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of unsaturated compounds in the presence of difluorocarbene The synthesis of tetrathiafulvalenes ( I ) and tetraselenafulva-

generators (difluorochloromethane, tetrafluoroethylene) lenes (2) is dealt with in an article by M . Narita and C .
furnishes high yields of fluorinated arenes which dispropor- U . Pittmarzn, J r . Compounds ( I ) are prepared, inter a h , by
tionate and isomerize on heating. Homologs of perfluorinated deprotonation of 1,3-dithiolylium ions and desulfurization of
arenes and heterocycles can be obtained by pyrolysis in the 2-thioxo-l,3-dithiols with P"' compounds. Compounds (2)
presence of difluorocarbene generators. [The Application of are obtained analogously from 2-selenoxo- 1,3-diselenols. ( 1 )
Thermolytic Reactions for the Syntheses of Fluoro-Organic
Compounds. Synthesis 1-976, 374-384; 88 references]
[Rd 884 IE-M]
R 1;X;I" R Ncm

The synthesis of carbocyclic spiro compounds uiu rearrangement 13)

routes is reviewed by A . P. Krapcho. Acid-catalyzed reactions
include, inter a h , pinacol rearrangements [(I ) + (2)];
examples of thermal rearrangements are provided, inter a h , and (2) are of interest, primarily because they react with
by the oxiranes [ ( 3 )+ (411 and alkenes. Spiro compounds tetracyanoquinodimethane (3) and other electron acceptors
to give charge transfer complexes which behave electrically
0 and optically like unidimensional metals at room temperature.
[Preparation of Tetrathiafulvalenes (TTF) and their Selenium
Analogs-Tetraselenafulvalenes (TSeF). Synthesis 1976,489-
514; 91 references]
[Rd 886 IE-MI

Reactions on single-crystal surfaces forms the subject of a

review by G . A . Somorjai. Catalytic and other reactions on
solid surfaces can be truly understood only if the elementary
steps of surface chemical reactions are known. It has proven
useful to combine studies of surface structure and composition
with kinetic studies of reaction rate and reaction path. In
the studies described, freshly cleaved metal single-crystals were
can also be obtained by photochemical excitation of cyclic used. Their surface was investigated before and after the reac-
cross-conjugated dienones and other compounds [ ( 5 ) + (6)], tion. The gas or gas mixture was directed onto the crystal
as well as by other rearrangement processes such as reductions, surface in the form of a molecular beam, whose scattering
solvolyses, and eliminations. [Synthesis of Carbocyclic Spiro and composition could be monitored. [Reactions on Single-
Compounds oin Rearrangement Routes. Synthesis 1976,425- Crystal Surfaces. Acc. Chem. Res. 9,248--256 (1976); 42 refer-
444; 184 references] ences]
[Rd 885 IE-M] [Rd 888 IE-L]


The Theory of Molecular Spectroscopy. Vol. 1. The Quantum In the third chapter (66 pages) some quantum-mechanical
Mechanics and Group Theory of Vibrating and Rotating principles are outlined: the subjects are not only the basic
Molecules. By C. J . H . Schutte. North-Holland Publ. Co., postulates and most important methods of calculation in quan-
Amsterdam 1976. 1st edit., 512 pp., numerous figs., bound, tum mechanics, but also details of harmonic and anharmonic
Hfl. 170.-/$ 67.95. oscillators, quantum mechanics of angular momentum, calcu-
This work, planned for two volumes, is intended for scientists lation of the hydrogen atom and the Pauli principle.
active in the field of rotational and rotation-vibrational spec- The fourth chapter (39 pages) is concerned with the exact,
troscopy and for interested advanced students. classical and quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian operator for
The present first volume is divided into six chapters and vibrating and rotating molecules.
an extensive appendix. In the first chapter (41 pages) a short In the fifth chapter (73 pages) the Born-Oppenheimer
section is provided that gives the mathematical basis essential approximation is presented for H; and the H z molecules.
for understanding subsequent parts of the book. Particular Further sections of this chapter deal with the matching experi-
stress is laid on the treatment of linear vector space, on the mental data and potential functions, with the quantum-
theory of matrices, and on matrix representation of linear mechanical virial theorem, and with theoretical approaches
operators. to the calculation of dipole moments and molecular polarizabi-
The second chapter (80 pages) contains a fundamental intro- lities.
duction to group theory and its applicability to molecular The final chapter (81 pages) deals with the interaction of
spectroscopy; two separate specialized sections of this chapter electromagnetic radiation and matter; semiclassical treatment
deal with the approaches to group-theoretical treatment of of this problem is used to derive the selection rules for rota-
nonrigid molecules and with the prerequisites for application tional and vibrational transitions in absorption spectra. The
of group theory to the spectra of solids. The chapter is rounded chapter concludes with a brief presentation of the theory
off by three sections of the appendix that contain, inter of Raman spectroscopy.
uliu, the character tables for 51 point groups, subgroups and Numerous textbooks are cited at the beginning of each
supergroups, as well as correlation tables. chapter as a guide to further reading. A comprehensive index

