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Krynowsky from BC - SD #68)

Core French 8 Unit

TITLE: Basic French Grammar and Vocabulary Unit

This unit covers a variety of important irregular verbs and their functions, common vocabulary, adjectives and oral skills.
Rationale: (context and why unit matters)
This unit builds off of previous units the students have done where they learned the very basic verb patterns (-er, -ir, -re), basic vocabulary, basic adjectives and basic oral
skills practice. Following this basic unit students will now build off of this foundation to further their skills in French to a higher level.

Culminating task…. What is your final summative assessment tool that ties together all of the learning you wanted to occur in this unit?
The culminating task is a project titled the ​Country Project ​where students, either in pairs or solo, pick a francophone country and do a research project on their chosen
francophone country. Students do a profile and poster on the country describing at least 3 key factors of this country such as: economy, natural resources, jobs, food,
music, sports, daily life, history, religions, holidays, arts or celebrations. They then pick a food of significance for this country which students will bring a version of to the
last day of class for a food fair. At the food fair students will bring their country profile and have a little booth with fun facts about the country and the food’s recipe and
cultural significance to their country.

STAGE 1: Desired Results (what will students be able to understand? know? do? ( write ,say, do)

Core Competencies: (big picture reminders)

Communication Thinking Personal & Social

◻ Connect and engage with others (to share and Creative Positive Personal & Social Identity ◻ Well-being
develop ideas) ◻ Novelty and value ◻ Relationships and cultural contexts Social Responsibility
◻ Acquire, interpret, and present information ◻ Generating ideas ◻ Personal values and choices ◻ Contributing to community and caring for
(includes inquiries) ◻ Developing ideas ◻ Personal strengths and abilities the environment
◻ Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review Critical Personal Awareness & Responsibility ◻ Solving problems in peaceful ways
constructions and activities ◻ Valuing diversity
◻ Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and ◻ Analyze and critique ◻ Self-determination
◻ Question and investigate ◻ Self-regulation ◻ Building relationships
◻ Develop and design
Big Ideas(curriculum) Learning Intentions. At the end of this unit
students will...
1. Students will learn the meaning of the verb ​faire​ and how to
● We can express ourselves and talk about the world conjugate this irregular verb in the present tense.
around us in French. 2. Students will learn the grammatical pattern ​faire + activity ​pattern,
the list of activities that follows this pattern and how to use this
pattern to make sentences of activities they like or want to do.
3. Students will learn how to properly pronounce French verbs and
● With increasing fluency in French, we can participate vocabulary.
more actively in reciprocal interactions. 4. Students will learn how to speak, make sentences and have a
conversation in French.
UNDE 5. Students will learn the list of activities that use the ​faire + activity
RST ● We can experience authentic Francophone cultures 6. Students will learn basic vocabulary that will allow them to describe
AND through creative works. a landscape or place, talk about food and SALUT Words
7. Students will learn about the ​BANGS ​adjectives that go before
nouns and how to use them in order to describe a place, picture, or
8. Students will learn how to make comparisons in french and be able
to say something is more than, less than and the same as.
9. Students will learn the meaning of the verb ​lire​ and how to
conjugate the verb in the present tense.
10. Students will learn about different Francophone communities
around the world.
11. Students will be able to research, make a profile about it and talk
about a francophone country.
Curricular Competencies: (skills)
● Recognize the relationships between French letter patterns and pronunciation.
● Exchange ideas and information using complete sentences, both orally and in writing.
● Comprehend key information and supporting details.
DO ● Explore and share information about Francophone communities around the world.
● Describe cultural aspects of Francophone communities.
Content (learning standards):
● French letter patterns.
● Common, high-frequency vocabulary and sentence structures for communication in past, present, and future time frames​:
KNO ○ descriptions of items, people, and personal interests
○ comparisons and contrasts
W ○ a variety of questions
○ cultural aspects of communities
● Francophone communities around the world.
● Cultural aspects of Francophone communities

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

​ Formative Assessment (for or of learning):
-Verb tic-tac-toe
-Ticket out of the door
-There will be 5 vocabulary quizzes throughout the first two weeks of the unit to check students' knowledge on the key vocabulary. There are 10 words in either French or
English that students must translate either into English or French respectively and one bonus question. Each word, including the bonus question, is worth 1 point. A
point-system is in place: 1-3 is Emerging, 4-6 is Developing, 7-9 is Proficient, and 10-11 is Extending.
-There will be several different kinds of knowledge-based worksheets to review student’s understanding of various different aspects of French grammar in the unit. Each
answer will be worth 1 point and follow a similar point-system as the vocabulary quizzes.
-As a review/checkup before moving on to the final week, this assignment asks students to describe a picture of a landscape that touches on the verbs, vocabulary and
adjectives that are introduced in the first couple of weeks. Students get into small groups and present their descriptions to group members. A specific rubric will be used
for this assignment ​​.

