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wore vorsA per motor isafor of AC motor, Sere et i omel Set ule, Pe nut cen The motor eat turns through a spec ce ee edna Ques responsible forits wide spread use ? Special Blectrieal Machines 1. Construction : 33D ENS) ee SDL ‘The principle of operation ofa stepper motor is of flux lines to occupy low reluctance path, The stator and rotor therefore get aligned such that the magntic reluetanceis minimum. A stepper motor can be single stack type or multi based on the property stack type has salient pole stator with concentrated windings placed overt ‘Tae number of phases of stator depends uponthe connection of ator ‘The rotor isa slotted structure m carries no winding. ath ator and otor made up high quality materials having hi permeability so that the exci iting current required is stall. a Operation : The elementary operation of «variable reluctance motor an be explained through the Fig 8.2 L ade from ferromagnetic material and ‘Answer 1 Inpet to SM stepping motor is inthe formof electric pulses. ‘The shaft of topping motor moves through angular step. 8. Incontret system applications, no feedback opis required when isadigtal ecromehnicl devi, No ecutive psn ree 1eismechanial sage, Terequie ite ora aitenance, Tecan be repeatedly started without damage, Relate raed and dura OR aaa eT 188.4442 poe 4 polsin stator and 2in rotor) singl-stack, variable ‘fluctance stepper motor. Four phases A, B,C, and D are connected to ' source and are energized inthe sequence A,B,C, D. A. When winding Ais exited, the rotor aligns with axis of phase A. The deat stable in this position and eannat move until phace A it evenergized. ‘Scanned with Caseanner Stee Taman Ri 0" m0 than Feld wh Se aect tll stb mnt ty cid acide. Fr aes ne reves i our steps. The dteton Tae str oe preening th segues of witching Sines DGB i eo nnees ctsey angler any VB steppe maori ven, io, iy, p= Sepande IC Nantot ftator phase or stacks umber et or ath or poles) Thestepangeissexpened NN te were, N= Nunerof stator teethor ator poles) Ey chosing dierent cmtinton unter of oar ether esige ay dese ep ng can be oan’, . Appietons: where, Incomputer peripherals such as serial printers tape drives, loppy' rive, memory sess mechanisms ee. Inserial printers, intypewriters or word proc essor systems, ontrl of machine tool, robotic contol systems, number of pr control systems, actuators, spacecrats and watches ete. Special Electrical Machines a =a rR oP Construction : Slr aac et ni Feri ati "The rotor isa permanent ferrite ‘magnet. tis made up of magnetically ‘bard One of the stator wit alignment with the energized stator poles. "The stator windings ean rrinings ean be excited with either polarity curent, nding is energized, the rotor poles move into A: ‘Scanned with Caseanner ‘magnet stepper motor. — aes ees SS Sato 2 fence A ee : s1DENs) {Next B pose winding is enerpined by negative coreat i dyp Phaw ; oh wing lcedy cep eine came PABA wrt : 1, Now; the rotor rotates anathe 90" in clokarice ection a “4 Pst we cmsder phase winding A which is energized with positive Fig. 24.1(0, hore 9= 295 sie covet 8 5. ischown nig. 88:10), hereangle of rotations 2er0 then the Phase B winding isenergized, itis shownin Fig. 23.16). 6 Noweoar rotates 90 in the clockwise direction e., 0 = 90°, Now the pase winding A is energize with negative current I, , currents from A 4. . i ‘Then te oor rotates through another 90" in clockwise direction. tig shownin Fig. 88.1 here 0 = 160 Now, the phase winding B is energized with negative current Iy- ie, current lows from BtoB ‘Then the rotr rotates through anather90°in clockwise direction, Here 02210 itis shown in Fig 2.3.10, ‘Next the energization of phase winding A with Z,* makes the rotor rotates through ene complete revolution of 60°, ‘Table 3.3.1. The truth table shows 1 ON mode, Next, phase A winding is energized, 1, Phase B winding is already. 9. Now the rotor rotates 90° Fig. 84.1). Here 0= with positive current ‘energized with negative current 4m clockwise direction. It is shown in u PhasoA FhaeB Rotation 0 + 0 c ° + a ° 180" ce E zm + ° o Queda] Discuss in deta diferent operating modes in permanent rigsat: 10, Next, bth the windings are energized with postive arent The otor = i ‘tates another 90" inclockwie cretion. Ptr ple postions are ee cn 3 ‘day between the two ajceat lst positions. + ON mode RelerQ. 33, Page.40 Uni, “Tablots Tetrath tates 2p On ede operation. 