Grade 2 Physical Education

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Good day Paulinians. Welcome back to school!

I know that you are eager to learn new things for
this school year. To provide you with opportunities
to learn while staying in the comforts of your home,
I will ask you to use the Teacher-made Learning
Packets in Physical Education 2 so that you can
explore on your own the many wonderful lessons
that need to be uncovered, learned, and applied.
You will be guided on what to do as you go along
with the different self-directed activities per lesson.
At the end of this course, I expect that you can
create and skillfully execute a variety of adept
individual and group movement that develop
self-discipline, confidence, and teamwork.
God bless you always!
Life Performance Outcome: (SPCEM-OBE)

Hello _________________; Pauline peace to you!

(Write your first name}

In this quarter you are going to grow as a molded Paulinian with

affirm values and you will say to yourself “As a Christ-centered
Paulinian, I am courageous, resourceful explorer and problem
solver demonstrating my creativity and charism.” (LPO 2)
Essential Performance Elements

This program intends to fully enhance your

manners who share responsibility and actively
promote cooperation and friendship especially in
choosing the right one.

Performance Standard

At the end of this quarter you will be an

aspiring performer who performs body shapes
and action properly.

Content Standard

As a Paulinian, you will be able to

demonstrate understanding of body shapes and
body actions in preparation for various
movement activities.
Most Essential Learning

Week 1 and 2
Describe body shapes and actions (PE2BM-
Creates body shapes and actions (PE2BM-
Engages in fun and enjoyable physical
activities with coordination (PE2PF-Ia-h-2)
Week 2
Demonstrates momentary stillness in
symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes using
body parts other than both feet as a base
support (PE2BM-Ig-h-16)

Demonstrates movement skills in

response to sound and music (PE2MS-

Engages in fun and enjoyable physical

activities with coordination (PE2PF-Ia-h-2)
Diagnostic Test
A. Color the Pentagon.

RED - Non- Locomotor movement

BLUE – Locomotor movement

5. Stretch 4. Shake

3. Turn
6. Walk

7. Bend 2. Slide

8. Crawl
1. Gallop

9. Jump
10. twist

B. Put a star on the line before the activities if you need to do warm ups
before performing them.

___________1. Swimming
___________2. Reading
___________3. Singing
___________4. Biking
___________5. Running
Preliminary Activities:

Opening Prayer:

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Let
us do the sign of the cross with respect)

A Religious song will be played.

(Please click the link: )

Let us end our prayer by saying together, Glory be to the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Recite the Paulinian Affirmation for this lesson

“As a Christ-centered Paulinian, I am courageous,

resourceful explorer and problem solver
demonstrating my creativity and charism.” (LPO 2)
(LPO 2)
Let’s sing and dance!

Move to the sound that you hear.

Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes and, ears and, mouth
and nose.
In this Lesson, You will be an
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
aspiring care taker of your Knees and toes.
body parts.

Competencies 5tSD4&feature=emb_title

- Describe body
shapes and
action Carry On

- Creates body
shapes and 1. Where you able to touch the different parts of
actions (PE2BM-Ie- your body?
- Engages in fun
and enjoyable
physical activities 2. What are the different parts of your body?
with coordination _____________________________________
It was so fun singing
and dancing with you
Mary. It was actually a
nice song.

Well, today we will

learn more about the
creating shapes using
our body Joseph.

Look at the letters below. Can you

perform these letters with your body?
Practice forming the letters and be ready!
do weare
to in
know thetheparts,
shapes, and positions
the body?


Knowing the parts of

the body will help
you understand their
purpose. Your body
changes its shape
and position as you
move its parts.
Our body can perform different body


Body shapes can

be Wide


Do this in your space and time!

- Make a different kind of Narrow shape

with your body. You can look at the
- Change your level and create a Narrow
- “Remember that your arms and legs can
help create the narrow shape. Keep
them close to your body as you make
your narrow shape.”
Do this in your space and time!

“The opposite of Narrow is Wide. If keeping your

arms and legs close to your body creates a Narrow
shape, How do you want to position them to create
a wide shape? That’s right, they will have to be
away from your body.

 Find a new own space and create a wide

 Change your level and create a new wide
 Use the level you haven’t tried yet and create
a wide shape.


Do this in your space and time!

“Go to a new own space and show me a shape that

is round like a ball, or an orange! Curl your spine to
create a round shape. You can curl forward or
backwards to make your round shape.”

 Stand on your two feet and curl to make a

round shape on your two feet.
 Take your weight on your seat and curl to
make a round shape.
 Take your weight on your hip and curl to make
a round shape.
 Travel to another own space and create
another round shape.

Now, form another set of letters with your
body pain.

Wow amazing! I cannot
imagine that our body can
perform different letters. It
was a fun activity Mary.

Me too, Joseph! I have learn that

our body can perform body
shapes like narrow, wide and
round. It is a little bit challenging
to perform but it makes me stand
out to learn more. What a great
Self-Test or Group Test Assessments

Let’s Practice
A. Write the letter of the correct answer in the circle below
each picture. Choose the answer from the box.

A. Narrow
B. Wide
C. Round

Let’s Apply

A. Choose one example to each body shapes that

you can do over the weekend. Have your parents
or guardian took photos of you. Print the photo
and paste them on the frames provided.


Let’s Reflect


Why is it important for you to be physically active?

Keep in mind
The body has different parts with their own
Knowing the different body parts and positions
will help you move better.
We can make narrow, wide, round,
symmetrical, and asymmetrical shapes with
our body

Look Back
How are you doing? Draw a star before each
learning goal.

I can describe body shapes and


I can create body shapes and actions

I can perform the different physical


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