Quantum Unit 1 (Special Machine)

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4 Polyphase AC Maching, GaeTAT] With neat sketch, explain the construction of Double enwer A. Construction : 1. Anindaction motor wih tworotr windings or cages is used for obtaining Fighetrting tongue at lw starting current. 2 The stator ofdoublecage rotor induction mote ordinary induction motor. In the doublecage roto there are two layers of bars as shown in Fig. 11.1 Bach ayer shart circuited by end ings. sar to that ofan iekage ax A « — fix [FiG. 18.1. Doublcagerotst stat) ‘The outercage bars have aamaller cross-sectional area than the innet ‘brs and are made of high resistivity material ike brass, and bronze et, Sede trie Machines rpaNo The incre ar are made of ow regan per Tara reson otereagsineraier ane e Sets 6 Than. th leakage Gx inking te inne cae winding much ager ‘tan tht of he outercage ining, sad te aoteepe eee Steric an apreter fede 1. Principle of pert 1. Attar th akag inde inh tr isane ap fegueney ef tence i leatagerenctane stant cage ee ee, ibpetee tit oreatreage ding 2 Therefore, mot of the ating crn is Noving inthe outrage ‘indig whch ors ow inptance Te gh tan age ‘ding these vl gh artnet, As the rotor speed increases, he frequency of he sotor ent {fest cerns tre leakage reste bath he adgn SComemgiiy al 4. Sheereistane ef oter caps abst 6 tines that finer ag, the tov ofthe retr cores fia hough neg tol og wel 4 Heoce tre is deeoed mail by th ow reste nena. ETAT] Exptain the principle of operation of double-cage {Induction motor and also draw the equivalent czcult. ened A. Principle of operation Refer Q. 1.1, Page 1-20, Unit. B. Equivalenteireuit; Lt ‘Ry Resistance pr phase of stator 2%, = Reactance per phase of ttor ‘Ra's Resistance per pss of oter-ag refered ta x, tandstill leakage reactance per phase of uter-cage referred tomato ‘Rg = Resistance por phase inner age refered to stator = Standatll leakage reactance per phate of lnnereage referred tostator Fractional ip ‘Scanned with Caseanner Pol-thate AC Machin mi cts esse nat 1 Ataip othe outer-ageimpedance 25 2 Alslips theinnercage impedance 2, 5, Theimpedance stator, Z,=2, 0%, xt quvalent impedance per phase ofthe motor referred t stator, a 22,4 ag VE) RAB Bye B Hla MERAY ES theoutercage, = Bt 5. Current through the outer cage Jn'* 72 Current through the inner-age, f= Fy GaeTS. | Draw the torque-lip characteristics for double-cage IM and also find the ratio of inner and outer caxe toraues. emer ‘Torquestip characteristics Tistamamed tha the two cages develop tro separate torques. The total {org ofthe motor i equa othe sum ofthe two eage torques. 2 The torquealipeharacteristis ofthe two cages are shown in Fig. 13.1 ve 4m Special lestriea! Machines 1sDENe) Tein carey mee +o Sheequecage PN, 7 Sind No. ee patrons ree ig. 13.1. Torgos and Gore characerstick ofa double dvtion moter. 1 Theresultant torgue-speed characteristic can be modified sccording to {hesquirement, Thais done by modifying the individual eage resistance ‘and leakage reactance 4. The resistances can be changed by changing area of cross-section of ‘bars. The leakage reactance ean be changed by changing the width of theclat opening and depth ofthe inner eage 1B. Comparison of eage torques: 1, Power developed per phase by the outer-cage, Pas Pa 2. Power developed per phase by the innercage, rae BL 3. Power developed per phate by both the cages, PyePyePye ry Be py Be ,, » Torque developed