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Books Chemie

complete in its coverage, since it dis- of the field of applied catalysis. It is gen-
cusses the most important types of cata- erally well-written and almost complete,
lysts, processes, catalyst preparation, and the quality of presentation is excel-
deactivation, and characterization, lent, with the exception of about 10 fig-
although some topics are not covered. ures (out of 170). For people working or
Chapters on structured catalysts, mass doing research in applied catalysis, most
transfer, and chemical reactors are miss- of the information in the book may
ing or could be improved. already be familiar, and the book is
The first part of the book is clearly probably too general, although it can
the best. The introduction by Schmidt be used as a quick source of references
gives a very good feel for the (commer- on selected topics. For chemists inter-
cial) importance of catalysis and the ested in catalysis, for scientists engaged
most important aspects and applica- in fundamental research on catalysis,
tions. The next part, containing four and for users of catalysts who wish to
Basic Principles in Applied chapters on selected reactions in hetero- learn about key aspects affecting their
Catalysis geneous catalysis, presents a valuable performance, reading this book is
background on the role of catalysis in highly recommended.
Edited by Manfred important large-scale processes, and
Baerns. Springer reading this part is also highly recom- Xander Nijhuis, Bert Weckhuysen
Verlag, Heidelberg mended. The quality of the next parts Department of Inorganic Chemistry and
2003. 557 pp., of the book is somewhat mixed. It con- Catalysis
hardcover tains very good parts that give the Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
E 139.05.—ISBN basics on the preparation of catalysts.
3-540-44135-2 The part on in situ catalyst characteriza-
tion is highly relevant, although we did
not much like the very long table con-
taining a list of commonly used charac-
terization techniques. Such a compre-
hensive table is not really of great
This is a well-written and valuable book, value for nonspecialists. A more limited
which gives a good flavor of the many selection providing more information on Computational Chemistry
important aspects of applied catalysis. specific studies would have been better.
Introduction to the
The individual chapters are written by The book also contains a part on cata-
Theory and Appli-
well-known (mainly German) catalysis lytic reaction engineering. This part
cations of Molecu-
experts. The quality of their contribu- includes an interesting chapter on the
lar and Quantum
tions ranges from outstanding to good. deactivation of catalysts. This is another
Mechanics. By
The book can be seen as an excellent well-written chapter, in which a topic is
Errol G. Lewars.
introduction to the field for chemists discussed that is without doubt vital for
Kluwer Academic
with little experience in catalysis. On commercial catalytic processes, and is
Publishers, Dord-
the other hand, the title of the book is often overlooked in academic research
recht 2003. 471 pp.,
over-ambitious, since it gives the poten- and publications. It discusses deactiva-
tial buyer the impression that all princi- tion mechanisms, kinetics, and the rele-
E 71.00.—ISBN
ples behind applied catalysis will be dis- vance to important processes. The same
cussed, including the basic steps govern- part of the book contains the only chapter
ing catalysis, such as the nature of the that is less easy to read, that on the kinet-
active sites, unraveling of reaction ics of heterogeneous catalysis. On one In their effect on novices, there may be
mechanisms and deactivation routes, hand, the chapter goes too deeply into certain parallels between computational
mass transport phenomena, and reactor the topic by discussing basic fundamen- chemistry and flying: many newcomers
design. What the book really does is to tals, whereas on the other hand it fails feel magically attracted, others show
provide the reader with a good idea of to discuss the different types of kinetics their deep respect, and still others keep
the importance of catalysis for modern that are commonly found for reactions clear of it. Probably only a few of the
society, together with detailed informa- of particular kinds, nor does it discuss young flying enthusiasts will stay the
tion about relevant catalytic processes the basic rules on how to determine cata- course to get to know the true promise
and conceptual information about the lytic kinetics. The (mass-transfer) prob- of aviation, after spending several
preparation and use of solid catalysts lems one often encounters when deter- years on analytical mechanics, cartogra-
in an industrial environment. Apart mining catalytic kinetics are also not dis- phy, electrical and mechanical engineer-
from a few short exceptions, the book cussed, as already mentioned above. ing, then flying paper darts and model
is easy to read and contains a lot of ref- In summary, the book provides an aircraft, until finally they are ready for
erences for further reading. It is fairly excellent introduction to the importance their maiden flight. It goes without

