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Fire Control Panel

BMZ detect 3004

Instruction Manual

Minimum software version:

detectomat GmbH Central Phone: +49 (0) 4102-2114-60
An der Strusbek 5 Fax: +49 (0) 4102-2114-670
D – 22926 Ahrensburg
Hotline: You can find our current hotline number under
CE conformity certification: 0786-CPD-20817
Manual no.: 56260 Version 2.5 - January 2014

Version 2.5 2
detect 3004 Installation Manual Content

1 Explanations for the installation manual .............................................6
1.1 Purpose of the installation manual ....................................................................................6

1.2 About the standard requirements ......................................................................................6

2 General safety instructions ..................................................................8

2.1 Intended use ....................................................................................................................8

3 New features .........................................................................................9

3.1 General updates in detect 3004 units sold in August 2009 or later (software version
6E_01 or higher) ..............................................................................................................9

3.2 Updates of the software version 6E_05...........................................................................11

3.3 Updates of the software version 6E_06...........................................................................14

3.4 Updates of the software version 6E_07...........................................................................15

4 Operation or service mode .................................................................17

5 LCD display..........................................................................................18
5.1 Message display on the LCD ...........................................................................................18

5.2 Displaying system faults .................................................................................................19

5.3 Current counters in the last display line ..........................................................................20

5.4 Memory overflow ............................................................................................................20

5.5 Display of pre-alarms (50% smoke) ................................................................................22

6 LED displays ........................................................................................23

7 Access permissions ............................................................................25
8 Internal and external buzzer ..............................................................27
9 Lamp test.............................................................................................28
10 Enable / DisableTransmission Unit ....................................................29
11 General reset .......................................................................................30
12 Enable /disabling at the fire control panel. .......................................31
12.1 Enable/disable addressable detectors .............................................................................31

12.2 Enabling / Disabling zones and conventional circuits ....................................................32

12.3 Disable / Enable Sounder circuits ...................................................................................33

12.4 Turning review off/on (Test state) ...................................................................................34

12.5 Disable/ Enable extinguishing .........................................................................................36

12.6 Disable / Enable delays ...................................................................................................36

12.6.1 Delay on (day mode) ..........................................................................................37

12.6.2 Delay off (night mode) .......................................................................................37

12.7 Disable / Enable outputs .................................................................................................38

13 Behaviour of relays and OC outputs ...................................................39

13.1 Behaviour of OC outputs on the transmission system interface - System parameter 5.2 .39

Version 2.5 3

14 Behaviour of relays and OC outputs ...................................................40

14.1 Behaviour of OC outputs on the transmission system interface - System parameter 5.2 .40

14.2 Behaviour of the OC output and "Alarm" relay - System parameter 14:...........................40

14.3 Behaviour of the OC output and "Main Alarm" relay - System parameter 15 ...................41
14.4 Participation in "Transmission line disablement " and " Fire output disablement " for the
relays and OC outputs Alarm/Main Alarm (system parameter 31) ....................................42

15 Programming the fire control panel ...................................................43

15.1 "Printer output" menu ....................................................................................................44

15.1.1 Print detector data .............................................................................................45

15.1.2 [ 1 ] " Zones": ...................................................................................................45

15.1.3 Print alarm organisation ....................................................................................48

15.1.4 Print FIFO (storage) ............................................................................................49

15.1.5 Printing (system) parameters .............................................................................49

15.1.6 Printing programming Zones .............................................................................49

15.2 "Set time" menu ............................................................................................................49

15.3 "Diagnostics" menu .......................................................................................................50

15.3.1 Displaying detector data ....................................................................................51

15.3.2 Detector test .....................................................................................................60

15.3.3 Message FIFO....................................................................................................61

15.3.4 Data error ..........................................................................................................62

15.3.5 General status ...................................................................................................62

15.4 "Alarm counter" menu....................................................................................................64

15.5 "System Data" menu ......................................................................................................64

15.5.1 "Detector data" menu .......................................................................................65

15.5.2 "Alarm organisation" menu ...............................................................................67

15.5.3 "Adr/Scan detectors" menu ...............................................................................87

15.5.4 "Parameters" menu ..........................................................................................90

15.5.5 "Initialization" menu ........................................................................................105

16 Other instructions .............................................................................108

16.1 Description of alarm states ...........................................................................................108

16.2 TCM in alarm dependencies .........................................................................................108

16.3 Description of Battery RI fault .......................................................................................109

16.4 Description of system faults..........................................................................................110

16.4.1 Central computer.............................................................................................110

16.4.2 checksum EPROM ...........................................................................................110

16.4.3 data checksum RAM .......................................................................................111

16.4.4 RTC real-time clock .........................................................................................112

16.4.5 Central computer (redundant CPU)...................................................................112

16.4.6 No loop card ....................................................................................................112

Version 2.5 4
detect 3004 Installation Manual Content

16.4.7 Data exception in central computer .................................................................113

16.4.8 Cyclical detector data Assembly 1 ...................................................................113

16.4.9 Cyclical detector data Assembly 2 ...................................................................113

16.4.10 Communications fault with MC card ................................................................114

16.4.11 Communications fault on LCard 1 ...................................................................114

16.4.12 Communications fault on LCard 2 ...................................................................115

16.4.13 Incorrect address, LCard 3-8 ...........................................................................115

16.4.14 Configuration ...................................................................................................115

16.4.15 System fault without display ............................................................................115

16.4.16 Instructions for loop extension .........................................................................116

17 Rules for standards-compliant operation ........................................117

17.1 EN 54 rules...................................................................................................................117

17.2 VdS 2095 rules .............................................................................................................117

18 Assembly instructions ......................................................................118

19 Commissioning..................................................................................119
19.1 General commissioning ................................................................................................119

19.2 Transmission unit adjustment of "LP3363-TU-add on ...................................................123

20 Maintenance instructions for detect 3004 fire control panel .........124

21 Technical Data ..................................................................................126
22 System overview ...............................................................................127
23 Control overview of programming level ...........................................131
24 Overview of installed components ...................................................132
25 Installation schemati ADP-N3E & ADP-FBF .....................................133
26 Installation schematic SDA-3P on motherboard .............................134
27 Activation of external signalling devices .........................................135
28 Analogue values of the loop nodes relative to the loop card software
versions .............................................................................................138
29 Behaviour of the DLI 3240 and fire control panel after error during
scanning procedure ..........................................................................142
30 Behaviour of the DLI 3240 and fire control panel after error during
autoaddressing .................................................................................143

Version 2.5 5
Explanations for the installation manual

1 Explanations for the installation

1.1 Purpose of the installation manual
This manual is addressed to technical qualified users who are or are being especially trained in the
operation and installation of the detect 3004 central fire alarm system. As operator and as user,
you are obligated to read and understand this installation manual, particularly the section "General
safety instructions". This manual contains relevant information for operation and maintenance. It
should help you use the BMZ detect 3004 efficiently and safely as intended.

About this installation manual

The following conventions are used in this manual:

Lists with bullet points contain information, not work steps.

 Numbered lists contain a sequence of steps or hierarchically arranged information.

 Text within quotation marks indicates menu selections.

 Keyboard commands are shown in square brackets, for example [ Reset ]

This operating manual uses the following pictograms. They clearly present hazards, warnings and
important instructions. These pictograms must absolutely be observed.

Caution! Danger of electric shock.

Turn off the power supply before working with connections carrying
electricity. The user's attention is drawn to procedures and conditions that
could result in bodily injury or even death.

The user's attention is drawn to procedures and conditions that could result
in damage to the machine or economic losses.

The user is provided with additional information that is essential for
successful use and for thorough understanding of the product.

1.2 About the standard requirements

The central fire alarm system includes the following options with requirements as defined in DIN EN


§ 8.3 Fault messages from detection points

§ 7.13 Alarm counter

Version 2.5 6
detect 3004 Installation Manual Explanations for the installation manual


§ 7.11: Transmission delay

§ 7.12.1: Type A dependency on more than one signal

§ 7.12.2: Type B dependency on more than one signal

§ 9.5: Disablement of addressable points

§ 10: Test condition


§ 7.8: Output for control of fire alarm devices

§ 7.9.1: Output to control fire alarm routing equipment

§ 7.10.1: Output Type A to control fire protection equipment

§ 7.10.3: Output Type C to control fire protection equipment

§ 8.9: Transmission to fault message routing equipment

§ 11: Standardised input/output interface, not complete, but fire control and display panels
can be connected


§ 7.9.2 Alarm confirmation input from fire alarm routing equipment

§ 7.10.4 Fault monitoring of fire protection equipment

The following options are available with requirements in accordance with DIN EN 12094, Part 1:

§ 4.17: Trigger signal delay

§ 4.18: Signal that represents the flow of extinguishing agent

§ 4.19: Monitoring of the condition / position of components

§ 4.20: Stop key

§ 4.21: Control of flooding time

§ 4.22: Initiating an additional release

§ 4.23: Pure manual mode

§ 4.24: Control signals to devices within the fire extinguishing system

§ 4.26: Control of devices outside the fire extinguishing system

The use of the following optional functions is not permitted:

§. 4.20.b Stop key (variant Figure 6)

In its standard configuration (as delivered from the factory) the control panel meets the
requirements of EN54.

However, it is possible to make intentional changes to the hardware configuration and system
parameters that allow the system to operate outside the standard.
Some rules are checked in the tool and confirmed with an appropriate warning, but this check is
not carried out when changes are made directly at the control panel. The rules are described in
Section 17 Rules for standards-compliant operation.

Version 2.5 7
General safety instructions

2 General safety instructions

The detect 3004 control fire alarm panel corresponds to the current state of the art and meets the
requirements of all applicable safety regulations. There can still be a risk if it is operated
improperly or abused

to the life and limb of the user or others

 to the BMZ detect 3004 and other property of the operator

 for the efficient use of the detect 3004 central fire alarm panel

2.1 Intended use

The detect 3004 central fire alarm panel is a component of a fire alarm system that consists of a
variety of interchangeable and compatible assemblies, from small individual control fire alarm
systems up to multiply networked large systems. It is exclusively intended for the detection,
evaluation and transmission of the measured values recorded at the detection points (for example,
smoke concentration or temperature).

The intended use also includes the following:

Observation of and compliance with the safety instructions in this installation manual
 Compliance with the maintenance instructions in this installation manual

Detectomat GmbH cannot accept liability for damages resulting from failure to use the detect 3004
central fire alarm panel as intended.

Requirements of the operator

The installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of the fire alarm system may only be
carried out by companies that are certified to have the technical knowledge and skills necessary.

In an installed, ready-to-operate BMZ detect 3004, operating actions may only be carried out by
authorised, trained personnel in compliance with safety regulations.

For safety reasons and to avoid operating error, the passwords required for operation should only
be disclosed to this personnel.
The installation manual contains no information about general or special knowledge of safety
systems. Information about all safety technology procedures and regulations (including, for
example, behaviour in case of alarm, operation schedules, layouts, alarm organisation etc.) is a
requirement for the operation of the BMZ detect 3004.

Version 2.5 8
detect 3004 Installation Manual New features

3 New features
3.1 General updates in detect 3004 units sold in August
2009 or later
(software version 6E_01 or higher)

Central panel software:

A detect 3004 unit sold August 2009 or later may only be operated with a software version of
"6E_01_xx" or higher.

MC card:
An MC card must always be installed in the detect 3004. The MC card handles the functions of
internal battery resistance monitoring and provision of the extinguisher interface. If the
extinguisher interface is not used, then both inputs "Extinguisher response" and "Extinguisher
fault" must be terminated on the MC card with 3.3 kΩ resistors. The MC card is a new add-on
card that is mounted on one of the detector assembly positions.

Detector assemblies:
The detector assemblies to be used may have software version "4.xx", "5.xx", or later. If the
detect 3004 will be upgraded with a second detector assembly, the MC card must first be

Then the new detector assembly is installed instead of the MC card. The detector assembly is
screwed in place with a spacer so that the MC card can be fastened piggyback onto the detector

Transmission unit interface:

For detect 3004 units sold in August 2009 or later, a system installed in compliance with VdS
guidelines may only use the new transmission unit interface available under item no. 32585. For
installations not recognised by VdS, the transmission system must meet the requirements of the
EN60950 safety standard. If transmission unit interface 32585 is in use, after connecting the
transmission unit (main detector), the transmission unit line must be calibrated using the new
trimmers. There are separate adjustment instructions for this procedure in Section 19.2
Transmission unit adjustment of "LP3363-TU-add on .

Programming with the detectomat programming tool (dpt):

When programming a detect 3004 unit sold in August 2009 or later, only a copy of dpt with
version "6.30" or newer may be used. Caution: System parameter 16 in the BMZ detect 3004
must then be set to setting 02 for programming with dpt. (The previous setting was 01)
When using software 6E_05, please read and note Section 3.2 Updates of the software version
6E_05 .


If a detect 3004 unit sold in August 2009 or later or an ABF with the new software (see below) is
connected to an FAT fire display panel, ZPA parallel indicator display, or FAT in an FIBS fire brigade
information and control panel, then the FAT or ZPA must run with the firmware "fat2_dbm_V-4-
24-12-04.hex" (or "fat2_dbm_V-4-24-12-04-lpt.hex" for an FAT with printer output). Please
check the FAT or ZPA to be used and carry out a software update if necessary.
When using software 6E_05, please read and note Section 3.2 Updates of the software version
6E_05 .

Version 2.5 9
New features

CD fire display panel:

If an LCD fire display panel will be connected to a detect 3004 unit sold in August 2009 or later, or
in a network with an ABF with the new software (see below), then the LCD fire display panel must
run with the firmware "70t_R10.a37" or newer.

When using software 6E_05, please read and note Section 3.2 Updates of the software version
6E_05 .

ABF Master:
If a detect 3004 unit sold in August 2009 or later will be operated in a network with an ABF
master, the ABF master must run with the software "4ME_08_xx" or "3ME_08_xx" or newer.

ABF Slave:
If a detect 3004 unit sold in August 2009 or later will be operated in a network with an ABF slave,
the ABF slave must run with the software "4SE_08_xx" or "3SE_08_xx" or newer.

Replacement components:
The central computer, cursor board (under the display), LCD display, MC card, LED board for the
extinguisher interface and the transmission unit interface components are changed or new with
respect to detect 3004 units sold before August 2009. If replacement components are needed for
detect 3004 units sold in August 2009 or later, please contact our order handling department and
specify the item number of the control panel.

Functional changes:
The "Display and operation" mode for remote maintenance can no longer be used. It is also no
longer possible to connect a modem to the RS232 interface of the control panel.

The control panel now offers the option of manual switching of the detector sensitivity levels. This
requires the use of a TCM 3300. The programming of this function is described under "Alarm
organisation menu" – "Active modules" (see Section [ 1 ] Active-Module). The
simultaneous use of the manual sensitivity switch and time-controlled sensitivity switching is not

About the extinguishing interface and the extinguishing card:

All the specifications in this manual for the extinguishing interface concern the inputs and outputs
on the MC card for control of an external extinguishing system.
All specifications in this manual for the extinguishing card or extinguishing control card refer to the
optional DBM013 extinguishing card that can be integrated. If the "Disable FireX" function is used
at the fire control panel, only the extinguishing interface is deactivated, but not an optionally
integrated DBM013 extinguishing card!

Using the fire control panel in areas subject to DIN EN 54-13:

When using the fire control panel in 54-13 areas, it is mandatory that an SC-4 card is installed.

Sounders may only be connected through the SC-4 card.

The number of sounders that may be connected to one line on the SC-4 card depends on the
specific installation. It must be ensured that sufficient voltage according to manufacturer
specifications is applied even to the last sounder on the line in the active state.

Version 2.5 10
detect 3004 Installation Manual New features

3.2 Updates of the software version 6E_05

Updates to the 6E_05 software that must be taken into consideration during installation and
operation of the fire control detection system:

Programming with the detectomat programming tool:

To program a detect 3004 unit with software version 6E_05, the dpt version used must be 8.1 or

Displaying the (detector) assemblies recognised

In older software versions, the number of detector assemblies or alarm modules found is

In software version 6E_05, each recognised (detector) assembly is displayed separately with the
assembly type detected and the assembly address configured.

(See chapter 19.1 General commissioning)

Parameter settings

The meanings of many parameters have changed.

Some parameter values are now composed of multiple subparameters. These are marked with a *
in the parameter overview. The parameter value is composed of the settings of the different
subparameters. These parameters may only be changed by using the detectomat programming

(See chapter 15.5.4 "Parameters" menu)

Parameter 01 FBF type

This setting no longer influences which outputs/relays participate in enable Fire control system.
This must be configured separately using Parameter 31. Similarly, depending on the fire control
panel type, adjustments must be made under Parameter 05.

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 31 and explanations

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 05 and explanations)

Parameter 02 Control and Disabling of Signalling Devices has new meanings

There is now a distinction drawn between disabling and enabling for the Ext. Signalling Device
key. It is therefore now also possible to turn external signalling devices on and off from the enable
and diable menus.

The other configuration options for Parameter 02 have also changed.

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 02 and explanations

(See Section 12.3 Disable / Enable Sounder circuits )

Parameter 05 extended
Additional settings can now also be made for some inputs and outputs on the transmission unit

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 05 and explanations)

Parameter 17 eliminated

Parameter 17 has no function.

Version 2.5 11
New features

Functionality of Parameter 24 Reset Blocking has changed

The reset blocking function now makes a distinction whether the transmission unit has been
activated or an activation took place in an extinguishing card installed in the fire detection panel.

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 24 and explanations

(See chapter 11 General reset)

Parameter 28 Thresholds for Limit Value Detectors

In 6E_05, the default value for Parameter 28 is now 0 (setting "detectomat")

Parameters 14, 15 and 31 changed

These three parameters now support new setting options for the functionality of the OC outputs
and relays "Collective alarm" and "Main alarm" on the central computer
The OC outputs and relays "Collective alarm" and "Main alarm" can be programmed for different
events (for example, pre-alarms) using Parameters 14 and 15.

Parameter 31 can be used to program whether the OC outputs and relays participate in disable
Fire control unit or disable Transmission unit.

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 14 and explanations

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 15 and explanations

(See Section 15.5.4 Parameter 31 and explanations

(See chapter 14 Behaviour of relays and OC outputs)

How OC output 8 "Power supply fault" works on the central computer has changed.
If the fire control panel is a subpanel in a network with an ABF master, the output automatically
has the changed function "Bitbus fault". If the fire control panel is not a subpanel (a fire control
panel without a network, or the fire control panel itself is the master), this output still has the old
function of "Power supply fault".

Functionality of Input 3 "Enable/disable transmission unit" changed on the central computer

If the fire control panel is a subpanel in a network with an ABF master, the input automatically has
the changed function "Network fault on fibre optic segment".
If the fire control panel is not a subpanel (a fire control panel without a network, or the fire control
panel itself is the master), this output still has the old function of "Enable/disable Transmission

Changed configuration options for loop modules

The dpt can be used to configure multiple options.

It can be specified whether input/output modules and TCM modules are treated like automatic
detectors or like pushbutton call stations for alarm dependencies or delays. To do this, the
corresponding detector type must be selected for the module.

The output of an input/output module can be changed to signalling device behaviour.

The output of loop signalling device can be changed to the input/output module behaviour.
It can be specified for the outputs of input/output modules and loop sirens whether they participate
in Fire control unit Off.

All loop signalling devices not programmed under controllers are activated according to the setting
under Parameter 02.

Version 2.5 12
detect 3004 Installation Manual New features

Input/output modules in FSC zones and Fire control unit Off

Fire control system Off has no effect on input/output modules in FSC groups, even if this is
programmed differently in dpt, since the activation of FSCs may not be blocked. On this topic,
please see Section [ 5 ] FSC zones (fire safety closure).

Review mode
Disabling of review is possible no earlier than 2 minutes after the last detector reset. The red
detector LED is only activated in review mode after the first trigger from the specific detector.
The total number of detectors triggered in review mode is displayed in a separate review counter.
This can be retrieved with the Review Counter key. The review counter can be reset using the dpt.

Diagnostics detector test

A detector test can only be carried out under Diagnostics if the zone that contains the detector is
switched to review mode.

Changed keypad layout

The Detector and Zone keys are now used for the alarm counter and review counter.
When the software is updated from earlier versions, the appropriate insert strips must be replaced
to label the keys.

Alarm dependency
For two-zone dependency, the fire brigade is alarmed when two detectors in the dependency area
are in the alarm state. So it doesn't matter whether one detector in each zone is in the alarm state
or two detectors are in the alarm state in a single group.

TCM alarm dependency

The TCM can now be run in alarm dependencies.

Last detector in the reference area for alarm dependency and Disablements
If detectors or groups are shut off in the area of a two-detector or two-group dependency so that
the alarm dependency can no longer be met, then the fire brigade will be alarmed even if a single
detector triggers in that area.

Fire Alarm state

The fire control panel now also has the Fire Alarm State status. (Fire alarm without transmission
unit activation)

(On this topic, please see Section 16.1 Description of alarm states)

Building alarm zone triggers fire alarm status

In older versions of the software, an alarm from a building alarm zone is treated as an "internal
alarm". As of software version 6E_05, an alarm in a building alarm zone triggers the Fire Alarm

(On this topic, please see Section 16.1 Description of alarm states)

Enable or disabledetectors or detector zones

At most 32 detectors or 32 detector zones can be enabled or diabled in one step.

Disable detectors in the alarm state

Detectors that are actively in the alarm state can no longer be directly disabled using a detector or
zone shutoff. A reset must be carried out before the shutoff. Directly after the reset, the shutoff
can be carried out.

Version 2.5 13
New features

Display of pre-alarms

The display type of pre-alarms has changed

(On this topic, please see Section 5.5 Display of pre-alarms (50% smoke))

Reading in detectors and/or dpt data transmission for pending Disablements and alarms
If a detector should be read in or a dpt data transmission started while Disablements or alarms are
active on the fire control panel, the function may be blocked if this could lead to configuration
problems. In these cases, the corresponding Disablements or alarms must first be withdrawn. In
dpt or at the fire control panel, appropriate instructions will then be displayed.


When using the software version 6E_05, a FAT 2002(RE), ZPA 2002 or FAT 2002(RE) in the FIBS
connected to the fire control panel must be running software at version fat2_detect_V-4-24-12-
17.hex (or "fat2_dbm_V-4-24-12-17-lpt.hex" for a FAT with printer output).

When using the software version 6E_05, a FAT 3000 and the corresponding ADP-N3E connected
to the fire control panel must be running appropriate software. The adapted software version will
be available soon. The software version currently available is "". This version is not yet
adapted to the control panel software 6E_05. Use of the current version is possible for
commissioning. After the adapted version becomes available, an update of the FAT 3000 and ADP-
N3E must be carried out immediately.

LCD fire display panel

When using the software version 6E_05, an LCD fire display panel connected to the fire control
panel must be running software of at least version 70_R12.

3.3 Updates of the software version 6E_06

Updates to the 6E_06 software that must be taken into consideration during installation and
operation of the fire control detection system:

Programming with the detectomat programming tool:

To program a detect 3004 unit with software version 6E_06, the dpt version used must be
9.1.2196.0 or newer.

Parameter 16 changed
Parameter 16 can now be used as an extension to the familiar configuration options to select
between two different protocols for the "Display and operation" function.

Configuration operations for Parameter 16:

This parameter can only be configured at the fire control panel.

Setting [0] RS232 serial interface is deactivated.

Setting [1] Connecting a printer via RS232

Setting [2] dpt programming via RS232

Setting [3] FAT via RS232.

The connection to the FAT is not monitored.

Setting [4] FAT via RS232.

The connection to the FAT is monitored.

Setting [5] Display and operation of the "old" protocol via RS323

Setting [6] Display and operation of the "new" protocol via RS232

Version 2.5 14
detect 3004 Installation Manual New features

(On this topic, please see Section 15.5.4 "Parameters" menu Parameter 16 and the explanatory
text there)

Parameters 13 and 17 changed:

Parameters 13 and 17 can be used to configure the "Display and operation" function.
Parameters 13 and 17 are only significant when Parameter 16 has been used to select the setting
[6] "Display and operation new protocol".

Parameter 13 can now be used to configure the number of message repetitions.

Parameter 17 can now be used to configure the interval times of the heartbeat, the transmission of
client texts on events, as well as any fault messages on the RS232 interface.
(On this topic, please see Section 15.5.4 "Parameters" menu Parameter 13 and the explanatory
text there)

(On this topic, please see Section 15.5.4 "Parameters" menu Parameter 17 and the explanatory
text there)

Changing FAT treatment:

When using the software version 6E_06, a FAT 2002(RE), ZPA 2002 or FAT 2002(RE) in the FIBS
connected to the fire control panel must be running software at version fat2_detect_V-4-24-12-
22.hex (or "fat2_dbm_V-4-24-12-22-lpt.hex" for a FAT with printer output).

If Parameter 16 is set to value '4' (FAT monitored), the FAT will be resynchronised with the current
status of the fire control panel after an RS232 fault.

If Parameter 16 is set to value '3' (FAT not monitored), this synchronisation works if the return line
from the FAT to the fire control panel is connected. However, the RS232 fault will not be displayed
by the fire control panel. If the return line between the FAT and the fire control panel is not
connected, automatic synchronisation is not possible.

If Parameter 16 is set to value "3", we therefore recommend connecting the return line of the FAT.

Change to Input 3 of the control computer in network mode:

Evaluation of Input 3 Network Segment Fault from the fibre optic coupler was inverted with respect
to 6E_05_xx. If Input 3 is connected to 0V, then the fire control panel is in the idle state, and if the
input is open the message "Network fault" is issued.

If the fire control panel is a subpanel in a network without a fibre optic coupler with a fault output,
Input 3 on the control computer must be connected to GND to prevent the fire control panel from
permanently displaying "Network fault". When operating the fire control panel as a master panel
(for example when operating with an LCD display), this is unnecessary.

3.4 Updates of the software version 6E_07

Updates to the 6E_07 software that must be taken into consideration during installation and
operation of the fire control detection system:

Programming with the detectomat programming tool:

To program a detect 3004 unit with software version 6E_07, the dpt version used must be
9.3.2554 or newer.

