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Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

Peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial corneal

degeneration – clinical and histopathological
Petri J. J€arventausta, Timo M. T. Tervo, Tero Kivel€a and Juha M. Holopainen
Helsinki University Eye Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

ABSTRACT. Gore et al. 2013; J€ arventausta et al.

Purpose: To refine the diagnostic criteria for peripheral hypertrophic subepi- 2014). It presents with superficial
thelial corneal degeneration (PHSD) and characterize its clinical phenotype, fibrosis between the epithelium and
histopathology and immunohistochemical features. Bowman’s layer, with focal, mostly
Methods: Diagnostic criteria were refined on the basis of literature data. inconspicuous superficial neovascular-
Fourteen patients (13 women and one man; median age 52 years, range 33–66) ization reaching the limbal margin of
were identified based on these criteria. Keratectomy specimens were evaluated the fibrous tissue (Maust & Raber
via routine and immunohistochemical stainings. The main outcome measures 2003; Jeng & Millstein 2006; Gore
were symptoms, clinical phenotype, immunological status and histopathologic et al. 2013; J€arventausta et al. 2014).
The fibrosis causes the flattening of the
central cornea and induces regular and
Results: We defined the diagnostic criteria of typical PHSD as elevated
irregular astigmatism that can be more
circumferential and perilimbal subepithelial fibrosis with focal superficial corneal or less efficiently treated with keratec-
neovascularization, which were supported by female sex (93%), bilaterality tomy (Gore et al. 2013; J€ arventausta
(86%), the centre being in the upper quadrants (81%) and irregular astigmatism et al. 2014).
of two dioptres or more. The typical symptoms were reduced vision (86%) and The pathogenesis of PHSD is
the symptoms of ocular surface disease (64%). Light microscopy showed fibrosis unknown, but it is presumed to be a
with abundant collagen deposition but no inflammation in all patients. An degeneration resembling Salzmann’s
immunohistochemical analysis of nine patients showed uniform staining for nodular degeneration (SND) to some
vimentin in three distinct types of fibroblasts in variable proportions: keratocyte- extent, rather than a dystrophy.
like cells that were positive for CD34, myofibroblasts that were positive for Salzmann’s nodular degeneration is a
smooth muscle actin (SMA) and fibroblasts that were negative for CD34 and non-inflammatory, progressive, often
SMA. Small numbers of CD68-positive macrophages were also found. bilateral degenerative corneal disorder
Conclusions: Peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration is characteristic (Farjo et al. 2006). Its characteristic
of middle-aged women, in whom it is typically a bilateral idiopathic degeneration of findings are bluish-grey elevated cor-
neal nodules that vary in size, location
the cornea associated with ocular surface disease and reduced vision. The fibrotic
and number. Usually, they are scat-
lesions probably undergo remodelling, inducing changes in corneal contour. A
tered, occur in any meridian and often
smouldering low-grade inflammation favouring low TGF-b1 concentrations is extend to the central cornea, unlike in
postulated as the primary pathological process leading to PHSD. PHSD, and as SND progresses, the
nodules may become confluent. Salz-
Acta Ophthalmol. 2014: 92: 774–782 mann’s nodular degeneration affects
ª 2014 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd patients of various ages and races.
doi: 10.1111/aos.12394
Both SND and PHSD are more com-
mon in females (Maust & Raber 2003;
Das et al. 2005; Farjo et al. 2006; Gore
been described in the literature or et al. 2013; J€arventausta et al. 2014).
Introduction textbooks, appears to be an under- The cause of SND is likewise
Peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial recognized corneal disease, given that unknown. It can follow ocular surface
degeneration (PHSD) of the cornea, a three series of six to 22 patients have disease, contact lens wearing or ocular
typically bilateral and slowly progres- been reported from three centres in surgery, but this is not always the case.
sive perilimbal disorder that has rarely recent years (Maust & Raber 2003; The excision of the nodules usually