by outercage Ta = Torque developed by inner-eage 1, = Torque developed by the two cages Pex (2sn,iTy ‘Scanned with Caseanner Pol Phot AC aching featur t| ra a ey +4? with J GESTAT] with neat sketch, explain the construction of deep bar motor. ewer A. Consiretion a pay be aarumed to be made up of aumber of narrow layers 1 Ader maaan Fig swe thee such ayers, Band ‘2 Tiegeen that the topmost ayer element Ai inked with minima TEatage att therfore it leakage ndctance sini. 4 Onthe other han he Yttom lye Cinks with maximum leakage {fu Therefore loge inductances maxim. Blemest A Rotor bar Bremen B B. Working: ‘A starting, the rotor frequency sequal tothe supply frequen. 2. The bottom lajor clement C offers more impedance to the Now of current chan the top layer element A 3. Therefore, asim current Qaws through the top ayer and minimum ‘through the bottom layer. Beenuse of the unequal distribution of current, the efetie ror resistance increases and the leakage 4 With hgh otor resistance at starting eondit is rlatvely higher andthe starting current the starting torque relatively Lower Special Electrical Machines * LIDENS) {5 Under normal operating cont every a 6. The reactance’ of allthe layersof the bar are nearly equa so current ‘ee through ll parte ofthe bar equally 17. The resulting large eros-sectional area makes the rotor resistance (ite sal, reulting ina good efficiency at lower sli. ‘TeeTH | Explain equivatent circuit of an ordinary polyphase induction motor also applicable to deep-bar induetion motor ? rm the aip and the rotor frequency 4, Theequvalentcceult ofan ordinary polyphase induction motor which ‘Bue applicalete deep bar induction motor isshown in Fig. 1.1 (Pig. 15.1 Equivalent crit a orion polyphase induction moter Hasina tester en + mmemnetanniens ee Deora seas ome + Ei etantmuetrnin + sven rnomasntomenre Shoshana aaenacinees BReTE | Compare the merits and demerits of single-age and double-cage induct ‘Scanned with Caseanner a 19DENS, ponent of tho current exnses heating of I The nogative sequence 6 Betorend temperature rise ne current heathy phassinereaes by 6 During single pas times In a the heating in bth the windings Negative semen 1. iineremes th Ace core enunes maznte fx rotting ee ting torque shit = ce etediection to the ain Dux ‘Starting rau Ties rotor eoitance gl 8x Hence dle eqns crea induce ster conto as sage to secondary oF rotor winding. ive rotor resistances Preece at stat TOOT ice i crbeangiseg! °° Ligiephsingcnuses ao da Shinpieatsevee. | ___________~. &. an ct vmator even a small unbelance can cause damage of TT prs rertane sow | Te ror coper es Bator winding duc to overbesting. tt es | dwt igh ol tne 1. Arg stor ican severely damage the roter soa separately ‘lr ryan. | cence tigi psing protection device i needed a age a 2 re ins Ie dee lb dangerous to 5 | he breakdown torque oF "ead ceversinguthe motor should be disconnected maximum torqueis allerasty, inytantaneouly when sy [ie Ry > ‘Starting current Is low be iteble for dies online tara ‘Banioosm torque is m0" le phasing overs: The phase unbalance ages produce maxinium forge relaye are providing for large motes. st litcrent sped i tie Tow | Tho etetve leakage reactance RET | explain that the rotor resistance starter allows fast ee rece |e start with lees boating of induction motor (ARTU SOTTO: ‘The power factors ow. [nr een ee cin [Frsneraing extich os ewer iunene = Ir wesndrtr meus ae ener sated by eaten naa Fesstortathe tar reat Pig 18.100) TERT scene he penomenon of “ingle Phasing” wha, Tight va frrtncelachnnt init curent ato mee Epplied to the three-phase induction motors, designed fot within he safe vale cred the eh gucin mer, ieee cen inten i ots ig pl i ne ent cent Cee Stee runes etc ae . pee fi an etd ear ering te 1. ASphase induction motor continuous torun evenifon of the sup fine gets disconnected But thinis en unbalanced condition. 