New features in operation

The display criterion can now be entered in both "Detector data diagnostics" and "Detector data
printer output" if the detector zones are occupied with a zone offset (fire control panel as a
subpanel in a network).
System parameters 2, 5 and 20 have been changed:
The setting of System parameter 2 now provides the option that disabled signalling devices can
automatically become active again after a delay has elapsed.

Version 2.5 15
New features

The setting of System parameter 5 can now also specify whether the LED "Call fire brigade" will
be activated on a main alarm with the disable transmission unit.

The setting of System parameter 20 can now also specify the form in which the shutoff of loop
signalling devices or loop outputs is possible for fire control systems.

New features for output programming

With the software update, the output programming can now include an activation delay of up to
240 seconds in 5-second steps.
Using a "virtual output" as a buffer that is always available as a source, an area can be formed of
detectors and zones.

New features for OC outputs

The OC Output 1 "Disable sxternal signalling device" on the control computer is now also active if
the external signalling devices are shut off.

Version 2.5 16
detect 3004 Installation Manual Operation or service mode

4 Operation or service mode

The control panel has two modes, operation and service mode. The specific mode is displayed in
clear test form on the LCD display unless specific messages are displayed.
Ready mode is the normal mode, in which fire control panel messages are received from the
detector assemblies (loop or line cards) and the corresponding alarm actions are taken. For this
mode, the control panel door must be closed.
The panel switches to service mode when the control panel door is opened. In that moment, the
transmission unit (for example, the main fire alarm) is automatically shut off. This is a measure to
prevent accidental alarming of the fire brigade during work on the fire control panel. When the
control panel door is opened, the internal central panel buzzer is also disabled, so that it does not
disturb any personnel in the vicinity of the control panel.
It is also possible for the transmission unit also to be turned back on automatically when the door
is closed. To do this, the software parameter 20 must be set to "1" (see Section 15.5.4
"Parameters" menu).

Version 2.5 17
LCD display

5 LCD display
In the idle state (if no messages are displayed and no operation is underway), the LCD display's
top line shows the current time and the current date. The third line shows the mode (ready or
service). Pressing a key that requires an input or pressing one of the cursor keys [ ]/[ ]
turns the lighting on. If no other keys are pressed, the lighting will turn off 60 seconds after the
last keypress.

5.1 Message display on the LCD

The LCD display automatically shows incoming messages. Messages are displayed according to
their priority, with messages of higher priority displacing messages of lower priority.


Alarm messages (highest)

Fault messages

Shutoff messages
The messages are displayed in the following format (example):

Message type Group Detector Type of fault, if any First value message, if applicable

Flt: G0002 M005 *

The following message types are available:

„ Al “ for alarm
"1.Al" for first alarm message in an alarm dependency
"Flt" for a fault
"FltRev" for a fault on a detector in review mode
"FTA" for faults on technical alarms (fault detector zone)
"Dis" for disablement
"TA" for test alarm / review alarm
"PA" for a pre-alarm
"Info" for an information message
"Acpt" for the acknowledgement of an instruction message
"Act." for triggering a switch by TCM

Abbreviations in the message:

"Line" = limit value line
"Z" = zone (for addressable detectors)
"D" = detector number within the zone (for addressable detectors)
"LCard “ = Detector assembly, can also be an alarm module or a limit value card
"Adr." = Address
"Seg. “ = Segment
"Alarm Outputs “ = Alarm-outputs
"RTC" = Real Time Clock (time component)
"Lcard" = Loop card assembly
"TU" = Transmission unit
"MC" = Monitoring card
"CC" = Charging circuit battery
"Stop delay" = Stop delay

Version 2.5 18
detect 3004 Installation Manual LCD display

"FireX" = Extinguishing
"Network" = Input 3 not connected to 0V (central fire panel as subpanel)

The following are displayed as fault types:

"SC" = short circuit
"OC" = open circuit
"Low V" = low voltage
"Ri" = internal resistance
"n.FB" = no feedback
"FB" = feedback

If nothing is displayed for the fault type, this is an addressable detector that has been removed or
is contaminated or defective. The example above shows a fault in Zone 2, Detector 5. The group
assignments of detectors will be shown in more detail below. The first incoming message (first
value message) has a "*" on the end of the line (for alarms only) as a marker. If multiple messages
of the same type come in (for example, 5 alarms), the first message is shown on the LCD. The
subsequent messages can be displayed using the cursor keys [ ] or [ ].

Test alarms are alarms that are triggered by reviews or detector tests.

5.2 Displaying system faults

System faults that have occurred can always be recognised by the fact that the "System" LED and
"Fault" LED are permanently lit. There is also an appropriate message generated in clear text form
that is displayed on the LCD display if the system fault is still active.

System faults are faults that are not due to detectors or other external devices, but rather indicate
an internal fault in the control panel.

The fire control panel has extensive monitoring functions that ensure that even the smallest
deviation from the expected condition is displayed as a message. These messages may have
different priorities. They are either displayed on the LCD display in clear text form, or only as LED

Below are some examples of the possible system faults with different types, as well as how they
are displayed:

Priority Display Meaning Measure

"System" LED lights up,
1 Fault in the control Notify the repair service
internal buzzer buzzes computer, fire control immediately!
continuously. No display on panel presumably not
LCD. working
Fault display on LCD: "Fault
2 Loop or line card with the Check whether detector
in detector Lcard. xx" and
specific address has had a information can be retrieved
"System" LED lights up
fault for at least 20 using the diagnostic functions
seconds, may also have and notify the repair service;

3 Fault display on LCD: "Stö" The fire control panel has Notify repair service.
Central computer" and the restarted
System LED lights up.

4 "System" LED lights up, and Loop or line card has Notify repair service
none of the messages above switched the CPU or
is displayed on the LCD carried out a restart

Version 2.5 19
detect 3004 Installation Manual

5.3 Current counters in the last display line

The LCD display shows four counter on the lowest line. These three-digit counters are assigned
directly to the keys under the display and each shows the number of messages available.
The keys under the display are in the following order:

04-05-12 07:16:30

In Operation

[ Alarms ] [ Faults ] [ Test ] [Disablements ]

000 000 000 000

By pressing one of these keys, the operator can retrieve that type of message on the display. If the
display shows an alarm message, for example, and the fault message counter shows "001", then
the [ Faults ] key can be used to show the fault on the display. If there are multiple fault messages,
then the cursor keys [ ]/[ ] can be used to page through the messages.

The cursor key [ ] always pages towards newer messages, while the cursor key
[ ] always pages towards older messages. Once the cursor keys have been pressed enough to
page to the oldest message, the next keypress will show the newest message again (paging goes
in a ring). 30 seconds after the last operation, the display automatically switches back to the first
alarm message.

5.4 Memory overflow

The LCD display shows four counter on the lowest line. These three-digit counters are assigned
directly to the keys under the display and each shows the number of messages available.
The keys under the display are in the following order:

04-05-12 07:16:30

In Operation

[ Alarms ] [ Faults ] [ Test ] [ Disablements ]

000 000 000 000

Version 2.3 20
detect 3004 Installation Manual LCD display

By pressing one of these keys, the operator can retrieve that type of message on the display. If the
display shows an alarm message, for example, and the fault message counter shows "001", then
the [ Faults ] key can be used to show the fault on the display. If there are multiple fault messages,
then the cursor keys [ ] / [ ] can be used to page through the messages.

The cursor key [ ] always pages towards newer messages, while the cursor key
[ ] always pages towards older messages. Once the cursor keys have been pressed enough to
page to the oldest message, the next keypress will show the newest message again (paging goes
in a ring). 30 seconds after the last operation, the display automatically switches back to the first
alarm message.
Special feature: The alarm message counter only counts the detector zones in the alarm. Further
alarm messages from the same zone are not counted. For example, if two detectors in Zone 1 and
three detectors in Zone 2 are in the alarm state, the alarm message counter will show 002. Paging
with the cursor keys [ ] and [ ] always shows the first message in a detector zone. Further
alarm messages for that detector zone are indicated by a right arrow next to the first message.
These can be displayed using the cursor key [ ].
If a V is shown to the right of the alarm message counter, this means that at least one pre-alarm is
active at the fire control panel. See chapter 5.5 Display of pre-alarms.
About storage overflows:
If the number of current messages in a message type (alarms, faults, Disablements, test/review
messages) exceeds the maximum storage capacity for that message storage, then an
informational text "Storage overflow" will appear on the display for about 4 seconds and entered
into the event log. All other messages of the same message type can then no longer be displayed.
If additional messages in the same message type come in, they will only be written to the event
log. The event log will also show an entry "Storage overflow".

Maximum message number based on the message storage:

- 102 alarms

- 153 faults
A storage overflow of the "Faults" message storage can lead to the fault outputs and
the LEDs of the individual detector zone displays remaining in the fault state even
though the fault is no longer active. This state can be corrected by resetting the fire
control panel.

- 254 Disablements

- 128 test counter / review messages

For storage overflows in the Test message storage, please see the instructions in
Section 12.4 Turning review off/on.

Version 2.5 21
LCD display

5.5 Display of pre-alarms (50% smoke)

A pre-alarm is only evaluated and displayed when the specific detector supports this function and
pre-alarm evaluation for this detector has been activated individually or generally with Parameter
3. If pre-alarm evaluation is active, the fire control panel will indicate a local pre-alarm well under
the actual alarm threshold (above a 50% smoke level), and this pre-alarm will not be transmitted
and no sirens will be activated; it is simply restricted to display at the fire control panel. The
central panel buzzer is continuously active if a pre-alarm is activated. Optionally, Parameter 14 or
15 can be used to program a relay or OC output for the pre-alarm event.

If a detector reports a pre-alarm, this is displayed by the fire control panel with message type
"VA". Pre-alarms are not counted with the alarm message counter, but are indicated by a V next to
it. If there are pre-alarms from detectors from different zones, the V flashes. These can be
displayed using the cursor keys as described in section 5.4 "Memory overflow ".

If a detector triggers that has been displayed with a pre-alarm, then the alarm replaces the pre-
alarm from that detector. Pre-alarms can be reset by a fire control panel reset.

Pre-alarms are not displayed on a fire brigade display panel.

Version 2.5 22
detect 3004 Installation Manual LED displays

6 LED displays

On the top half of the central fire panel door there are LEDs that are used to display different states
of the central fire panel. Their meaning is described below:

Main states:

[ Mains ] lights up if mains power is available

[ Operatinion ] lights up as soon as the central fire panel is ready to operate,
and flashes during service mode or in programming mode

[ Alarm ] lights up as soon as a fire alarm state is active

[ Fault ] flashes as soon as a fault is active

[ Disabled] lights up as soon as a shutoff is active

[ Test ] lights up if a detector is being tested or if review is active. The
LED flashes if there is at least one instruction message (or more)

Displays for the power supply, signalling device line and the delay:
[ Power supply ] lights up as long as an energy source is still available and
flashes if there is a fault in the "Ext. 24 volt power supply"

[ Mains ] flashes if the mains power fails

[ Battery ] flashes if there is a fault in the battery

[ Delay on ] lights up when the main alarm delay has been turned on

[ System ] lights up for system faults

[Dis. -Enable Sounder circuits] lights up / flashes depending on the event and the setting of
Parameter 2

[ Start inspection time ] lights up during the verification time

Version 2.5 23
LED displays

"Transmission system" and the delay:

[ Main alarm ] a main alarm is active, that is, there is an attempt to alarm the
fire brigade
[ Fire Brigade called ] the transmission to the fire brigade has been successfully
[ Call Fire Brigade ] the transmission system has not been connected; the operator
must alarm the fire brigade by telephone
[ Key Dep. box tamper ] Status display for fire brigade key storage for "sabotage"
[Key Dep. boxunlocked ] Status display for fire brigade key storage for "unlocked"
[Dis. -Enable Transm. Unit] lights up if the transmission system is turned off, flashed if
there is a fault on the transmission system control line
[ Cancel delay ] lights up when the delay has been stopped and the main
alarm thus triggered
The optional function block in the lower part of the central fire panel door contains the displays for
the "Extinguishing interface" area. The LEDs have the following meanings:
[ Activated ] The central fire panel has activated the extinguishing system
[ Feedback ] The extinguishing system has confirmed the activation
[ Faukt ] The extinguishing system or the connection to the
extinguishing system is faulty
[ Disabled ] Activation of the extinguishing system is turned off at the
central fire panel
The other fields with optional individual group displays in the lower part of the central fire panel
door indicate the states of individual lines or groups. An alarm is indicated by a red LED and a
shutoff by a yellow LED. The yellow LED flashes in case of a fault.

The first line or group in the alarm is indicated by a red flashing light, while each subsequent line
or group switched to the alarm state is indicated by a steady red light. The shutoff of individual
detectors in a group in which not all detectors have been shut off is not indicated by LED but only
on the LCD.

Version 2.5 24
detect 3004 Installation Manual Access permissions

7 Access permissions
Access permission to operate the central fire panel is granted to the operator of the central fire
panel by means of different numeric codes (passwords) that must be entered on the numeric
keypad. For example, the central fire panel may show the following input request:

04-05-12 07:16:30

Password : ____

Confirm with <-

Each digit entered is shown in concealed form using a "*". After entry of the digits, the Enter key [
 0] at0the
0 lower0right
0 0of the numeric
0 0keypad
0 must 0 0be0pressed. This is true for nearly all input. After
an incorrect entry, either the input can be corrected using the cursor keys, or the cancel key [ C ]
can be used to cancel the entry. If an incorrect password is entered, a short signal tone will sound
to indicate the incorrect entry. The previous input is discarded. The cancel key [ C ] can be
pressed to move back to the next higher menu. The passwords are hierarchically organised by
access level.

The following access levels and passwords are available:

Function Access level Password

Internal central panel buzzer off 1 None

Lamp test 1 None

Collective reset 2A 1111

Turn on/off 2A 1111

Programming level 2B 9999

System data (parameters, org, etc.) 3 55555

The password for access level 2A ("1111") can be changed at the central fire panel as follows:

[ Programme ] ( 9999 [  ] ),

[ ]

Version 2.5 25
Access permissions

The display now shows:

04-05-12 07:16:30
Change password


Then press the following keys:

0[ 0 0 ] 0 0 0[ V ]
Alarms [0Alarm
0 0 counter
0 ]0 0 [ Output ] [ Disablements ]

The 4-digit password is then displayed and can be changed. The change must be confirmed with
the Enter key [  ]. To change the 5-digit password for access level 3 ("55555"), the same
procedure must be carried out, but at the end, instead of pressing the "Disablements" key, the [
Faults ] key must be pressed.

Permissible range for changeable passwords:

4-digit password: 1 to 9999

5-digit password: 1 to 64999

The password for level 2B ("9999") cannot be changed.

If access has been granted to a level, the access permission remains active as long as additional
keys are still pressed within a period of 3 minutes. If this does not occur, then after 3 minutes the
access permission is cancelled. It is also possible to block access again earlier than that time, by
pressing the [ A ] for Cancel in the operation mode (display of time and date). In this case, all
access levels will only be available again after renewed entry of a password.

Version 2.5 26
detect 3004 Installation Manual Internal and external buzzer

8 Internal and external buzzer

In case of alarm, the internal buzzer is activated with a continuous tone, or intermittently in case of

The only exception is a system fault of the CPU. In this case, the internal buzzer is also activated
continuously and the yellow "System" LED lights up. The key "Buzzer off" [ ] under the
numeric keypad turns off the internal and external buzzers. This is possible even without previous
entry of an access code (access level 1).

When the central panel door is opened, the internal buzzer is disabled, so that it does not disturb
any personnel in the vicinity of the central fire panel.

Version 2.5 27
Lamp test

9 Lamp test
The lamp test function can be activated without a password (access level 1). It switches on all
LEDs, the lighting of the LCD display, and the internal buzzer for 2 seconds to check that they are
working. Only the LCD display lights up, as usual, for about another 60 seconds.

Version 2.5 28
detect 3004 Installation Manual Enable / DisableTransmission Unit

10 Enable / DisableTransmission Unit

If access permission is granted, the [Dis. -Enable Transm. Unit ] key can be used to turn the
transmission system, e.g. a main fire alarm, alternately on or off. The turned off state is indicated
by the lighted LED directly next to the key and an entry in the LCD window. The automatic turning
on and off of the transmission system when the central fire panel door is opened can be
configured as shown in Section 14.5.4 Parameter 20.

If the transmission system of the central fire panel is shut off from a connected fire brigade control
panel or ABF master, the transmission system can also only be turned back on from wherever the
shutoff was performed. If the transmission system of the central fire panel is turned off from the
fire brigade control panel, for example, and then the Dis. -Enable Transm. Unit is pressed on the
central fire panel, the transmission system is doubly deactivated. For the transmission system to
be turned back on, it must be turned on both at the fire brigade control panel and also with the
Dis. -Enable Transm. Unit on the fire control panel.

If the transmission system is disabled, then Diagnostics / General Status can be used to see the
point from which the transmission system was disabled.

Version 2.5 29
General reset

11 General reset
Using the [ Reset ] key, the operator can carry out a collective reset, that is, all messages on the
fire control panel (except for Disablements and test states) are deleted. Activated modules are also
reset with this function. Current faults from detectors/report lines may be reset by pressing this
key, but they will be displayed again, since the faults are generally still active. The access
permission must be granted by entry of the correct password (see the table in Section 7 Access
permissions) in access level 2a. The text "Reset CFP" is displayed on the display throughout the
reset process.
Parameter 24 can be used to block the reset for a certain time. If the block is active, a
corresponding message is displayed with the remaining time. The remaining time timer can
display at most 9:59 minutes. For longer blocking periods, the remaining time timer is repeated in
the display until the blocking period has completely expired. If reset blocking is active after
transmission system triggering, a collective reset can be carried out through the fire brigade
control panel (by the fire brigade) at any time. However, if reset blocking is active after triggering
of an extinguishing card, then during the ongoing block resets through the fire brigade control
panel are also blocked in order to prevent a premature cancellation of an extinguishing process.

Version 2.5 30
detect 3004 Installation Manual Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

12 Enable /disabling at the fire control

The fire control panel offers the option of activating/deactivating both detector lines/groups as well
as individual addressable detectors, signalling devices, reviews, extinguishing commands and
delays from the control panel. Disabled detectors or lines cannot signal alarms or faults.

After a detector or a line/group is turned off, the "Disabled" LED lights up.
If one is available, a line/group shutoff is also signalled with a yellow LED in the individual group
display. The group LED remains off until all the detectors in the group have been shut off. If a
detector or the entire line or group is turned back on, the yellow LED goes out automatically.

Turning off/on can also be carried out from the corresponding menu, which can be called from the
[Enable] or [ Disable ] keys.
A very useful detail when turning individual detectors and groups/lines off and on is that the
operator can select multiple detectors or groups/lines at the same time using a "from-to" entry.

At most 32 detectors or groups can be selected per activation/deactivation step.

12.1 Enable/disable addressable detectors

Example of turning off detectors 5 through 10 in zone 1:

 Press key [Disable]

 Enter password if necessary and confirm with [  ]

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:30
1 Disable detector
2 Disable zone
3 Sounders off
4 Disable revision
5 Disable FireX
6 Disable delay >

 Press key [ 1 ] for menu item 1

000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 31
Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:31

Zone : _

from Detector :
to Detector :

 First enter [ 1 ] as the zone and confirm with [  ]

0 0 the
 Enter 0 starting
0 0detector
0 0 0[ 0
number, 0 example,
5 ] in this 0 0 then confirm with [  ]
 Enter the ending detector number, [ 10 ] in this example, then confirm with [  ]
The disabled detectors can be called up in plain text form on the LCD display. To turn them on,
press [ Enable ], then follow all the other steps exactly as in 14.1.

12.2 Enabling / Disabling zones and conventional circuits

Example of turning off limit value line 5:

 Press key [Disable]

 Enter password if necessary and confirm with [  ]

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:30
1 Disable detector
2 Disable zone
3 Sounders off
4 Disable revision
5 Disable FireX
6 Disable delay >

 Press key [ 2 ] for menu item 2

000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 32
detect 3004 Installation Manual Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:31

Zone :
to :

 Enter the starting zone, [ 5 ] in this example, then confirm with [  ]

0 0 the
 Enter 0 ending
0 0zone,
0 [ 5 ] in this
00 0
example, 0 0confirm
then 0 with [  ]
The disabled line is displayed on the LCD display in plain text form, and the yellow group LED (if
zone I/O is available) lights steadily. Multiple groups can also be turned off or on simultaneously.

12.3 Disable / Enable Sounder circuits

Parameter 2 can be used to switch the function of the [Dis. -Enable Sounder circuits] key between
Turn Off Signalling Device (the default setting) and Disable Signalling Device.
If the signalling devices are disabled, they remain inactive even if further alarms are triggered.
Turning signalling devices on/off requires access permissions.

If the signalling devices are disabled, the signalling devices are automatically reactivated when
additional alarms are triggered from other detector groups (new value report). Another alarm from
a detector group that has already triggered an alarm does not reactivate the disabled signalling

If the signalling devices are disabled with the [Dis. -Enable Sounder circuits] key and the key is
pressed again, the disabled signalling devices are reactivated.

Parameter 2 can be used to specified whether disabling requires an access permission or not.
Signalling devices can still be turned off/on from the "Disable" or "Enable" menu even if the [Dis. -
Enable Sounder circuits] key is set to the disabling function.
The turned off state is indicated by the lighted LED directly next to the key and a shutoff message
"Ext. Sig. off" in the LCD window.

The disabled state is only indicated by the lighted LED directly next to the key. In this case, there is
no shutoff message "Ext. Sig. off" in the LCD window.

Turning off/on or disabling of signalling devices affects the monitored line for external signalling
devices of the central computer as well as all acoustic signalling devices on the loop/segment.
As a special setting using Parameter 2, it is also possible for the signalling device to be disabled
also when the [ ] "Buzzer off" key is pressed. Thus it is also possible to disable the signalling
device even when the [Dis. -Enable Sounder circuits] key is assigned to the Turn On/Off function.

The event on which the signalling device is activated can be set with Parameter 2 (signalling
device line of the central computer and loop signalling devices not programmed under controllers)
as well as in the programming of the controllers.

If the " Dis. -Enable Sounder circuits " key is pressed on the fire brigade control panel, this always
has the "Sounders on/off" function for the fire control panel.

Version 2.5 33
Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

If the signalling devices are disabled, they can only be turned back on from the control point from
which the disablement was performed.
Exception: If the signalling devices are disabled from the fire control panel, in a fire alarm
condition they can be turned back on by the fire brigade from the fire brigade control panel.

12.4 Turning review off/on (Test state)

One-man review permits a single person to test one or even several reporting lines/detector
groups in a building without always having to run back to the fire control panel to take the
required reset actions. To put the panel into review mode, at least three operating actions are
required. If an access permission is already active, first the [ Enable ] function key must be
pressed. Then [ 4 ] (review on). Now the detector group(s) that will be tested must be entered. The
LCD display asks for this input. Only once the specific group has been entered and Enter [  ]
pressed is the group and with it the fire control panel in the test state. If no access permission was
active yet, then after the [ Enable ] key, the corresponding password must be entered.

Example of a review for detector zone 1:

 Press key [ Enable ]

 Enter password if necessary and confirm with [  ] ("1111")

 Dialog window:

 Enter [ 4 ] and confirm with [  ]

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:30

Zone :
from : _
to : _

Next, enter the number of the zone that should be switched to review mode;
0 0 [01 ] and0confirm
 Enter 0 0 with [  0] 0 0 000
 Enter [ 1 ] and confirm with [  ]


04-05-12 07:16:32

En: Revision Z0001

0 0Version
0 000
2.5 001
34 000
detect 3004 Installation Manual Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

The LCD display shows the detector group(s) in plain text form that are in review, and the yellow
LED 1 as the individual detector group display (if present) and the "Test" LED light up

Multiple zones can also be switched to review mode simultaneously.

Now the operator has the option, for example, of using test gas and a test unit to place the
detectors in this zone into the alarm state one by one. He or she checks whether the LED on the
detector turns on, that is, the alarm was detected. The fire control panel automatically resets the
alarm after about 30 seconds, so that the tester can then go to the next detector to test it.

If a detector is triggered a second time during a review procedure, the LED on the detector is not
activated again.

To ensure the correct logging of reviews in the event log and correct writing
of the review date for automatic detectors, the following restriction applies:
The total number of groups in review plus the total number of active review
alarms and all active review faults may not exceed 128, since otherwise the
message storage will overflow. The number of review messages is shown
on the display above the [ Test ] key.
It should be taken into consideration that test aerosol residue in the
measurement chambers can place multiple detectors into the review alarm
state at the same time, and that they occupy slots in the message storage.
If a storage overflow occurs during the review (which can be seen from the
message Storage Overview in FIFO), the fire control panel must be reset
before the review can be turned back off. This ensures that no detector can
be in the alarm state when review is turned off.

To display pending review alarms, the [ Test ] key must be pressed. Then [ ] and [ ] can be
used to page through the messages.
The LDC display identifies a review alarm as a test alarm with "TA". Review alarms are logged in
the event log and in the review counter.
If the node is an automatic detector and it supports the function, the review date (month/year) is
written to it.
Review alarms are not further processed by the fire control panel. No LED displays are activated
on the panel and no main alarm or fire control systems are executed. The evaluation of the pre-
alarm state is also disabled. Review alarms are not counted by the alarm counter and the internal
fire control panel buzzer is not activated. A detector zone that is in review cannot be turned off.
Similarly, it is not possible to switch a turned-off detector group into the review mode.

Of course, all groups that are not in review mode still continue to work normally and will route a
main alarm to the fire brigade if an activation occurs.
By pressing the keys: [ Diable ] and [4] (Review off) – and entering the group/line, review mode is
turned off for the selected detector group. To prevent an accidental fire brigade alarm, however,
this is only possible after two minutes have elapsed since the last detector is in its idle state again.

All the detectors that trigger during review are counted with the separate review counter. This can
be displayed on the detect 3004 fire control panel using the "Review counter" key. In addition to
the display, the "detectomat programming tool" (dpt) software also provides an option for resetting
the counter. If the counter is reset or the current counter value is noted before review starts, then
after the review is complete the value displayed in the review counter can be used to read off how
many detectors were triggered.

