an attribute (or set of attributes) that uniquely identifies a row. A candidate key
must possess the following properties:
(a) Unique identification and Non redundancy (b) Relationship and Non redundancy
(c) Unique identification atomicity (d) Unique identification and redundancy

(76) For referential integrity to hold, any field in a table that is declared a foreign key can contain only
values from a parent table's primary key or ________.
(a) Candidate key (b) Super key
(c) Any correct filed (d) None of the above.

(77) __________ is usually the key selected to identify a row when the database is physically
(a) Primary key (b) Super key
(c) Foreign key (d) None of the above

(78) Which is not a type of query in “Microsoft Access”?

(a) Select queries (b) Parameter queries
(c) Crosstab queries (d) Named queries

(79) In database theory, a ___________ is a virtual or logical table composed of the result set of a
(a) Macro (b)Form
(c) View (d) None of the above.

(80) _________ is defined as a set of attributes of a relation variable upon which all attributes of the
relation variable are functionally dependent.
(a) Primary key (b) Super key
(c) Foreign key (d) None of the above

(81) When you turn on the computer the boot routine will perform this test:
(a) power- on self- test (b) RAM test
(c) Disc drive test (d) Memory test

(82) The part of the operating system that manages the essential peripherals such as disc drives,
parallel and serial ports:
(a) secondary input / output system (b) peripheral input / output system
(c) marginal input / output system (d) basic input / output system

(83) _____ file table contains a copy of FCB of each open file as well as other information
(a) per process open file table (b) system wide open file table
(c) master file table (d) super block file table

(84) Which of the following scheduling algorithms can result in starvation:

(a) FCFS (b) SJF
(c) Round robin (d) Priority

(85) Amount of time to execute a particular process is called:

(a) response time (b) throughput
(c) waiting time (d) turnaround time

(86) The value of a counting semaphore ranges between :

(a) 0 and 1 (b) 0 to infinity
(c) Unrestricted domain (d) None

(87) High speed memory where tasks or instructions are lined up for subsequent execution is called:
(a) cache (b) registers
(c) main memory (d) disc storage

(88) The run time mapping from virtual to physical address is done by a hardware device called:
(a) relocation register (b) physical address register
(c) memory management unit (d) logical register

(89) Program that wraps around the operating system kernel to give an interface between user and
the kernel is :
(a) Application program interface (b) System call interface
(c) Command line interface (d) None

(90) The memory management scheme that supports user view of memory is:
(a) paging (b) fragmentation
(c) segmentation (d) none

(91) Which of the following is true?

(a) Operator overloading is an example of run time polymorphism.
(b) Operator overloading is an example of inheritance.
(c) Operator overloading is an example of compile time polymorphism.
(d) Operator overloading is an example of threading.

(92) Which of the following are correct?

(a) + has lower precedence than * (b) % and * has same precedence
(c) % has lower precedence than * (d) None of the above

(93) What is the output in case you write int i = 128; i <<= 2; cout << i;
(a) 256 (b) 128
(c) 512 (d) None of the above

(94) What is the output in case you write cout << (char)(67-2);
(a) C (b) A
(c) 65 (d) None of the above

(95) In what situation for loop is preferred to while loop?

(a) When number of iterations are fixed and known (b) When result is required quickly
(c) When correct result is required (d) None of the above

(96) What is the postfix equivalent of A+B+C+D/E?

(a) AB++CD+/E (b) AB+C+DE/+
(c) A+B++CD/E (d) A++B++CDE/

(97) The order of Bubble sort algorithm is

(a) O(nlog n) (b) O(n2)
(c) O(n) (d) O(log n)

(98) If a Binary tree has Pre Order and Post order traversals as follows
Pre Order: A B D F C E G
In Order: B F D A E G C
Which of the following is the Post order traversal of the tree?
(a) F D B G A C E (b) F D B E G C A
(c) F D B G E C A (d) F D B A G E C A

(99) What happens when you allocate memory at run time but forget to release it?
(a) The program crashes (b) The program behaves erratically
(c) The program behaves normally (d) None of the above

(100) If you write for(;;); then it would be

(a) A syntax error (b) An infinite non-terminating loop
(c) A loop that executes only once (d) None of the above.

Answer Key for Paper 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 D C A B A B B B D
1 B C A B A C B B A C
2 C C C A C D D B A B
3 D C A C A A B A B D
4 A A C C A C A C B A
5 D C B A A A B A A B
6 B A B C A B B A C C
7 B B B B D A A A D C
8 B A D B D A C A C B
9 C C A,B C B A B B C C
10 B

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