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1. Conversion of physical quantities from one unit to another unit.

2. Propagation of errors.
3. Derive the kinematic equations of motion for constant acceleration.
4. Explain in detail the triangle law of addition.
5. What are concurrent forces? State Lami’s theorem.
6. Free body diagram. Exmple 3.1, 3.11, 3.12
7. Explain the need for banking of tracks.
8. Explain centripetal force, acceleration, centrifugal force. Write their
similarities and differences.
9. Explain the motion in vertical circle.
10.Elastic and inelastic collision.
11.Work energy theorem.
12.Parallel and perpendicular axes theorem.
13.Types of equilibrium with examples.
14.Discuss the rolling on inclined plane and arrive at the expression for the
15.Escape speed and orbital velocity and their expressions
16.Variation of g with altitude, depth and latitude.
17.Apparent weight in elevators
18.Describe the construction and working of venturimeter.
19.Derive Poiseuille’s formula
20.Work done in isothermal, adiabatic process.
21.State Newton’s law of cooling and Working of refrigerator.
22.Explain in detail the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution function.
23.Postulates of Kinetic theory of gases.
24.Describe horizontal / vertical oscillations of a spring.
25. Explain four different types of oscillations.
26. Doppler effect and its various cases.
27.Explain the overtones produced in close /open organ pipe.
28.Newton’s formula for velocity of sound waves and Laplace correction.
1. Precision and accuracy.
2. Rules of significant figures, Rounding off
3. What is scalar, vector? Give examples. Write some properties of scalar and
vector products.
4. State Newton’s first, second and third law.
5. Static friction and dynamic friction
6. Define Inertia. Explain Inertia of rest, motion and direction with examples.
7. Expression of power and velocity.
8. Explain Conservation of angular momentum with example. List out the laws
of photoelectric effect.
9. Show that the path of a projectile is a parabola.
10.Explain oblique projection and derive an expression for max. height, time of
flight, Horizontal range, resultant velocity.
12.Kepler’s laws
13.State and prove pascal’s law / Archimedes principle
14.PV diagram for isothermal, adiabatic, isochoric and isobaric process.
15.State the laws of simple pendulum.
16.Spring connected in series / parallel.
17.Laws of transverse vibrations of a string
18.Characteristics of progressive / stationary waves.
1. Applications and limitations of Dimensional analysis.
2. Fundamental and derived quantities and units.
3. Dimensional and dimensionless variables and constants with examples.
4. Differentiate distance and displacement ; velocity and average velocity,
5. Condition for skidding, condition for pure rolling
6. Push or pull . Which is easier to move an object?
7. Differentiate conservative and non-conservative forces.
8. State principle of moments.
9. Define centre of mass, centre of gravity, torque.
10.Why a cyclist bends while negotiating a curved road?
11.State Universal law of gravitation
12.Why the energy of the satellite is negative?
13.Define weight.
14.Why there is no lunar and solar eclipse on every month.
15.State Hooke’s law, Pascal’s law, law of floatation, Bernoulli’s theorem.
16.Which one is more elastic steel or rubber? Why?
17.Define surface tension, poisson’s ratio, terminal velocity, reynold’s number.
18.State Zeroth, first and second law of thermodynamics.
19.What is black body?
20.What is equation of state? Give an example.
21.Define specific heat capacity, molar specific heat capacity, laten heat
capacity. Give their units.
22.What is meant by thermal equilibrium?
23.Why moon has no atmosphere?
24. Brownian motion
25.Define mean free path, degrees of freedom and list the factors affecting
mean free path.
26.Define force constant of a spring. Give its unit.
27.Differentiate longitudinal and transverse waves.
28.Define intensity and loudness of sound.
29.Why do we have seasons on earth?

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