Version 2.5 35
Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

12.5 Disable/ Enable extinguishing

The Turn Off/On Extinguishing function can be used to turn off the output of the MC card for the
activation of an external extinguishing system. This function does not turn off any optionally
installed DBM013 extinguishing card. The shutoff is displayed in plain text on the LCD display.
Procedure for shutting off extinguishing system activation:

 Press key [Disable]

 Enter password if necessary and confirm with [  ]

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:30
1 Disable detector
2 Disable zone
3 Sounders off
4 Disable revision
5 Disable FireX
6 Disable delay >

 Press key [ 5 ] (menu item 5)

0 0 is displayed
0 0 0 under Disablements.
0 0 0 To0turn 0 0extinguishing system activation back on,
proceed analogously, except start the procedure with the [ Enable ] key.

12.6 Disable / Enable delays

"Delay on" means that the main alarm will only be routed after the configured reaction or
verification time has expired. Groups provided for a delay must also be programmed at the fire
control panel. An active delay is indicated by the corresponding lighted LED (next to the info field
"Delay on") and an entry in the LCD window.

The turn on/off functions are provided using the [ Enable ] / [ Disable ] keys. The fire control panel
then shows a selection menu in the display. Here, you select between Delay On or Delay Off.

Example of turning the delay on:

 Press key [ Enable ]

 Enter password if necessary and confirm with [  ]

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:30
1 Enable detector
2 Enable Zone
3 Enable Sounder
4 Enable revision
5 Enable FireX
6 Enable delay >

Version 2.5 36
000 000 000 000
detect 3004 Installation Manual Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

 Press key [ 6 ] (Delay on)


04-05-12 07:16:30

En: Delay

*Delay On takes place only if the delay has first been programmed in the menu "System data –
Alarm organisation – Time functions".
000 000 000 000
12.6.1 Delay on (day mode)
While the delay is turned on, a fire alarm will not immediately be routed to the fire brigade;
instead, the fire control panel will start the so-called "reaction time", which can vary from 30 to
180 seconds. If the [ Start inspection time ] key is pressed within the reaction time, the detect
3004 fire control panel starts the verification time, which can vary from 1 to 7 minutes. Starting of
the verification time is logged in the FIFO with a notice (Start Verification). If the [ Start inspection
time ] key is not pressed, then after the reaction time elapses the main alarm is routed to the fire

Once the verification time has been started, the operator has time to "verify" the cause of the fire
alarm. If he or she resets the alarm during this time, there will be no fire alarm. However, if the
verification time elapses completely, the fire brigade will be alarmed. The fire brigade is also
alarmed if a manual call station is actuated during the verification time, since these may normally
not be programmed with a delay. If a second alarm is detected during an ongoing reaction or
verification time, the fire brigade is alarmed immediately.

It is also possible to alarm the fire brigade immediately during an ongoing reaction or verification
time by pressing the [ Cancel delay ] key on the fire control panel. Cancellation of the delay is
logged in the FIFO with a notice (Cancel Delay).

12.6.2 Delay off (night mode)

Delay Off means that the fire control panel automatically (manually is also possible) switches to
"undelayed fire brigade alarm" based on a programmed switching point, for example during the
night-time. Any alarm will then be routed to the fire brigade immediately. No reaction or
verification times must elapse.

Version 2.5 37
Enable /disabling at the fire control panel.

12.7 Disable / Enable outputs

The [ Output ] function key on the front of thefire control panel is available to disable the fault
outputs (collective fault relay and electronic output "Collective fault") and to disable the open-
collector alarm outputs on the DLI3240 loop card or LI3000 line card. This is possible after entry of
the numeric code [ 1111 ].

The disabling is displayed in plain text on the LCD display. Procedure to disable the collective fault

 Press key [ Disable ]

 Enter password if necessary and confirm with [  ]

 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:30
1 Disable detector
2 Disable zone
3 Sounders off
4 Disable revision
5 Disable FireX
6 Disable delay >

 Press key [ > ]

 Press
000 the [ Output
0 0 ]0key (alternatively
0 0 0key [ 7 0
] for
0 menu
0 item 7)
 Dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:32

Output :

Flt. Output: 0
Alarm Output:1-24

 Enter [ 0 ] and confirm with [  ]

0 0 0also be0 possible
It would 0 0 here to0use 0 0the number
0 0 0of an alarm output (1 through 24) to switch
certain alarm outputs to the passive state. These would then not become active on an alarm in the
assigned detector zone. To turn the collective fault output back on, proceed analogously, except
start the procedure with the [ Enable ] key.

Version 2.5 38
detect 3004 Installation Manual Behaviour of relays and OC outputs

13 Behaviour of relays and OC outputs

The relays and OC outputs are influenced by system Parameters 5, 14, 15 and 31. See: 15.5.4
„"Parameters" menu.

If the fire control panel door is opened, then depending on the configuration
the transmission system may disabled. This should be taken into
consideration when testing the HFM relay.

13.1 Behaviour of OC outputs on the transmission system

interface - System parameter 5.2
OC output Main alarm on the transmission system interface

Terminal X13.5

Use only possible if a transmission system interface is installed.

This output also activates the Fire Brigade LED on the Swiss fire brigade control panel.

 Setting [0] - Independent of Fire control system Off -

The OC output is activated by a main alarm, even if fire control systems are turned off (setting
for the Swiss fire brigade control panel)

 Setting [4] - Participation in fire control system off -

The OC output is activated by a main alarm, but not if the fire control systems are turned off.

Version 2.5 39
Behaviour of relays and OC outputs

14 Behaviour of relays and OC outputs

The relays and OC outputs are influenced by system Parameters 5, 14, 15 and 31. See: 15.5.4
„"Parameters" menu.

If the fire control panel door is opened, then depending on the configuration
the transmission system may turn off. This should be taken into consideration
when testing the HFM relay.

14.1 Behaviour of OC outputs on the transmission system

interface - System parameter 5.2
OC output Main alarm on the transmission system interface

Terminal X13.5

Use only possible if a transmission system interface is installed.

This output also activates the Fire Brigade LED on the Swiss fire brigade control panel.

 Setting [0] - Independent of Fire control system Off -

The OC output is activated by a main alarm, even if fire control systems are turned off (setting
for the Swiss fire brigade control panel)

 Setting [4] - Participation in fire control system off -

The OC output is activated by a main alarm, but not if the fire control systems are turned off.

14.2 Behaviour of the OC output and "Alarm" relay -

System parameter 14:
System parameter 14.1 Relay "(Collective) Alarm"

The following control options are possible for the Alarm relay:

Value Meaning
0 No activation of the relay on an alarm
1 In fire alarm state by manual call station (HFM)
2 In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 In fire alarm state (standard)
5 On main alarm by manual call station (HFM)
6 On main alarm from automatic detector
7 On main alarm
8 On internal alarm
9 On pre-alarm

Version 2.5 40
detect 3004 Installation Manual Behaviour of relays and OC outputs

System parameter 14.2 OC output "(Collective) Alarm"

The following activation options are possible for the OC output on an alarm:

Value Meaning
0 No activation of the OC output on an alarm
1 In fire alarm state by manual call station (HFM)
2 In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 In fire alarm state (standard)
5 On main alarm by manual call station (HFM)
6 On main alarm from automatic detector
7 On main alarm
8 On internal alarm
9 On pre-alarm
Activation on main alarm:
The programmed relay (or output) is activated when the fire control panel is in
the main alarm state
Activation on fire alarm state:
The programmed relay (or output) is activated when the fire control panel is in
the fire alarm or main alarm state
Activation on internal alarm:
The programmed relay (or output) is activated when the fire control panel is in
the (internal) alarm, fire alarm or main alarm state
Activation on pre-alarm:
The programmed relay (or output) is activated if at least one detector has status
pre-alarm. Evaluation of pre-alarms must always be activated for the
corresponding detectors for the pre-alarm state even to occur. If the detector
switches directly from the ideal status to alarm status, the pre-alarm output will
not be activated.
The outputs listed here can only be reset by a full fire control panel reset.

14.3 Behaviour of the OC output and "Main Alarm" relay -

System parameter 15
System parameter 15.1 "Main Alarm" relay

The following control options are possible for the Main Alarm relay:

Value Meaning
0 No activation of the relay on an alarm
1 In fire alarm state by manual call station (HFM)
2 In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 In fire alarm state
5 On main alarm by manual call station (HFM)
6 On main alarm from automatic detector
7 On main alarm (standard)
8 On internal alarm
9 On pre-alarm

Version 2.5 41
Behaviour of relays and OC outputs

System parameter 15.2 OC output "Main Alarm"

The following activation options are possible for the OC output Main Alarm:

Value Meaning
0 No activation of the relay on an alarm
1 In fire alarm state by manual call station (HFM)
2 In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 In fire alarm state
5 On main alarm by manual call station (HFM)
6 On main alarm from automatic detector
7 On main alarm (standard)
8 On internal alarm
9 On pre-alarm

For details see above: 14.2 Behaviour of the OC output and "Alarm" relay - System
parameter 14:.

14.4 Participation in "Transmission line disablement " and

" Fire output disablement " for the relays and OC
outputs Alarm/Main Alarm (system parameter 31)
The alarm relay "System parameter 31.1" and main alarm relay "System parameter 31.3" can be
programmed in the detectomat programming tool to participate in Fire output disablement or
Transmission line disablement .

The Alarm OC output "System parameter 31.2" and the main alarm OC output "System parameter
31.4" can be programmed in the detectomat programming tool to participate in Fire output
disablement orTransmission line disablement .

Each output / relay can only participate in either Fire output disablement or
Transmission line disablement.

Version 2.5 42
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

15 Programming the fire control panel

This is a very extensive topic for the fire control panels, since actually every configurable
parameter or function can be changed from the control panel. However, the development
engineers have attempted to design operations with the dialog window to be as self-explanatory
as possible, so that most things should easily be mastered quickly even without this manual.

The programming of the fire control panel should only be accessible to
authorised personnel, since extensive manipulation of the alarm organisation
is possible. Incorrect input could have a negative influence on the triggering
behaviour of the fire control panel. For this reason, the "Alarm Organisation"
menu item is inside a submenu "System Data" that is protected by an
additional 5-digit password.

Pressing the [ Program ] key and then entering the correct access code takes the operator to the
first programming level of the fire control panel. In the programming level, diagnostic and printing
functions can be carried out and the date and time set. The alarm counter can be displayed and
the "System Data", which are protected by another access code, can be configured here.

System parameters are software switches to activate/deactivate various functions and/or settings.
If you have selected the wrong menu by mistake, the [ C ] key ("C" for Cancel) always takes you
back to the previous menu. Even if input has already been entered, as long as the input has not yet
been entirely competed, [ C ] can always be used to cancel so that the settings are not changed.
The fire control panel only accepts input once it is complete and confirmed with [  ].

04-05-12 07:16:30

1 Printout
2 Set date & time
3 Diagnostics
4 Alarm counter
5 Panel data

Figure Main menu on the programming level

The appropriate number on the numeric keypad is used to select the desired submenu.
000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 43
Programming the fire control panel

15.1 "Printer output" menu

Input: [ 1 ]

A menu with multiple submenus to print the most important system data and programming that is
done at the fire control panel. This menu item makes it easy for both the operator and the service
technician to get an overview of the numerous configuration options. Immediately after the
number to select the printout is pressed, the printer starts and you can leave the menu again.

This function is of course only possible if a printer is installed. If no printer is
connected, nothing will happen, so nothing will be damaged. The menu item
"1 Printed output" can only be selected when system parameter 16 is set to 1.

The submenus of "Printer output" in detail:

04-05-12 07:16:31

1 Detector data
2 Alarm organisation
3 Event log
4 Parameter
5 Prg. Zones

Input Description
000 000 000 000
[ 1] to print detector data


[1] Zones

[2] Detector type ( S, R, I, Z, O, T, D )

[3] Analogue values

[4] Alarm thresholds

[ 2] to print the configured alarm organisation

[ 3 ] to print the event log (or parts of it)

[4] to print the parameters, sensitivities and configured delays

[5] To print zone programming

Version 2.5 44
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

15.1.1 Print detector data

Input [ 1 ]

After entering [ 1 ] to select this menu item, the following submenu appears in the dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:32

1 Zones
2 Detectortype
3 Analogue values
4 Alarm thresholds

This submenu then offers the options of searching the fire control panel for certain criteria and
printing the results:
000 000 000 000
„Zones" means that data will be printed for a certain group to be selected

„Detector type“ means that only data from certain detectors will be printed
„Analogue values“ means the detectors will be searched for, for example, "Analogue value >
35" and those will be printed"

“Alarm thresholds" means that detectors with, for example, "Alarm threshold > 60" will be searched for
and those printed

If no printer is installed in the fire control panel, then nothing will happen after input is
complete. So there is no danger that something could be damaged by executing the
"Print detector data" function.

15.1.2 [ 1 ] " Zones":

04-05-12 07:16:32

Input : _

Confirm with <-

The zone must be entered and confirmed with the Enter key [  ]. Then the printer prints the data
0 0 0for this0group.
available 0 0 If this is a0conventional
00 0zone,
0 0the format will be as follows:
Line xx yyy mA

Date Time

Version 2.5 45
Programming the fire control panel

where xx is the line entered and yyy is the line current in mA actually measured on the line. The
CPU on the conventional card sends this to the central coordination computer, which in turn
outputs the value at this point.

Important tip:

When a line is turned off, it is disconnected from power.

So when it is turned off, the line is shown as line current --- mA.

If this is a bus detector group, the output might look like the following:

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

| Printing complete |

| |

| AV: 016 AS: 055 Type: S |

| G001 M007 (S001 A007) |

| |

| AV: 016 AS: 055 Type: W |

| G001 M006 (S001 A006) |

| |

| AV: 016 AS: 055 Type: M |

| G001 M005 (S001 A005) |

| |

| AV: 016 AS: 055 Type: Z |

| G001 M004 (S001 A004) |

| |

| AV: 016 AS: 055 Type: Q |

| G001 M003 (S001 A003) |

| |

| AV: 016 AS: 055 Type: R |

|G 001 M002 (S001 A002) |

| |

| AV: 016 AS: 055 Type: D |

| G001 M001 (S001 A001) |

| |

| Detector data: |

| |

| 04-05-09 07:16:32 |

| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

Which mean the following:

"AV" = analogue value (current stable value of the detector / module)
"AT" = alarm threshold (alarm threshold of the node)
"Type" = See table below

Version 2.5 46
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

"G" = detector group

"D" = detector (detector number within the group)
"S" = segment (loop or line, 2 segments per card)
"A" = address (physical address)

This is always followed by a code consisting of one letter that provides information about the
specific type of the detector or the loop module. For example, "Q" stands for optical smoke

The codes and their meanings:

Code type Meaning

D Manual call point

R Input/output module, relay module

Z Activation module for limit value detectors

S Sound module, sounder control module, loop sounder

M Multisensor detector

W Heat detector (thermal detector)

Q Optical smoke detector [ 2 ] "Detector type":

04-05-12 07:16:32

Input : _
1=S 2=R 3=I 4=Z
5=O 6=T 7=D
Confirm with <-

Here, the following meanings apply:

000 000 000 000
Code Meaning

S Sound module, sounder control module, loop sounder

R Input/output module, relay module
I Ionisation smoke detector
Z Activation module for limit value detectors / input modules
O Optical smoke detector, multisensor detector
T Heat detector (thermal detector)
D Manual call point

By entering the corresponding number (1 to 7), one of the above detector or module types can be
selected and then, after pressing the Enter key [ ] the corresponding data is printed, from all ring
and branch group of the fire control panel.

Version 2.5 47
Programming the fire control panel [ 3 ] "Analogue value“:

04-05-12 07:16:32

1 Higher
2 Lower

Here, you can select whether all loop nodes with "greater" analogue values than X will be printed
out, or whether the search criterion should be "less than" analogue value X. Here, the "analogue
000 000 000 000
value" is the current stable value of the loop node, that is, the value that the node continuously
transmits to the fire control panel.

If you enter [ 1 ] or [ 2 ], the display immediately changes to:

04-05-12 07:16:33

Input : _

Confirm with <-

Here, the analogue value (shown above as X) is entered which will be used as the reference. For
example, if all loop nodes with analogue value > 35 should be printed, then the [ 35 ] must be
entered here, and 0 above
0 0 the [ 1 ] for
00 0 than".
"greater 000 [ 4 ] "Alarm thresholds"

In principle, this point works like menu item [ 3 ] (analogue value), but in this case the fire control
panel doesn't sort on the current stable values but on the alarm thresholds of the loop nodes.

15.1.3 Print alarm organisation

Directly after selecting this menu using [ 2 ], this function prints the current values and/or settings
in the following order:
- Date / time
- all zones in two-detector dependencies
- all zones in two-group dependencies
- all zones that are defined as building alarm or fault detector groups
- all lines that are defined as hand call station lines
- all zones for which alarm buffering is programmed
- all FSC zones

Version 2.5 48
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

- all connected output modules from the detect 3000 system (I/O modules, sounder
control modules), with the zone and address, as well as the zones that trigger the
output module

15.1.4 Print FIFO (storage)

This function allows the event log (at most 500 messages) to be printed, either all of it or only part.
After entering [ 3 ], the LCD shows the following screen:

04-05-12 07:16:32

from message: _
to message :
Confirm with <-

The newest desired message number in the FIFO must be entered under "From message" and the
message number of the oldest desired message under "To message". Message number 1 is the
000 000 000 000
latest message in memory. There are at most the last 500 messages (events) in memory. To print
the entire FIFO, therefore, you should enter from "1" to "500". Input must always be confirmed
with the Enter key [  ].

15.1.5 Printing (system) parameters

Immediately after [ 4 ], this submenu prints the parameters configured under "Menu system
parameter " (item 4 on the main menu) as well as the configured sensitivities and delay times. An
overview of the system parameters and their meaning can be found in Section 15.5.4
"Parameters" menu.

15.1.6 Printing programming Zones

This function prints out all detector zones and limit value lines. For detector groups, as additional
information the number of detectors per group is printed as well as whether they participate in
delays or not.


Since the built-in printer pushes the paper forward, the system practically
prints from bottom to top. This is expected and correct.

15.2 "Set time" menu

Input: [ 2 ]
The current time and date are shown on the first display line and the LCD cursor is positioned at
the far left under the first digit. On the second line, the day of the week is shown, and the third line
shows the current setting for daylight saving or standard time.

Version 2.5 49
Programming the fire control panel

The cursor keys [ ]/[ ] can now be used to move the LCD cursor around within the line.
When you come to the point where a change must be made, it can be entered using the numeric
keypad. The day of the week is changed using the cursor keys [ ] / [ ]

In this menu, you can also manually switch between daylight saving and standard time (and vice
versa). However, this is only necessary if the setting is incorrect during initial commissioning. If
you need to switch manually, then the cursor key [ ] should be used to page to "Sunday". Then
print the cursor key [ ] and the setting changes either from daylight saving to standard time, or
reverse (depending on what is currently configured). Then it is necessary to use the cursor key [
] to set the current day of the week again. After entering all data, the Enter key [ ] is used to
confirm and store the input. Impermissible values will not be accepted.

Once the daylight saving or standard time is set correctly, there are no further corrections needed
as long as Parameters 21 and 22 for the automatic daylight saving/standard time switch (see
menu 15.5.4 ""Parameters" menu") are configured correctly.

The time and date (RTC = real-time clock) are monitored for plausibility. If
this test fails, an RTC fault is issued. In addition to the fault LED, the system
LED will then also light up.

The fault can be corrected by checking the date and time and correcting
them if necessary. Then this fault, like all other system faults, can be reset
by carrying out a fire control panel reset and calling up the "System Data"
menu on the fire control panel.

15.3 "Diagnostics" menu

Input: [ 3 ]

The submenus of "Diagnostics" in detail:

04-05-12 07:16:31

1 Detector data
2 Detector test
3 Event log
4 Data error
5 General status

Input Description
000 000 000 000
[1] to display data on loop nodes and line currents

[2] to activate the detector test function for loop nodes with optical measurement

[ 3 ] to display the event log (FIFO)

[4] to display the counter for all correct data frames

[5] to display the battery capacity, Bitbus, transmission system and RAM status

Version 2.5 50
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

15.3.1 Displaying detector data

Input [ 1 ]

After entering [ 1 ] to select this menu item, the following submenu appears in the dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:31

1 Zones
2 Detector type
3 Analogue values
4 Alam thresholds
5 Customer text

This submenu offers the options of searching the fire control panel for certain criteria:

01 0"Zones"
0 0 0 0 means that
00 0 will be0displayed
data 0 0 for a certain group to be selected
2 "Detector type" means that only data from certain detectors will be displayed
3 "Analogue values" means the detectors will be searched for, for example, "Analogue value >
35" and those will be displayed

4 "Alarm thresholds" means that detectors with, for example, "Alarm threshold > 60" will be
searched for and displayed
5 "Customer text" means that the customer text, segment and address of a specific detector
in a group will be displayed [ 1 ] "Zones":

04-05-12 07:16:32

Input : _

Confirm with <-

The group to be examined must be entered and confirmed with the Enter key [ ] . Then the
000 000 000 000
display shows different data, depending on whether this is a limit value detector or a loop node.

For example, if [ Zone 1 ] was entered and if this is a limit value Zone/group, the display will look
like the following:

Version 2.5 51
Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:33
Convent Detect.

Zone current:003mA

If the Zone 1 entered is a detector Zone with nine loop nodes, the LCD display shows the following
data (for example: 9 detectors)

000 000 000 000

04-05-12 07:16:34

G0001 M001 :S01 A001

AW:016 AS:055

After about 2 seconds, the LCD cursor flashes on the first letter. From now on, the data for all the
0 0available
nodes 0 0in 0the0group entered
0 0will
0 be available.
0 0 0 The cursor keys [ ] / [ ] can be used
to move the LCD cursor around within the second line. The cursor keys [ ]/[ ] can be used
to select the next group or the previous group.

On the second line, each letter stands for a loop node, or in more general terms for an address.
Depending on the code letter on which the cursor is standing, the fourth and fifth lines of the
display show the data associated with the address.
The codes in the second line have the following meanings:

Code in the LCD Meaning

D Manual call point
R Input/output module, relay module
Z Activating module for limit value detectors
S Sound module, loop sounder
- Address available, but faulty
M Multisensor detector (COBT, OT, OTi, OTi Fusion)
W Heat detector (thermal detector)
Q Optical smoke detector

Version 2.5 52
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

On the fifth and sixth lines, the codes have the following meanings:

"G" = detector zone

"D" = detector (detector number within the zone)

"S" = segment (loop or line, 2 segments per card)

"A" = address (physical address)

„AV “ = = analogue value (current stable value of the detector / module)

"AT" = alarm threshold (alarm threshold of the node) Special diagnostics

With the detect 3000 detector series, the following diagnostic options are available. These are
available after "Display detector data" and "Zone" have already been selected. If the flashing
cursor on the LCD display is on a loop detector (codes M, Q or W), then when the Enter key is
pressed ([  ]) a new display page appears with the following specifications for the selected

04-05-12 07:16:33

Data of manuf: 03/04

Sensitivity .: 003
Contamination: 000
Last Revision: 07/09

"Date of manuf" and "Last revision" need no further explanation. Here, "Sensitivity" means an
adjustment from 1 to 5 that pertains to the detection properties of the detector.
000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 53
Programming the fire control panel

Detection properties for detection software up to and including version 41:

For optical detectors (O) this means:

Level * Smoke sensitivity Max: Diff: Delay VdS

(%), dB/m Sec=0.9*x Tested

1 67% --------- --------- 5

2 67% --------- --------- 30

Factory setting 3 100% --------- --------- 5 X

4 100% --------- --------- 30

5 200% --------- --------- 30

For thermal detectors (T) this means:

Level Smoke sensitivity Max: Diff: Delay VdS

(%), dB/m Sec=0.9*x Tested

1 --------- ---------  3

2 ---------   2

Factory setting 3 ---------   5 X

4 ---------   5

5 ---------  --------- 5

For optical/thermal detectors (OT) this means:

Level * Smoke sensitivity Max: Diff: Delay VdS

(%), dB/m Sec=0.9*x Tested

1 100% --------- --------- 5

2 67%   30

Factory setting 3 100%   5 X

4 200%   30

5   30

Version 2.5 54
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

Detection properties for detection software up to and including version 54:

For intelligent optical/thermal detectors (OTi) & (OTi Fusion) this means:

Level * Smoke sensitivity Max: TDiff: O part Delay Tmax Tdiff delay VdS

(%), dB/m Sec=0.9*x Sec=0.9*x Sec=0.9*x Tested

1 100% --------- --------- 5 --------- ---------

2 67% ---------  5 --------- 20

Factory setting 3 100%   5 5 --------- X

4 200% ---------  5 --------- 20

5   5 ---------


The programmed trigger smoke sensitivity is relative to the middle dB/m

values in the corresponding product data sheets.

Options for detector class changes

Default values and applications for detector software version 42/55 and up are shown in the table
below. A sensitivity level of 3 corresponds to the factory setting. The bold and underlined detector
classes correspond to the basic settings of the detectors within each sensitivity level. The detector
classes can be individually changed within their sensitivity levels directly at the detector using the
EasyCheck 3000.