1 Inthismode of operation, to wind bees = ° on, two windings re energized imal A 2 Frat we eneygzed both stator winlines same - 2 RS Soret ner ormtn aes Doe to this the angular rotation is 461 3 = : 3 RESIN Ov atin i = = Bs [Net pits winding is already energized by postive current #2 = 5. RR EMeAemciedty mmivecsnenes a 2 - Fades ees 0" i cess erect fis shorn + = a ‘Scanned with Caseanner Stepper Motor, spExs) ; sadvantages of permanen, GaAE | ive ateetaen om asad " maget steppe BO al A aivatee 1 er anette mt 2 border eageuen {C-Spees more arue per azpere stator eurrent Disadvantages 1, Motrbahihe inertia 2 Sher teat. 4 Duetodificakisof manufactures small permanent magnet rotor with large muber of poles. 4. Thestepsinentotar i eatvely ranging from 30" to 90°. {Que38)]| Compare variable reluctance and permanent magnet stepper motor. imal io] ES AGAR Gene Se = © [em pe om : ‘Design Simplein design ‘Complex in design festa —himnaataae foe type of excitation is ™ ‘a Provided | & ic 7 ‘Stepping ‘Topicalyrunin fall | Fal alfand teponly snicrostepping Que: Describe wit TET] norteninagmemn, ee. a stepping motor, = aaa Mee rennet ail . 88 phe nig ord eh ain segues a Special Electrical Machines = A. Deseription: Refer Q.9.4, Page 3-60, U B. Numerical: OD UNE Given iN,=Band N,=4 ‘ToFind: Step angle. 1. Stepangle,8 MM, 8-4 NN, Bx 20 45° [PART-3 Hybrid Stepper Motor Que 3B. [Explain the principle of operation and constructional features of hybrid motor in detail. A. Principle: Refer Q. 3.2, Page 3-2D, Unit-. B. Construction : 1 teonsists of an axial permanent magnet at the two ends of which are ‘attached to two identical ferromagnetic stacks as shown in Fig. 38.1 "These two stacks consist of equal numberof teeth. In Fig. 3.8. there are three teeth on each stack. (ig. 88:1, Schematic view of hybrid stepper molar. 3 ‘Atone end, the stack attains north magnetic polarity anda the other end, stack gets south magnetic polarity. ‘Scanned with Caseanner ap Stepper Moen tf special Electr Machines suDENe onehalf of the ‘10D ENS ule displacement of oneal oft os 5, Poleat BattractsS pols ore ao a eat arcs aise Svs oat an oo at 4 men irate bch iotnuou fom oe eg shown in Fig. 3830), ES ot pole structure 5: ibrium posit trba te 3 ‘ ibrium position, x lakages are now 5 Trend oftettr sat lke ctbe pet of tepig winding B. ezitation i removed fom rice 2 ace emer A font pc adult hasnt aig «teed Ieee ae ie trate seni ‘ aimwei,ityiea Aelag®? $8 movement et ago eras A is energized with e ) 1. When pase wining Ai sete 7 Inthis manner, twelve step willcompleta oe revo ae wag —_ ete on rrltion Senco carer plot enand pet atets pl ton, ie cl nite CMa as oe 2 ae - opt ett locke retain, th eq ne ‘end thins shown in Fig. 3.820 D. Applications: © Elecmenewise windy Ope stenner HL Destal maging i Atalees (a) Phase winding A exited (Oy Phase winding B excited Discus on in detail the principle of operation and charactrities of, stepper motors with applications. on Discuss the characteristics of PMand VR stepper motors (©) Phase winding A excited in reverse dzetion Fig. 3.8.2. 94,418 pole hybrid stopping motor, a 3. This equilibrium position of rotor structure: Tesults in maximizing th flux linkages with the phase ‘winding A. . * en te a a emit Fares te ae winding Bhat ica nae Faecal Principle: Refer Q.2.2,Paged-2, Unit Morkng Rae 0 ne. plications Refer @. 38, Page $80, Unitd oraue-dispiacement (or stati) characteris PM stepping motor 8 Tera Pa ne rt try ins am ‘ssumed tobe permanently excited MP pepe ‘Scanned with Caseanner a) Toque dplcement characteristic ‘Fig. 8.1 Pertaining to PM stepping moter, 2 InPig 39, asthe magneticaisefstator and rt poles are coincident 1a sonatas reptile aor m= at fant = in Oss 7 3 Whensotorisdiplaced so that increas from reo degree, torque 4 ntecomes marimum when 0 « as shown in Pig. 39.30) | When increases beyond "torque begins to decrease, Note that, 0° << 180", the torque isin CCW (Counter lockwise) direction (15 190" torque is reo Pig. 893. Pertaining 4 VR weping motor Wen rotor axis is taken away from poston 0 =O, the reluctance longue increase, ‘This torque in CCW direction is maximum when rotor assis 45 away ‘when = 45% Beyond O= 48 reluctance terqu decreases 0° <0 50 the torque iain CCW direction. When = 8 a8 shown v= Fx 3192 the reluctance torge enero AL = the ator Tetate ether CW or CCW, therefre the rotor arentation a0 = 0" nate Wien exceeds 90%, the torque also rises fom zero in CW direction. 