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

improves vision. Spontaneous remis- Diagnostic criteria criteria for typical PHSD and pro-
sion has not been reported. vided sufficient material for the immu-
Based on previous reports (Maust &
The initial histopathologic analysis of nohistochemical studies available (#2,
Raber 2003; Jeng & Millstein 2006;
three PHSD lesions from two patients 3, 4, 5 and 11 in Table 2).
Gore et al. 2013; J€ arventausta et al.
showed non-specific and non-inflamma- All patients underwent a comprehen-
2014), we refined the diagnostic criteria
tory fibrosis and the absence of Bow- sive preoperative ophthalmic examina-
for typical PHSD (Table 1) based on
man’s layer (Maust & Raber 2003; Jeng tion, including slit lamp biomicroscopy,
clinical symptoms and signs (irregular
& Millstein 2006). These findings were applanation tonometry, indirect oph-
and regular astigmatism, symptoms of
recently verified in twelve eyes from thalmoscopy and corneal topography
ocular surface disease, peripheral sub-
seven patients, although the analysis of with a TMS 2-N Topographic Model-
epithelial fibrosis, focal superficial
this series was complicated by the pres- ling System (version 2.4.2; Tomey,
neovascularization and a predilection
ence of elastotic stromal degeneration Nagoya, Japan) or an Orbscan II
toward superonasal location, females
and squamous metaplasia from an adja- (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY,
and bilateral disease) and the absence
cent pterygium in six eyes from four USA), and seven patients underwent
of evidence of any simulating lesions
patients (Gore et al. 2013). The histo- anterior segment optical coherence
(corneal intraepithelial neoplasia,
pathologic findings were also reminis- tomography (OCT) with an SS-1000
SND, climatic droplet keratopathy,
cent of SND (Gore et al. 2013). Via Casia (Tomey). The preoperative eval-
corneal amyloidosis or keloid and
histopathological analysis, SND is asso- uation included their history of systemic
hereditary hypertrophic scarring).
ciated with the thinning of the epithe- diseases, previous eye surgeries and
Patients who met these criteria were
lium and breaks in Bowman’s layer. injuries and contact lens wearing. Based
included in the study.
Here, we aim to refine the diagnostic on topography, the power of corneal
criteria for PHSD and shed further astigmatism (cylinder) was recorded
light on its phenotype and pathogenesis pre- and postoperatively. Colour cor-
by reporting the clinical features of neal photographs were taken pre- and
nine additional patients and histopath- Fourteen Caucasian patients, all Finn- postoperatively. Patients were exam-
ologic data from keratectomy speci- ish, with lesions resembling PHSD, ined at 1, 2–7 days and 1 month post-
mens from 14 typical PHSD patients who were referred to the Helsinki operatively and then as needed. The
without concurrent corneal lesions. University Eye Hospital between Feb- HLA-A*, HLA-B*, HLA-DRB1* and
Furthermore, we present further sup- ruary 2006 and August 2012 met the complement C4 genes, as well as immu-
port for our previous observation that diagnostic criteria for typical PHSD noglobulin levels, were determined as
the HLA-B*44 allele may be enriched (Table 1) and underwent keratectomy previously described (J€ arventausta
in patients with PHSD. to remove the corneal lesions. Of these et al. 2014).
consecutive patients, nine were pro- In all cases, surgical treatment was
spectively diagnosed with PHSD from performed in the form of manual
Patients and Methods 2011 to 2012, and five were identified keratectomy, using a Beaver 2.5 mm
retrospectively from our clinical and Crescent blade (Beaver-Visitec Interna-
Ethical aspects
histopathological patient records. Five tional, Waltham, MA) and Vannas
This study was approved by the Ethical patients in this series also appeared in scissors as recently reported (J€ arven-
Committee of the Helsinki University our recent report on another 14 tausta et al. 2014). After the removal of
Central Hospital. Each patient signed patients who were retrospectively diag- fibrous tissue, the underlying corneal
an informed consent form. The study nosed with PHSD (J€ arventausta et al. stroma appeared to be essentially clear.
protocol followed the tenets of the 2014). They were also enrolled in the We did not encounter any problems in
Declaration of Helsinki. present study because they fulfilled the re-epithelization after keratectomy.

Table 1. Proposed diagnostic criteria for typical peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration (PHSD).

Characteristic Diagnostic criteria for typical PHSD Differential diagnosis

Fibrous tissue Subepithelial confluent perilimbal fibrosis with thickening of the 1) Salzmann’s nodular degeneration.
cornea, which may or may not extend to midperipheral 2) Previous injury or keratitis
but not to the central cornea 3) Concurrent inflammatory disease
Neovascularization Superficial corneal neovascularization extending not further that the 1) Pterygium
base of the fibrous tissue without deep stromal vessels 2) Pseudo-pterygium
3) Conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia
Astigmatism 2 D or more of irregular and regular astigmatism in topography 1) Map dot fingerprint dystrophy
2) Irregular epithelium from other causes
Symptoms Mild itching/burning and ocular surface irritation 1) Dry eye
from irregular surface of the cornea 2) Ocular allergy
3) Autoinflammatory diseases of the cornea
Supportive criteria 1) Fibrosis Located in superior, especially superior nasal cornea
Bilateral fibrosis
2) Female sex

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

Table 2. Demographic and immunological characteristics of 14 patients with typical peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration (PHSD).