2 Tent tema ng ois. hi heme “Its, therefore, suitable for applications requiring fa single han ‘frequent tarts and stop, starting wth hen ating with 2 Tes pings nice tor ues. ene agai MEM Heron Soe etree le phasing is extreme unbalance condition fora three ‘induction motor designed for « continuous working. * : ¥ ‘Scanned with Caseanner 1-10D ENS) z HH: z + o ‘ar (Fig: 18 Rotor resistance starting. Ta] Explain equivalent circuit of double eage induc, rotor. A phase, & pole 60 Hz, 440 volt induction motor den, ‘maximum torque at a slip of 8%. In a particular application, itn ‘ata ‘slip at rated voltage, driving a load to stop demant proportional to aquare of speed. What is the maximum val, ‘which the supply voltage can drop, ifthe speed ofthe motor Isaq Aecrease below 050 rpm? Neglect stator impedance drop. = A. Equivalent elreut : Refer Q.1.2, Page 1-8D, Unit, 1B. Numerical Given #4 = 0.08.8, = 0.09, ‘ToFind:¥, N= BOL 22050 780 rpm 8 2 Rotorapeed, Nyx N,(1—4,) = 750(1-003 Special Electrical Machines 111DENS) =I = 720 rpm asp 08 2 Oya WF 8 From eq (18.1 and (1.82) 92) (ii) eo (@) 2) .40=s464950 BESTT] A tire phase $00 V doublocage induction motor has ‘per phase standstill leakage impedance of 2+ 2.60 and 05 +100 {or its two cages. Find the relative values of torques given by each ease: TAs starting Hh ALS ealip, =] L Atstarting sat 1. Outercage impedance, Zu = Ry! 23k Zya24p5=32.6190 ‘Scanned with Caseanner Ry 08 +/10= 1001 coragee current through tera Special letra! Machines spans ni 2, 2140) 200,2, 0003700 Winds, 4. Letebe the slip at which two cages develop equa ores 2 Outercageimpndaee = (4) +124? a 8. Onercae cures,» Bie Te) saa? A. Povey tn catercae Fat? Bw Bt — fi, Atslipe=5% = 0.05 pu / 1 ye Bois 2, = pag 142524007 Zasrg 2 ain Pal say BE ei0= 4 5.0 le teT) HEHE] roe wnetatorque of a34, 501, peetnduction motor Jr100¥mThe rotor frequency is. Calla the rotor opper scant ae lef meal oss ae 0 wt Ina double-cage indvetion mit men) a 2) oom De sp imran ere Timpedance of (1 +7 bm Tas = 4 te ‘Scanned with Caseanner a re Y (ENS. // 1-14D(EN-6) Poly: phas, Le Lie ons0 15 += .o0s 8 New =P Wenn wi of _ 120-50 2. NowPy- P= 700+ 14474.88 P= SITS 4 FromP,:P, iss:1-1 0.03, Rotor copper loss, x xe ppeross, P= Py xz = 1517488 OOS P, = 469.5826 PART-2 Enf Injection in Rotor Circuit of Slip Ring Induction Motor. GEETAT] explain the emf injection in rotor circuit of slip ring Induction motor by means of suitable phasor diagram, aT ‘Special Electrical Machines Lispene, Power transferred fom stator to rotor is Pah +ll-nP, 113) ere (1~21P, represents the mechanical power developed inthe rae and slip powtr aP, appears as rotor ohmic loss U,,) i rtorsshort ruled. “a polyphase induction moter. ower, intend of wasting he ip requne por Path tr le concerted ane shee tnt pbrer hich Site etrned othe spy or adda te tr shah ‘The most wel method af earring slip power? sncoatraing ihm pecd thereby, nvles ie njction fet nae tr iat fran bome acorn en 110.1) show the phatrdagram fas inet moter ring Mipsandwita