​ Summative Assessment (of learning)/Culminating task:

The culminating task or the ​Country Project ​ is assessed using two rubrics. The first rubric which students will have access to from the beginning of the project is for the
initial poster which is on the country they chose: ​​. The second rubric is for the
food fair part of the project: ​​.

Stage 3: Learning Plan - a matrix model (below) is an efficient way to show unit lesson connections and general lesson
descriptions that connect to assessment for and of learning
Learning Intentions Description of Learning Assessment Assessment Criteria
Activities & Strategies Method/Tool

For each lesson, state what What teaching strategies & What instrument will you use to By what criteria do you decide
individual learning activities will you utilize to collect evidence of the that the learning intention has
intention(s) you will be enable students to achieve the learning? been successfully met? What
covering in that lesson? learning outcomes? evidence will you use?

Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Lesson 1:

Lesson 1:
Students will learn the -class will be introduced to the 1) While students are working
meaning of the verb ​faire The assessment tools for this
verb ​faire, ​its meaning and on their worksheet I will
and how to conjugate this lesson are:
how to conjugate this verb in circulate and observe to see if
irregular verb in the
the present tense. 1) ​Faire ​worksheets students are understanding the
present tense.
conjugation pattern or ​faire
-students will then go over the 2)Observation: The tic-tac-toe
Students will learn basic
pronunciation with the teacher. game that the students will hand 2) The tic-tac-toe game will let
vocabulary that will allow
them to describe a Teacher will say the word and in to the teacher. me know how and what to
landscape or place, talk elicit a group response of each practice for further lessons as
3) Ticket-out-the-door
about food and SALUT conjugation of ​faire this verb is a foundation for
Words (Vocabulary) other lessons in the unit.
-​students will do two
worksheets that gets them to 3) The ticket out the door just
practice memorizing the asks students to use their short
conjugations of ​faire term memory and recall as much
of the verb conjugation as they
-students will then do a
can. This will give me an
practice game of ​faire
tic-tac-toe game to help them understanding of how much they
practice the conjugation of have learned so far.

-​students will be prompted to

pull out their yellow
workbooks and take a look at
this unit’s SALUT vocabulary
words and given the rest of the
block to work on finding the
English translations for the
SALUT words

-students fill out

ticket-out-the-door and hand it
in ask they leave

Lesson 2:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 2: Lesson 2:
1) For this lesson the workbooks
The assessment tool for this
Students will learn the -class will start with a graphic will be helpful in gaging how the
lesson are:
grammatical pattern ​faire + organizer to fill out for the verb students are in terms of
activity ​pattern, the list of faire​ to practice 1) The successful completion of successfully memorizing the
activities that follows this the work booklet and conjugation for ​faire ​as well as
-class will view a Google
pattern and how to use this participation. showing the students’
Slides presentation on the
pattern to make sentences understanding of how the verb
pattern of ​faire ​+ ​activity
works. This booklet will be
of activities they like or -student’s will work on a 2) Observing students and helpful in showing where any
want to do. activity booklet that will act as circulating while they practice weak areas may be that will need
a study guide for students for speaking in French. extra focus later on in the unit.
Students will learn how to the rest of the unit
speak, make sentences and 3) Ticket-out-the-door 2) By observing and circulating
have a conversation in -class will disperse into pairs while students are practicing
French. and participate in a speaking speaking French to get an
exercise that incorporates ​faire understanding of where they are
+ activity ​and having student’s at in pronouncing French words.
speak about things the let to do
3) The ticket-out-the-door just
or make
asks students to use their short
-if there is time at the end, term memory and recall as much
students will work on of ​faire +​ activity as they can.
continuing to fill in translations This will give me an
of their SALUT vocabulary understanding of how much they
have learned so far.