460 « 135°, torque is again maximum but in CW direction. When {10 reluctance argues agin sero For 9" <0-< 187 relactance lorquess in CW direction. ‘i Yaraton of reluctance tarque asa function of rotor position owning 3931 iybrid stepping motor : ae ving rons the characteristics of PM asd VR S70. motors. Teerefore, the worque in a hybrid stepping motor is obtained Dt ition afeeetrmapnetc argo son PEM a tance 8 in VRSM as shown in Fig 393. (> 180" torque increase in CW direction inPig 99.14 VE stepping motor: Fira VRstepping motor in Fig 39:20), only phase winding A is tobe permanently excited : ‘Scanned with Caseanner Fig. 5.10:1, Torque-puleeraWehiractersis ofa epg ator stepping motor i uually described by two characteristicurves and s eg gL pl aT] Curve 1 givos the pull-in torque characteristic. It shows the maximum, ‘epping rate at wi , the motor can start, synchronize, stop or reverse ‘he torquespulse rate characteristit |S desined for diferent values of load forge Curve 2vsthe pullout tore characteris It shows the mann ‘evping rte at which the motor can run fr aferet veo ad lorie already synchronize, bt it cannot tar par everson Explain the torque versus stepping rate characteristics of a ‘command at this rate, rotor What she slew ange? Yer example fr lad torque 7; i the maximum stepping rte in Pulses per second and at this rate the motor ean start and tynchronize, ‘Answer, pane Feverse as desired, lorbped Forgan carseat Fate hs sce era atin ess Tengen te ‘This characteristic gives the variation of electric torque as af Benarate Re The stepping rate from , to called slew rate for Ty ‘stepping rate in pulse per scvond, sttten the curves 1 and 2, the torque-puls rate charactvisti gives With increase in stepping rate, | new Fange’ ey se postion oe mt eae gets between, ‘curve 1 and the zero pulse-rate vertical line Fecha, i se ange es in between the dotted : vertical line indicating the low- Schr tthe pula torque carve he meta ea oe EROSEEMN it ples andan estoppel deste i For, slew Tange, ‘the motor cannot start, stop or reverse on command. ‘Motor of P rang ration inthe view range inet bos ete ee "then the pulse rate increased ull «enters the slew range, ‘Scanned with Caseanner 16D aNd) 10, Inthe slew Staring steps 8 Teg cope stl iterated restora ihe requredintats tte sp ea 4 nthis manner, the the rapid rise of at ws tpl ae op plang uftrnantan bat yo oa Drive Cire of Stepper Motor. Long Answer Type und Medium Answer Type Q ‘Wee3I1] Enumerate the features that the drive circuit tr ‘stepping motor possess for optimum torque output also. the drive circut used for VR and hybrid stepping motors. 46 iodings hav lrg cutee time conan 5. This arrangement, therefore, fi PART-S inductance, therefore For rotation inone direction, the ‘magnet and hybrid ste on in these motor i, Proportional to phase current 'PhiOg motors, the torque in oR ‘The direction of rotat Describe an efficient unipolar drive for stepper motors. c e direction ofcurent in phase winding TT EP pon Fea Here 7, Bipolar tive drei for Poor HSM a thy ‘When thee, Py Jota £4 e four controllable switches, These eritchs may be tr 5 controllable swt nom "8% thyristors depending upon the current bended by Seer ee eneeee sy dnd ‘Scanned with Caseanner chip drive mat le at present, fr use i the sopping des are also available at prese —.. [GEE nine andl on ty 3 lAnewer__| A Open loop: 1 The open lop controlis simpler and more widely used, sucha shownin Fig 3.12.1 a motor. ‘Wis used as paper fed motorsin type-writers end printers ‘ts usedin quartz- ‘addon pa say sop p2usisap oust | days jreq Jo aq a oot-aodo 205 paw aeay pease 5 Ee ona ROTA ies urea} soon as sqouseddag [ong “WN 9070 6} onbs0> Pro THON DLE D99/pex Gog ee yes ogg = '9 wey pith 01 9B ou) sree Sypenmbesexanytiom Say yA topos sedan ge ayqeyea ajod yp 0 wopyesado Jo aqdyoutid ous urmydxg |-oeg any | AEM FT-C10 EHV] ¢ S100m souejonjox payors px soyour soddoys uoomyoq sowosayzyp ous st you [Gee amb) 29M $440 B85 seunpeaeyo jean oxy £q powsonod st uous wt anbey aay ‘edo t20>0q prnom woanpuoo yussmn9 appa 01920 wINas pmos xny ay} asimzoyjo asnesaq zaquiny paseaout aq youues"y Zz “apo ouso9( 0x9 ey“ ype pod ot 043 eq soydno20 31 vow pagreat 8 we 879 To-"o ” op = 0008 * FIE0'0 = Fm >oseryte= 0001 FLED = I =" o- O8 peiniovo= 8 et = Me enciepe fo Geefos {ooo md 2 anbioy zoyoyg = PUTS s8T= dm 09'9 =4 ‘308m 001 =F "owe = ooo = Y fy yon Spee pt eve to Geer) $EEF2H do poe ay sooo me BSP NSO 4% sonbuoy ou cent Oe = fF 5H ooot =f eaoay ges 28 ©} Paatnbos “5, 9nbio} s0j0u oy mare PE sawuy a ‘Scanned with Caseanner

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