Version 2.5 55
Programming the fire control panel

Typical trigger
Smoke trigger VdS
Sensitivity level Detector class temperature Trigger behaviour Ambient conditions Example
behaviour tested
(EN 54-5)

For: PL 320X T and PL 330X T (detector software version 42 and up)

large changes in ambient Boiler rooms,

static (reacts to temperature
1 A1S (A1) up to 65°C temperature over a longer kitchens, hotel X
threshold value)
period of time rooms

slow changes in ambient

differential + static (reacts unheated
A1R, A1S (A1) temperature, only very
2 up to 65°C to high, short temperature buildings, storage X
A2R, A2S (A2) short large increases
rises) areas

slow changes in ambient

differential + static (reacts unheated
A1R, A1S (A1) temperature, only very
3 up to 70°C to high, short temperature buildings, storage X
A2R, A2S (A2) short large increases
rises) areas

slow changes in ambient

differential + static (reacts unheated
A1R, A1S (A1) temperature, only very
4 up to 70°C to high, short temperature buildings, storage X
A2R, A2S (A2) short large increases
rises) areas

large changes in ambient Boiler rooms,

static (reacts to temperature
5 A2S (A2) up to 70°C temperature over a longer kitchens, hotel X
threshold value)
period of time rooms

For: PL 320X OT (V42 and up), PL 330X OT (V42 and up), PL 330X OTi (V55 and up), PL 330X OTi Fusion (V55 and up)

Smoke according to EN 54 -
1 (100%)0.11dB/m Offices X

Smoke according to EN 54- slow changes in ambient

A1R, A1S (A1) 7, differential + static temperature, only very
2 (100%)0.11dB/m up to 65°C buildings, storage X
A2R, A2S (A2) (reacts to large, short short large increases
temperature increases) possible

Smoke according to EN 54- slow changes in ambient

A1R, A1S (A1) 7, differential + static temperature, only very
3 (100%)0.11dB/m up to 70°C buildings, storage X
A2R, A2S (A2) (reacts to large, short short large increases
temperature increases) possible

40% less sensitive to smoke

slow changes in ambient
according to EN 54-7, unheated
A1R, A1S (A1) temperature, only very
4 (140%)0.15dB/m up to 70°C differential + static (reacts buildings, storage
A2R, A2S (A2) short large increases
to large, short temperature areas

differential + static (reacts slow changes in ambient

A1R, A1S (A1) to high, short temperature temperature, only very
5 up to 70°C buildings, storage X
A2R, A2S (A2) rises) in compliance with EN short large increases
54-5 possible

For: PL 330X OTi (V56 and up)

Smoke according to prEN 54

3 (100%)0.11dB/m A1 up to 70°C X
- 29

Line with grey background = factory setting

The programmed trigger smoke sensitivity is relative to the middle dB/m
values in the corresponding product data sheets.

Version 2.5 56
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

The current contamination of the detector can be viewed under the Contamination heading. These
values are not percentages, simply numeric values from 0 – 15 that correspond to the following

Numeric value Contamination in %

0 00
1 06
2 12 - 17
3 18 - 23
4 24 - 29
5 30 - 37
6 38 - 45
7 46 - 53
8 54 - 61
9 62 - 69
10 70 - 73
11 74 - 77
12 78 - 81
13 82 - 85
14 86
15 90 - 100 [ 2 ] "Detector type":

04-05-12 07:16:33

Input : _
1=S 2=R 3=I 4=Z
5=O 6=T 7=D
Confirm with <-

Here, the following meanings apply:

0 0 0Code 0 0 0 Meaning 0 0 0 000

S Sound module, sounder control module, loop sounder
R Input/output module, relay module
I Ionisation smoke detector
Z Switching module for limit value detectors
O Optical smoke detector, multisensor detector
T Heat detector (thermal detector)
D Manual call point

Version 2.5 57
Programming the fire control panel

By entering the corresponding number (1 to 7), one of the above detector or module types can be
selected and then, after pressing the Enter key [ ] the corresponding data is displayed on the LCD
display, from all ring and branch lines of the fire control panel. [ 3 ] "Analogue value“:

04-05-12 07:16:33

1 Higher
2 Lower

Here, you can select whether all loop nodes with "greater" analogue values than X will be
displayed, or whether the search criterion should be "less than" analogue value X. Here, the
"analogue value" is the current stable value of the loop node, that is, the value that the node
000 000 000 000
continuously transmits to the fire control panel. If you enter [ 1 ] or [ 2 ], the display immediately
changes to:

04-05-12 07:16:34

Input : _

Confirm with <-

0 0the0 analogue
Here, 0 0value
0 (shown 0above
0 0as X) 0is 0 0 which will be used as the reference. For
example, if all loop nodes with analogue value > 35 should be displayed, then the [ 35 ] must be
entered here, and above the [ 1 ] for "greater than". Input must always be confirmed with the
Enter key [  ]. [ 4 ] "Alarm thresholds":

In principle, this point works like menu item 2 (analogue value), but in this case the fire control
panel doesn't sort on the current stable values but on the alarm thresholds of the loop nodes. [ 5 ] "Customer text":

In this menu, you can display the customer text programmed for each individual detector. If this
menu is selected, you will be asked to enter a zone and a detector.

If the specified detector does not exist, then the following message appears: "Detector not found".
The next detector can be displayed with the [ ] key. The next detector in the same zone is
always shown, then the first detector in the next zone, and so on. To select another zone or
another detector directly, quit the function with the [  ] key and then enter the zone and detector
If the detector is found, then a display appears that contains not only the customer text but also
additional diagnostic information that will be described in more detail below:

Version 2.5 58
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:33

Zones : 1
Detector : 4_ Z 0
Seg: 01 Adr: 004
- No text! -

The following information appear on the individual lines:

00 1 - 0 0 0 Zone 000 000
Line 2 - Detector number in the zone
- Detector type (see table in Section 17.3.2 - Displaying detector data),
with the following additional code letters:
C = limit value line
E = extinguishing line
- internal status of the detector:
0 = Idle
1 = Pre-alarm
2 = Alarm
4 = Fault
8 = Disable

Line 3 - Associated segment number

- Detector address in segment
- for detector types with the option of sensitivity switching, the
programmed day/night sensitivity is shown
- for detector types R and S, the expected status of the output is shown:
O0 = output off
O1 = Output on
- for detector types R and Z, the status of the input is shown:
Input event = I
Input idle = No display
- for limit value and extinguishing lines, the current is shown in mA

Line 4 - the programmed customer text is displayed,

if no customer text is programmed, then "- no text -" is displayed

The next detector in the zone can be selected with the [ ] key. Recursive display with the [ ]
key is currently NOT possible.

Version 2.5 59
Programming the fire control panel

15.3.2 Detector test

Input [ 2 ]

In this menu item, an automatic detector test is carried out by the fire control panel. The group of
detectors to be tested must first be placed in review mode; see 12.4 "Turning review off/on (Test

Please note that only addressable detectors with optical smoke detection can be tested in this
menu item. All other loop nodes will show "Fault" after about 30 seconds.

During the detector test, the detector electronics are asked to allow the analogue value to rise into
the alarm range. The detector electronics are placed in the alarm state artificially, without any test
gas or the like. However, this works just as though a real alarm had occurred, that is, it is not a
simple software test. Since the detector chamber itself cannot be tested with this function,
however, this test does not meet the requirements of DIN 14675 section 11.5.2.
Since review is a prerequisite for the detector test in a group, the test alarm does not cause an
alarm display on the fire control panel, no activations, no pre-alarm or main alarm, etc.; see 12.4
"Turning review off/on (Test state)".

The detector test is activated with [ 2 ] and the dialog window responds with:

04-05-12 07:16:32

Zones : _
Detector :

Confirm with <-

The required input must be entered and then confirmed with the Enter key [  ]. Then the detector
data is displayed for the detector entered. If the alarm state is not reached after 30 seconds, a
0 is0 issued.
fault 0 0 0 0 the test0alarm
Otherwise, 0 0 is shown
0 0on0 the fire control panel display. This test alarm
is deleted automatically after 30 seconds.

The test alarm, any fault that occurs and the idle message are logged in the event log.

The detector test is only possible in Zones that are in review mode. If a zone
is entered that is not in review mode, the diagnostic menu is automatically
displayed again.
Detector tests and review alarms may not be carried out simultaneously.
After a review alarm, the detector test is blocked for 2 minutes.
Once a detector test is started, it cannot be cancelled. If the display
"Detector test" is quit by pressing the [C] key, the detector test continues to
run in the background.
The review can be turned off immediately after the test alarm ends if there
are no review alarms.

Version 2.5 60
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

15.3.3 Message FIFO

Input [ 3 ]

The message FIFO is an event log in which all the events relevant to the fire alarm logic are stored,
for example incoming messages.

The contents of the event log can be viewed after entering [ 3 ].

The last 500 messages can be retrieved using the cursor keys [ ]/[ ] and [ ]/[ ]. If a
new message appears, this is entered with message number 001 (for the latest message) and the
oldest message is deleted from the buffer. This function can be useful, for example, in order to
check operation of the fire control panel for correctness.

Once the operator enters [ 3 ], the dialog window shows the latest (last entered) message, for
example the following:

04-05-12 07:16:32

Message number: 001

Flt: Bty OC

03-05-09 18:21:17

This message means that on 3 May 2009 at 6:21 PM, a line break was detected between the
battery and the fire control panel.
000 000 000 000
The bottom cursor key [ ] pages to the next older message, and the top cursor key [ ] pages
back to the newer. The left [ ] / right [ ] cursor keys jump over 10 messages at a time. The
[ C ] key can be used to jump back into the Diagnostics menu.
For detector faults and alarms, the analogue value of the loop node or the line current of limit
value lines is also entered in the event log. This provides more accurate information about how the
report occurred and may provide some indication of the cause.

Actions that are taken on the directly connected PC or from the modem are also logged to the

The following PC actions can be entered on the second line:

"PC Read out parms" means that the system parameters have been read out from
the PC

"PC Send parms" means that new system parameters were sent to the fire control panel

"PC Read out FIFO" means that the FIFO log was read out from the PC

"PC Read out texts" means that the customer texts were read from the PC
"PC Send texts" means that the customer texts were reloaded from
the PC

"PC On/off cmd" means that a turn off or turn on command was sent from the PC
For an "on/off command", the log first lists what was turned on or off. So here, two entries in the
event log must be considered together.

Version 2.5 61
Programming the fire control panel

15.3.4 Data error

Input [ 4 ]
In this menu, for each loop card there is one counter for all correct data packets (D_OK) and one
counter for incorrect data packets (D_Err). When an error occurs, the D_OK counter is reset and
the D_Err is increased by one. For a completely error-free cycle, D_Err is decreased by one, on the
second error-free cycle, D_Err is divided by two, and on the third error-free run, D_Err is set to 0.
A reset of the "Fault data" takes place during a [ Reset ] on the fire control panel or when D_Err
has returned to a value of 0.

After entry of [ 4 ], for example, the following appears in the LCD display:

04-05-12 07:16:32

LC D_OK D_Err Mx_Err

01 9999 000 000
02 0000 000 000
(A)Back (<-)Clr_Mx

The individual codes have the following meanings:

LC0 0 0
= 0 0 0 address
Assembly 000 000
D_OK = Counter for correct data packets

D_Err = Counter for incorrect data packets

Mx_Err = The maximum value that D_Err reaches is stored here and displayed.

This can be reset using the Enter key [  ]

15.3.5 General status

Input [ 5 ]

In this menu, the status of the RAM checksum, Bitbus, transmission system, node address and the
offset (when operating with an active Bitbus module) as well as the current battery status are all

The following display is shown after [ 5 ] is pressed:

04-05-12 07:16:33

Checks RAM: OK
Adr:02 H Offset:0000

Bty:27,2V Ri 0,33R

Fig. Example of Bitbus network

Akku 27,2V Ri 0,33R
Explanation of the display:

Version 2.5 62
000 000 000 000
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

Adr: Node address of the fire control panel (configured address of the Bitbus module in the
fire control panel)

H: H = 375 kBd (configured Bitbus communication speed)

L = 62.5 kBd (configured Bitbus communication speed)

Offset: Detector zone offset in the fire control panel for all detector zones

Battery: Voltage status of the battery

Ri 0,xxR Displays the charging voltage, or the battery voltage during an Ri measurement.
The actual battery voltage is only displayed for about 1 to 2 seconds during the Ri
measurement. A value of 0.00R is displayed if no plausible value has yet been
determined (duration up to 10 minutes, for example after the fire control panel is
turned on) or if there is a defect. The measurement range of the internal battery
resistance extends up to 4 ohms.

Here is another example, this one without a Bitbus network:

04-05-12 07:16:33

Checksum R: OK
Bitbus inactive
Bty:26,7V Ri 0,0041R

Fig. Example without Bitbus network

000 000
Show date of service instruction
000 000

By pressing the right cursor key [ ], the second page of the Diagnostics / General Status can
be called up. The date is shown there after which the fire control panel will display the instruction:
"Service due".

04-05-12 07:16:33

Service due:

In the example shown, the fire control panel will display the message "Service due" starting on
October 30, 2012 at midnight. If the date 00-00-00 appears in this window, there is no date
programmed for display of a service instruction.
000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 63
Programming the fire control panel

15.4 "Alarm counter" menu

Input [ 4 ] or key [ Alarm counter ]
The alarm counter is displayed directly; it can only be reset using the dpt (detectomat
programming tool).

The alarm counter is increased by 1 each time the fire alarm state is entered. If the fire control
panel is already in the fire alarm state and then additional alarms occur, these are not counted by
the alarm counter.

The dialog window then looks like the following:

04-05-12 07:16:33

Alarm count: 0005


In this
0 0case,
0 the0fire0 control
0 panel 0
0 registered
0 0 20alarms
0 so far. This does not include pre-alarms
or test alarms from detector testing, or the first alarm in a dependency. The [ C ] key can be used
to quit the alarm counter.

15.5 "System Data" menu

Input: [ 5 ]
This menu, with several submenus for the configuration of various parameters and functions,
should only be accessible to authorised personnel. For this reason, the "System Data" menu is
secured by another 5-digit password (factory setting [ 55555 ]).

The "System Data" menu with the following functions:

Function Input Description

Detector data [1] For programming the sensitivity of optical, optical/thermal

and thermal detectors, as well as the pre-alarm criterion.

Alarm organisation [2] For the programming of alarm dependencies, detector

15.5.2 zones, output programming and time functions

Read in detectors [3] To start automatic addressing or the scanning procedure

15.5.3 on each loop card.

Parameter [4] To set fire control panel parameters for the fire brigade
15.5.4 control panel, signalling device activation, pre-alarm,
mains power failure etc.

Initialization [5] To reset (delete) parameter settings, program settings,

15.5.5 customer texts, FIFO and also required during initial

Version 2.5 64
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

15.5.1 "Detector data" menu

Input [ 1 ]

This function can be used to change the sensitivity of each individual detector within certain limits
and to program the pre-alarm criterion and the Alarm on fault function individually for each
detector. This function should be called up if, due to ambient conditions, the triggering behaviour
of detectors must be changed.

However, we explicitly recommend programming using our software
"detectomat programming tool", since the input values have different
meanings for modules and sounders.
Input directly at the fire control panel is only provided for automatic detectors
such as (O, T, OT, OTi and OTi Fusion).

The alarm threshold is always 55, and for Loop 3000 detectors this cannot be changed. To change
the sensitivity of these detectors, it is possible to set the sensitivity level of the detector from 1 to

After entering [ 1 ] to select this menu item, the following appears in the dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:33

Zone : _
from Detector:
to Detector :
Confirm with <-

After entering the zone and detector (or multiple detectors) that must be configured, this must be
0 0 0 using0the 0 Enter
0 key [ 0]. 0 0 000
For example, the following display may appear:

04-05-12 07:16:33

PreAlm/Flt.Alm : 0
Sensitivity day: 3
Sensitivity night 3

Daytime sensitivity: Values 1 – 5 are supported

0 0time sensitivity:
000 Values
0 01 0
– 5 are 0
By pressing the Enter key [ ], you can jump to the corresponding line and then enter the desired
input there. These line(s) can then be overwritten directly with the new value. Input must always

Version 2.5 65
Programming the fire control panel

be confirmed with the Enter key [  ]. Here, too, the cancel key [ C ] can be used at any time to
cancel the process and retain the original value.

The pre-alarm criterion can be set for each detector/module. Pre-alarm means that for
addressable detectors, at 50% smoke an internal alarm is reported that is only displayed on the
fire control panel. No outputs (buzzer, sounders, relays, etc.) are activated, but the pre-alarm
offers the option of detecting potential danger earlier.

The function Alarm on fault can be configured for each detector / module. Alarm on Fault means
that a detector/module can also trigger an alarm on the fire control panel even if the detector or
module is already in the Fault state. This is usually required for input/output modules if they are
used to connect special detector types. If the Alarm on Fault function is not active and the detector
/ module is already in the Fault state, the fire control panel will remain in the Fault state (no alarm
triggering) even if the detector or module then transmits the Alarm state to the fire control panel.
This is provided for automatic detectors. It can be assumed that if an automatic detector is in the
fault state and then switches directly from the fault state to the alarm state, that this is a false
alarm. If a detector/module first switches to idle for a moment after the fault (the Idle state must
be active for long enough for the fire control panel to detect it) and only then to Alarm, an alarm is
triggered on the fire control panel even if the function Alarm on Fault is not active.

The following possible inputs are available:

Input Function

[0] No pre-alarm / no alarm on fault

[1] Pre-alarm / no alarm on fault

[2] No pre-alarm / alarm on fault

[3] Pre-alarm / alarm on fault

Input must always be confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

Version 2.5 66
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

15.5.2 "Alarm organisation" menu

Input [ 2 ]

The "Alarm organisation" menu with the following functions:

Function Input Description

Programming of two-detector dependencies (type B),

two-detector dependencies and two-zone
Alarm dependencies [1]
dependencies (type B) or the Alarm Buffering function
in any detector zone (type A)

for the programming of dependencies between

arbitrary detector zones, building alarm/fault detector
Zone programming [2]
zones, manual call point lines, explosion safety lines
and FSC zones

For the programming of active modules and alarm

Output programming [3]

Time functions [4] For the programming of delays and sensitivities [ 1 ] Alarm dependencies

The following menu appears after [ 1 ] is entered.

04-05-12 07:16:32

1 2DD (Type B)
2 2DD + 2ZD (Type B)
3 AS (Typ A) [ 1 ] 2MA (type B) "two-detector dependency““

000 000 000 000
Here, "two-detector dependency" can be activated for a zone.
The designation "Type B" refers to the current EN standard for a dependency of the fire alarm
condition on more than one alarm signal. The designation of the function for the detectomat is:
"Two-detector dependency type B with reference to a zone"

Two-detector dependency is automatically activated by the fire control panel if the zone is
programmed in a two-zone dependency. If the two-detector dependency should not be deactivated
in this function, it must be checked whether the zone participates in a two-zone dependency.
Upon request from the dialog window, a zone must be entered for which the two-detector
dependency should be turned on or off.

Version 2.5 67
Programming the fire control panel

The dialog window looks like the following:

04-05-12 07:16:33

Zone : _

Confirm with <-

If you then enter a zone, for example [ 5 ], and confirm it with the Enter key [  ], the screen
000 000 000 000

04-05-12 07:16:34

Zone : 5
Confirm with <-

Now the numbers [ 1 ] or [ 0 ] must be used to enter the desired state (on = [ 1 ] or off = [ 0 ]).
If "Two-zone
0 0 0 dependency"
0 0 0 is turned 0 0on,0 then only
0 0after
0 two detectors are simultaneously in alarm
on the specified zone will the main alarm be routed to the fire brigade.

Exception: If there are detector Disablements in a zone with two-detector dependency active, so
that it cannot be sure that the remaining active detectors in the area can fulfil the dependency,
then even after the alarm triggering of a single detector the main alarm will still be routed to the
fire brigade.

If the first detector in the dependency area is in the alarm state, this will not
automatically be reset. The detector remains in the alarm state until a fire
control panel reset is carried out by operations at the fire control panel.

The factory settings specify all zones without two-detector dependency.

Version 2.5 68
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel [ 2 ] 2DD + 2GD (type B) "two-zone dependency“

Here, "two-zone dependency" can be activated for a zone.

The designation "Type B" refers to the current EN standard for a dependency of the fire alarm
condition on more than one alarm signal. The designation of the function for the detectomat is:
"Two-detector dependency type B with reference to two zones". This function is a combination of
the old two-zone dependency with an additional two-detector dependency. This extends the
reference area of the two-detector dependency to a second zone.

Upon request of the dialog window, two zones must be entered one after the other that can be
combined into a single reference area.

The dialog window looks like the following:

04-05-12 07:16:33

Zone : _
Zone :
Confirm with <-

The input of the corresponding zones must always be confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

0 0once
Only 0 at least
0 0 0two detectors 0 0are0 in the0 alarm
0 0 state simultaneously in the area of the
dependency (the two zones) will the main alarm be activated and routed to the fire brigade. It
doesn't matter whether the two detectors in the alarm state are in the same zone, or whether one
detector is in the alarm state in each zone.
Exception: If there are detector or group Disablements in a zone with two-zone dependency active,
so that it cannot be sure that the remaining active detectors in the area can fulfil the dependency,
then even after the alarm triggering of a single detector the main alarm will still be routed to the
fire brigade.

If the first detector in the dependency area is in the alarm state, this will not
automatically be reset. The detector remains in the alarm state until a fire
control panel reset is carried out by operations at the fire control panel.

To remove the two-zone dependency for two zones again, select the two-zone dependency menu
item again, enter one of the two linked zones, and then specify zero (0) as the second zone. The
dependency is then deleted for both. The factory settings specify all zones without two-zone
dependency. [ 3 ] AB (type A) alarm buffering

Here, "alarm buffering" can be activated for a zone.
The designation "Type A" refers to the current EN standard for a dependency of the fire alarm
condition on more than one alarm signal. The designation of the function for the detectomat is:
"Alarm buffering"
Upon request from the dialog window, a zone must be entered for which alarm buffering should be
turned on or off.

Version 2.5 69
Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:33

Zone : _

Confirm with <-

This input must always be confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

0 0a time
Then 0 in seconds
0 0 0 (from 0 to0120)
0 0must be0entered
0 0 for which the alarm buffering should be

04-05-12 07:16:33

Zone : X

000 Sek.
Confirm with <-

This input must always be confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

00 is0different
0 0 for loop 0detectors
0 0 and0the
0 0limit value lines of a limit value line card.
Loop detectors:
Depending on how long the time is configured to be, an incoming alarm on the specified zone is
delayed. The alarm report starts a time window with the programmed delay time. Once the delay
time has elapsed, another check is made whether the detector or the line is still in the alarm state.
If so, the alarm is triggered; otherwise the alarm is suppressed and not displayed. If another alarm
from another detector from the same zone is received during a pending delay time, then the alarm
is immediately triggered on the fire control panel, even if the delay time has not yet elapsed.
Automatic detectors automatically set the status reported to the fire control panel to Idle if no fire
indicators are active. So a short occurrence of a fire indicator does not lead to the triggering of an

To be able to use this function with input/output modules, the I check for this input/output module
must be used to set the function for the input to "Input with autoreset". Otherwise, the
input/output module will continuously send the Alarm status until the fire control panel is reset
even if the alarm state was only on the module input for a brief time. In this case, alarm buffering
would be cancelled. The alarm would be triggered at the fire control panel in any case, but with a

Limit value lines:

For limit value lines the rule is that the time is generally 60 seconds. Here, after 5 seconds there is
a reset of the line in Alarm, since limit value detectors store the alarm status. Then the panel waits
for 55 seconds. After this time elapses, it checks whether the limit value line is in alarm again. If
this alarm does not appear, the fire control panel remains in Idle and the alarm buffering time is

Version 2.5 70
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

reset to 60 seconds again. If the alarm comes again, an alarm is triggered on the fire control

If a zero ([ 0 ]) is entered, alarm buffering is deactivated for the specified group/line. The factory
settings specify all groups/lines without buffering. [ 2 ] Zone programming

The following menu appears after [ 2 ] is entered.

04-05-12 07:16:33

1 Zones
2 int.Alm./Flt.Zone
3 MCP Zone
4 Intrinsic Zone
5 ADC-zone [ 1 ] Detector zone

0 0all0loop nodes
Here, 000 0 0 can
in the Loop 3000 0 be combined
0 0 0 into detector zones. For example, 30 loop
nodes on a 2-wire line can be divided into three zones of 10 nodes each. The number of nodes in
a zone is arbitrary. Please check any limitations in the VdS regulations.

Even 2 loop nodes with the same address from different segments (loop/branch) can be grouped
into one and the same zone. The idea of this zone division is to define certain monitoring areas as
a zone in order to implement activations or displays for this zone only.

However, we explicitly recommend carrying out zone assignment using our
"detectomat programming tool" software.

First, the loop and limit value line cards:

As you can see in the connection diagrams, each loop card has 4 and each limit value line card 8
terminal pairs, for one two-wire line each to the detectors/modules. The following instructions all
refer to the detector assembly with factory settings.

At most 2 loop cards can be used in the fire control panel.
On each of these loop cards (at most 2 loops), twice 126 detectors can be
connected, with detector addresses 1 through 126.
The "Loop" connection type is recommended.
If multiple branches are connected instead of loops, the number of
detector addresses stays the same. However, it must be noted that in this
case 4 branches per loop card can be connected. However, Branches 1 and 2
and Branches 3 and 4 belong together. In branches that work together, the
same address may not be repeated.

For programming, there must be an assignment of the loop node to the terminal pair(s) to which it
is connected.

Version 2.5 71
Programming the fire control panel

The assignment is as follows:

Loop card (detector assembly) 1: Terminal pairs ML1-ML2: Loop (segment) 1

Loop card (detector assembly) 1: Terminal pairs ML3-ML4: Loop (segment) 2

Loop card (detector assembly) 2: Terminal pairs ML9-ML10: Loop (segment) 3

Loop card (detector assembly) 2: Terminal pairs ML11-ML12: Loop (segment) 4

To comply with the VdS regulations specifying at most 32 detectors per zone, the default
distribution of detector addresses in a fire control panel with detector assembly DLI3240 is as

Loop 1: Addresses 01 - 31 = Zone 1 Loop 2: Addresses 01 - 31 = Zone 5

Loop 1: Addresses 32 - 63 = Zone 2 Loop 2: Addresses 32 - 63 = Zone 6

Loop 1: Addresses 64 - 95 = Zone 3 Loop 2: Addresses 64 - 95 = Zone 7

Loop 1: Addresses 96 - 126 = Zone 4 Loop 2: Addresses 96 - 126 = Zone 8

This is the factory programming, which can be changed if desired.

To make it possible to distinguish between two loop or limit value line cards, these are also
addressed. To this end, each loop or limit value line card has a 4- or 8-pin DIP switch that can be
used to set its address.

For limit value line cards with address 1, lines 1 – 8 are reserved by the
factory, and for address 2, lines 9 – 16 are reserved.