Lesson 3 Lesson 3
Lesson 3 Lesson 3
Students will learn about 1)By checking their workbooks
-class will disperse into pairs The assessment tools for the
the ​BANGS a​ djectives that for the different areas of
and participate in a speaking students are:
go before nouns and how to weakness I can see what we
use them in order to exercise that incorporates ​faire
1) their two workbooks need to focus or emphasize on
describe a place, picture, or + activity a​ nd having student’s
activities as the two different moving forward with our work
activities touch on different on the ​BANGS a​ djectives.
Students will learn basic speak about things the let to do aspects of the mechanics of the 2) The ticket out the door just
vocabulary that will allow or make BANGS ​adjectives. asks students to use their short
them to describe a term memory and recall as many
landscape or place, talk -students will fill out a visual 2) Ticket-out-the-door
of the BANGS Adjectives as
about food and SALUT and engaging graphic designer
Words (Vocabulary) they can. This will give me an
in order to learn the ​BANGS
understanding of how much they
adjectives that go before nouns
have learned so far.
in French

-students will then work on a

activity from their workbooks
to practice using the ​BANGS
adjectives in simple sentences

-students will then work on a

worksheet that has them
practicing choosing the correct
form of the adjectives in

-the remainder of the class will

be used for students to work on
their vocabulary translations as
they are due the next class
Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 4

Students will learn the -class will begin by doing a The assessment tool for this 1) By collecting and marking the
grammatical pattern ​faire + review activity for the ​faire + lesson are: faire ​+ activity worksheet I can
activity ​pattern, the list ofactivity pattern. For this see how far the students have
activities that follows this 1) the word scramble exercise
activity students will receive mastered this verb pattern.
pattern and how to use this for ​faire +​ activity that the
“scrambled” or out of order
pattern to make sentences students complete in class. 2) Observing to see if students
of activities they like or sentences that contain the verb
are participating in trying out
want to do. faire ​and must put the 2) The participation in the
how to pronounce their
sentences in the correct order. repeat-after-me style activity.
Students will learn about vocabulary I can gather the
This activity is to be finished in
the ​BANGS a​ djectives that class and will be for homework 3) Ticket-out-the-door classes comfort in speaking in
go before nouns and how to French as well as their general
use them in order to that is to be handed in the next
grasp on French pronunciation to
describe a place, picture, or day if not successfully see if there is any areas to focus
landscape. completed.
-​for those students that finish
3) The ticket out the door just
the activity early will do a
asks students to recall as much
review to the ​BANGS
of content for the course so far
adjectives with a crossword
that they can. This will give me
where they must first translate
an understanding of how much
the adjectives from English to
they have learned so far.
French and then fill in the

-the class will then switch

gears and go over their SALUT
words to check for completion
and correct translations of the

-teacher will pronounce the

words correctly in a repeat
after me style format and then
spell out the correct spelling
for the vocabulary

-students then create a word

puzzle study tool to study for
the upcoming word quizzes

Lesson 5 Lesson 5
Lesson 5 Lesson 5
Students will learn basic -class will begin with the first
The assessment tools for this 1) The test only assesses 10
vocabulary that will allow vocabulary quiz
lesson are : words at a time so it gives me an
them to describe a
landscape or place, talk -students hand in their quizzes idea if there are any words to try
1) Vocabulary quiz at the
about food and SALUT and I will disperse them and emphasize in later lessons.
beginning of the lesson
Words (Vocabulary). randomly and have students
2) The Snakes and Ladders
mark each other’s quizzes 2) Observation: The ​BANGS
Students will learn about game gives me a good idea at
adjective Snakes and Ladders
the ​BANGS a​ djectives that the comfort level of the students
go before nouns and how to towards working with the
use them in order to adjectives and how to move
describe a place, picture, or -students may quickly look at 3) Ticket-out-the-door forward in terms of if the
landscape. their mark before handing them students need more practice and
all in to me where to focus on.

