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Name: Francis Macabalos Panis Date Submitted: Oct.

12, 2020

Course/Year/Section: BSCpE 1A Rating: _____________________

Prelab Assignment 3
Metals and Some Aspects of Corrosion

1. Define corrosion.

Corrosion is a natural process that converts a refined metal into a more chemically stable form such
as oxide, hydroxide, or sulfide. It is the gradual destruction of materials by chemical and/or
electrochemical reaction with their environment.

2. Differentiate anodic reaction from cathodic reaction.

Anodic reaction differs from cathodic reaction in the sense that in this reaction, a metal is oxidized,
releasing electrons into the metal while in cathodic reaction, a solution species (often O2 or H+) is
reduced, removing electrons from the metal.

3. What are the conditions for a corrosion to occur?

The essential conditions that must be present simultaneously before corrosion can occur are the
following; 1) there must be an anode where a metal is oxidized; 2) there must be a cathode where some
ions are reduced; 3) a potential (voltage) must exist between the anode and cathode, usually provided
by dissimilar metals; 4) there must be an electrolyte in contact the anode and the cathode; and 5) there
must be a physical electrical connection between the anode and the cathode to complete the circuit so
that the electrons can flow.

4. Give 3 reasons why corrosion test is conducted.

Corrosion test is conducted in order to: (1) determine the rate of corrosion over time – for example
ASTM G31, (2) evaluate for susceptible materials such as ASTM A262, (3) and analyze. the effect of
hydrogen on material.
Name: Francis Macabalos Panis Date Submitted: Oct. 12, 2020

Course/Year/Section: BSCpE 1A Rating: _________________________________

Laboratory Report
Experiment 3. Metals and Some Aspects of Corrosion


● Compare the corrosion rates of different metals and corrosion effects of different electrolytes.

Metal Electrolyte Result Explanation

Iron Nail Salt Solution

Iron Nail Bleach Solution

Copper Salt Solution

Copper Bleach Solution

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