How to configure the address for the loop or limit value line card can be seen in the attached
technical diagrams. The distribution of the loop or limit value line cards on the detector line slots is

The detect 3004 fire control panel can only use addresses 1 and 2 for detector

For limit value detectors, there is logically no distribution of detector addresses. There, it is only
necessary to note that each line can be used to connect 25 detectors. There are thus a maximum
number of 200 detectors available per limit value card. These limit value cards are addressed as
described above.

For a limit value system, no zones can be formed, or in other words, a zone is the same as a line.
However, a limit value line (zone) can be used, for example, to activate a loop module (relay
module), since these modules are controlled by zones and it doesn't matter in this case whether it
is a loop zone or a limit value line. All other information about zone distribution refer to the Loop
3000 system.
In the factory settings, detector addresses are assigned as described earlier to the segments
(loop/branch) and zones. If this assignment must be changed, this can be done by changing the
zone membership of individual nodes or by programming entire new zones.

These zones must naturally be free, that is, if a loop detector assembly is connected to detector
line slot 1 and detector line slot 2 is connected to a limit value detector assembly, the zones 1-8
are occupied by the loop detector assembly and zones 9-16 by the limit value detector assembly.

Version 2.5 72
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

In the following example, let's assumes that there is only one loop detector assembly, but that the
fire control panel is equipped with 48 zone LEDs. After entering [ 1 ] to select the "Detector zones"
menu item, the following appears in the dialog window:

04-05-12 07:16:34

Segment : _
from Adress:
to Adress :
Zone :
Confirm with <-

As "Segment", we now have to enter the loop/branch to which the detector is connected that
should be assigned to a new zone. Then we'll be asked for the detector addresses. Here, you can
also 0 0 just0a 0single
0 detector,0which
0 0 will then
0 0form
0 a zone by itself. Finally, the new zone must
be entered.

In this example, the input could be as follows:

04-05-12 07:16:35

Segment : 1
from Adress: 16
to Adress : 31
Zone : 29_
Bestätigen mit <-

Each input must be confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

0 0detector
Thus 0 0 0 0 16 through
addresses 000 0 0 0 1 would immediately belong to Zone 29.
31 in Segment
There, they would appear with detector numbers 1 through 16, because the numbering within
Zone 29 starts over at 1. Detector addresses 1 through 15 in Segment 1 would still belong to Zone

By using this function multiple times, it is also possible to zone multiple detectors (that may also
be located on different loops) into a single zone. It is important to note that whenever detectors are
added to a zone, all detectors are resorted within the zone. This sorting works on the principle that
first all detectors with the lowest loop number are sequentially numbered within the zone. Then all
detectors in the next higher loop number are again sequentially numbered in order of their
addresses, etc.

Version 2.5 73
Programming the fire control panel

A free assignment of detectors within detector zonesis not possible using the
menus on the fire control panel, since as described above, there is always an
automatic sorting within the zone. Free assignment is only possible by using
the detectomat programming tool. Zonescan also be programmed here in
which a detector with a higher loop number is assigned a lower detector
number than a detector with a lower loop number. Similarly, for example, the
detector with address 1 on loop 1 can be assigned detector number 2, and the
detector with address 20 on loop 1 can be assigned detector number 1 in the
same zone.

It is also possible for all the zonesto be displayed to which a certain detector belongs. To do this,
the same detector address must be entered for "From address" and "To address". Then for
"Zone:", the dialog window shows the current zone of the detector, which can be changed by
entering a new zone. [ 2 ] Building alarm zones/ fault detector zones

Building alarm zones are detector zones that in case of alarm should not alarm the fire brigade, that
is, do not generate a main alarm. Only an internal alarm within the building occurs.
If a detector zone is programmed as a fault detector zone, when this detector zone meets an alarm
criterion it no longer triggers an "alarm", but rather a "fault" on the fire control panel. It can optionally
be specified in the program whether a fault detector zone should work with or without an autoreset
function, and with or without activation of the collective fault relay.
The detector zones can consist of both limit value detectors and loop nodes. Building alarm zones/
fault detector zones can be zones with automatic detectors, but also zones with manual call point or

As of software version 6E_05, when using fault detector zones it is no longer necessary to replace
the red alarm LED of the GEA with a yellow one, since triggers in a fault detector zone are now
indicated by lighting the yellow display on the GEA.

After selecting point 2 ("Bldg.alarm/fault gp."), the fire control panel queries the zone:

04-05-12 07:16:36

Zone : _

Confirm with <-

0 0the0zone must
Then 0 0 be0 specified that
0 0will
0 be defined
0 0 0here, e.g. [ 2 ]. After confirming the input with
the Enter key [ ], the dialog window looks like this:

Version 2.5 74
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:36

Zone : 2
(enable=1-5/dis=0) In this example,
0 this is zone 2.

Confirm with <-

Then the following functions are available which must again be confirmed after input using the Enter
key [  ]:
000 000 000 000

Input Function
[0] Disabled (normal fire detector group)

[1] Building alarm zone

Triggers the fire alarm state, but does not trigger the main alarm and/or
no activation of the transmission system
[2] Fault detector zone with autoreset with activation of the collective fault

[3] Fault detector zone without autoreset with activation of the collective
fault relay
[4] Fault detector zone Emergency stop / extra flooding
Fault detector zone without autoreset and without activation of the
collective fault relay

[5] Extinguishing system zone fault

Fault detector zone without autoreset and with activation of the
collective fault relay, but no fault report after release of an extinguishing
system (empty report)

"Autoreset" in this context means that the fault and display are automatically reset on the fire
control panel once the fault criterion no longer applies. [ 3 ] Manual call point lines

As of software version 6E_01, participation in the delay can be set individually for each zone.
Automatic detectors, modules or limit value lines must therefore not be programmed as manual
call point if they should not be delayed.

All zone that only contain manual call points should always be programmed as manual call point.
Manual call points that are read in by the fire control panel as the manual call point type (type D in
the diagnostics) are always treated by the fire control panel as manual call points, even if they are
arranged in a fire control group in combination with automatic detectors.

Programming a zone with automatic detectors as manual call point can be used to ensure that the
configured reaction and verification time for pushbutton call points applies to them as well.

To do this, first select the number [ 3 ] to select the Manual Call point Lines menu item. Then the
dialog window asks for a line. The line must be entered and confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

Version 2.5 75
Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:36

Zone : _

Confirm with <-

Then it will ask for the state. A "1" means that this is a manual call point line, while a "0" means
an automatic zone. All lines that are entered for a "1" are routed as a main alarm without delay.
000 000 000 000

04-05-12 07:16:37

Zone : X
Confirm with <-

Input must always be confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

000 000 000 000

In the factory settings, all zones with modules are preset to "0", that is,
automatic. However, the factory settings also specify no delay and no
programmed day/night times. The manual call point lines and any zones with
modules must therefore only be entered if day/night switching is activated. [ 4 ] "Ex lines" menu

After entering [ 4 ], lines with conventional detectors in Ex variants (connected to a conventional
card) can be entered here. This is necessary to configure the fire control panel for the different line
currents and threshold values of Ex detectors in comparison with normal detectors. The
conventional cards thus need no configuration for Ex lines.

Version 2.5 76
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

The dialog window shows:

04-05-12 07:16:36

Zone : _

Confirm with <-

The numeric keypad must be used to specify a line with Ex detectors and this is confirmed with
0 0 key [ 0 0]. 0Only one line0can
0 0always0be0specified.
0 For a second, third, etc. Ex line, this
menu item must be called repeatedly.
If Ex detectors are connected to a limit value module (TCM 3300), then the corresponding
threshold values are not parameterised with this menu item, but with the I-Check.

A zone programmed for Ex detectors may NEVER be programmed with a two-
detector dependency, since no second alarm can be triggered on the Ex line
and therefore there can never be a main alarm on this line. [ 5 ] FSC zones (fire safety closure)

Here, detector zones can be entered that will be used to control a fire door (fire safety closure).
Alarms from this type of detector zone are in principle treated like normal fire detector zones, but
there are also the criteria "Fault" and "Disabled" that affect an input/output module. The detector
zones can consist of both limit value detectors and loop nodes.
FSC zones can be defined as zones with automatic detectors, but also as zones with manual call
points. The control element for fire safety doors can for example be the IOM 3311 input/output
module. If the FSC zone is made up of loop detectors (PL detectors and IOM), then the IOM must
be in the same zone as the PL detectors in order to retain the complete functionality of the FSC

These control modules must be programmed in the "Active modules" menu
with the associated FSC detector zones for Alarm.

If there is an alarm, faults or Disablements within the FSC zone, the associated module is activated
so that the fire safety door falls shut.

Version 2.5 77
Programming the fire control panel

For input/output modules that are in FSC zones, there is no participation in Fire control system Off
even if this is specified differently in dpt. The outputs of fire safety closure zones may not be
blocked by Fire control system Off. The programming of FSC zones is as simple as one would
expect. After selecting point [ 5 ] ("FSC zones"), the fire control panel asks for the zone:

04-05-12 07:16:36

Zone : _

Confirm with <-

Then thezone is entered that will be defined as an FSC zone, e.g. 2. This entry must be confirmed
with the Enter key [  ]. The dialog window then looks like the following:
000 000 000 000

04-05-12 07:16:37

Zone : 2
Confirm with <-

The cursor stands in the 5th line. Now the [ 1 ] key is used to define the detector zone as an FSC
0 0[03 ] Output
0 0 0 programming
000 000
The following menu appears after [ 3 ] is entered.

04-05-12 07:16:37

1 Control units
2 Alarm output

000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 78
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel [ 1 ] Active-Module
So-called loop modules have already been mentioned a few times in the above text. These are
modules that are connected to the detector line exactly like a loop detector and also receive an
address assignment. This address is then used to process all input and output. These modules can
be mounted decentrally at arbitrary points in the loop or branch line in order to carry out their
functions there. The great advantage of this system is that no additional lines must be laid to
activate a relay somewhere in the building, for example, but rather the existing lines can simply be
used. The first part of the following information refers only to the control modules that are
triggered by programmed events.

The following Loop 3000 nodes are considered active modules:

IOM 3311 AMD 3311 OMS 3301 OMS mini 3301

LS 3300 LS 3300 VLC LS 3300 SBK LS 3300 VXB

PL 3300 PA SDM 3300

The TCM 3300 limit value module has a special status in connection with the
programming of the active modules.

This will be described later in more detail.

The programming of the active modules can only be carried out using the
"detectomat programming tool" software. The Active Modules menu on the
fire control panel is only for inspection purposes.

Active modules:
The active modules trigger relays or monitored control lines (for example signalling devices,
flashing lights) depending on one or more events. 504 events are available for programming,
which can be assigned to the connected modules arbitrarily.

The output of input/output modules for which no event is programmed will
trigger a main alarm.

Loop signalling devices for which no event is programmed will be activated

for the event selected under Parameter 2 for Activation of signalling devices.

Version 2.5 79
Programming the fire control panel

For the output programming of the active modules, a turn-on delay can be
programmed with the dpt. At most 16 delays can be configured of up to
240 seconds in 10-second steps. Faults can also be used as sources.

In the output programming, up to 16 "virtual outputs" can be defined for

use as buffers. The "virtual output" is always available as a source and
permits the grouping of control groups.

After pressing the [ 1 ] key, the following display appears on the LCD display:

04-05-12 07:16:37

Event: _
Seg: Adr:
Zone: Det.:
Code: Mapped:
Confirm with <-

Now the event number must be entered and confirmed with the Enter key [  ].
0 0the0cursor0is0positioned
Once 0 0 0segment
on the 0 0 0 0you can use the arrow keys [ ] and [ ] to
page through the events. The loop/branch and the loop address of the active module (destination)
are entered under Segment and Address. Which action the active module will trigger (source) is
specified under Zone and Detector.

The codes are:

0 = Alarm

1 = Fault

A module programmed for Alarm will also be triggered by an activated fault
detector zone (technical alarm).

For group entry, there are two special cases:

0 = Collective alarm

253 = Main alarm

Version 2.5 80
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

In the fire control panel software versions 6E_05 and 6E_06 there is a
special feature to be taken into consideration! This applies to programming
with zone number 253 (triggering of modules/signalling devices on a main
A module programmed with this zone number is already active when at
least the status "Internal alarm" and "Call fire brigade" or "Fire brigade
alarmed" are active, even if no main alarm has yet been activated.

The output of a module is programmed under Active Modules / Controls
only if triggered for main alarm.

Alarm triggering in a building alarm zone. (output inactive)

Pressing the Transmission System On/Off key on the fire brigade control
panel triggers the status "Call fire brigade" or "Fire brigade called".

The result is that the output of the module programmed for the main alarm
becomes active.

Avoid exclusively programming on the main alarm. The output of a
module/signalling device is automatically activated on main alarm if the
output is not programmed under controls. The output then only becomes
active on a main alarm and not by the combination of other states
described above.

The combinations are:

0 = or

1 = and

If you set the detector number = 0 then the event applies for all detectors in this zone.
If a block is programmed with "and" events, then a complete empty event must be programmed
before and after the block.

The programming for the example above would then have to look like this:

Event : 001
Seg: 001 Adr: 096
Zone: 001 Det.: 000
Code: 0 Mapped: 1

Event: 002
Seg: 001 Adr: 096
Zone: 002 Det.: 000
Kenn: 0 Mapped: 1

Version 2.5 81
Programming the fire control panel

Event: 003
no event
Seg: 000 Adr: 000
Zone: 000 Det.: 000
Code: 0 Mapped: 0

Event: 004
Seg: 001 Adr: 096
Zone: 001 Det.: 000
Code: 0 Mapped: 1

Event: 005
Seg: 001 Adr: 096
Zone: 003 Det.: 000
Code: 0 Mapped: 1

If a module should be triggered with a delay, then a main alarm event (zone = 253) must be
programmed for this module with an "and" combination.

TCM 3300 limit value module as active module:

A TCM 3300 can be programmed into the active modules to implement one of two special

Special function 1: Remote diabling of zones or individual loop nodes.

In the "Active Modules" menu item, the TCM 3300 is programmed as a source specifying the
segment (loop/branch) and the address. Zone and Detector define the target which should be
turned off or on. "Alarm" is selected under Trigger on.

If only one zone is specified and the detector number = 0, the entire zone is switched. If multiple
individual detectors or multiple zones should be switched together, then corresponding multiple
entries must be made under "Active Modules" that all show the same TCM as the source.

How the TCM 3300 works:

Limit value line in idle (idle current flowing) = zone or loop node enabled. Limit value line with line
break (no idle current) = zone or loop node disabled.

Special function 2: Sensitivity switching of individual automatic loop detectors and/or all automatic
detectors that are grouped into a single detector zone.

If manual sensitivity switching with TCM is used on a detect 3004 fire
control panel, the use of time-controlled sensitivity switching is not

Version 2.5 82
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

In the "Active Modules" menu item, the TCM 3300 is programmed as a source specifying the
segment (loop/branch) and the address. Zones and Detector define the target whose sensitivity
should be changed. "Fault" is selected under Trigger on.
If only one zone is specified and the detector number = 0, all automatic detectors in this zone with
sensitivity switching are switched. If multiple individual detectors or multiple zones should be
switched together, then corresponding multiple entries must be made under "Active Modules" that
all show the same TCM as the source.

How the TCM 3300 works:

Limit value line in idle (idle current flowing) = Sensitivity Day selected. Limit value line with line
break (no idle current) = Sensitivity Night selected. This state is indicated on the fire control panel
with the instruction "Off (with zone and detector number of the TCM)". [ 2 ] Alarm output

Here, the assignment of detector zones to electronic alarm outputs can be changed. Each loop or
limit value card provides 8 alarm outputs that can be programmed as described below. Only one
alarm output can be programmed for each detector zone. If a detector zone reports an alarm, the
associated open collector alarm output is activated. It is then possible to program multiple detector
zones on one alarm output. The alarm outputs are distributed as follows between the loop or limit
value cards:

Detector assembly 1 (Adr.1): Alarm outputs 1 - 8

Detector assembly 2 (Adr.2): Alarm outputs 9 – 16

By default (factory programming), an alarm in detector zone 1 controls alarm output 1, an alarm in
detector zone 2 alarm output 2, etc. These associations can be changed here. For example, if an
alarm on detector zone 1 should no longer activate alarm output 1 but rather (like detector zone 2)
also activate alarm output 2, the following input must be entered:

 [ Programme ](Password "9999“ – Enter [  ] )

 [ 5 ] = System Data (Password "55555“ – Enter [  ] )

 [ 2 ] = Alarm organisation

 [ 3 ] = Output programming

 [ 2 ] = Alarm output, then the following display appears:

04-05-12 07:16:37

Zone : _
Output :
Act.in Rev.:
Confirm with <-

For group, enter a [ 1 ], and for Output a [ 2 ]. Then you can also select whether the alarm output
should still be activated for "Fire control system Off" (enter [ 001 ]) or not (enter [ 000 ]). Each
000 000 000 000
input must be confirmed with the Enter key:

Version 2.5 83
Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:37

Zone : 1
Output : 002
Act.in Rev.: 000
Confirm with <-

After confirming with the Enter key, the programming takes effect and the next output can be
programmed immediately without leaving the menu. Now on an alarm in Zone 1, alarm output 2 is
000 000 000 000
activated, as well as on an alarm in Zone 2. So alarm output 2 is still programmed on Zone 2.
Output 1 is now no longer activated at all. To leave this menu again, the [ C ] key must be pressed. [ 4 ] Time functions

In this menu subitem, a time-dependent influence can be configured for the delay and for
sensitivities. Which zones participate in an active delay can also be configured here. The following
menu appears after [ 4 ] is entered.

04-05-12 07:16:37

1 Delay
2 Sensitivity Delay
0 01 0]
Input[ 000 000 000
The following menu items are available:

04-05-12 07:16:37

1 React./Inspec.Time
2 Change over time
3 Zone

000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 84
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel Reaction and inspection time

The reaction and verification times needed for delayed transmission are configured here (see
description for "Delay on/off"). After entry of [ 1 ] to select this menu item, the system asks for the
detector type:

Automatic detector = [1]

Pushbutton call station = [2]

After selecting the detector type, the display shows the following:

04-05-12 07:16:37
Reaction time .
180 Sec.
Inspect.Time :
7 Min.
Confirm with <-

The0 numeric
0 0 keypad 0 0 0is used to 0 0 0the times
enter 0 0directly
0 in second/minute increments. For the
reaction time at least 30 and at most 180 seconds and for the verification time at least 1 and at
most 7 minutes are possible. Higher inputs will not be accepted. Each time must be confirmed
with [  ] (Enter). "Switching time" (alarm delay)

After entering [ 2 ], the following submenu appears first:

04-05-12 07:16:37

1 Disable delay
2 Delay enabled

Programming "Disable delay" or "Delay enabled";

000 000 000 000
This is where you set the times at which the system switches to daytime or night-time operation,
that is, delayed or non delayed routing of the main alarm. After entering [ 1 ] or [ 2 ] to go to the
corresponding menu, the dialog window shows the following:

0 Monday
1 Tuesday
2 Wednesday
3 Thursday >

Version 2.5 85
Programming the fire control panel

The ">" character indicates that additional subitems are available for selection. If you press the
cursor right key [ ] the following appears:

4 Friday <
5 Saturday
6 Sunday

"<" means that you can press the left cursor key [ ] to get back to the previous display page.
Entering the digit afterwards selects the day of the week for which the day/night times should be
programmed. The following appears:

1. time 00:00
2. time 00:00
3. time 00:00
4. time 00:00
Confirm with <-

Thus for each weekday, four different times can be entered to enable or diable the delay. The
times are entered directly using the numeric keypad and then confirmed with the Enter key [  ].
Do the same for all the days of the week. Any time already set will be undone when it is
overwritten with a new one.

The time 00:00 does not act as a switching time. If this time is entered here,
then the panel does not switch into the other mode.
(Factory setting => no switching) Zone
In this menu subitem, the delay can be set for entire zones. The following menu appears after [ 3 ]
is entered.

04-05-12 07:16:37

Zone : _

Confirm with <-

Enter the zone that should have a delayed trigger:

000 000 000 000

Version 2.5 86
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:37

Zone : _
Confirm with <-

Next, the panel asks whether the delay function for this zone should beenabled or diabled, with [ 1
] for enable and [ 0 ] for diable.
000 000 000 000 Programming the times for sensitivity switching
Times can be set here at which the sensitivities will be switched. That means that you can
program four times for daytime sensitivity [ 1 ] (1-5) and four times for night-time sensitivity [ 2 ]
(1-5) for each weekday. The control panel then switches all the loop nodes to the programmed
sensitivities at the programmed times. When entering the times, proceed exactly as described in

15.5.3 "Adr/Scan detectors" menu

Input [ 3 ]

In the "Adr/Scan detectors" menu, you can select whether a loop card should automatically carry
out addressing or execute a scan. If the "Adr/Scan detectors" menu is opened by pressing the [ 3 ]
key, the following selection appears:

04-05-12 07:16:33

1 Scan of detectors
2 Auto adressing

Pressing the [ 1 ] key selects the scan procedure. This procedure reads in all the addresses
previously assigned manually (Easy-Check).
000 000 000 000
This permits an existing system to be expanded, that is, the new detectors/modules are assigned
free addresses using the Easy-Check and are then read in by the loop card using the scan

The scan only reads in the node addresses and stores them in the loop card's
EEPROM. They are not overwritten!

Version 2.5 87
Programming the fire control panel [ 1 ] Scanning process:

However, before the scan procedure starts, the following does appear on the display:

04-05-12 07:16:34

Scan detectors

continue ?
No (A) yes (<-)

If the "Yes" key [  ] is pressed now, the following appears on the display:
000 000 000 000
04-05-12 07:16:35

Loop card(s) : _

Confirm with <-

Here, you can enter the address for the detector assembly that should carry out a scan. Then this
0 0must
input 0 be confirmed
0 0 0 with [  0]. 0 0 000
If detectors are turned off on the loop card, the fire control panel blocks the
scan. In this case, the corresponding detector or zone Disablements must
first be withdrawn.

If this is a loop card with two loops, the scan is always carried out for both loops. Then the fire
control panel issues the message that the "Detector initialization" is running.
At the bottom centre of the LCD display, the address of the loop card is shown that is currently
initialising (here, performing a scan). If multiple scans are active simultaneously, then the specific
addresses are shown alternately.

After the scan is complete, the loop nodes are read in, not before, and the address display at the
bottom centre of the LCD disappears. The fire control panel issues notices about the loop nodes
found. This is indicated in parallel by flashing the test LED. The factory settings specify that
notices are displayed in by segment (for each loop/branch). If the notices should be shown by
zone, then Parameter 30 must be set to "0". (see Section 15.5.4 "Parameters" menu)
The notices must then be acknowledged individually with the Enter key [  ]. After
acknowledgement of the last notice, the fire control panel goes into ready or service mode, and
the Test LED goes out.
If no detectors are found, then after the scan a fault appears:
"Flt: No det LCardOX“.

Version 2.5 88
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

This fault indicates that no node was found and it can be reset with [ Reset ].

During the scan, do not carry out a Reset because otherwise various detector
data can get lost between the loop card and the fire control panel.

However, if [ Reset ] pressed accidentally, and detector data is lost, then the
scan can simply be repeated.

If the system is completely disconnected from mains power and then turned
back on, the structure is rebuilt from the loop card's EEPROM, that is, the
structure that was previously stored after a scan or automatic addressing.

For a fire control panel or loop card with factory settings, no structure is
stored, and after initialization the fire control panel displays: " Flt: No det
LCardOX ".

This means that no detector was found when building from EEPROM. The
fault can be reset with Reset.

If a loop card is currently in the initialization phase, then autoaddressing or

a scanning procedure may not be restarted during that time. For a restart,
you must always wait until the initialization phase is complete. [ 2 ] Autoaddressing:
Pressing the [ 2 ] key selects autoaddressing. This command automatically assigns the loop nodes
addresses in cable run order from 1 to X. It is thus perfect for initial commissioning of a fire alarm
system or a loop.

If the loop nodes are not arranged on the loop in the continuous order of their
loop addresses in an existing initialization (for example due to expansions
added later), then autoaddressing should not be carried out!!! Depending on
the arrangement of the system, the addresses of loop nodes can change
during autoaddressing. In this case, the programming of the fire control panel
must be adapted to the changed loop addresses.

However, before the autoaddressing starts, the following does appear on the display:

Version 2.5 89
Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:34

Detector address
Will be over written
continue ?
No (A) yes (<-)

If the "Yes" key [  ] is pressed now, the following appears on the display:

12 00

Zone: _

Confirm with <-

Here, you can enter the address for the detector assembly that should carry out autoaddressing.
Then this input must be confirmed with Enter [  ].
000 000 000 000
The further procedure is analogous to "[ 1 ] Scanning process:

15.5.4 "Parameters" menu

Input [ 4 ]

The parameters marked with * are exclusively set with our programming
software "detectomat programming tool (dpt)".
The values for these parameters is composed of the specific settings of
different subparameters.