Astig. Astig. Follow Systemic

ID Sex Age C4A- gene C4B-gene HLA-A HLA-B HLA-DRB1 pre.op post.op up/m diseases

1 F 59 2 2 *02*24 *15*40 *01*08 9.3 0.5 21 Diabetes

2* F 46 3 1 *03*11 *35*44 *08*16 2.0 1.2 44 None
3* M 45 2 2 *01*32 *08*39 *03*08 3.1 2.7 30 None
4* F 51 2 2 *02*03 *07*07 *13*15 3.5 1.5 71 None
5* F 61 2 1 *01*02 *08*44 *03*12 6.3 3.3 29 Horner, Glaucoma
6 F 53 2 2 *02*03 *15*40 *13*13 3.6 1.4 1 None
7 F 45 3 1 *02*03 *07*44 *13*15 4.2 1.8 17 Thyroid carcinoma
8 F 58 2 1 *02*03 *07*44 *01*12 3.7 6.0 4 None
9 F 48 3 1 *02*02 *13*27 *01*07 7.9 4.2 17 Psoriasis
10 F 33 2 2 *31*68 *18*44 *01*04 2.1 0.8 5 None
11* F 64 3 2 *02*02 *40*44 *12*13 5.6 1.6 39 Hypertension
12 F 46 2 1 *03*03 *07*35 *01*13 4.5 1.9 8 None
13 F 50 3 1 *01*02 *15*57 *04*13 4.0 0.8 8 None
14 F 49 1 2 *24*24 *40*50 *03*04 5.0 4.2 1 None

* Included also in J€
arventausta et al. 2014.

Histopathologic analysis subepithelial fibrosis of the cornea with tory of autoimmune disease (psoriasis).
adjacent superficial fairly inconspicu- The leading symptom was reduced
All samples were fixed in 10% neutral
ous limbal vasculature to the base of visual acuity in twelve patients (86%;
buffered formalin and embedded in
the fibrosis (Table 2; Fig. 1). Twelve CI 57–98). Ocular surface disease
paraffin. Sections (5 lm thick) were
patients [86%; 95% confidence interval symptoms were reported by nine
cut and stained with haematoxylin and
(CI), 57–98] had bilateral disease. The patients (64%; 95% CI, 35–87). Two
eosin (HE), periodic acid- Schiff (PAS)
fibrosis was limited to the perilimbal patients (14%; 95% CI, 2–43) did not
and Masson’s trichrome for routine
cornea in eight eyes and extended to report any ocular symptoms. None
light microscopy.
the midperipheral cornea in 17 eyes. It showed Meibomian gland dysfunction
Immunostaining was performed
was centred in the upper nasal quad- (0%; 95% CI, 0–23).
using the avidin-biotinylated peroxi-
rant in 21 of the 26 involved eyes (81%; Biomicroscopically, in 13 patients,
dase complex method. The following
95% CI, 61–93) and was never centred the fibrosis appeared as an elevated,
primary monoclonal antibodies were
in the inferior nasal or inferior tempo- greyish-white, solitary, confluent cor-
used: vimentin (clone V9; Dako Den-
ral quadrant, although it partially neal lesion. In one patient, a skip area
mark A/S, Glostrup, Denmark) char-
involved the inferior nasal quadrant was present bilaterally, and in a second
acteristic of all mesenchymal cells,
in six eyes (25%) and the inferior patient, a skip area was present unilat-
including normal and reactive human
temporal quadrant in two eyes (8%; erally (Fig. 2). The central border of
keratocytes and leucocytes; CD34
Fig. 2). the fibrosis could extend up to the
(clone QBEND/10; Roche, Basel,
The median age of the patients at margin of the undilated pupil in the
Switzerland) characteristic of normal
diagnosis was 52 years (range, 33–66; midperipheral zone of the cornea, but
human corneal keratocytes and also
Table 2). Only one patient had a his- it did not involve the central cornea
found in a population of bone marrow-
(Figs 1 and 3). This border was mostly
derived stem cells; alpha smooth
demarcated in a feathery yet sharp
muscle actin (SMA; clone 1A3; Dako
fashion from the clear central cornea.
Denmark A/S) characteristic of myofi-
Typically, an iron deposition, similar to
broblasts; CD68 (clone PG-M1) char-
Stocker’s line in the pterygium, was
acteristic of macrophages; and CD45,
found at the central border of the
also known as leucocyte common
lesion. Biomicroscopic evaluation did
antigen (LCA; clone 2B11+PD7/26;
not reveal any signs of active ocular
Roche), characteristic of inflammatory
inflammation. Superficial neovascular-
cells. A non-ocular tissue known to
ization was characteristically limited to
express each marker was used as a
the limbal border of the fibrotic tissue
positive control. The slides were anal-
and did not extend over it. No deep
ysed via a consensus of PJ, TK, and
stromal vessels were found. Because of
JMH. Fig. 1. Colour photograph of a typical periph- the stringent diagnostic criteria, no
eral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration pterygium- or pseudopterygium-like
Results (PHSD; patient #4 right eye in Table 2). The
lesions were present in our series. No
image illustrates the typical signs of PHSD,
which are arcuate peripheral fibrosis and
corneal thinning was observed via
Clinical features of PHSD
adjacent abnormal limbal vasculature. The clinical or tomographic analysis.
The 14 patients represented 13 females fibrosis is typically located in the upper nasal Corneal topography showed irregu-
and one male and presented with per- quadrant underneath the upper eye lid. No lar astigmatism in all patients (100%;
ilimbal arcuate or boomerang-shaped active inflammation is observed. 95% CI, 77–100). Representative