ret shr seated Here he may pean Arop hasbeen neglected, | ig 1.18 ie reiinjeteintho eeirycelt ot” ‘Scanned with Caseanner it 1 11sDENS) TBs bet em te else ob rt a ee ee torque 7, is mee Poly phe AC ag, i tos Bison ( Be) ho tating suey nin rc eran, Here inte enfindced nthe oor phase winding bythe man, SrtelatwtanitilendsE,ektsomputedestanyaips. =" 1. Hotoreurent Ings do totor leakage reactance od hey ings pring slag power factor operation Tn Pe 11) LE UASecraiaphane opsitonostantl oor cats Since the opeed and therefore, the lip can change nen dug y ‘rotor inertia, te immediate effet af voltage injection isto decrease ty 258, ‘rotor current from pe i 8, Thedecreased rotor current reduces the electrsal torque developed 10. Since the lod torqueis constant andthe developed electrical org hy ‘ecreased the speed drops and slipemt x increases. 11, Ava rerlt of increase in lip emf the rotor current rise il again hy lectrical torque has became equal to the constant load torque BRETT] Discuss otfoct of emf injection in rotor elreult on torque speed characteristics. “Kawwer |] A. Torque speed characteristics: 1. When theinjeted voltage Bs zero, then sE, = 7,Z,. When the voltage Injected inthe rotor creuit, th speed and slip change. 2 Letthe new vale oslip bo’ The resultant of rotor iret ems, sd F,isequalto T,Z, which canbe writen as s+ B «TZ, t 8. Withaeoinjcted voltage, = LZ, f vB vB, = B, « aa) aie ‘IE se aoin th sme pase then Band, have these sod hereae decreases kd the pen ieteass. ‘ Seca lec Machines n rapes) saa apm eg ma oem ae aed ee ota sped, fer ert nection. 1 060 BS utitution of the value of fom Ba (1-141. 6 :\ 14a man{i-ae i) zB tor wang jnthe same phase ig, > 408 > 400 Te peed n, bere mre than synchronous epee Ec sg constant At 90 ond slip 8 ¥e7Y Fora given injected voltage, “a then the rotor speed at no load is icine ecm my nf-B)- (2 ten ie bene apni (2+ 22) (2) ‘hen B opposes E, the no-load speed isn,|1~ Zi.) and-when E, the no-load speeds synchronous, this is shown in Fig. 1.14.1 ‘Hiclguemeclonof the torque apced curves of motor snd load gives the “pevating pont and Fig: LL reveals thatthe operating epeed below ti above synchronous speed ie posible by voltage injection into the olor ercut ofa a-phase wound rotor induction motor. E,andE ‘ding ‘Scanned with Caseanner g 1eDENe Poly pha 9 aes c 2 Suattuungitevaivegt Mg (1141) may now be writen ‘420 LW, three-phase 400 V, 4-pole, 50 Hx squirrel cage motor when working ai full load torque at 1470 rpr source with the voltage adjusted 50 Hz, then calculate the magnitude of 2 ForS0 tz source, 400 oh 3 Fer 40 Hz source, ; cus = 4 Promeg (1.18.1) and 400 o « Vy= (a0) es20¥ | ‘Special Electrical Machines when the stator current haw Impedance and rotational loses, eer] Given: P= S00kW, f= 80 Hz, 4,=021,203+/1808, «180 © TeFind: 2, the motor and the efficiency. TAnewer ‘Assuming f= 60 Hz and stator las = 700 W 1 Given: P= 6,7, « 150 Nm, /, «18 He, T= 10 Nm 4 ToFlad : Rotor copper lon, Pi Input power, and efficiency, & Nm POL 120-50 00 ym ‘Scanned with Caseanner Teh a tnt ln siniate BN, = N{1~s) = 1000(1 -0.03) = 970 rpm. Toewer | ry 2N, [Dr Toe schema of connections for constant power drive is showa in 4 Raat Tage Tha Fe Fe et Ty cea Fee Oe ae ee 10. (2222) esnsnz9w beat 5 “(3") 0, (225) nro 6 Ph cet Htatonn= IEITE O 682sow h Fc Synch. ous vl ental * @=0.03) BOERS SERS w, my “converter. a tbe be settee rere acne ed, ae eet Uearaiy —* Dacenate ae . 