These are parameters that influence the functioning of the fire control panel. Thus the parameters
may only be changed by trained, authorised personnel. They are placed in the lowest (most
secure) level of passwords. There are no other submenus available here; instead, the
corresponding function is selected based on the parameter number. The fire control panel checks
whether the input lies within the permitted value range. If an impermissible value is entered, the
fire control panel indicates this acoustically and switches back to the old value. The following
overview provides information about the settings, with the bolded values showing the factory

Version 2.5 90
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

Parameter Meaning Value Possible settings

1 - FBF-type 0 = Standard
1 = Berlin
2 = Switzerland
3 = Munich
4 = No fire brigade control panel

*2 [6] Signalling device function 0 Display of the value on the control panel

2.1 Activation of signalling devices on ... 0 = on main alarm "HA“

1 = On internal alarm "IA"
2= Fire Alarm state

2.2 New faults activate disabled signalling 0 = Not active

devices 4 = Active

2.3 Disabling password (buzzer/signalling 0 = Not active

device) required 16 = Active

2.4 The "Buzzer off" button also disables 0 = Not active

signalling devices 32 = Active

2.5 Function of the "Enable/diabale ext. signal " 0 = Button has the function to enable/siable signalling devices
button 64 = Button only has the Disable signalling devices function

2.6 Cancellation/expiration of delay time 0 = Not active

activates disabled signalling devices 1= Active

3 Pre-alarm for all nodes 0 = no pre-alarm

1 = Pre-alarm active

4 Mains power failure delay Time in min = 0- 30 minutes

*5 [6] Function of transmission system interface 0 Display of the value on the control panel

5.1 Transmission system interface option 0 = no transmission system interface

1 = Transmission system interface installed
2 = Only transmission system display/keyboard installed

5.2 OC output Main alarm on the transmission 0 = Independent of Fire control system Off
system interface (terminal X13.5) 4 = Participates in Fire control system Off

5.3 Activate Alarm LED on fire brigade control 0 = In fire alarm state
panel 8 = On internal alarm

5.4 Error in Fault Routing input 0 = Not active

16 = Active

5.5 Error in Fault Routing evaluation 0 = Low active

3 High active

5.6 Activation of the "Call fire brigade" LED 0 = always activated if no response received
1 = not activated if the transmission system is diabled

6 Bitbus interface option 0 = no Bitbus

(can only be set at the fire control panel) 1 = with Bitbus

Version 2.5 91
Programming the fire control panel

Parameter Meaning Value Possible settings

7 Deactivation of Internal Buzzer input 0 = Internal buzzer is disabled

1= Internal buzzer is not disabled and the verification time starts
2= Internal buzzer is turned off and the verification time starts

8 Main alarm activation 0 = Continuous signal

1 = Pulse activation (pulse of 1-2 sec)
2 = Pulse activation and pulse response
3 = Continuous signal and transmission system active: Fire brigade alarmed

9 Automatic idle value updates 0 = Updates active

(for XP95) 1 = no updates

10 Printer filter 0 = no printer filter (all messages)

1 = Printer filter active (only alarms and faults)

11 Country specification 0 = Germany

1 = Netherlands
3 = Great Britain

12 Special display on LCD 0 = Ready display

1 = Display 1
2 = Display 2

Setting for display and operation New

*13 [2] 12 Display of the value on the control panel

13.1 Baud rate 0= 9600 baud - not configurable

1= not used

13.2 Packet repetition if no confirmation 0 = No activation

1 = 1 packet repetitions
2 = 2 packet repetitions
3 = 3 packet repetitions
4 = 4 packet repetitions
5 = 5 packet repetitions
6 = 6 packet repetitions
7 = 7 packet repetitions

*14 [2] Relay/OC output Alarm 51 Display of the value on the control panel

14.1 Alarm relay 0 = No activation

1 = In fire alarm state by manual call station
2 = In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 = In fire alarm state
5 = On main alarm by manual call station
6 = On main alarm from automatic detector
7 = On main alarm
8 = On internal alarm
9 = On pre-alarm

Version 2.5 92
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

Parameter Meaning Value Possible settings

14.2 OC output Alarm 0 = No activation

1 = In fire alarm state by manual call point
2 = In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 = In fire alarm state
5 = On main alarm by manual call point
6 = On main alarm from automatic detector
7 = On main alarm
8 = On internal alarm
9 = On pre-alarm

*15 [2] Relay/OC output Main alarm 119 Display of the value on the control panel

15.1 Main alarm relay 0 = No activation

1 = In fire alarm state by manual call point
2 = In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 = In fire alarm state
5 = On main alarm by manual call point
6 = On main alarm from automatic detector
7 = On main alarm
8 = On internal alarm
9 = On pre-alarm

15.2 OC output main alarm 0 = No activation

1 = In fire alarm state by manual call point
2 = In fire alarm state by automatic detector
3 = In fire alarm state
5 = On main alarm by manual call point
6 = On main alarm from automatic detector
7 = On main alarm
8 = On internal alarm
9 = On pre-alarm

16 Serial interface 0 = No interface available

(can only be set at the fire control panel) 1 = Printer
2 = dpt programming
3 = FAT protocol without monitoring
4 = FAT protocol with monitoring
5 = Display and operation with old protocol
6 = Display and operation with new protocol

Setting for new protocol

*17 [3] display and operation 59 Display of the value on the control panel

17.1 Interval time for heartbeat 0 = No heartbeat

1 - 63 = Interval in 1 to 63 second periods
59 = 59 seconds

17.2 Transmission of customer texts for event 0 = Customer text not output
messages 1 = Customer text output

Version 2.5 93
Programming the fire control panel

Parameter Meaning Value Possible settings

17.3 Transmission of fault messages on RS232 0= Fault message output

1= Fault message not output

18 "Mute buzzer" from LCD fire alarm panel 0 = " Mute buzzer " key [ ] on panel only turns external buzzer on LCD panel off
" Mute buzzer " button [ ] on panel also affects the internal fire control panel
1 = buzzer

19 Central extinguishing system (door contact 0 = no extinguishing card

combined with extinguishing card) 1 = Opening the panel door generates the message: "Off: Exting. sys. TK"

*20 [3] Display of the value on the control panel

20.1 Transmission system function on opening / 0 = No automation

closing the control panel door 1 = Transmission system is automatically turned off when control panel door opened
and remains off after the doors is closed.

2 = Transmission system is automatically turned off when control panel door opened
and turns back on automatically after the door is closed.

20.2 Shutoff of external signalling devices 0 = Shutoff of individual external signalling devices possible
1 = Shutoff of external signalling devices only possible by group
Only complete shutoff possible. (Ext.signalling2device on key on control panel or fire
brigade control panel)

20.3 Shutoff of outputs in fire control system 0 = Shutoff of individual outputs possible
1 = Shutoff of outputs only possible by group
2 = Only complete shutoff possible (BFS, cancel from fire brigade control panel)

21 Automatic standard time switch 0 = No automatic switch

3 = Change to standard time in March
4 = Change to standard time in April

22 Automatic daylight saving switch 0 = No automatic switch

9 = Change to daylight saving time in September
10 = Change to daylight saving time in October

23 Reset signalling devices on extinguishing 0 = with control fire panel [ Reset ]

card 1 = with [ Ext. Signal on / off ]

*24 [2] Blocking of control fire panel 0 Display of the value on the control panel

24.1 Blocking of fire control panel during 0 = No blocking

extinguishing process 1 - 15 = 2 to 30 minutes in 2-minute intervals

24.2 Blocking of fire control panel after 0 = No blocking

transmission system trigger 1 - 14 = 2 to 28 minutes in 2-minute intervals
15 = Permanent blocking

25 Detector group 1 on extinguishing interface 0 = Detector zone

This parameter can be configured in the settings for the extinguishing interface.

26 Detector group 2 on extinguishing interface 0 = Detector zone

This parameter can be configured in the settings for the extinguishing interface.

27 Heartbeat LED discovery 0 = Heartbeat not active

1 = Heartbeat active

Version 2.5 94
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

Parameter Meaning Value Possible settings

28 Thresholds for limit value detectors 0 = detectomat

1 = Apollo
2 = Nittan

29 Data fault threshold 00 = for 5 successive data faults

01 = for 15 successive data faults
02 = for 25 successive data faults
25 = for 255 successive data faults
26 = Fault display disabled

30 Notices 0 = zone-specific
1 = segment-specific (for each loop, branch)
2 = no notices on structure with fire control panel restarts

Participation in Transmission System Off and

*31 [4] 0 Display of the value on the control panel
Fire control system Off

31.1 Participation of alarm relay 0 = No participation

1 = Participates in Fire control system Off
2 = Participates in Transmission System Off

31.2 Participation of Alarm OC output 0 = No participation

1 = Participates in Fire control system Off
2 = Participates in Transmission System Off

31.3 Participation of the main alarm relay 0 = No participation

1 = Participates in Fire control system Off
2 = Participates in Transmission System Off

31.4 Participation of Main alarm OC output 0 = No participation

1 = Participates in Fire control system Off
2 = Participates in Transmission System Off

32 Maintenance interval Possible entries: 0–12

0 = no service interval
1 = Maintenance interval 1 month
2 = Maintenance interval 2 months
3 = Maintenance interval 3 months

Version 2.5 95
Programming the fire control panel


about 1) - FBF type -

The reaction of the alarm outputs and alarm relay on the central computer in Fire
control system Off must be configured with Parameter 31.

*about 2) - Signalling device functions -

Parameter 2 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".

2.1 - Activation of signalling devices on ... -

Specifies the event for which the signalling devices will be activated.
The setting affects the signalling device line and all loop input/output modules
and loop signalling devices not programmed under controls, for which
signalling device functionality is active for the output behaviour.

2.2 - New faults activate disabled signalling devices -

New value report through faults

Setting [0]

Faults do not affect disabled signalling devices.

Setting [4]
All disabled signalling devices are reactivated after a new fault is received.
(new value report).

2.3 - Disabling password (buzzer/signalling device) required -

Password input required to disable buzzers / signalling devices.

Setting [0]

Pressing the key [Mute buzzer] without password entry.

Shutting off the signalling device with the key [Enable/disable ext. Signal]
without password entry.

Setting [16]

Pressing the key [Mute buzzer] requires entry of a password.

Shutting off the signalling device with the key [Enable/disable ext. Signal]
requires a password entry.

2.4 - The [Mute buzzer] key also disables signalling devices -

Additional function of [Mute buzzer] key

Setting [0]

[Mute buzzer] key does not affect signalling devices.

Setting [32]

[Mute buzzer] key also has the function Shut off signalling devices.

2.5 - Function of the [Enable/disable ext. Signal] key -

Setting [0]

Key enables/disables signalling devices.

Signalling devices that are turned off are not activated by alarms (no new value

Version 2.5 96
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

Setting [64]

Key has the function of disabling the signalling devices.

Disabled signalling devices are reactivated by new alarms (faults) (new value

2.6 – Cancellation/expiration of delay time activates disabled signalling devices

Setting [0]

not active

Setting [1]


about 3) - Pre-alarm for all detectors -

If [ 1 ] is entered here, the pre-alarm is activated for all detectors on the fire control
To permit the pre-alarm only for individual detectors, this parameter must be set to [ 0 ]
and the pre-alarm programmed in menu item Detector data (section 14.5.1).

about 4) - Mains power failure delay -

The mains power failure delay can be entered directly from the keyboard in minutes, up
to at most 30. National guidelines must be taken into consideration.

*about 5) - Transmission system interface functions -

Parameter 5 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".

5.1 - Transmission system interface option -

Setting [0]

No transmission system interface

Setting if no transmission system interface is installed in the fire control panel.

Setting [1]

Transmission system interface installed

Setting if a transmission system interface is installed in the fire control panel. In
addition, the transmission system display/keypad board can be installed for this

Setting [2]

Only transmission system display/keyboard installed

Setting if only the transmission system display/keypad board is installed, but no
transmission system interface.

5.2 - OC output Main alarm on the transmission system interface -

OC output Main alarm on the transmission system interface (terminal X13.5)

Use only possible if a transmission system interface is installed.

This output also activates the Fire Brigade LED on the Swiss fire brigade control

Setting [0]

Independent of Fire control system Off

The OC output is activated by a main alarm, even if fire control systems are
turned off (setting for the Swiss fire brigade control panel)

Version 2.5 97
Programming the fire control panel

Setting [4]

Participates in Fire control system Off

The OC output is activated by a main alarm, but not if the fire control systems
are turned off.

5.3 - Activate Alarm LED on fire brigade control panel -

Activate Alarm LED on fire brigade control panel (terminal X12r.1)

Use only possible if a transmission system interface is installed

This output controls the Alarm LED on all fire brigade control panel types
connected to the transmission system interface.

Setting [0]

In fire alarm state

The OC output Alarm LED is activated when the fire alarm state is entered
(setting for all German fire brigade control panel types).

Setting [8]

On internal alarm

The OC output Alarm LED is activated on internal alarms

(setting for the Swiss fire brigade control panel).

5.4 - Error in Fault Routing input -

(terminal X13.2 reserved)

Use only possible if a transmission system interface is installed.

Parameter 5.5 influences the function of this input.

Setting [0]

The input has no function.

Setting [16]

The input triggers a fault on the fire control panel.

The input is used to record the fault output of an optional monitored fault
routing (selector unit) and display it on the fire control panel.

5.5 - Evaluation in Fault Routing input -

Evaluation of Error in Fault Routing input

Use only possible if a transmission system interface is installed.

Setting [0]

Low active

The fire control panel displays the fault if the input is connected to GND.

The fire control panel does not display the fault if the input is open.

Setting [32]

High active
The fire control panel displays the fault if the input is open (setting for the
selector unit).
The fire control panel does not display the fault if the input is connected to

Version 2.5 98
detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

5.6 – Activation of the "Call fire brigade" LED

Setting [0]

The "Call fire brigade" LED is activated until a response is received.

Setting [1]
The "Call fire brigade" LED is not activated if the transmission system is turned

about 6) - Bitbus interface option -

This parameter can only be configured at the fire control panel.

The installation of a Bitbus interface is optionally supported. If this is the case and if a
permissible Bitbus address is configured, this parameter activates automatically. It
cannot be manually deactivated.

about 7) - Activation of the internal buzzer and starting of the verification time -
This parameter allows the fire control panel to be configured so that the verification
time for an active delay can be started by an external signal (Dis. External Sounder).
The setting [0] only turns the control panel buzzer off if the input "Dis. External Sounder
" is activated.

The setting [1] starts the verification time (if a delay is active) if the input "Dis. External
Sounder " is activated, but doesn't turn off the control panel buzzer. The setting [2]
starts the verification time (if a delay is active) if the input "Horn off" is activated and
also disables the control panel buzzer.

about 8) - Main alarm activation -

This parameter is used to set the type of main alarm activation / response.

Setting [0]
It is activated continuously until reset on the fire control panel. The main alarm must
provide a "continuous response". For example, for the Siemens MDL-F.

Setting [1]
A pulse control takes place (1 – 2 sec in duration). The main alarm must provide a
"continuous response". For example for the T&N main alarm.

Setting [2]
There is a pulse control and the response pulse is stored and output on "Outpute /
collective off". An output with the function "All off" is then no longer available. For main
alarms with "Pulse response".

Setting [3]
Activation as for setting [0]. With the transmission system activated, the "Fire brigade
alarmed" display is automatically activated (for network solutions).

about 9) - Automatic idle value updates -

Only relevant for XP95 detectors.

Automatic idle value update is activated in the factory settings. In this case, for
automatic smoke detectors there is always a constant trigger sensitivity that is ensured
by the fire control panel, since the alarm threshold is adjusted to a changing idle value.
The fire control panel continuously calculates the alarm threshold for all detectors and
updates this value every 20 minutes. If the automatic update is disabled, the "normal"
alarm threshold of 55 will be used for the automatic XP95 detectors.

Version 2.5 99
Programming the fire control panel

about 10) - Print filter -

The print filter makes it possible to print only alarm and fault messages. All other
messages will be ignored. The factory settings do not enable the print filter. Review and
test alarms are also printed with the print filter on.

about 11) - Country specification -

Setting [0] (Germany)

The software version is selected with which the fire control panel was tested by the VdS
(according to EN 54).

Setting [1] (The Netherlands)

Some specific functions are activated for the Netherlands, for example the so-called
"Backspeep" or the [Reset] of a fault by hand and not automatically.

Setting [3] (Great Britain)

Some functions specific to Great Britain are activated, for example that the external
signalling devices can automatically be turned back on after a [Reset].

about 12) - Special display on LCD -

Setting [0] shows the default ready state.

Setting [1] and setting [2] are special displays for the companies SeTec GmbH and WST-
Steffens GmbH.

about 13) - RS232 baud rate -

Parameter 13 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".

Parameter 13 can be used to set options for the "new display and operation protocol".
Parameter 13 is only effective if Parameter 16 has been set to the value "6".

13.1 - Baud rate -

Default 9600 baud "0" - not configurable.

13.2 - without function

about 14) - Relay/OC output Alarm -

Parameter 14 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".

14.1 - Alarm relay -

The activation criteria for the alarm relay can be configured here.

14.2 - OC output Alarm -

The activation criteria for the OC output Alarm can be configured here.

about 15) - Relay/OC output Main alarm -

Parameter 15 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".

15.1 - Main alarm relay -

The activation criteria for the main alarm relay can be configured here.

15.2 - OC output main alarm -

The activation criteria for the OC output Main Alarm can be configured here.
about 16) - Serial interface -
Configuring the serial interface (RS232). Setting [ 0 ] disables the interface. To
program the fire control panel or to read out the programming from the fire control

Version 2.5 100

detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

panel using the PC, this parameter must be set to [ 2 ]. If a built-in printer is used, this
parameter must be set to [ 1 ]. This parameter is set to [ 3 ] or [ 4 ] if a fire brigade
display panel will be connected to the RS232 port. Setting "3" specifies no monitoring,
while setting "4" specifies monitoring. This parameter is set to [ 5 ] or [ 6 ] if the
function "Display and operation" function will be used on the RS232. Setting "5" is
"Old protocol – DBM+", while setting "5" is "New protocol – AuB".

*about 17) - Display and operation -

Parameter 17 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".
Parameter 17 can be used to set options for the "new display and operation protocol".
Parameter 17 is only effective if Parameter 16 has been set to the value "6".

17.1 -Interval time for heartbeat -

"0" to every "63" seconds can be specified here. "59" is the default.

17.2 - Transmission of customer texts for event messages -

Configuration option to display customer texts or not

17.3 - Transmission of fault messages on RS232-

Configuration option to display fault messages or not.
about 18) - "Mute buzzer" from LCD fire alarm panel -
If [ 0 ] is set here, the " Mute buzzer " key [ ] on the LCD fire display panel only
affects the external buzzer in the LCD fire display panel.

If the number [ 1 ] is entered, the " Mute buzzer " key [ ] on the LCD fire display
panel also affects the internal buzzer in the fire control panel.

about 19) - FireX system (door contact combined with extinguishing card) -
If this parameter is set to [ 1 ], then the control panel door is opened and the message
"Dis: Exting. System" appears in the display. However, this is only a display. For actual
disabling of the extinguishing card(s), there must be a jumper run from the door contact
to each "Input door-switch" on the extinguishing card(s). The currently valid VdS
guidelines must be followed.
about 20) - Display and operation -
Parameter 20 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".

20.1 – Transmission system automatically off/on

Parameter 20.1 controls the transmission system in connection with the door
contact switch on the control panel door
Setting [0]
No automatic shutoff of the transmission system

Setting [1]
Transmission system automatically turned off when the control panel door is
Setting [2]
Transmission system automatically turned off when the control panel door is
opened and back on when it is closed

20.2 – Disbale ext. signalling devices

Parameter 20.2 controls the disabling of external loop signalling devices

Setting [0]

Version 2.5 101

Programming the fire control panel

It is possible to diable individual external loop signalling devices.

Setting [1]
The disabling of external loop signalling devices is only possible by group.

Setting [2]
Only a complete disabling is possible. (Ext.signalling device off key on control
panel or fire brigade control panel)

20.3– Turning off loop outputs on the fire control system (BFS).
Parameter 20.3 controls the shutoff of loop outputs for fire control systems.
The setting applies to modules defined by the setting "Participates Alarm-
outputs off" as outputs for the fire control system.

Setting [0]

It is possible to disable individual loop outputs.

Setting [1]
The disabling of loop outputs is only possible by group.

Setting [2]
Only a complete shutoff is possible. (FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM OFF from FIRE

about 21) - Automatic standard time switch -

[0] = No automatic switchover

[3] = Change to standard time in March

[4] = Change to standard time in April

about 22) - Automatic daylight saving switch -

[0] = No automatic switchover

[9] = Change to daylight saving time in September

[10] = Change to daylight saving time in Ocotber

about 23) - Resetting signalling devices of the extinguishing controller card-

This parameter refers to the extinguishing control card. It has a monitored control line
for optical/acoustic alarming in the extinguishing area (output A10).

Setting [0]
The sensor line on the extinguishing control card is only reset by "Reset fire control

Setting [1]
Both from the fire brigade control panel and from the fire control control panel, the
command "Ext. Warning On/Off " also affects the signalling device line of the
extinguishing controller card, so that it is reset.

*about 24) - Blocking Reset -

The reset function of the fire control panel can only be blocked for a configurable time.
Parameter 24 must be set using our programming software "detectomat programming
tool (dpt)".

24.1 - Blocking of fire control panel during extinguishing process -

Blocking the fire control panel reset during the extinguishing process on

Version 2.5 102

detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

If the extinguishing process is started on a built-in DBM013 extinguishing card,

then until the time configured here has elapsed, no reset is possible on either
the fire control panel or the fire brigade control panel. The blocking time is
restarted for each additional newly activated line on the extinguishing card.
This ensures that an active extinguishing process cannot be stopped
prematurely by a reset.

24.2 - Blocking of fire control panel reset after transmission system triggered -
After the transmission system is triggered, then before the time configured
here the fire control panel cannot execute a reset. Reset is always possible
from the fire brigade control panel.

about 25) - Activation of the Extinguishing interface (Parameters 25 and 26) -

and 26) These parameters can be configured in the settings for the extinguishing

about 27) - Heartbeat LED discovery -

This function is exclusively available for Discovery detectors.

about 28) -Thresholds for limit value detectors -

This parameter changes the line break, short circuit and alarm thresholds for all limit
value lines of limit value line cards in the fire control panel. The manufacturer of the
limit value detector must be selected.

[ 0 ] -> detectomat (termination resistance 5.6 kohm)

[ 1 ] -> Apollo (termination resistance 6.8 kohm)

[ 2 ] -> Nittan (termination resistance 6.8 kohm)

about 29) - Data fault threshold -

Depending on this parameter, there is a threshold above which the D_Err counter level
triggers a data fault: for setting "0", at D_Err=5, for setting "1" D_Err=15, for setting "2"
D_Err=25, etc. Starting at a value of 26, no fault will be triggered.

about 30) - Notices -

[ 0 ] -> Notices are displayed by group

[ 1 ] -> Notices are displayed by segment (per loop/branch)
[ 2 ] -> The last detectors read in are not overwritten by a new read after turning the
power supply of the fire control system off and back on. The configuration last read in
with Parameter 30 = 0/1 remains in effect and any missing detectors are shown with
faults. fire control panel reset can be used to reset faults, but the detectors remain in
the diagnostic state with a –. The function "Read in detectors" also resets the faults
and the detectors are also removed in Diagnostics. If this parameter is set to "2", then
no notices are displayed after reading in.

about 31) - Participation in Transmission system Off and Fire control system Off -
Participation of the alarm and main alarm relays as well as the Alarm and Main Alarm
OC output in Transmission system Off and Fire control system Off. Parameter 31 must
be set using our programming software "detectomat programming tool (dpt)".

31.1 - Participation of alarm relay -

Participation of the alarm relay in Transmission system Off and Fire control
system Off.
31.2 - Participation Alarm OC output in Transmission system Off or Fire control
system Off - Participation of the Alarm OC output in Transmission system Off
and Fire control system Off.

Version 2.5 103

Programming the fire control panel

31.3 - Participation of main alarm relay -

Participation of the main alarm relay in Transmission system Off and Fire
control system Off.

31.4 - Participation of Main alarm OC output -

Participation of the Main Alarm OC output in Transmission system Off and Fire
control system Off.

about 32) - Maintenance interval -

The maintenance interval can be configured here.

Note: The next time after which the maintenance instruction will be displayed can be
checked under Diagnostics / General Status.
To reset the display of the maintenance instruction, Parameter 32 must be programmed
to 00 one time. Then the maintenance interval can be reconfigured.

We recommend programming system parameters only using our "dpt"
programming software.

The system parameters marked with * (2, 5, 13, 14, 15, 17, 24 and 31) may
ONLY be configured with the dpt tool!

The procedure is identical for all parameters.

First, the dialog window asks for the parameter number.

04-05-12 07:16:33

Parameter no.: _

Confirm with <-

It must be entered and confirmed with the Enter key [  ]. Then the current value of this
parameter is displayed, which can be overwritten with the new value. Only after confirmation of
000 000 000 000
the new value with the Enter key [  ] is it stored.

Version 2.5 104

detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

15.5.5 "Initialization" menu

Input [ 5 ]

The following settings can be reset in this menu.

04-05-12 07:16:33

1 Default parameters
2 Delete programming
3 Delete custom text
4 Delete event log
5 Init complete

000 0 0After
0 one of the0initialization
00 0functions
0 0 is called, the fire control panel
recalculates the checksums for the storage. During this calculation, the
display shows the text "Please wait calculating checksums". Before this
procedure is complete, the fire control panel may under no circumstances be
turned off or restarted, otherwise the fault "Flt.: checksum RAM" will be
generated. The "Initialization" menu is automatically quit. [ 1 ] Menu "Default parameter"

This means a series of system parameters that are loaded into the CPU of the fire control panel
before the panel is delivered. These parameters provide the fire control panel with certain basic
settings. These include:

Serial interfaces

Programmed control modules

Parameters as shown in the table under 15.5.4

These parameters are permanently stored in the battery-buffered RAM storage of the CPU. But if
these parameters are lost due to any kind of error (lightning, short circuit, EMC), the operator can
use the menu item "Default parameter." to reload the parameters (restore factory settings, see the
bolded settings in the parameter list 15.5.4).

Lost parameters can cause, for example, incorrect LED or LCD displays. The CPU software loads
the starting parameters with this function itself, but all the parameters are set to the factory
defaults. That means that all programming is deleted, but not the specific customer texts. In any
case, however, all LED and LCD displays will work correctly again.

Version 2.5 105

Programming the fire control panel

After entry of [ 4 ] to select this menu item, the following appears in the LCD display:

04-05-12 07:16:34

Are you sure?

Confirm with <-

Pressing the Enter key [  ] confirms the security confirmation built in to prevent accidental
000 000 000 000
"Default parameter " must be executed at the start of each initial
commissioning, or when the fire control panel is reset to factory settings. [ 2 ] Menu "Delete programming"

As in the previous point, all programming that has been entered later into the fire control panel is
deleted, and the detect 3004 is restored to the factory settings. For safety's sake, this function
must always be confirmed with the Enter key [  ].