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4979 – 4980 6 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4979
saying that this rigorous training pro- prehensive. So much for the structure were previously part of the training set
gram will hardly attract the less enthusi- of the book. for the parameterization of the force-
astic beginners. The first “flying lesson” takes place field and semiempirical methods; the
However, what if there existed an on the ground, as cartography is on the values reported as MP2 dipole moments
affordable book of modest size, which agenda: in particular, the introduction are instead HF dipole moments com-
was tailored to the needs of someone of the concept of potential energy hyper- puted for the MP2 equilibrium struc-
with no previous experience and which surfaces, as well as the localization and tures, whereas the “true” MP2 dipole
was capable of giving a taste of the characterization of stationary points on moments acquit themselves significantly
excitement of flying? Such a book them. Thus prepared, the various aero- better. Some statements are initially pre-
would restrict itself to the necessary planes (methods of computational sented as if being of quite general validity.
physics essentials, and would enable chemistry) can be introduced. First the These are adjusted later (often quite a few
the aspiring pilot to reach a chosen des- reader learns about force-field methods, pages later) by the necessary restrictions,
tination with a well-established model of then about the H9ckel molecular orbital but this is in my opinion rather problem-
aircraft, despite all adverse winds, and method and its extension (EHT), and atic since these restrictions could escape
finally to make a safe touchdown. later about ab initio methods. Whereas the notice of readers who consult the
If one tried to bridge the corre- the Hartree–Fock method and second- book for quick reference. Many readers
sponding gap in the computational order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory will be disappointed that there is no
chemistry books market, a delicate bal- are introduced at some length, the true detailed discussion of transition-metal
ancing act would be required, which “high-tech aeroplanes”, overly equipped compounds and open-shell systems, nor
would have a severe risk of collapsing. with innumerable switches and indicator is there an introduction to QM/MM
Nevertheless, Errol Lewars has lights, are only briefly touched on. Semi- hybrid methods of whatever flavor.
accepted that challenge. Lewars empirical methods and density func- In the preface, Lewars writes: “Read
explains in the preface that he has tional theory complete the discussion. the book, get some programs, and go out
aimed to introduce the fundamental Pros: All concepts are carefully and do computational chemistry”. (Inci-
concepts and methods of computational introduced, even the necessary linear dentally, why does Lewars not refer the
chemistry in his book, which is intended algebra. Certainly appealing for novices reader to programs available free of
for a “general chemistry audience”, is the in-depth demonstration of the var- charge such as NW-Chem, NAMD, and
embracing “senior undergraduates, ious methods by numerical examples. Dalton?). For aviation that instruction
graduate students, and novice research- For example, a simple force field is para- would translate to: “Read, buy a jet,
ers in computational chemistry”. meterized with plain Hartree–Fock and fly”. After reading the book, that
About 500 pages grouped in eight units energies, and this field is then used to may probably work in a moderate
await the reader. Each unit starts off calculate (by hand) different points on breeze with an easily controllable light
with a short introduction to the intended the potential energy hypersurface. Or, aircraft aided by an autopilot—daring
“flight course”. If new methods of com- following the book by Szabo and feats are not to be expected anyway.
putational chemistry are introduced, Ostlund, the protonated helium atom is However, as many of the various warn-
these have to prove themselves in a used to demonstrate the various steps ings, which advise the experienced
training course set up by the author, of the iterative Hartree–Fock procedure. pilot to use nothing less than a high-
which involves the calculation of equili- Additionally, applications of computa- tech aeroplane jam-packed with elec-
brium geometries, harmonic vibrational tional chemistry to thermodynamics are tronics, were either only briefly covered
frequencies, dipole moments, NMR shown step-by-step, including calcula- or left to the more-advanced books
chemical shifts, ionization energies, and tions employing G1, G2, and G3, as well cited, and as the handling of adverse
heat profiles of chemical reactions. as complete basis set (CBS) methods. winds or turbulence has been demon-
Towards the end of each chapter, the Cons: The brief outline of the histor- strated on only a few examples, the
advantages and disadvantages of the ical development that led to quantum reader may perhaps feel like the movie
methods are discussed. Each chapter is mechanics is certainly a matter of taste. hero Indiana Jones who, asked about
completed by a concluding summary, The (anyway somewhat meagre) intro- his flying skills, responds: “Flying: Yes!
which is especially useful after lengthy duction of the foundations of density Landing: No!” The first of these ach-
derivations in order to memorize the functional theory leaves a rather uncon- ievements may suffice to get a glimpse
path travelled. Questions of varying dif- vincing impression. Furthermore, the of the true promise of aviation. To
ficulty are provided so that readers may restriction to basis sets of the Pople manage the second one safely, one
test and deepen their acquired knowl- type is unsatisfactory (these stop at the should in my opinion consult other,
edge. The numerous cross-references triple-zeta level, but frequently one more advanced books.
between the chapters are especially will have to call for larger basis sets).
worth mentioning; thus, the question Unfortunately, the otherwise good idea Robert Berger
“where was this topic introduced?” will of the proving ground is marred by a Chemistry Department
seldom cause difficulty. However, few discrepancies: the experimentally Technical University of Berlin (Germany)
should that happen, the index will hope- determined C=C bond length in pro-
fully give an answer, although in my pene is usually cited as 133.6 pm, not
opinion it could have been more com- 131.8 pm; many of the test systems DOI: 10.1002/anie.200485057

4980 6 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4979 – 4980

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