-students practice their ​BANGS 3) The ticket out the door just
adjectives with a Snake and asks students to recall content
Ladders style board game that for the unit so far. This will give
tests their ability to change the me an understanding of how
adjective from masculine to much they have learned so far
feminem and singular to plural
for a couple rounds

-afterwards students will

practice their word puzzles and
have competitions against other
students for the remainder of
the class

Lesson 6
Lesson 6 Lesson 6 Lesson 6

-class will begin with a review The assessment tools for this 1)The ​BANGS w ​ orksheet will be
Students will learn about used as a review and tool for me
the ​BANGS a​ djectives that worksheet on the ​BANGS lesson are: to see how strong the students
go before nouns and how to adjectives that gets students to are after a week of reviewing
use them in order to 1) The ​BANGS ​adjective
position the adjective in the and practicing the ​BANGS
describe a place, picture, or assignment
right place corresponding to adjectives as they will be used in
landscape. the ​Les Images Incroyables
the noun in the sentence
Students will learn how to -students will then be 2) The comparisons in French
make comparisons in introduced to the worksheet. 2)The worksheet for the
french and be able to say formula/pattern of making comparisons in French is a tool
something is more than, 3) Ticket-out-the-door for me to see how the students
comparisons in French
less than and the same as. are initially grasping the concept
-students watch a video on how and will show me how to move
forward as to whether the
to make comparisons
students get it and we can move
-hand out and go over helpful on or if we need more time to
practice. Although this is not
handout on comparisons in
handed in for marks it gives me
French a look into how well the students
-students do a worksheet to get are grasping this new concept.
them practicing making 3) The ticket out the door just
comparisons in French asks students to use their short
term memory and recall as many
-students will be introduced to
of the BANGS adjectives as they
the ​Les Images Incroyables can. This will give me an
mini-project where students understanding of how much they
will find a picture either online have learned so far.
or on their phone to make a
mini poster and describe in 7

-rest of the remaining time in

the block will be used for
working on the ​Les Image
Incroyable a​ ssignment
Lesson 7
Lesson 7 1) The results of the quiz will
Lesson 7 Lesson 7
indicate how well the students
Students will learn the -class will begin with a vocab The assessment tools in this are grasping the unit’s
meaning of the verb Lire
quiz for the next 10 words on lesson are: vocabulary and will show me if
and how to conjugate the
verb in the present tense. the students sheets there are any words that need to
1) The vocab quiz
be incorporated and emphasized
-class will then be introduced
Students will learn how to 2) The work activity where on moving forward.
make comparisons in to the verb ​lire, ​its meaning
students practice the verb
french and be able to say and how to conjugate this verb 2)The practice work activity will
conjugation lire and how to
something is more than, in the present tense not be taken for marks but will
less than and the same as. make comparisons in French.
be used as an indicator as to how
-students will then do an
3) Ticket-out-the-door well the students are grasping
activity to practice making
the two newly introduced
comparisons in French and
concepts. I will circulate and
conjugating the verb lire at the
take note of the students general
same time
results of this activity.
-for the remainder of the class
3) The ticket out the door just
time will be alloted as a
asks students to use their short
working period for students to
term memory and recall as much
work on their ​Les Images
of the verb conjugation as they
Incroyable ​mini-project
can. This will give me an
understanding of how much they
have learned so far.
Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8 Lesson 8
Students will learn the -the remainder of the block is a Ticket-out-the-door The ticket out the door just asks
meaning of the verb Lire working period to finish up and students to use their short term
and how to conjugate the
start practicing presenting their memory and content that we’ve
verb in the present tense.
Les Images Incroyable ​posters. covered so far.
Students will learn how to
speak, make sentences
and/or have a conversation
in French.

Lesson 9
Lesson 9 Lesson 9
Students will learn how to -class will begin with a vocab The assessment tools for this Lesson 9
speak, make sentences and
quiz for the next 10 words on lesson are:
have a conversation in 1) The results of the quiz will
French. the students sheets
1) The vocab quiz: indicate how well the students
-students present their ​Les are grasping the unit’s
Students will learn basic 2) The ​Les Images Incroyable
vocabulary that will allow Images Incroyable ​project vocabulary and will show me if
poster and presentations self
them to describe a there are any words that need to
-after all presentations are done evaluation.
landscape or place, talk be incorporated and emphasized
students will submit their
about food and SALUT on moving forward.
Words (Vocabulary)
posters and do a self evaluation 2) As the ​Les Images Incroyable
that they will hand in as well is all about practicing students’
skill in creating sentences and
practicing their oral skills, the
self evaluation will be used as a
means to rate students on their
confidence with the oral skills.
The poster itself will be used to
gage where students are in
creating French sentences and
usage of the ​BANGS a​ djectives.

