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Name : ________________________

Absent : _______________________

Exercise Simple Past tense

I. Fill in the blank with the correct past tense!

1. Last year, I (spend) ________my holiday in Ireland. It (be) ________great. I
(travel)___________ around the city by car with two friends and we (visit) ________lots
of interesting places. In the evenings, we usually (go)_______ to a café.
2. We (be) ________very lucky with the weather. It (not / rain)___________ a lot. We(see)
________some beautiful rainbows.
3. I (have) ______ an amazing holiday!
4. I sometimes (put)… my head under the water when I swam in the ocean.
5. He was sleeping when you(call) … him last night.
6. The woman had already left when her friends (come) …
7. Did the tour participants (see) … the sunrise this morning?
8. The businessman (back out of) … the sales contract two days ago.
9. The family (live)… in poverty for two decades.
10. How did you (spent) … your last weekend?

II. Make a story about you memorable experience, use simple past tense. Minimum 3 paragraph!



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