These include:

- Programming of zones

- Alarm delay

- Two-detector/two-zone dependencies
- Programmed Ex lines

- Manual/building alarm/fault detector zones

- Reaction/verification times

- Day/night times [ 3 ] Menu "Delete customer texts"

This menu item is only relevant if, for certain detectors or lines that are triggered "hieroglyphics"
appear in the third line of the display, that is, unidentifiable texts from detector texts that should be
deleted. This function must also be executed at the start of each initial commissioning, or when
the fire control panel is reset to factory settings. If this menu item is selected with [ 5 ], the LCD
shows the following:

Version 2.5 106

detect 3004 Installation Manual Programming the fire control panel

04-05-12 07:16:34

Are you sure?

Confirm with <-

Pressing the Enter key [  ] confirms the security confirmation built in to prevent accidental
deletion. Then all customer texts are deleted and may need to be reloaded from the PC.
000 000 000 000 [ 4 ] Menu "Delete event log"
This menu item clears the event log (FIFO). This storage always keeps the last 500 events that the
fire control panel has registered. If a new event is added, the oldest is discarded. The "Delete
event log" function clears all the events out of storage. After pressing the [ 4 ] key, the following
display appears:

04-05-12 07:16:34

Are you sure?

Confirm with <-

When the fire control panel requests it, the deletion must be confirmed again with the Enter key [
 ]. This is a confirmation query to avoid accidental deletion.
000 000 000 000
The event logs must be cleared at the start of each initial commissioning, or
when the fire control panel is reset to factory settings. [ 5 ] Menu "Init complete"

This menu item automatically carries out the four initialization/deletion function described above in
one step.

This function can be called instead of the four individual functions described
above at the beginning of each initial commissioning or when the fire control
panel has been reset to factory settings.

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Other instructions

16 Other instructions
16.1 Description of alarm states
The fire control panel can take on the following alarm states:

Main alarm

An alarm has been triggered that activates the transmission system and thus calls the fire brigade.

Alarm LED = active

Main alarm LED = active

(If the transmission system is diabled the Main Alarm state is still entered, but the transmission
system is not activated)

If the fire control panel is in Main Alarm status, then the Fire Alarm state and Internal Alarm states
are automatically also active.

Fire Alarm state (option 1)

An alarm has been triggered, but an active delay is still elapsing (reaction or verification time). The
transmission system has not yet been activated.

Alarm LED = active

Main Alarm LED = not active

(If no fire control panel reset is carried out, then after the time elapses or if the [ Cancel delay ] key
is pressed, the main alarm is always triggered)

Fire Alarm state (option 2)

An alarm in a building alarm zone triggers the Fire Alarm state. The transmission system is not

Alarm LED = active

Main Alarm LED = not active

If the fire control panel is in Fire Alarm status, then the Internal Alarm status is automatically also

Internal Alarm
The first alarm in a type B dependency (two-detector and two-zone dependencies) is active. The
transmission system is not activated.

Alarm LED = not active

Main Alarm LED = not active

16.2 TCM in alarm dependencies

The TCM (automatic detectors) can always be used in a two-detector or two-zone dependency
(type B dependencies). The only restriction is that in the area of the alarm dependency, the only
automatic detector must be the TCM. A mixture with other detector types in the alarm dependency
area is not permitted.

Use of alarm buffering (type A dependency) is never possible with the TCM.

The limit value detectors connected to the TCM must have an alarm current of about 20mA. This is
the case if you are using standard detectomat CT detectors.

Version 2.5 108

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For the TCM (automatic detector) to be used in an alarm dependency, the pre-alarm evaluation of
the TCM means "Alarm dependency". A pre-alarm for 50% smoke, as used in the PL detectors, is
not supported by the TCM. Thus no pre-alarm evaluation may be activated for the TCM in the fire
control panel.
To activate the alarm dependency, ICheck must be used in the TCM itself to activate the pre-alarm
evaluation = Alarm dependency. Then the desired dependency can be parameterised in the
detectomat programming tool. If possible, the tool will check plausibility. Unfortunately, however,
not all configuration errors can be ruled out, since not all the required information is available
within the tool. The installer must decide independently that the pre-alarm evaluation is correctly
configured with I-Check in the TCM and the minimum number of limit value detectors are
connected to the specific TCM.
If a correct configuration is specified, the fire control panel can use the TCM (automatic detector)
to distinguish whether one detector (= first alarm) or two detectors (= fire alarm state) are in alarm
status on the line. It is also permitted to program a two-zone dependency if a TCM (automatic
detector) is available in each zone and only one limit value detector is connected to each TCM.
If zone or detector Disablements within the area of the alarm dependency cause a situation in
which only one remaining TCM (automatic detector) remains active, then the first alarm on that
TCM will immediately trigger the fire alarm state, since the fire control panel cannot know the
number of limit value detectors connected to that TCM.

16.3 Description of Battery RI fault

Measurement of the internal resistance of the battery is performed by the MC card. The total
resistance calculated by the MC card may not be above 1.00 Ω. If the calculated resistance is
greater, the fire control panel displays "Flt: The resistance value determined can be displayed
under Diagnostics / General Status. Monitoring of the internal resistance of the battery for
emergency power supply is a standard requirement and cannot be disabled.

The determination of the internal resistance of the battery can take up to 10 minutes. (For example
after the fire control panel is turned on the battery is connected). During this time, the fire control
panel also displays "Flt: Batt RI". Under Diagnostics / General Status during this time, a battery
internal resistance of 0.00R is displayed. If a plausible value is found in the permitted range, the
fault is automatically reset.
The measurement range displayed for the internal battery resistance extends to 4.00 Ω. If a value
greater than 4.00 Ω is determined, this is displayed under Diagnostics / General Status as >
4.00R. Internal battery resistance values displayed over 1.00 Ω can have the following causes:

- Defective (old or stored too long) batteries

- Deep discharge of batteries

- Oxidised or contaminated battery terminals

- Defective connection lines between batteries and the battery connection on the central computer
(cross-section too low, or poor contacts)

- To low a fuse for the battery on the central computer (value 4A Flink)
- 2-strand red/black connection line between the central computer and the MC card defective
(cross-section too low, or poor contacts) or it is not connected

A defect in the MC card can also be a possible cause. The MC card can be tested by disconnecting
the central computer from the battery and instead making a test connection between +24V (for
external consumers) and the Batt+ terminal on the battery connection of the central computer. If
the MC card is working, then within 10 minutes the "Flt: Batt RI" should reset.

Version 2.5 109

Other instructions

16.4 Description of system faults

All system faults can be reset by a fire control panel reset, but the System and Collective Fault
LEDs remain active. The active System LED can be used afterwards to recognise immediately that
a critical state occurred even if the operator or the fire brigade have successfully reset the fire
control panel or the fault state is no longer relevant.
After a fire control panel reset, the fault message will be redisplayed if the fault is still applicable.
This can take a while for some faults, for example: for "Flt. checksum RAM", it may take a few
minutes, or for "Flt. zone communication" about 30 seconds. The minimum time until a fault is
displayed again is about 10 seconds.
System faults that are triggered due to communications problems with the assemblies or the MC
card reset automatically when communications are possible again. The System and Fault LEDs
still stay steady and active. All other system faults must (after possible correction of the cause) be
reset manually by a fire control panel reset or by turning the fire control panel off and back on.
The remaining System and Collective Fault LEDs can be reset by calling the "System Data" menu
once no system fault is active.

16.4.1 Central computer

LCD display: "Flt:Central computer"

Trigger: Watchdog Reset

After a fire control panel reset, no new value report unless there is a new event (watchdog reset)

Reset: By fire control panel reset

The central computer is always monitored for correct processing of the (central) operating system.
If this monitoring fails, the central computer is restarted so that the program can take on a defined
state again. Similarly, a restart can also be triggered by an overvoltage event (lightning strike).
After each unplanned restart, the display on the control panel shows: "Flt: Central computer" and
the System LED lights up.

General note!
If the fire control panel is turned off and back on, then you must wait at least
5 seconds between turning off and turning back on, since otherwise the fault
described above could be generated.

16.4.2 checksum EPROM

LCD display: "Flt: checksum EPROM "

Trigger: Data changes in EPROM

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report
between 10 seconds and 10 minutes

Reset: Power off / replace EPROM / power on

The program storage of the fire control panel is monitored for unauthorised changes. If an
unauthorised change is detected, this fault is displayed.

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16.4.3 data checksum RAM

LCD display: "Flt: checksum RAM "

Trigger: Data changes to static system data.

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel.

New value report between 10 seconds and 10 minutes

Reset: Reinitialise data or resend to the fire control panel with dpt –fire control panel reset

Each time power is applied and after any changes to the system parameters,
the checksum is recalculated. If an error is detected during that process, the
following fault is displayed: "Flt: checksum RAM " and the "System" LED
lights up.

The cause of this fault is an unauthorised change to data in the storage of the fire control panel. To
get correct data back into memory, there are two solutions:
For a new fire control panel in which there is no programming yet, it is practical to carry out the
"four inits" (see Section [ 5 ] Menu "Init complete" ).

For a programmed fire control panel, the complete program needs to be loaded back into the fire
control panel using dpt. Alternatively, only the memory range affected can be rewritten. To do this,
the "General Status" menu item can be used to check which memory range contains the fault.
In addition to "Checks RAM", a 6-digit sequence of 0 and 1 is displayed. Depending on the
position where the 1 appears, this displays where an error was found. You can find the meanings
of the digits in the following overview (read from left to right):

1. Alarm dependencies, static detector data, parameterised S60 assembly

2. System parameters

3. Reaction time, verification time, S60 and Ex thresholds, programmed outputs

4. Customer texts

5. Addressing active modules

6. Detector programming, switching times for sensitivity and delay, verification time,
reaction time
To correct areas 1,2,3,5 and 6, it is necessary to load the corresponding project into dpt and
execute "Send panel data". To correct area 4, it is necessary to load the corresponding project
into dpt and resend the customer texts to the fire control panel.

After the data has been sent from the PC to the fire control panel, the fire
control panel will recalculate all the checksums for the memory. During this
calculation, the display shows the text "Please wait checksums calculating ".
Before this procedure is complete, the fire control panel may under no
circumstances be turned off or restarted, otherwise the fault "Flt.: checksum
RAM " would be generated.

If changes are made manually to the menu levels "Detector data", "Alarm organisation" and
"Parameters" and the input is complete, then the [ C ] key must be pressed as often as the
message "Please wait, checksums calculating " is displayed on the display. Before this procedure
is complete, the fire control panel may under no circumstances be turned off or restarted,
otherwise the fault "Flt.: checksum RAM" will be generated.

Version 2.5 111

Other instructions

After a fire control panel reset, it can take up to 10 minutes for the fault to be displayed again if
the cause for the fault has not been corrected. If none of the measures described above has been
carried out, this can lead to malfunctioning of the fire control panel.

16.4.4 RTC real-time clock

LCD display: Flt: RTC

Trigger: Plausibility errors in the time/date data

Is re-reported after a fire control panel reset (10 seconds). New value report after 10 seconds

Reset: Reconfigure the time and date –fire control panel reset

It is monitored whether the date and time contain implausible values. The processing speed of the
fire control panel software is also evaluated in comparison with the real-time clock. If there are
impermissible deviations, then the RTC fault is also generated.
If the fault occurs despite the fact that the data and time are set correctly, or if the date and time
cannot be set, then the central computer must be replaced.

16.4.5 Central computer (redundant CPU)

LCD display: Flt: Redundant CPU

Trigger: Switching between the two CPUs on the redundant central computer board
Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report after
10 seconds

Reset: PowerOff/On

This fault is generated if there was a switch between the two CPUs on the redundant central
computer board. This can be triggered by an external fault pulse. However, it can also be due to
the failure of a CPU. By switching manually between the two CPUs and carrying out corresponding
function tests with both CPUs, the functional readiness of both CPUs must be tested. If they are not
ready, then the redundant central computer board must be replaced.

16.4.6 No loop card

LCD display: Flt: No det. LCard

Trigger: No detector assembly detected in the fire control panel.

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report after
10 seconds

Reset: Power Off, use detector assembly, Power On

This fault is generated if no detector assemblies are recognised by the fire control panel after
power is turned on.
If the fault is generated despite the assembly being installed correctly, there must be a hardware
error. Replace components to determine whether the problem lies in the central computer, an
assembly or the flat cables.

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16.4.7 Data exception in central computer

LCD display: Flt: System Except.: xxxxx

Trigger: Data errors in the data processing of the fire control panel
Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report after
10 seconds

Reset: Power Off/On

An unexpected exception occurred in the software of the fire control panel. On the LCD and in the
event log, the fault message is specified with a five-digit numeric code as "Flt: System Except.:
xxxxx" (xxxxx is a placeholder here for the numeric code). If this is the case, please contact the
detectomat hotline and specify the fault and the numeric code. This can then be evaluated by
detectomat to determine the possible cause for the fault.

As a direct corrective measure, the fire control panel can be restarted.

This system fault is also generated if a detector assembly is used with an
incorrectly configured I2C address and if detectors have already been read in
on this detector assembly. In this case, the detector assembly must be
installed with a correctly configured I2C address.

16.4.8 Cyclical detector data Assembly 1

LCD display: Flt: No. Data LCard

Trigger: No update to data for a detector in Assembly 1

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel.

New value report depends on the number of detectors on the assembly, up to about 3 at least
Reset: fire control panel reset

The fire control panel checks whether new data are actually being regularly received from the
individual detectors in Assembly 1. If this is not the case, the fault is generated. The cause is
generally a communications problem between the detector assembly and the central computer.
This can be caused by external faults, problems on the internal I2C communications bus, or errors
in the detector assembly. The important thing is to check whether the fire control panel still reacts
to status changes (alarm, fault) in the connected detectors.

16.4.9 Cyclical detector data Assembly 2

LCD display: Flt: Data cyclic LC

As in 16.4.8 Cyclical detector data Assembly 1

Version 2.5 113

Other instructions

16.4.10 Communications fault with MC card

LCD display: Flt: MC system

Trigger: Bus connection to the MC card lost

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report after
about 20 seconds

Reset: Automatic

This fault is generated if no communications are possible with the MC card. There must be a
functional MC card correctly installed in the fire control panel, because it is essential to operation
of the fire control panel. Monitoring of the MC card cannot be disabled. The fault can also occur
during a temporary communications problem (e.g. reset key pressed on the MC card, or the MC
card has been restarted). After temporary communications problems, this fault is automatically

Since Assembly 1, Assembly 2 and the MC card use the same internal I2C
communications bus, it may be that only one of the three cards is disturbing
the communications bus but the fire control panel is displaying all three cards
as faulty.

16.4.11 Communications fault on LCard 1

LCD display: Flt: DPT communication LCard 1

Trigger: Bus connection to Assembly 1 lost

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report after
about 20 seconds

Reset: Automatic
This fault is generated if no more communications are possible during ongoing operations with an
Assembly that the fire control panel recognised during start-up. The fault can also occur during a
temporary communications problem (e.g. reset key pressed on the assembly, or the assembly has
been restarted).
For redundantly designed detector assemblies, this fault is also generated by a switch between
CPUs for a few seconds, in order to indicate that the switch has occurred. By switching manually
between the two CPUs and carrying out corresponding function tests with both CPUs, the
functional readiness of both CPUs must be tested. If they are not ready, then the detector
assembly must be replaced.

Since Assembly 1, Assembly 2 and the MC card use the same internal I2C
communications bus, it may be that only one of the three cards is disturbing
the communications bus but the fire control panel is displaying all three cards
as faulty.

Version 2.5 114

detect 3004 Installation Manual Other instructions

16.4.12 Communications fault on LCard 2

LCD display: Flt: DPT communication LCard 1

See 16.4.11 Communications fault on LCard 1.

16.4.13 Incorrect address, LCard 3-8

LCD display: Flt: LCard system X

Trigger: Assembly with incorrectly configured I2C address

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report after
10 seconds

Reset: Power off, set assembly's I2C address with the DIP switch, power on

This fault is generated when the fire control panel finds an assembly during power-on that has an
I2C address that is incorrectly configured. For detector assemblies and extinguishing cards, only
addresses 1 and 2 are permitted. For alarm modules, only addresses 9 through 16 are permitted.

16.4.14 Configuration
LCD display: Flt: Configuration

Trigger: Central configuration contains "unassociated detectors"

Can normally not be permanently deleted by resetting the fire control panel. New value report after
10 seconds
Reset: Send correct configuration with the "detectomat programming tool (dpt)" then reset the fire
control panel

This fault is generated when "unassociated detectors" are found in the configuration of the panel.
"Unassociated detectors" are detectors that are not assigned to a zone or a detector number.

This state occurs when a configured panel is extended with additional detectors.
This state can also occur when the "detectomat programming tool (dpt)" has been used to send a
configuration to the control panel that does not match the detectors that are connected to the fire
control panel.

16.4.15 System fault without display

LCD display: No display, fire control panel buzzer continuously active

Trigger: High voltage damage and/or hardware error

No operation possible

Reset: Power Off, Power On

This state occurs after a hardware error. This can happen due to damages from high voltage or
from other hardware defects.

This state also occurs when there is no EPROM on the central computer, or if a defective or
incorrect EPROM is used.

Version 2.5 115

Other instructions

It can be checked whether the fire control panel can be restarted. It may be possible to test this
restart after the detector assemblies or the transmission system interface has been disconnected
from the central computer.

16.4.16 Instructions for loop extension

Loop extensions in an existing installation can lead to changes to the properties of detectors or
modules from the existing installation. After a loop extension, the types and sensitivity levels of all
loop nodes must be checked for which the loop extension changed the loop address or the group
or detector number. This especially applies to all loop nodes assigned to "Unassociated detectors"
in the detectomat programming tool.

Version 2.5 116

detect 3004 Installation Manual Rules for standards-compliant operation

17 Rules for standards-compliant

Settings can be selected during commissioning and programming of the fire control panel. This
can cause the fire control panel to operate outside the limits specified by standards. The installer
bears final responsibility for compliance with these rules. This chapter includes an incomplete list
of rules that should support the installer in setting up standards-compliant operation.

If the programming of the control panel is carried out as recommended with
the "detectomat programming tool (dpt)", many settings are automatically
checked for plausibility and standards compliance. These checks are
unfortunately not carried out automatically when programming at the fire
control panel.

17.1 EN 54 rules
EN 54-2 § 7.11 - Transmission delay:

Test: It must be possible to configure the delay times on access level 3 up to a maximum of 10 minutes in
steps of no greater than 1 min.

17.2 VdS 2095 rules

VDS2095 § 6.2.3 - Detector zones

Check: Separate detector zones must be provided for automatic fire detectors and manual call points. These
may not contain more than 10 manual call points or 32 automatic fire detectors each.

VDS2095 § - TM mode, fire alarm systems with technical measures to avoid false alarms.

Test: Manual call points may not be programmed in two-detector dependency.

VDS2095 § - PM mode, fire alarm systems with personnel measures to avoid false alarms

Test: The delay time may not exceed 3 min, and manual call points may not be delayed at all

Version 2.5 117

Assembly instructions

18 Assembly instructions
1 The control panel housing is initially provided without batteries and without any cables.

2 The first step is to hang the control panel using the upper slot in the back wall. To do this, a hole (8
mm in diameter) for an S8 anchor must be
drilled in the wall. Then insert a corresponding screw into the anchor. The screw head must keep a
distance of about 4 mm from the wall. (If necessary, use a washer). Now suspend the control panel
housing on the screw using the slot.

3 Then drill both lower fastening holes in the battery chamber (8 mm diameter). Insert S8 anchors and
screw in the corresponding screws.

4 The detector lines can then be laid in accordance with the connection schematics provided. There
are various cable penetrations available for this purpose. Drill once for wall-interior cables in the
back wall of the panel and once for surface-mounted cables in the top of the housing for PG screw
connections. These holes are covered with dummies when the panel is delivered from the factory

5 If limit value detectors (CT3000) will be connected to a limit value card, be sure that the 5k6/0.25W
termination resistances used in the fire control panel are removed and then connected in the last
detector or socket on the line.
6 Now the mains voltage should be connected to the 230V module on the left side wall. Once the
mains power is connected, the fire control panel will immediately go into operation. After a time, the
fire control panel will indicate "Battery fault", because the batteries are not yet connected.

7 Finally, place the batteries into the battery chamber and use the battery cable provided to connected
them according to the connection schematic (at most two 12V/26 Ah in series). The battery fault
message must be removed if the batteries are connected with the correct polarity, otherwise the
battery fuse has burned out.

Caution! Danger of electric shock.

Should it be necessary to replace or add a detector zone, disconnect the
mains power and battery power so that the control panel is fully disconnected
from power. This will ensure that the installation will not damage the detector

To achieve IP class 30, plastic grommets must be used on the cable
penetrations. Otherwise, the cable could be damaged on the remaining edges
of the broken-off cable penetration covers.

Version 2.5 118

detect 3004 Installation Manual Commissioning

19 Commissioning
19.1 General commissioning
The prerequisite for commissioning is proper installation of the control panel. This includes the
attachment of all signalling cables (detector, sounder, etc.) and wall mounting according to our
specifications. The mains and batteries are not yet connected. During commissioning, use our
commissioning protocol; this checklist supports you during the commissioning and also simplifies
support by the manufacturer.

1. Connect the mains power 230V/50Hz:

The control panel starts and boots up. This can be seen from the following LCD display: "Read
Detectors ". If the control panel doesn't start, please check the 1AT mains breaker.

2. Check the read-in of the detector assemblies

Reading in the detector assemblies takes about 15 seconds. The result is then shown on the LCD
display, for example:

Bitbus inactive Nodeaddr.: 02

Baudrate : 375k
Scan loop card(s) Scan loop card(s)
Loop cards Adr.01 Loop cards Adr.01
No module Adr.-- No module Adr.--

Fig. without Bitbus and 1 loop card Fig. with Bitbus and 1 loop card
For each of the assemblies that can be integrated into the 3004, one line is shown on the display
in the order of the configured I2C address. For each assembly, the detected type and the detected
I2C address is also shown. The following assembly types can be recognised by the 3004:

 Loop module: Loop card for addressable detectors

 Conventional module: Conventional card

 Extinguishing module: Extinguishing card

 Alarm module: Alarm module with OC outputs

 No module: No assembly detected

The display remains in place for about 20 seconds. Detectors from detector assemblies that are
not recognised will not be evaluated! The number of alarm modules (32OC) must also be checked.

Version 2.5 119


3. Initialising the detectors

Immediately after the display of detector assemblies and alarm modules disappears, the
initialization of the detectors starts.

04-05-12 07:16:30


All loop cards build their structure from the EEPROM, that is, the structure that was stored earlier
after a scan or automatic addressing. For a new control panel or loop card, there is no structure
000 000 1 000 000
stored, and after initialization the fire control panel displays: "Flt. no det. LCard ". This means that
no detector was found when building from EEPROM. The fault can be reset with Reset.

Now the automatic addressing or scanning process for the desired detector assemblies can start
in "Adr/Scan detectors" menu (15.5.3). At the bottom centre of the display, we can see which
detector assembly (address) is currently busy with a scan, automatic addressing or EEPROM build.
You must wait until all assemblies have stopped their already-entered procedures. This is the case
when no digits are shown in the bottom centre of the display, the instruction messages appear on
the display and the test LED is flashing.

The menu command "Autoaddressing" overwrites all existing address and can
therefore also change assignments in the programming!

4. Detectors read in

In an addressable system, after "Initialization of detectors" the number of
detectors found in each detector zone must be acknowledged! (Notices)

After the load, the fire control panel displays the following (Example: Segment 1 = 012 detectors):

04-05-12 07:16:34

Info:Loop3000 / XP95
Seg.01 = 012 devices

000 000 000 000

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detect 3004 Installation Manual Commissioning

This should be understood as a notice, and means that in Segment 1 (loop or branch) there were
12 detectors read in, that is, recognised. This notice must always be confirmed with the Enter key
[  ] . This procedure must then be repeated for each segment (loop/branch). After the last
segment, the fire control panel switches to maintenance or ready mode. If an alarm or a fault
should already be received during the acknowledgement, these messages have higher priority and
will naturally be shown first. The fire control panel switches to the corresponding display. The
instructions themselves and also the acknowledgements of the notices are entered into the FIFO

It is possible to have the notices displayed not by segment (for each loop/branch) but by group. To
do this, Parameter 30 must be set to "0".

5. Carrying out the "4 inits"

After all the loop nodes have been recognised and the notices acknowledged, the fire control panel
must be initialised. The function "Init complete " (see Section is available for this

[ Programme ] ( Password 9 9 9 9)

 [ 5 ] Panel Data ( Password 5 5 5 5 5 )

 [ 5 ] Default options
 [ 5 ] Init complete
Should one of the modifiable passwords not work, the passwords can be configured as described
in Section 7 Access permissions.

Alternatively, the initialization functions can also be called individually.

These are:

1. Default parameter (see Section

2. Delete programming (see Section

3. Delete customer text (see Section

4. Delete event log(see Section

This brings the fire control panel entirely back to factory settings. (The Inits do not delete any loop
structure previously read in)
6. Check line current on limit value detectors (if any)
The line currents on conventional detectors can be tested with the diagnostic function.
To do this, go to the programming level and select the "Diagnostics" menu (see Section 15.3).
Then select submenu [ 0 ] "Print Det. Status" (see Section 15.3.1) and [ 1 ] "Show Det. Status "
(see Section and enter the detector zone to be checked. The fire control panel displays
the current line current. It should be 4

If a protocol printer is available, the line current can also be printed out. This is done analogously
using the "Printer output" menu (see Section 15.1).

7. Performing an earthing measurement

Carry out all earthing measurements and then remove the earthing connectors (if any). Be sure
that no PC is connected to the fire control panel while you are carrying out the measurements.
Similarly, during the earth connection measurements, Jumper MP1 on the central computer
should be opened!

8. Check external +24 VDC voltage (1AT breaker)

Measure the voltage on the "24V external" terminals. The voltage must be about 27.6V DC.
Otherwise, check the fuse.

Version 2.5 121


9. Checking the door contact switch

Be sure that the transmission unit is enabled. Then open the control panel door; the transmission
unit must automatically disable. (Depending on system parameter 20) When leaving the unit, be
sure that the " „TL: disabled“ " display goes out.