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

corneal topography (Fig. 3) high-

lighted a high degree of astigmatism,
corneal irregularity and the flattening
and thickening of the cornea at the
location of the fibrosis. Corneal thick-
ening and the loss of corneal transpar-
ency are also clearly visible in the OCT
images in the form of increased corneal
reflectance (Fig. 3).

Immunological markers
Fig. 2. The location of the corneal fibrosis in peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration
(PHSD). The lesion site is depicted as a polar plot showing that the lesion was centred most often The HLA genes showed a preponder-
in the upper nasal quadrant and never in the infero-temporal or infero-nasal quadrant. Note that ance of the HLA-B*44 allele (Table 2,
PHSD is usually a bilateral disorder. The patients are depicted in the same order as in Table 2 with 21%; 95% CI 8–41); excluding the five
patient #1 representing the innermost circle. patients shared with our previous

Fig. 3. Colour corneal images before (upper row left) and after (right) successful keratectomy for peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration
(PSHD; patient #7 in Table 2). Corneal topography (middle row) of the same patient before (left) and after (right) successful treatment. In the lower
row, optical coherence tomography (OCT) images are shown before (left) and after (right) keratectomy.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

series, the frequency was 17% (95% CI thin, quiescent-appearing cells with even likely that a wider spectrum of
7–41), as compared with the previously thin nuclei, which resembled kerato- corneal diseases may eventually be
reported 23% (J€ arventausta et al. cytes, although the lamellae were coar- identified as belonging to the PSHD
2014). In contrast to our previous ser, wavy and not as regularly arranged spectrum, but the study of its patho-
findings (J€arventausta et al. 2014), a as normal lamellae sharing the features genesis will be facilitated by initially
higher than usual frequency of ances- of the scleral architecture. Judging by concentrating on the most typical
tral haplotype 8.1 (AH8.1) was not the number of nuclei, the fibrosis cases. Several less-typical cases in
evident; none of the nine more recent appeared hypocellular. At its limbal which the subepithelial fibrosis was
patients shared AH8.1. As in previous border, which was reliably identified in multifocal, vascularized or extended
research, no notable differences two specimens, the fibrotic tissue was to the central cornea were included in
emerged regarding C4 deficiencies continuous, with slightly looser and a recent retrospective series of 23
(Table 2), immunoglobulin levels (not more cellular perilimbal connective patients (Gore et al. 2013) with PHSD,
shown) or the frequency of other tissue and without a similarly clear and some were also included in the
HLA-*A, HLA-*B or HLA–*DRB1 lamellar architecture, which contained original description (Maust & Raber
alleles (J€arventausta et al. 2014). occasional superficial neovascular 2003).
vessels (Fig. 4), plumper, activated The leading reason for patients to
myofibroblasts and a small number of seek an ophthalmic evaluation in cases
lymphocytes. We did not find acute or of typical PHSD was decreased visual
The indication for keratectomy was the pathogenetically significant chronic acuity due to irregular and regular
progression of the fibrosis or substan- inflammation in any specimen. astigmatism. Frequent high or irregular
tial astigmatism accompanied either by In five specimens from five patients, astigmatism was also found in a recent
the worsening of visual acuity or ocular the excised fibrotic tissue was scarce British series of 23 patients, although
surface disease. In eyes in which the and fragmentary, and we could not this was not discussed in depth (Gore
fibrosis was distinctly elevated, the produce adequate immunohistochemi- et al. 2013). In addition, two-thirds of
identification of the surgical plane cal stainings using it. The immunohis- our patients, all patients in the initial
