Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig College of Arts and Science and

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Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig

College of Arts and Science and

Semesters, A.Y.


Course Code : GE-USELF

Class Schedule :
Room No. :
Professor :
E-mail Address :
Consultation Hours :

A. Course Description
This is a 3 unit course that deals with the nature of identity as well as the factors and forces that
affect the development and maintenance of personal identity.
The directive To Know Oneself has inspired countless and varied ways to comply. Among the
questions that everyone has had to grapple with at one time or other is “Who Am I?”. At no other period
is this question asked more urgently than in adolescence traditionally believed to be a time of
vulnerability and great possibilities. Issues of self and identity are among the most critical for the young.
The course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and
identity to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet the goal by stressing the
integration of the personal with the academic-contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in
the everyday experiences of students-making for better learning, generating a new appreciation for the
learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage
and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.

B. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

C. Course Requirements:

D. Intended Values Formation:



Module Introduction:
A crucial aspect of the self is one’s physical features. People are often recognized initially by their physical
features which includes the face, bodily structures, height and weight. The physical self also includes issues like
health, hygiene, nutrition and standards of beauty. One’s appearance often triggers a person’s impression of another.
However, the physical self is not only limited to what can be seen by the naked eye. Underneath the skin is a
dynamic system of biological and chemical processes that contributes to one’s physical features largely determined
by heredity. On the other hand how the self is shaped and enhanced is largely determined by environmental
influences. This module will try to identify and explain the biological and environmental factors that shapes the
physical self. It will also delve into the socio-cultural issues associated with physical well-being.

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LESSON TITLE The Physical Self
Specific During the students' learning engagements, they will be able to:
Learning  Discuss the concepts of heredity and maturation
Outcomes:  Identify the biological and environmental factors that impact the physical self
 Evaluate issues associated with physical well being

Activity 1: MEvolution (Graded) Post on Facebook and tag/mention me using the following
hashtags: #UnderstandingTheSELF, #MEvolution ##ThePhysicalSelf

A. Create a collage using your own pictures to show how you developed from the time you
were born up to the present. For each picture write a caption to tell a story about your own
evolution. Focus on the physical changes manifested while you were growing up. Be creative
B. Based on the collage, answer the following questions.
1. What significant changes have you seen in yourself while growing up? What makes this
changes significant?
2. What do you think are the factors that contributed to those significant changes while
growing up? How?
3. Considering how you look now, is there anything you wish to change? Why? Or Why not?
After answering the above questions, choose a partner and share your answers to each other.

Collage Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Creativity All of the graphics or Most of the graphics or Only a few graphics or None of the graphics or
objects used in the objects used in the objects reflect student objects reflects student
collage reflect a collage reflect student creativity, but the ideas creativity.
degree of student creativity in their were typical rather
creativity in their display. than creative.
Design Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not an
appropriate size, lacking in design or lacking in design or appropriate size shape.
shape and are placement. There may placement. Too much Glue marks evident.
arranged neatly. Care be a few smudges or background is Most of the background
has been taken to glue marks. showing. There are is showing. It appears
balance the pictures noticeable smudges or little attention was
across the area. glue marks. given to designing the
Items are glued neatly collage.
and securely.
Number of Items The collage includes The collage includes The collage includes 9 The collage contains
15 or more items, each 10-14 different items. different items. fewer than 9 different
different. items.

Time and Effort Much time and effort Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not
went into the planning wisely. Student could always used wisely, used wisely and the
and design of the have put in more time but student did do student put in no
collage. It is clear the and effort at home. some additional work additional effort.
student worked at at home.
home as well as at
Titles and Text Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and/or text are
written clearly and written clearly and mostly clear and hard to read, even
were easy to read from were easy to read somewhat easy to when the reader is
a distance. close-up. read close-up. close.

Attention to The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's
reasonable explanation reasonable explanation fairly reasonable explanations are weak
Theme of how every item in of how most items in explanation of how and illustrate difficulty
the collage is related to the collage are related most items in the understanding how to
the assigned theme. to the assigned theme. collage are related to relate items to the
For most items, the For many of the items, the assigned theme. assigned theme.
relationship is clear the relationship is clear
without explanation. without explanation.

Grading: 24 = 100 % 18 = 75 %
23 = 96 % 17 = 70%
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22 = 92 %
21 = 88 %
20 = 83 %
19 = 79 %

Overall Grade:

Personal essays are graded separately (Rubrics is indicated in the assessment)

Activity 2. Defining Beauty(Ungraded)

Complete the sentences below:
1. For me beauty means
2. A beautiful person is
3. I am beautiful because
4. List down names of people you know who are beautiful

Although we tend to say that we should not judge a book by its cover, we often find ourselves leaning towards this
cliché. Our initial judgment of people are often based on physical attributes. Physical attributes includes not only
the physical features but also our physical competencies, valuation of physical worth and perception of beauty.
The Physical self is shaped by biological and environmental factors. The biological factors are largely determined
by our genetic endowment (heredity) but the shaping of the physical traits are largely influenced by the
environment that includes social networks, social expectations and cultural practices. There is nothing wrong with
enhancing one’s physical self. Tips on taking care of the physical self would be of advantage.