10. Bitbus

The optional Bitbus interface can be used to connect the following add-on units:

- ABF display and control panel

- Bitbus CPU (32 OC output module and/or 16-way relay module)

- Detector zone LED interface

- LCD fire display panel

It is possible to network multiple control panels using this interface. (See the instructions for the
Bitbus network)

Manual activation of the system parameter for the Bitbus network is not necessary. Once a Bitbus
interface is inserted onto the control panel board and a permitted node address is configured using
the 8-pin DIP switch, the control panel automatically recognises the existence of the network and
sets system parameter 6 automatically to "1". This system parameter cannot be changed

If a node address of "0" or greater than "31" is configured, then the system parameter above is
automatically set to "0", meaning that the Bitbus is disabled.


Please change node addresses only after disconnecting power!

Only addresses up to 31 can be used. A greater Bitbus address disables the
Bitbus interface.

If the network consists only of a control panel without ABF, then the node address on the Bitbus
interface must be set to "1". The control panel then takes on the Master role. When the fire control
panel is turned on, a waiting period of 30 seconds elapses to ensure that LCD panels connected
can be recognised, since they require a longer initialization time. Once that time has elapsed, the
control panel starts reading in the Bitbus nodes. Reading in the Bitbus nodes also take place if
system parameter 6 is selected in ongoing operation, and the control panel has node address "1"
as described above.

After querying all possible addresses, the devices recognised are displayed, for example in the
following form:

LCD 01 (1 LCD fire alarm panel detected)

LED 02 (2 Bitbus CPU'2 detected)

If errors occur during detection of connected nodes, this could have the following causes:

- Jumper/DIP switches for baud rate incorrect (see connection schematics)

- All nodes must be set to the same baud rate

- DIP switch for Bitbus address incorrectly configured

- Bitbus cabling incorrect

- Device defective

- Connection resistances not set or set incorrectly

Version 2.5 122

detect 3004 Installation Manual Commissioning

19.2 Transmission unit adjustment of "LP3363-TU-add on

The following settings must be configured after the main alarm / selection device has been
connected correctly (including line and any termination resistance and the like) and have been
started. If possible, the line going out from the main alarm / selection device to the fire brigade
should be disconnected to avoid accidental triggering during setup. Once the line break and short
circuit thresholds have been configured, the outgoing line should be connected again.

Potentiometer R9 is used to set the line break threshold. LEDs D2/D4 indicate whether a line
breakfault has been detected (D2-green: OK / D4-yellow: Error).

Potentiometer R10 is used to set the short circuit threshold. LEDs D1/D3 indicate whether a short
circuit fault has been detected (D1-green: OK / D3-yellow: Error).

Setting the line break threshold:

- Turn Potentiometer R9 in the clockwise direction until LED D4 (yellow) lights up

- Turn Potentiometer R9 slowly back counter-clockwise until LED D4 (yellow) goes out

- Turn Potentiometer R9 slowly clockwise and adjust it to the exact point that the LED turns on.

- Turn Potentiometer R9 one-third turn in the counter-clockwise direction.

After the line break threshold has been set, generate a line break by pulling one wire out of the
transmission system line. A line break fault must be displayed on the fire control panel. If this is
the case, the line can be reconnected. If the yellow LED (D4) lights up again at this point, then
readjust in the counter-clockwise direction.

Setting the short circuit threshold:

- Turn Potentiometer R10 in the clockwise direction until LED D3 (yellow) lights up.

- Turn Potentiometer R10 slowly back counter-clockwise until LED D3 (yellow) goes out.

- Turn Potentiometer R10 slowly clockwise and adjust it to the exact point that the LED turns on.

- Turn Potentiometer R10 half a turn in the counter-clockwise direction.

After the short circuit threshold has been set, generate a short circuit by shorting the transmission
system line with a bridge. A short circuit fault must be displayed on the fire control panel. If this is
the case, the short circuit can be removed again. If the yellow LED (D3) lights up again at this
point, then readjust in the counter-clockwise direction.

Version 2.5 123

Maintenance instructions for detect 3004 fire control panel

20 Maintenance instructions for detect

3004 fire control panel
General note!

The basis for maintenance of a fire control panel is DIN VdE 0833.

This standard requires that maintenance is carried out.

Special instructions:

1. Check battery
Disconnect mains power so that the fire control panel is running on battery power. Then measure
the voltage on the battery terminals. A well-maintained battery should show about 25 – 27 VDC. If
the voltage is lower, the battery should be replaced.

2. Checking the charging voltage

Turn the mains power back on. Batteries must be connected. Then measure the voltage on the
battery terminals. At about 20 °C, about 27.6 VDC should be measured there. It is not possible to
measure the charging voltage without the batteries connected. In that case, a voltage of only about
4.5 V will be measured on the battery connection. The fire control panel only turns the charging
voltage on when a functional battery is detected. If the battery is charged, a higher voltage should
be measured on the battery terminals than during battery operation (1.).

3. Check external +24 VDC voltage (24 V ext. fuse)

Measure the 24 V voltage ext. on the terminals. The voltage must be about 27.6 V DC.

4. Checking the relay contacts

According to VdE 0833, the primary lines must be checked. Set the measurement unit to
"Measure continuity" and connect it to the closing terminal of the collective fault relay. Trigger a
detector fault, then the fault relay should trigger. Then trigger an alarm and measure the
transmission unit alarm relay and the collective alarm relay (Warning: the transmission unit must
be ebaled!) Check the LED and LCD displays on the fire control panel.

5. Checking the door contact switch

Be sure that the transmission unit is enabled. Then open the control panel door; the transmission
unit must automatically disable. (Depending on system parameter 20) When leaving the unit, be
sure that the "disable transmissionunit" display goes out, that is, that the transmission unit is
enabled again.

6. Checking line current

The line currents on limit value detectors can be tested with the diagnostic function.
To do this, go to the programming level and select the "Diagnostics" menu (see Section 15.3).
Then select submenu [ 1 ] "Detector data" (see Section 15.3.1) and [ 1 ] "Detector zones" (see
Section and enter the detector zone to be checked. The fire control panel displays the
current line current. It should be 4
If a protocol printer is available, the line current can also be printed out. This is done analogously
using the "Printer output" menu (see Section 15.1).

Version 2.5 124

detect 3004 Installation Manual Maintenance instructions for detect 3004 fire control panel

7. I-Check
You can use the I-Check software to check the loop structure. Also use I-Check to determine
which detectors may be contaminated and must therefore be replaced. Note that the fire control
panel only displays detectors as faulty above about 90% contamination. Up to this contamination,
Loop3000 detectors work without problems.

According to the EN 60950-1:2005 safety standard, an annual check must
be carried out to ensure that all mechanical and electrical connections are
tested for stability.

Version 2.5 125

Technical Data

21 Technical Data
Mains power : 230 V AC –15/+10%, 50 Hz

Idle current for detector assemblies : (DLI3240) < 50 mA (w/o detector)

(XP95) < 50 mA (w/o detector)
(LI3000) < 60 mA (w/o detector)

Idle current for Bitbus interface (option) : ca. 20 mA

Monitored control output (sounder) : 24 V/400 mA (F1) 0.4 AT

Output 24 V external : via F4 1AF

Battery max.: max. 26 Ah/24V

Power supply : 3 A/24 V DC

Max. length of detector lines : 3000 m for I-Y (St) Y 2 x 2 x 0.8

Slots :2

Interfaces : 1 RS232, 1 Bitbus

Potential-free contacts : 3 x 1A

Electrical outputs : 8x OC 30 V DC/90 mA

Ambient temp.: 0–40°C +3/-2°C

Relative humidity : 93% +2/-3%

Housing : Sheet steel, RAL 7035

Weight (without batteries) : 14 kg

Dimension (HxWxD) : 490 x 420 x 210 mm

VdS certification : G 203068/S 210001

Standard extinguishing interface : 2 inputs; 1 output

Battery monitoring : Internal resistance; deep discharge

Version 2.5 126

detect 3004 Installation Manual System overview

22 System overview

Version 2.5 127

System overview

Component of the detect 3004plus and the function it fulfils in accordance with EN 54-1 Section 4:

No. Component Ref Function Connection References to

schematic item chapters

1 detect 3004plus B fire control panel function 52902 4, 5, 15, 16.1

Type detect 3004plus S DE

L Power supply function 16.3

G Control function for fire safety system(s) 12, 14, 27

N Additional input or output functions 14

<-> Information exchange between functions 15.5.4, 19.2

2 2 Loop – Interface B fire control panel function 53033

Type DLI 3240PS X1 G Control function for fire safety system(s) 12.7

N Additional input or output functions 12.7

<-> Information exchange between functions 30

3 Limit value interface B fire control panel function 53033

Type CLI X1 G Control function for fire safety system(s) 52837 12.7

N Additional input or output functions 12.7

<-> Information exchange between functions 15.5.4,

4 Extinguishing control card H Fire safety system 53076 15.5.4

Type ETB X1

5 Output card for sounder B fire control panel function 53137

Type SC 4 53774
G Control function for fire safety system(s)
+ ZKS power module
N Additional input or output functions

<-> Information exchange between functions 3.1

6 Type RB 8 relay board B fire control panel function 53032

G Control function for fire safety system(s)

N Additional input or output functions

7 Type AM alarm module B fire control panel function 53026

G Control function for fire safety system(s)

N Additional input or output functions

<-> Information exchange between functions

8 Built-in printer B fire control panel function 53187 15.1

PIP 3004plus

9 Individual display B fire control panel function 52903 6

Version 2.5 128

detect 3004 Installation Manual System overview

No. Component Ref Function Connection References to

schematic item chapters

ZM 8 + CP ADB 48

10 Network interface <-> Information exchange between functions 53030 15.3.5, 19

Type BBI

11 Bitbus network <-> Information exchange between functions 53851

12 Fire detector A Automatic fire detection function 52837

PL/ CT 3XXX X N Additional input or output functions

<-> Information exchange between functions

13 Parallel detector display A Automatic fire detection function 52837

Parallel display

14 Manual call point D Manually initiated function 51322 (PL)

PL / CT 3000 PBDH-ABS-R <-> Information exchange between functions 53165 (CT)

15 Loop3000 signalling device C Fire alarming function 51873 30


LS 3300 R

16 Loop3000 – Signal sensor C Fire alarming function 52917 30


LB 3300 VXB R

17 Limit value module A Automatic fire detection function 51749 30, 16.2

TCM 3300 N Manually initiated function

<-> Information exchange between functions

18 Input/output module A Automatic fire detection function 51350

IOM 3311
D Manually initiated function 29

C Fire alarming function 14

G Control function for fire safety system(s) 14

N Additional input or output functions 14

<-> Information exchange between functions

19 Diagnostic and B fire control panel function 56105 (I-Check)

programming software
O Additional management function 53655 ( dpt.)
dpt. / I-Check 3000

20 Key cabinet adapter board B fire control panel function 53016 6


21 Transmission interface B fire control panel function 53022 14.1

Version 2.5 129

System overview

No. Component Ref Function Connection References to

schematic item chapters

UEI 3004plus – KIT

22 Adapter assembly <-> Information exchange between functions 54292


23 Fire brigade display panel / B fire control panel function 54292

fire brigade control panel
FIBS 3000

24 Extinguishing display board G Control function for fire safety system 53536
Type EXT 3004

25 Display transmission B fire control panel function 52903

interface type TIB

26 Monitored fault routing B fire control panel function 54346


Telenot comXLine 3516

Version 2.5 130

detect 3004 Installation Manual Control overview of programming level

23 Control overview of programming


Version 2.5 131

Overview of installed components

24 Overview of installed components

Version 2.5 132

detect 3004 Installation Manual /Installation schemati ADP-N3E & ADP-FBF

25 Installation schemati ADP-N3E &


Version 2.5 133

/Installation schematic SDA-3P on motherboard

26 Installation schematic SDA-3P on


Version 2.5 134

detect 3004 Installation Manual Activation of external signalling devices

27 Activation of external signalling

The basic structure of the detect 3004+ offers the option on the central processor board of
monitoring the activation of signalling devices. Please note that when using this output, this can
only take place under certain conditions in order to permit standards-compliant activation.
During extensive system tests of the detect 3004+ system, a different reaction of the signalling
device output to different signalling device types (conventional signalling devices) was determined.
In some tested possible cases below, monitoring of the line for line break and short circuit cannot
be ensured.
To ensure standards-compliant activation of signalling devices, therefore, we recommend the use
of the SC 4 output card (item number 32066). This card ensures monitoring in all possible
connection variants.

Another solution would be the use of the OMS module (30211 and 31640). This module can
additionally be used to operate and power alarms in a decentralised manner. Our external sales
force would be happy to assist you with any questions about project planning.

Activation of the main fire alarm and peripherals for Berlin

The following is required:

Activation of the main fire alarm as pulse activation (duration 1-2 seconds)
Response from the main fire alarm must be transmitted to the guard service and must also remain
applied after triggering the main fire alarm.

The message "Disable transmission unit" must also be sent to the guard service.

The fault must be transmitted to the guard service.

FSD must remain open during an alarm.

All messages and activations must also work in status
"Disable fire control unit"!


Set system parameter 1 (fire brigade control panel type) to 1 (Berlin)

Set system parameter 8 (main fire alarm type) to 2 (pulse activation and pulse response)
Terminal 10 of the fire brigade control panel (transmission unit triggered) instead of terminal 10 on
the transmission unit board must be connected to the terminal "Output all off" on the main board
of the fire control panel. This applies for the conventional wiring of the fire brigade control panel
and for wiring via RS232.

Terminal 10 of the FSD adapter instead of terminal 10 on the transmission unit board must be
connected to the terminal "Output all off" on the main board of the fire control panel.

Switching a release element without activating the external signalling device

The key switch of the release element affects the input of an IOM 3311 in a building alarm zone. If
the release element is activated, then an internal alarm (building alarm) is sent to the fire control
panel on the input of the IOM 3311. The signalling devices are not activated, since their factory
setting is set to Main Alarm (system parameter 2 = [ 0 ]).

On the zone for the IOM 3311, an output is programmed. This can be the relay of the IOM 3311, or
an OC output (AL1-AL8 or AL9-AL16). The output is used to connect a 0V potential to the input

Version 2.5 135

Activation of external signalling devices

"Check transmission unit" of the transmission unit interface. The transmission unit is thus
activated, the response connected and thus the display "Fire brigade alarmed" or "Transmission
unit triggered" activated. The FSD is opened.

Solution using the relay of the IOM 3311:

1.) Connect the release element through IOM 3311 to the Loop 3000 (IOM 3311 should be
mounted near the fire control panel)

2.) Program this IOM 3311 into its own free detector zone (DPT)

3.) Configure this detector zone as [ Building alarm zone ] (DPT)

4.) Create a control unit in the DPT.

5.) As "Source type", select [ zone ].

6.) Define the detector zone from the IOM as "Source no. 1" and as the "Source alarm" select [
Alarm | Trigger fault detector zone ].

7.) As "Target type" select [ Control output ].

8.) As "Target no. 1", define the zone of the IOM 3311.

9.) As "Target no. 2", define the detector number of the IOM 3311.
10.) Finally, select "No participation in disable fire control unit" for the IOM under the output


The IOM 3311 was programmed in Zone 3, Detector 1.

The relay output of the same IOM 3311 was selected for activation.

Source Source Source Source Target Target Target Customer text

Target Only on main
(no Comment
Type No.1 No. 2 Message type No. 1 No. 2 Event alarm

Zone MG 3 - Alarm MG 3 No. 1 Set

 Connect the closing output of the relay (IOM 3311) to GND on one side, and on the
other side to the terminal "Test transmission unit" on the transmission unit interface
(X12, terminal 9)

Solution approach with OC output:

1.) Connect the release element through IOM 3311 to the Loop 3000 (IOM 3311 should be
mounted near the fire control panel)

2.) Program this IOM 3311 into its own free detector zone (DPT)

3.) Configure this detector zone as [ Building alarm zone ] (DPT)

4.) Create a control system in the DPT.

5.) As "Source type", select [ zone ].

6.) Define the detector zone from the IOM as "Source no. 1" and as the "Source alarm" select
[ Alarm | Trigger fault detector zone ].

7.) As "Target type" select [ OC output ].

8.) As "Target no. 1" define the OC output to be used for activation.

Version 2.5 136

detect 3004 Installation Manual Activation of external signalling devices

9.) Finally, select "No participation in disable fire control unit" for the OC output under the output


The IOM 3311 was programmed in Zone 3, Detector 1.

The OC output (AL1) was selected for activation.

Source Source Source Source Target Target Target Customer text

Target Only on main
(no Comment
Type No.1 No. 2 Message type No. 1 No. 2 Event alarm

Zone MG 3 - Alarm OC 1 - Set

 Connect the programmed OC output (in the above example, this is AL1/OC1) to terminal
"Test transmission unit" on the transmission unit interface (X12, terminal 9)

Version 2.5 137

Analogue values of the loop nodes relative to the loop card software versions

28 Analogue values of the loop nodes

relative to the loop card software

Analogue values for DLI version

PL 3200 O/ PL 3300 O

PL 3200 T/ PL 3300 T
PL 3200 OT/ PL 3300 OT

PL 3300 PBD

SDM 3300
TCM 3300
IOM 3311
value Fault type

Communication failure (e.g. detector/module removed, detector
0 X X X X X X X
External fault (for example, ext. power supply of the TCM 3300
1 X
failed, fault on TCM 3300 line)
Internal or external fault
1 X
Internal fault (for example defective measurement chamber,
2 X X X X X
contamination, defective detector/module)
Internal or external fault
2 X
Detector type doesn't match
3 X X X X X X X
Type unknown
4 or 6
Idle values of module
16 X X X X
Idle values of detector
23 X X X
Detector slightly contaminated
40 X X
Detector severely contaminated
44 X X
50 X X X
Detector/module alarm
55 X X X X
Module alarm
64 X X

Version 2.5 138

detect 3004 Installation Manual Analogue values of the loop nodes relative to the loop card software versions

Analogue values

OMS 3301 mini (V2.1 rail only)

for DLI version

PL 3300 COBT (V3.17 and up)

3.14 3.15 3.17

AMD 3311 (V3.14 and up)

OMS 3301 (V3.15 and up)

LS 3300 (V3.14 and up)

PL 3200 O/ PL 3300 O

PL 3200 T/ PL 3300 T
PL 3200 OT/ PL 3300 OT

PL 3300 PBD

SDM 3300
TCM 3300
IOM 3311
value Fault type

Communications lost
0 X X X X X X X X X X X X
(e.g. detector/module removed, detector failure)
External fault
(for example, ext. power supply of the TCM 3300
failed, fault on TCM 3300 line, OMS input X X
Internal or external fault
1 X X X
Internal fault (for example defective
measurement chamber, contamination, defective X X X X X X X X
detector/module, CO sensor for COBT)
Internal or external fault
2 X
Detector type doesn't match
3 X X X X X X X X X X X X
Run-in phase of CO sensor
4 X
Type unknown
5 X X X X X X X X X X X X
Idle values of module
16 X X X X X X X X X
Idle values of detector
23 X X X
Detector slightly contaminated
40 X X
Detector severely contaminated
44 X X
50 X X X X
Detector/module alarm
55 X X X X X X
Module alarm
64 X X

Version 2.5 139

Analogue values of the loop nodes relative to the loop card software versions

ue values
for DLI

PL 3300 COBT (V3.17 and up)


PL 3200 O/ PL 3300 O

PL 3200 T/ PL 3300 T
PL 3200 OT/ PL 3300 OT

OMS 3301 mini

Analogue value

PL 3300 PBD

WL 3210 IM
WGW 3300
WL 3200 O

OMS 3301
AMD 3311

SDM 3300
TCM 3300
IOM 3311

LS 3300
Fault type

Communications lost
(e.g. detector/module removed, detector X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1 Run-in phase of CO sensor X
Internal fault (for example, defective
measurement chamber, contamination,
defective detector/module, ext. power supply
failed on SDM 3300, sensor fault in CO sensor)
3 Detector type doesn't match X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
External fault (for example, line break or short
circuit on module inputs, ext. power supply X X X X X X
failed on TCM 3300)
6 Type unknown

16 Idle values of module X X X X X X X X X X X

23 Idle values of detector X X X X

24 Detector slightly contaminated X X X

25 Detector severely contaminated X X X

50 Pre-alarm X X X X X

55 Detector/module alarm X X X X X X X X

64 Module alarm X X

Version 2.5 140

detect 3004 Installation Manual Analogue values of the loop nodes relative to the loop card software versions

Analogue values for DLI version

PL 3300 OTi/ OTi Fusion

5.13 and up

PL 3200 O/ PL 3300 O

PL 3200 T/ PL 3300 T
PL 3200 OT/ PL 3300 OT

LS 3300 SBK/ VLC

OMS 3301 mini
PL 3300 COBT
Analogue value

PL 3300 PBD

LB 3300 VXB

WL 3210 IM
PL 3300 PA
WGW 3300
WL 3200 O

AMD 3311
OMS 3301

SDM 3300
TCM 3300
IOM 3311

LS 3300
Fault type

Communications lost
(e.g. detector/module removed, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
detector failure)
1 Run-in phase of CO sensor X
Internal fault (for example, defective
measurement chamber, contamination,
defective detector/module, ext. power X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
supply failed on SDM 3300, sensor fault
in CO sensor)
3 Detector type doesn't match X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
External fault (for example, line break
or short circuit on module inputs, ext. X X X X X X X X X
power supply failed on TCM 3300)
6 Type unknown
16 Idle values of module X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
17 Module idle value and output active X X
23 Idle values of detector X X X X X
24 Detector slightly contaminated X X X X
25 Detector severely contaminated X X X X
50 Pre-alarm X X X X X X
55 Detector/module alarm X X X X X X X X X
56 Alarm and diff. temperature X X X X
57 Alarm and max. temperature X X X X
58 Alarm and diff/max. temperature X X X X
59 Alarm and diff. temperature and pre-
60 Alarm and max. temperature and pre-
61 Alarm and diff./max. temperature and
63 Module alarm and output active X X
64 Module alarm X X

Version 2.5 141

Behaviour of the DLI 3240 and fire control panel after error during scanning procedure

29 Behaviour of the DLI 3240 and fire

control panel after error during
scanning procedure
Fault type Behaviour of the DLI 3240 Display on fire control panel Troubleshooting

short circuit Scan is stopped on short The following appears on the The last loop node with a disconnect before
the short circuit can be located by I-Check in
circuit. The affected display after the scan:
the "Read in line structure" menu item. The
connections structure of the loop is then shown up to the
"Flt Loop xx KS" and "Flt DLI 3240
(loop/branch) are shut off by last loop node with disconnect (blue symbols).
xx". These faults cannot be reset
the loop card. From that loop node on, it may be necessary
by a manual reset. to measure with a multimeter.

Line break on The scan is carried out up to "Flt Loop xx Db". This fault cannot The number of loop nodes found, which the
L+ or L- the line break. The affected be reset by a manual reset. The fire control panel displays as notices, the loop
connections (loop/branch) loop nodes found up to the line node can be determined behind which the line
remain turned on. The loop break are displayed as notices. break is located. I-Check can also be used in
nodes up to the line break "Loop Status" or in the loop structure to
stay in operation locate the loop node behind which the line
break is located.

Duplicate The scan is stopped on a "Flt DLI 3240 xx". This fault cannot I-Check can be used in the "Read in line
addressing duplicate address. The be reset by a manual reset. structure" to determine that there is an
affected connections address collision with the address in question.
(loop/branch) are shut off by It can also be seen in the structure of the loop
the loop card. which loop nodes have been assigned the
same address. The symbols of the loop nodes
are shown in blue.

More than 126 The scan stops if there are "Flt DLI 3240 xx". This fault cannot I-Check can then be used in the "Read in line
nodes on the more than 126 nodes on the be reset by a manual reset. structure" to determine that too many node
loop loop. The affected addresses (more than 126) are on the loop.
connections (loop/branch) are
The symbols of the loop nodes are shown in
shut off by the loop card.

During the scan, do not carry out a [ Reset ]!

If the scan of a loop is stopped with a fault, it will never be continued from the
response line (ML2 or ML4). Thus in loop mode the scan will always only run
from the input line (ML1 or ML3).

Version 2.5 142

detect 3004 Installation Manual Behaviour of the DLI 3240 and fire control panel after error during autoaddressing

30 Behaviour of the DLI 3240 and fire

control panel after error during
Fault type Behaviour of the Display on fire control panel Troubleshooting
DLI 3240

short circuit Autoaddressing is stopped on a short The following appears on the display The last loop node with a
circuit. The affected connections after autoaddressing: disconnect before the short circuit
(loop/branch) are shut off by the loop can be located by I-Check in the
"Flt Loop xx KS" or "Flt DLI 3240 xx".
card. "Read in line structure" menu
These faults cannot be reset by a
item. The structure of the loop is
manual reset.
then shown up to the last loop
node with disconnect (blue
symbols). From that loop node on,
it may be necessary to measure
with a multimeter.

Line break on Autoaddressing is carried out up to The following appears on the display The number of loop nodes found,
L+ or L- the line break. The affected after autoaddressing: which the fire control panel
connections (loop/branch) remain displays as notices, the loop node
"Flt Loop xx Db". This fault cannot be
turned on. The loop nodes up to the can be determined behind which
reset by a manual reset. The loop
line break stay in operation the line break is located. I-Check
nodes found up to the line break are
can also be used in "Loop Status"
displayed as notices.
or in the loop structure to locate
the loop node behind which the
line break is located.

More than 126 Autoaddressing stops if there are The following appears on the display I-Check can then be used in the
nodes on the more than 126 nodes on the loop. The after autoaddressing: "Read in line structure" to
loop affected connections (loop/branch) are determine that too many node
"Flt DLI 3240 xx". This fault cannot be
shut off by the loop card. addresses (more than 126) are on
reset by a manual reset.
the loop.
The symbols of the loop nodes are
shown in blue.

During autoaddressing, do not carry out a [ Reset ]!

If autoaddressing of a loop is stopped with a fault, it will never be continued
from the response line (ML2 or ML4).
Thus in loop mode autoaddressing will always only run from the input line (ML1
or ML3).

Version 2.5 143

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