between the stroma and fibrosis was tochemical analysis of the remaining description (Maust & Raber 2003) and
relatively simple, and the postoperative eleven specimens of nine patients almost one-half in the British series
result was generally favourable (Table 3) revealed abundant flattened (Gore et al. 2013) suffered from ocular
(Fig. 3). In patients who had only cells that were immunoreactive for surface irritation, which may have been
slightly elevated fibrosis, the identifica- vimentin between the collagenous caused by the irregular corneal surface
tion of the surgical plane was more lamellae (Figs 4 and 5). In all speci- and unstable tear film, leading to
difficult, and the excision easily became mens, further stainings identified a ocular surface disease, or have been
either unnecessarily superficial or deep heterogenous population of mesenchy- an underlying feature leading to PSHD
(not shown). We did not need to mal cells consisting of three main types in predisposed individuals. Our series
perform any reoperations. that varied in proportion among the has a very strong female predomi-
specimens and areas of the fibrotic nance, and most patients were middle-
tissue. The main types were myofibro- aged. These findings are also in line
Histopathological analysis
blast-like cells characterized by SMA with previous studies of PSHD that
The excised tissue was always sufficient (Fig. 4), fibroblasts resembling kerato- were based on less stringent criteria
for light microscopy. For two patients, cytes in their being immunoreactive for (Maust & Raber 2003; Jeng & Millstein
specimens were available from both CD34 (Fig. 5) and bland fibroblast-like 2006; Gore et al. 2013; J€ arventausta
eyes (#5 and 9 in Table 2). The findings cells that were immunopositive only for et al. 2014).
were similar in each patient. The thick- vimentin (Figs 4 and 5). In three of the None of the patients had a history or
ness of the epithelium varied and com- nine patients, myofibroblast-like cells signs of concurrent inflammation of the
pensated for the variable thickness of predominated over CD34-positive ones conjunctiva or the cornea, which some-
the subepithelial fibrosis. The epithe- (Fig. 4), whereas in four patients, times occur in SND (Farjo et al. 2006).
lium was attenuated to between two CD34-positive cells predominated over Only one patient had a history of
and five cell layers (Figs 4 and 5) and myofibroblasts (Fig. 5), and in two systemic autoimmune or auto-inflam-
was thinnest when the underlying fibro- patients, approximately equal propor- matory disease, contact lens wearing or
sis was thickest. Its basement mem- tions of both cell types were observed. injury, which again aided in differenti-
brane was thin and mostly continuous, In all specimens, some to many vimen- ating PSHD from SND. Although
but in some sections, it was discontin- tin-positive fibroblast-like cells, scat- Meibomian gland disease is found in
uous, fragmented or had a porous tered CD68-positive macrophages about 50% of SND patients (Farjo
appearance. Bowman’s layer was pres- (Fig. 5) and single CD45-positive lym- et al. 2006), none in our series had this
ent in one specimen only. There, it phocytes (not shown) were identified. disease, which is in line with previous
partially adhered to the deep surface of reports (Maust & Raber 2003; Gore
the excised subepithelial fibrosis et al. 2013). By definition, the leading
(Fig. 4), suggesting that in other eyes,
Discussion objective sign of typical PSHD was
it remained in the surgical bed. The We have refined the diagnostic criteria elevated perilimbal subepithelial fibrosis
subepithelial fibrosis strikingly recapit- for typical PHSD in an effort to shed with adjacent superficial neovascular-
ulated the collagenous lamellar archi- light on its typical clinical and histo- ization. This fibrosis causes the thicken-
tecture of the cornea, with intervening pathological features. It is possible and ing of the peripheral to midperipheral

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(E) (F)


(I) (J)