ASSESSMENT Personal Essay: Answer the following questions briefly but concisely
1. Explain the interaction of heredity and environment in shaping the physical self.

2. How important is beauty to you? Why?

3. Personally how will you go about in improving your physical self?

Rubric for Assessment of the Personal Essay

(maximum of 15 points for each essay)

3 2 1 0  
INTRODUCT Well- Introduction Introducti Background  
ION developed creates interest. on details are a
Background/Hi introduction Sufficient adequatel random collection
story engages the background y explains of information,
Thesis reader and information is the unclear, or not
Statement creates provided. backgrou related to the
CONCLUSIO interest. Thesis clearly nd, but topic. Thesis is
N Contains states the may lack vague or unclear.
detailed position or detail.  Conclusion does
background belief. Thesis not summarize
information. Conclusion states the main points.
Thesis clearly effectively position
states a summarizes or belief.
significant topics.   Conclusio
and n is
compelling recogniza
Page 3 of 72
position or ble and
belief. ties up
Conclusion almost all
effectively loose
wraps up and ends.
goes beyond
restating the
MAIN The main idea The main idea The main More than one of
POINTS or a thesis can be idea can the following
Body statement is identified. The be problems may be
Paragraphs clearly writer sharesidentified. evident: The main
defined. There relevant The writer idea is not
may be more information, shares identifiable. The
than one key facts and some writer shares
point. experiences. informati some information,
Appropriate There is a clear on, facts but it is limited or
relevant distinction and unclear. Details
information between experienc are missing or
and details are general es, but repetitious.
shared from a observations may show
variety of and specifics. 
sources Supporting going  
including details are from
personal relevant and general
experiences, explain the observatio
observations, main idea. ns to
and prior specifics.
knowledge. Stronger
Supporting support
details are and
accurate, greater
relevant, and attention
helpful in to details
clarifying the would
main idea(s). strengthen
this paper.
ORGANIZAT Logical Logical Organizat No discernable
ION progression of progression of ion is organization. 
Structure ideas with a ideas.  clear. Transitions are
Transitions clear structure Transitions are Transition not
that enhances present equally s are present. Connecti  
the thesis.  throughout present.  ons between ideas
Transitions essay. seem confusing or
are mature incomplete.
and graceful.
STYLE  The paper is Writer's voice Writer's Writing is  
Writer’s honest and is  consistent voice may confusing, hard to
Voice, enthusiastic. and emerge follow.  Language
Audience The language strong.  The strongly is vague.  No
Awareness, is natural yet writer is aware on audience
thought- of an audience. occasion, awareness.  No
provoking. It The reader is then variety in
brings the informed and retreat sentence
topic to life. remains behind structure.
The reader engaged. general,
feels a strong Sentences have vague,
sense of varied tentative,
interaction or abstract
with the writer language.
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and senses the structure.The writer
person behind is aware
the words.   of an
Writing is audience.
smooth, The
skillful, and reader is
coherent.  informed,
Sentences are but must
strong and work at
expressive remaining
with varied engaged.
structure Sentence
MECHANIC Punctuation, Punctuation, A few Distracting errors
S spelling, spelling, errors in in punctuation,
Spelling, capitalization capitalization punctuati spelling,
punctuation, are correct.  are generally on, capitalization.  
capitalization No errors. correct, with spelling,
few errors. (1- capitalizat
2) ion. (3-4)

Introduction/Conclusion _______ Grade Equivalent (15 points

                   Main Points _______ maximum):
                Organization  _______ A =  13 - 15 points
                               Style _______ B =  10 - 12 points
                    Mechanics _______ C =  7 - 9 points
D =  4 - 6 points
Total Points ______ = grade of F =  0 – 3

ASSIGNMENTS Suggest Readings

Questions on the Readings
1. List down three things that you significantly learned from the readings.
2. List down three things that are still unclear to you
3. List down three questions that you want to ask about the readings

Alata, E.J.;Bernardo, N.;Serafica, J.P;Pawilen, R.A.,(2018) Understanding the Self, Rex Bookstore,

Macayan, J,V,, Pinugu, J.N.J. et al. (2019) Understanding The Self. Outcome-Based Module, C & E

Developed by: Reviewed by: Verified and validated by: Approved by:

Grace Leong
Rosarie Resullar
Mary Rose Ajoc Program Chair Dean, College of Vice President for Academic Services

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