3. When the synchronous machine is excited, the emfs of frequency P= F502.65 «6765.16 W fAl~ 4) are generated, because speed of the synchronous machin Poe cre snr ‘equal to the main-moter speed, is equal ton, (14). E heat seal aaie ss0 voltages of frequer 1) are injected into the armature of “ioe nos sso 4 Pasa rn i Bw aur ba ene pe 100= Tras5.16 * 1 10-9 yas) 7 is established inthe froquency converter ae gap. 5. Since the frequency converter is driven at speed n,. proportional to frequency fand indirection opposite tothe rotating ld speed relative tothe brushes isn,~m, (8) =m, 6. Inview ofthis, frequency of tho brush voltage is af and is appropriate for injection in serios withthe rotor of main induction motor. ESTAR] biscune leblanc constant torque drive with suitable ‘diagram. 7 1. Fig. 1.10. illustrates a constant torque dive scheme for an induction ‘motor, making use of a commutato.frequeney converter, ‘The commutator brushes of the frequency converter are connected to seitable dingran ‘he slip rings ofthe rain induction motor. ‘Scanned with Caseanner 12D ENO) Ply phase ag Maa a Fo Main IN| ‘Fig. 1.19.1, Gonstant-torgue drive Scheme with Teomimutatorfrequenty converter, empiri etn te rainintn ren ‘Dine tare lip rings ofthe frequency converter through the vary ree trantormer 4 ‘Panter flr othe equney converter snd main tres ep ‘Toe opto he frequency converter is eal othe main nd stoped since both ae mechanically coped = Palpphce balanced vltage of feuenc is appli o he egg. Comerer ali ia ‘Te votatng field thus set up, moves a syochronos sped wid Rapti heroter frequency converte. TTroteriemadeto revlveoposte tothe dietinof rotating x etd ocd in pace or elav tothe rashes, woulbe «= Sip frequency af the main induction motor Thus whatever may be the speed of main motor, the brushvoltat Fecacoay i alway equal to the rotor frequency of andi, therefr, ee injection int the retr eget ofthe main induction mete 10, ‘The slip-frequcncy power from the rotor of main motor is returned ‘Te cuply main vise hequeney converter at sub-synchronous speed 11. At uperaynchronous speeds, the sip frequeney powers taken fram the supply maine and ie fed tothe rotor of tho main motor via the eons ‘Static Slip Power Recovery Control Schemes (Constant Torque and Constant Power) 1-23D ENS) ‘of static slip power recovery Explain the principle neat sketch. ‘control acheme in rotor circuit wth recovery scheme of i induction motor is & demerits? cues the slp power Dice ht ares mer postive but tis gative for super synchronous rs, because aip sis ha ‘pave been invented for recovering the aip- peed. Various schemes ‘reqvency power 2. Slip pnwerrecovery schemes can be classified into two types of dives, Seer rn whcher te slip power returned oF ake om Toes ic oor akon rom, the ha poner of te a nao. 4. Iisa torecoer the ali power om the rotor andfed backtothe Biro tan dae Suh ometod called sli power emery see rte the ped ofthe induction motor. es ls called Sate Scheiasaymem 4A. The Fig. 1201 shows the tipper every scheme of ontrling the Ipeet ip ring ston mater ie Ee Step ‘Scanned with Caseanner mie an 6. _Inthis method, the rotor AC slip power is convey ot ee i eer, 00th oe letrcal Machines eaere esatcctsuoin tan Tonthingiductor 4. Thin DC output rete vn athe inverter using triacs, The inverter converts Benge ine sverts DC power tay 1 Aust uronteipnag ane era isused atthe outputof an inverter. The output of nese Ick tothe AC supply. tr, 8 As the