Fig. 4. Keratectomy specimen (patient #8) representing peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration (PHSD). Toward corneal periphery,
relatively loose perilimbal tissue (plt) with superficial neovascular vessels (black arrowheads) and relatively more abundant and plumper fibroblast-
like cells adjacent to less cellular, irregularly lamellar fibrous tissue (ft) without blood vessels are present (Panels A, C, E, G, & I). Corneal epithelium
over the fibrous tissue is attenuated (open arrowhead, panels A & B) and basement membrane over the perilimbal tissue (white arrowheads, panel C)
is thicker than over the fibrous tissue. The fibrous tissue appears hypocellular as judged by the number of visible nuclei (Panels A & C), but antibodies
to vimentin identify many more cells (Panel E). CD34 epitope-positive cells resembling keratocytes in this specimen are limited to the perilimbal tissue
(Panel G) whereas cells in the superficial layers of the fibrous tissue are smooth-muscle actin-immunoreactive myofibroblasts (Panel J). The deeper
fibrous layers remain unlabelled. The deep surface of this specimen has a fragment of putative Bowman’s layer (arrowhead) at the centre of the fibrous
tissue (Panels A, C, E, G & I). Otherwise, the findings resemble those of the deceptively hypocellular appearing fibrous tissue in the deeper layers at
the limbal margin (Panels B & D). Only some of the abundant fibroblast-like cells identified with antibodies to vimentin (Panel F) are labelled either
for CD34 epitope (open arrowheads, panel H), smooth muscle actin (open arrowheads, panel J), as highlighted in the insets or CD68 epitope of
macrophages (not shown). Panels A–D are light microscopic images, panels E–J are immunohistochemical stainings. HE, haematoxylin-eosin; PAS;
periodic acid-Schiff, Vim, vimentin; CD, cluster of definition (epitope); and SMA, smooth muscle actin.

cornea and the flattening of the central not seem to have any beneficial influ- (Table 2). We recommend that if the
cornea in the involved quadrant, and it ence, as reported previously (Maust & astigmatism is three dioptres or more
frequently occurs bilaterally in the supe- Raber 2003; Jeng & Millstein 2006; or shows considerable irregularity,
rior nasal quadrant. Gore et al. 2013; J€ arventausta et al. keratectomy should be considered.
Peripheral hypertrophic subepitheli- 2014), and thus, symptomatic patients Another indication for surgery is
al degeneration seems to be a very slow seem to be good candidates for surgery. unstable tear film and consequent dry
progressing disease (Jeng & Millstein The excision of the fibrotic tissue, if eye syndrome or ocular surface disease.
2006), and thus, an initially conserva- performed in the correct surgical plane, After excision, we use an anti-inflam-
tive wait-and-see attitude is acceptable will diminish the astigmatism by matory therapy similar to that used
in most cases. However, lubricants did roughly half in our experience after phototherapeutic keratectomy to

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

Table 3. Semiquantitative immunohistochemical characteristics of keratectomy specimens from

typical peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration (PHSD). Number of immunolabelled
cells was graded as most (50–100%) +++; many (25–49%) ++, some (5–24%) +; few (1–4%) (+);
single ; and none .

ID Vimentin CD34 SMA CD68e CD45

(A) 1 NS ++  (+) 
2* +++ + + (+) 
5* +++ ++ + NS 
7 +++ ++ (+) 
8 +++ + + (+) (+)**
9 +++ + +++ + (+)**
10 +++ + ++ NS 
(B) 12 +++ (+) ++ + 
14 ++ + (+) 

* Included also in J€arventausta et al. 2014.