Lesson 10 Lesson 10
Lesson 10
Students will learn the list The assessment tools for this
of activities that use the -class will begin with a review lesson are: Lesson 10
​ attern.
faire + activity p activity of the concepts in the
1) the review activity at the 1) The results from the review
unit so far emphasizing verbs
Students will learn about beginning of the class. activity will help let me know
different Francophone lire ​and ​faire ​+ activity
whether or not the students will
communities around the 2) Ticket-out-the-door
-students will be introduced to be able to do the ​Country
their culminating task project Project ​well and what we may
called the ​Country Project need to review or go over along
with doing the ​Country Project.
-after learning what the
Country Project ​is students 2) The ticket out the door just
will research different asks students to say how much
Francophone communities
around the world and then
either with a partner or solo of the project they have done so
will pick a country and sign up far.
with the teacher

Lesson 11 Lesson 11

Students will learn how to The assessment tools for this

Lesson 11
speak, make sentences and lesson are:
have a conversation in -class will begin with a oral
French. 1) The oral and listening activity Lesson 11
exercise to practice adjectives
Students will be able to and other concepts taught over 2) Ticket-out-the-door. 1) By having students do an
research, make a profile the unit activity where they have to listen
about it and talk about a and speak French so that I can
-after the speaking and
francophone country. assess where they are at a in skill
listening exercise, students will
level in terms of oral and
get the rest of the period to
listening skills.
work on their culminating task,
the ​Country Project 2) The exit slip will have
questions for students to fill out
-this is the first block that
in terms of where they are at in
students get to properly work
the ​Country Project. ​This will
on the project, so students will
give me a general understanding
be in the research phase and
on the level of efficiency and
picking topics to focus on in
understanding students have in
terms of their project
terms of this project. By viewing
the results I can know how to
-a few minutes before the end approach the next couple of days
of the block students will fill in terms of finishing the project.
out a ticket out the door slip

Lesson 12
Lesson 12 Lesson 12
The assessment tools for this
-class will begin with a vocab
Students will be able to class are:
research, make a profile quiz for the next 10 words on
about it and talk about a the students sheets 1) The vocab quiz Lesson 12
francophone country.
-after the quiz students will get 2) The ticket out of the door slip 1) The results of the quiz will
Students will learn basic the rest of the period to work indicate how well the students
vocabulary that will allow on their culminating task, the are grasping the unit’s
them to describe a Country Project vocabulary and will show me if
landscape or place, talk there are any words that need to
about food and SALUT -a few minutes before the end
be incorporated and emphasized
Words (Vocabulary) of the block students will fill
on moving forward.
out a ticket out the door slip
2)The exit slip will have
questions for students to fill out
in terms of where they are at in
the ​Country Project. ​This will
give me a general understanding
on where the students are at and
if we are on time for finishing
the project
Lesson 13 Lesson 13

-students will have the entire The assessment tools for this
Lesson 13
block to work on their ​Country class are:
Lesson 13
Students will be able to Project ​to finish the project
1) the submission of the ​Country
research, make a profile The successful submission
about it and talk about a -before the end of the block Project.
shows that the students have
francophone country. students submit their
2) Ticket-out-the-door used their time wisely and finish
their projects on time and be
ready for presenting to the class
the next day. The posters will be
assessed with the accompanying

2)The ticket out the door just

asks students to reflect on how
they feel after submitting their

Lesson 14
Lesson 14
Lesson 14 The assessment tools for this
-class will begin with a vocab
lesson are:
Students will learn basic quiz for the next 10 words on
Lesson 14
vocabulary that will allow the students sheets 1) the vocab quiz
them to describe a
landscape or place, talk 2) observing the presentations 1)The results of the quiz will
about food and SALUT indicate how well the students
Words (Vocabulary) -students present their projects 3)Ticket-out-the-door
are grasping the unit’s
to the class
vocabulary and will show me if
Students will be able to
research, make a profile there are any words that need to
about it and talk about a be incorporated and emphasized
francophone country. on moving forward.

2) Observing the students will

they present their projects and
following along with the rubric
for the presentations will give
me an assessment for the

3)Exit slip a reflection for

students on how they feel about
presenting their projects.

Lesson 15
Lesson 15 Lesson 15
-students will come in a set up
Students will learn about The assessment tool for this
their “food booth”
different Francophone class is the food brochure. Lesson 15
communities around the -students then circulate the
The food brochure has students
world. room and try the different
write down what foods they tried
foods that students made and and what country the food
fill out their food brochure comes from help show students
participation and engagement in
-students hand in their
the food fair.
brochures to the teacher and
clean up their booths

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