facilitates the reader’s search for individual problems. The vides another highly practical book from the same editor.
chapters are well arranged as far as subject matter is concerned, G . D. Birnie has succeeded, together with a renowned group
but the WKB method that is mentioned several times in of research-experienced collaborators, in selecting and testing
Chapter 5 really deserved a short introduction within the critically a large number of published methods for the isolation
framework ofthe third chapter. A larger number of mathemati- and fractionation of eukaryotic cell nuclei.
cal examples would enhance the value of the book. The individual sections provide, in clear arrangement, a
Taken as a whole, this first volume can be regarded as wealth of experimental detail about the isolation of cell nuclei,
successful because of its clear, easily readable, and concise cell membranes, nucleoli, chromatin, histones, non-histone
presentation of the subject. proteins, and nuclear RNA and DNA. The advantages and
Ruiner Moormann [NB 337 IE] disadvantages of the methods for special applications and
difficulties arising therein are discussed in detail; criteria are
Kunststoff-Handbuch. Band I, Grundlagen (Plastics Hand- announced that can be brought in to assess the chemical
book. Vol. 1, Fundamentals). Edited by R. Vieweg and and biological quality of the preparations.
D. Bruun. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich-Vienna 1975. 1st Analytical procedures for the characterization of the isolated
Edit., xx, 1342 pp., 942 figs., 113 tables, linen, DM 595.-. structures or molecules naturally take up a large space in
The eleven-volume Plastics Handbook is completed by the each chapter. Besides the electron-optical techniques and con-
volume on “Fundamentals” that has now appeared“]. Since ventional methods such as the determination of enzyme activi-
the Handbook is intended to provide information on the ties or the amino-acid composition of proteins, less known
possible uses of plastics not only for chemists and physicists methods are described, such as isopyknic centrifuging in metri-
but also for manufacturers, architects, electrical engineers, zamide gradients or the isoelectric focussing of non-histone
etc., this “General” volume on the scientific and industrial proteins.
basics of the plastics sector has long been anxiously awaited. It is made clear, particularly in the chapter on the isolation
Even though the editors emphasize that it was never their of chromatin, that experimental results obtained in the frac-
intention to provide a textbook of macromolecular chemistry tionation of the cell nucleus depend largely on the conditions
and physics and of plastics technology, it must be recognized used during the preparation and must be interpreted accord-
and noted that they have succeeded excellently in setting ingly. It is thus very important that the reader obtains not
out, in clear and readily comprehensible form, the knowledge only an introduction to the choice of methods for his own
of fundamentals essential for the volumes on individual topics. research but also indications on how to evaluate published
The basic principles of the chemistry and then the physics data.
of plastics are treated in well-devised and clear sections, with Anton Schweiger [NB 344 IE]
much space devoted to measurements and test procedures.
Particular mention may be made of a chapter in which the
properties of plastics are compared with those of other mate-
rials. A further section treats the principles of plastics process-
ing, e. g. their forming, joining, separation, and improvement,
including the principles of mold construction and the various
equipment for injection molding, extrusion presses, and
Finally, separate chapters deal with the principles of plastics
standardization from a national and an international stand-
point, with the economics of plastics and relevant statistics,
and with organizations and research institutes. Vom Wasser, Vol. 46. Issued by the Fachgruppe Wasserchemie
Understanding of the specialist volumes will be found easier in der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. Responsible for
and deeper if the reader also consults the corresponding the text: W Husmann. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1976. 296,
chapter in the “General” volume. It is a remarkable achieve- A96 pp., bound, DM 88.00.
ment to have coordinated the contributions of many authors
into a compilation that can be understood even by the non-
expert. For all those interested in a deeper insight the rich Reaktionen der organischen Chemie. Ein Beitrag zur Termino-
reference list at the end of each chapter provides a sufficient logie der organischen Chemie. By H. Kruuch and W Kunz.
introduction into the original literature. 5th new revised and enlarged edition by W Kunz and E.
With this volume the Plastics Handbook receives its acco- Nonnenmacher. Dr. Alfred Hiithig Verlag, Heidelberg 1976.
lade as a complete work, for the good reviews, the instructive xxxi, 875 pp., bound, DM 131.OO.
illustrations, and the good subject index simplify its use by
all those interested in plastics. With this work, which has Lehrprogramm Statistik mit zusatzlichen Beispielen aus den
no equal in the world literature, the editors and the publisher Naturwissenschaften. By W Schmidt. Vol. 46 of the series
have done a great service to the plastics sector. Both the “taschentext”. Verlag Chemie/Physik Verlag, Weinheim
“General” volume and the complete work can be recom- 1976. 137 pp., paper, DM 18.80.
mended without any reservations as of great use to all who
develop, manufacture, or use plastics.
Lehrprogramm Atombau und Periodensystem. By Ch. Braig.
O n o Horn [NB 339 IE]
Vol. 47 of the series “taschentext”. Verlag Chemie/Physik
Verlag, Weinheim 1976. vi, 146 pp., paper, DM 12.80.
Subnuclear Components. Preparation and Fractionation.
Edited by G . D. Birnie. Butterworths, London 1976. 1st
edit., 334 pp., numerous figs. and tables, bound, E 15.00. Government Regulations, Pheromone Analysis, Additional Pes-
Following the successful introduction of “Subcellular Com- ticides. By G. Zweig and J . Sherma. Vol. VIII of the series
ponents” the appearance of “Subnuclear Components” pro- “Analytical Methods for Pesticides and Plant Growth Regu-
lators”. Edited by G. Zweig. Academic Press, New York
[*] Cf. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 14, 579 (1975). 1976. xiii, 509 pp., bound, $ 46.50.


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