** At perilimbal margin.
NS, not stained.

excision of typical PSHD, although in extensively contact other keratocytes
the British series, a small number of and the extracellular matrix, although
recurrences was reported (Gore et al. the ligand of CD34 in the cornea
2013). Based on our findings, we do not remains unknown (Joseph et al.
currently recommend the use of mito- 2003). A keratocyte would initially
mycin C or other antimetabolites at the need to migrate between the epithelium
time of surgery. and Bowman’s layer to cause PSHD in
The light microscopic findings con- which the stroma itself seems to be
(D) sisted of non-specific, apparently hyp- normal. This could happen either
ocellular fibrosis with abundant through an existing opening along a
depositions of collagen and a lack of nerve ending or after a breach has
inflammation; they were identical to developed in Bowman’s layer for some
those previously reported for the four- reason.
teen eyes of nine patients (Maust & Cell culture experiments have shown
Raber 2003; Jeng & Millstein 2006; that under most culture conditions,
Gore et al. 2013). Immunohistochem- keratocytes lose CD34 and other kera-
istry, however, identified three distinct tocyte-specific markers and differenti-
Fig. 5. Keratectomy specimen (patient #7)
populations of vimentin-immunoposi- ate into spindle-shaped, proliferating,
representing peripheral hypertrophic subepi- tive flat mesenchymal cells in various SMA-positive myofibroblasts (Espana
thelial degeneration (PHSD) from the centre of proportions between the collagenous et al. 2004; Barbaro et al. 2006; Ebi-
the fibrous tissue (panels A–E). Panels A and B lamellae, allowing our first insights into hara et al. 2007). This is mediated by
show routine stainings and panels C–E are the possible pathogenetic mechanisms transforming growth factor-b1 (TGF-
immunohistochemical stainings. Corneal epi- underlying PSHD (Fig. 6). In all spec- b1). A similar response is evident in
thelium over the fibrous tissue is attenuated imens except one, a population of the inflammatory and traumatic corneal
(arrowhead, panel A) and basement membrane
cells reacted with antibodies to CD34, scars, including complicated keratoc-
is thin (white arrowhead, panel B). No blood
vessels are found, and the deep surface has no
which is characteristic of mature kera- onus, in which the fibroblast-like cells
fragments of Bowman’s layer. Although the tocytes in adult human cornea (Toti are typically CD34-negative and SMA-
fibrous tissue appears hypocellular as judged et al. 2002; Joseph et al. 2003; Espana positive myofibroblasts (Toti et al.
by the number of visible nuclei (panel A & B), et al. 2004; Barbaro et al. 2006; Maat- 2002; Maatta et al. 2006). Such myo-
antibodies to vimentin identify abundant fibro- ta et al. 2006; Ebihara et al. 2007; fibroblastic cells were also identified in
blast-like cells (panel C), most of which are Perrella et al. 2007; Samimi et al. all PHSD specimens but two, and they
CD34 epitope-positive and resemble kerato- 2007; Thill et al. 2007; Builles et al. were likely derived from activated
cytes in this specimen (panel D), and only
2008). Keratocytes belong to a subset keratocytes (Fig. 6). This suggests that
single ones reacted either for smooth muscle
actin (not shown) or the CD68 epitope of
of fibroblast-like, mesenchymal, den- the fibrotic lesions undergo active
macrophages (panel E). HE, haematoxylin- dritic interstitial cells on which this remodelling as the fibrosis matures,
eosin; PAS; periodic acid-Schiff and Vim, heavily glycosylated transmembrane which may contribute to corneal flat-
vimentin; and CD, cluster of definition sialomucin protein is selectively tening and irregular astigmatism.
(epitope). expressed. It is also found on hemato- The activating stimulus in PHSD
poietic stem cells, embryonic fibro- remains unknown. Cell culture studies
induce the rapid healing of the corneal blasts and vascular endothelial cells. show that under a high concentration
epithelium, as well as lubrication ther- CD34 is suspected of mediating the cell of TGF-b1, keratocytes rapidly down-
apy, for several months. We have not adhesion of keratocytes, which are regulate CD34 and differentiate into
had any recurrences so far after the elongated cells with processes that myofibroblasts (Espana et al. 2004).

