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Indications for possible cesarean birth’ - Extreme low birth weight

Intro - Fetal distress

What is cesarean birth?
- Major fetal anomalies, such as hydrocephalus
- Cesarean birth is accomplished through an
- Multigestation or conjoined twins
abdominal incision in uterus. It is one of the oldest
types of surgical procedures known. It is always - Transverse fetal lie
slightly more hazardous than vaginal birth, but
compared to other surgical procedures, it is one Effects of Surgery on a Woman.
of the safest types of surgeries and one with few a. Stress Response – whenever the body is
complications. subjected to stress, it responds with
measures to preserve the function of major
Types of cesarean birth body systems. This results in release of
- There are two types of cesarean birth: epinephrine and norepinephrine from the
- Scheduled c-section: there is time for thorough adrenal medulla. Epinephrine causes an
preparation for the experience throughout the
increased heart rate, bronchial dilation, and
antepartal period. Some women even take a
childbirth preparation class specifically for elevation of the blood glucose level.
cesarean birth. b. Interference with Body Defenses – when skin
- Emergent c-section: emergent cesarean births is incised for a surgical procedure, this
are done for reasons such as placenta previa, important line of defense is lost. If cesarean
premature separation of the placenta, fetal birth is performed hours after the membranes
distress, or failure to progress in labor. ruptured, a woman’s risk for infection will be
higher than if the membranes were intact.
Nursing Process Overview
c. Interference with Circulatory Function –
- Assessment – assess whether a woman will be a
extensive blood loss can lead to hypovolemia
good candidate for surgery. Check for both
physiologic and psychological status and and lowered blood pressure.
preparedness. d. Interference with Body Organ Function –
- Nursing Diagnosis – nursing diagnosis to when any organ is handled, cut, or repaired
cesarean birth are often related to prevention of in surgery, it may respond with a temporary
common complications from surgery or disruption in function.
patient/family concerns about surgical birth. e. Interference with Self-image or Self-esteem –
- Ex) risk for infection related to a surgical incision, surgery always leaves an incisional scar that
fear related to impending surgery, etc. will be noticeable to some extent afterward.
- Outcome Identification and Planning – the same 1. Risk factors for a woman and a newborn
important outcome applies to a woman giving
A. Operative Risk for a Woman
birth by cesarean as a woman giving birth
vaginally: a healthy mother and a healthy child. a. Poor Nutritional Status – a woman who is
- Implementation ¬– an important intervention obese because of poor nutrition is at risk
includes coordination of health care team because such a condition interferes with
members such as anesthesiologist, surgeon, wound healing. A woman with a protein and
pediatricians, or neonatologist, and recovery vitamins deficiency is also at risk for poorer
room or nursery personnel. healing.
- Outcome Evaluation – evaluation of expected b. Age Variation – age affects surgical risk
outcome is important in the care of a woman after because it can cause decreased circulatory
cesarean birth to ensure she is not developing a
and renal function.
c. Altered General Health – a woman who has
a secondary illness such as cardiac disease,
Indications for Possible Cesarean Birth diabetes mellitus, anemia, or kidney or liver
 Maternal Factor disease is at greater than usual surgical risk
- Active genital or perhaps human papillomavirus may interfere with her ability to adjust
- AIDS or HIV-positive status physically to the demands of surgery.
- Cephalopelvic disproportion d. Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance – a woman
- Cervical cerclage who enters surgery with a lower than normal
- Disabling conditions, such as severe blood volume will feel the effect of surgical
hypertension of pregnancy, that prevent pushing blood loss more than woman who has a
to accomplish the pelvic division of labor normal blood volume.
- Failed induction or failure to progress in labor e. Fear – woman who are extremely worried
- Obstructive benign or malignant tumor need a very detailed explanation of the
- Previous cesarean birth by classic incision procedure before they can enter surgery
- Elective – no indicated risks without intense fear.
B. Operative Risk to the Newborn
 Placenta Factors
- Placenta previa - More infants born by cesarean birth develop
some degree of respiratory difficulty for a day or
- Premature separation of the placenta
two after birth than those born vaginally.
- Umbilical cord prolapse

 Fetal Factors
- Compound conditions such as macrosomic fetus
in a breech lie

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