slip power flows only in one direction, this “3, Shaft power output, control below synchronous speed or ia meta hOd of ee naet iy Te thd ne : Tus dvve i mor pouls or dutty di tn, co me a2) 9. A eonstant torque contro 10, Applications : tis used in large power fan an require speed control in narrow range. M1 PUMP die U1, Morita: 4 Ataip ee ce, above synchronous speed i Overall efficieney ofthe system is increased ‘haf power ostet. PRiossie, slip powers utilize, Fyn Fa +09, High efficiency and low cost, Shah apecd, 0, = (14890, 12, Demerits: swe» (Ht) Bad a 1. Anadditional power electronic circuits needed a 1. (L211 and (1.21.2 bows that whe lip fequency poe sis Fiat Zltnaedtocor taken the tuply a constant torque davis ‘Sometime the harmonics are not completely removed by sn obtained. ‘The power available at the shaft (= Constant-torque x Speed) varies reactor. si Offers speed control below synchronous speed ony. i nearly withapeed as sbown in Pg 1.211 ‘THELAT | Beptain the working principe of sli pore rom a ip ring induetion motor wit method of speed control of slip ring induct : Tagream and the mathematical equations involved é TARTU 2016-16, Marks! E ee eee Answer , (Pig: 11. Chavacteraties ot constant-targue drive, ap power recovery method of epeed control FC, Constant power dive Page 1-23D, Unit-1. + For obtaining a constant power drive slip power is either added to, or li. Mathematical equations taken from the shaft output of main induetion motor. & Constant-torque drive : {Shaft power output = P,, + Auxiliary machine power theslippoweriseteot™ = U-0P 40P, 1 Fer obtaining a constant torque drive; +r taken from the supply main. ‘Scanned with Caseanner mw rasp ena) Sh ce “Special Electrical Machines 1-27DUEN4) 0 1, Theload torque, a. When == 4 : — aoe eclput «Pz + Anny machine pge nl : ‘aeHP,-#P, oP amy ) : 120f 120,50 suatepen, 02114806, Lh ye 1 8 eg Shaf Poveroutput Torque « Stal Power output Ant, Tor | Te shows that with ‘kg (1.212and 091.210 shows ha witha eng Ba ae ein dul onerous © PE seer Le 2 Threore, when tp poe ey aa a a acontanc power dre ln deck de ee t Power ose al 6. Plttevalueofhofineg (221 Ra P, = 38580(1-0)¢ Xe Be lip power returned to supply L P,= Motor input (1. Pp - 2 Morinpt, Pa BL = ssn Fig, 1.21.2. Characteristics of constant-power drive, is i 3 QaeTal] A stip power converter is directly connectedtor} rotor induction motor having 6 pole Indutzer the speed of a oad requiring torque pre, ‘peed is vary between 0{06ir=+ 50 Hz wound isused to control the speed tothe cubeof its speed. Ifthe Joad needs a power of 5 kW at 600 rpm the handled by the slip power converter in terms) returned to the supply. ‘motor input at 60 and 600 rpm and the slip power converter can carry: faewer | Given :/= 50 Hz, P= 6, Range of speed = 60 to 600" ‘To Find :Slip power, input power and maximum Powe? jen determine of slip when Neglect losses. “Also determine the value of slipper" ‘amount of maximum po", arisen’ THmetor input at they sip ‘P= 98580 (1 - 0,04) = 34.133 KW Slip power at 60 rpm = «P= 1.36 kW 600 rpm, P= (1-04) 28.33 kW {Slip power at 600 pm, a = 6P =0.4(8.39)=3.33 kW ‘Scanned with Caseanner 1-28D (EN-6) Poly-phase 4g 9. Nowslip power, P,p= 38580 s (1-s)* Mey C. Slip at which P,p would be maximum : “tly dP, L “ap = 38580 ((1-s)~s [8(1~s)2) <9 oo = 2. Maximum slip power, 1 (3)* P.p= 38580 x 7° ie Pp = 4068.98 W ©O© ‘Seamed with Cascanner

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