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

keratocytes are mitotically quiescent,

this phenotype might contribute to the
slow progression of PSHD in many
Finally, data from cell cultures has
also shown that once keratocytes have
differentiated into myofibroblasts, they
may be induced to down-regulate
SMA, for example, by changing the
environment or via fibroblast growth
factor, although the cells do not regain
CD34-positivity (Maltseva et al. 2001;
Espana et al. 2004; Perrella et al.
Fig. 6. Potential pathogenetic pathways in peripheral hypertrophic subepithelial degeneration 2007). While such a down-regulation
(PHSD). CD34-positive keratocytes may become activated, migrate into the subepithelial space of SMA would provide a plausible
and proliferate following a microenvironmental change. In an environment with low TGF-b1 alternative explanation for the presence
concentration, such as low-grade inflammation, and possibly also insufficient extracellular of SMA- and CD34-negative fibro-
calcium, activated keratocytes may differentiate into collagen-producing CD34-negative fibro- blasts in PHSD and would also help
blasts. In an environment with high TGF-b1 concentration and sufficient extracellular calcium, to explain the rarity of recurrences, it
activated CD34-positive keratocytes or CD34-negative fibroblasts may differentiate into CD34-
does not explain the CD34-immuno-
negative, SMA-positive myofibroblasts, which modulate the fibrosis and induce astigmatism.
Possibly these cells may eventually revert back to SMA-negative quiescent fibroblasts, whereas positive cells in our PSHD specimens
later upregulation of CD34 is unlikely to account for the presence of CD34-positive keratocyte- (Fig. 6).
like cells in PSHD. Alternatively, bone marrow-derived stem cells in the corneal stroma or scleral Keratocytes are not the only poten-
fibroblasts could serve as the initiating CD34-positive cells, or a mutation might initiate the tial precursor cells of PHSD in the
cascade or prohibit efficient upregulation of TGF-b1. cornea (Fig. 6). CD34 is also found in
scleral and limbal fibroblasts (Toti
et al. 2002; Espana et al. 2004), and
However, when the concentration of synthesizing fibroblasts in PSHD these cells might migrate between Bow-
TGF-b1 is low, keratocytes only down- (Fig. 6). It should be noted, however, man’s layer and the epithelium to
regulate CD34 and do not transform that CD34- and SMA-negative kerato- initiate PHSD. More recently, a sub-
into myofibroblasts (Espana et al. cytes that apparently do not produce population of corneal stromal cells that
2004). The fibroblast-like cells that collagen also exist, as has been found co-expresses CD34 and CD133, a
have only lost CD34 are thought to in uncomplicated keratoconus and marker of bone marrow-derived stem
synthesize collagen (Samimi et al. around deposits of macular dystrophy cells, has been identified (Perrella et al.
2007). Such a cell type would not only (Toti et al. 2002). Another possibility is 2007; Thill et al. 2007). Studies of
account for the vimentin-positive, that the environment might quench a short-term cell cultures suggest that
CD34-negative and SMA-negative signal that would otherwise up-regulate about 10 to 20 per cent of CD34-
population identified in all PHSD spec- TGF-b1. Cell culture experiments show immunopositive corneal stromal cells
imens, but it would also help to explain that, e.g., low levels of extracellular might originate in the bone marrow
the abundant collagen deposition that calcium concentrations and culturing (Perrella et al. 2007; Thill et al. 2007)
is characteristic of this degeneration on the amniotic membrane will allow and that these can differentiate into
(Fig. 6). The activated quiescent kera- the proliferation of keratocytes in the keratocyte-like fibroblasts (Thill et al.
tocytes around the intracorneal ring absence of their transformation into 2007), which might contribute to repar-
segments that apparently produce col- CD34-negative, SMA-positive myofi- ative processes in the cornea. Thus, a
lagen do not express SMA and have broblasts (Espana et al. 2004; Kawak- third alternative precursor cell might be
lost CD34 (Samimi et al. 2007), reca- ita et al. 2006). Finally, it is possible a CD34-positive, bone marrow-derived
pitulating this particular phenotype of that a mutation might render a kera- stem cell previously resident in the
PHSD specimens. tocyte and its progeny unable to up- cornea or recently migrated into the
Potentially, the absence of a signif- regulate TGF-b1 efficiently, an event subepithelial space from the bone
icant inflammatory reaction after the that normally precedes differentiation marrow.
minimally invasive procedure (Samimi into a myofibroblast. Our immunohistochemical studies
et al. 2007) might account for the low Cell culture experiments have thus confirmed a lack of inflammatory cells
TGF-b1 levels and the failure of acti- shown that at least under certain con- expressing LCA (CD45) within PSHD
vated keratocytes to differentiate into ditions and for some time, keratocytes specimens. In the perilimbal tissue, a
myofibroblasts after ring segment can proliferate without losing CD34 small population of immunopositive
implantation. Similarly, a putative (Perrella et al. 2007), as seems to be the cells was present, along with focal
smouldering, low-grade inflammation case in many PHSD specimens based neovascular vessels. Likewise, CD68-
barely sufficient to up-regulate TGF-b1 on our immunohistochemical findings immunopositive macrophages, while
secretion from keratocytes might (Fig. 6). This was the predominant cell present in almost all specimens, were
maintain an environment favouring type in four of our specimens and typically few in number but were more
differentiation predominantly into formed a minority population in most numerous in the perilimbal tissue. The
CD34- and SMA-negative collagen- of the remaining cases. Because normal reason for the superficial limbal

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014

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Received on October 30th, 2013.
Acknowledgements leucocyte antigen genes. Acta Ophthalmol
92: 71–76. Accepted on February 15th, 2014.
This study was supported by grants Jeng BH & Millstein ME (2006): Reduction of
hyperopia and astigmatism after superficial Correspondence:
from the Finnish Eye Foundation, the
keratectomy of peripheral hypertrophic sub- Juha Holopainen
Finnish Eye and Tissue Bank Founda- Helsinki University Eye Hospital
epithelial corneal degeneration. Eye Contact
tion, the Mary and Georg C Ehrnrooth Haartmaninkatu 4C
Lens 32: 153–156.
Foundation, the Sigrid Juselius Foun- Joseph A, Hossain P, Jham S, Jones RE, Tighe Helsinki 00290
dation, the Helsinki University Central P, McIntosh RS & Dua HS (2003): Expres- Finland
Hospital Research Fund and the Evald sion of CD34 and L-selectin on human Tel: +35894711
and Hilda Nissi Foundation. corneal keratocytes. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Fax: +358975100
Sci 44: 4689–4692. Email:
Kawakita T, Espana EM, He H, Smiddy R,
Parel JM, Liu CY & Tseng SC (2006):
Barbaro V, Di Iorio E, Ferrari S, Bisceglia L,
Ruzza A, De Luca M & Pellegrini G (2006):


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