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Common European Framework

In this Unit we will: students are going to do/can do. For example: Write a short
◗◗ Consider what the Common European Framework is film review. As an objective for the Unit, it tells the students
◗◗ Identify the connections between the Common European what they are going to do. As a review at the end of the Unit, it
Framework and New Challenges 3 tells students what they have done, or more importantly what
they can do.
Languages within the Common
Task: Have a look at page 66 of New Challenges 3 where the
European Framework students write the film review. How does each activity on the
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is page guide students towards the writing of the review?
a system of describing different language levels and competences.
This means that students studying different languages, for Self-assessment within the Common
example Spanish and German, in different countries can share
a common and agreed level of competence. The Common European Framework
European Framework helps teachers to plan their teaching and The objectives for each skill at each level within the Common
to match their students’ progress and level to a Europe-Wide European Framework are used to provide students with a
system. The Common European Framework is also important for checklist of what they can do. In this way students develop
assessment. Different international language examinations are the ability to assess their own progress and development:
linked to levels within the Framework. This means that students, self-assessment. It is also very motivating for elementary
teachers and employers can link examinations to specific level students to realise there are things they can do. Often they
descriptions as provided in the Framework. are depressed by how much there is to learn and what they
can’t do! Self-assessment is particularly important for teenage
Levels within the Common European students who are developing their metacognitive skills, their
Framework ability to think about their own thoughts. Self-assessment
promotes independence and confidence in students.
Descriptions of different language levels are phrased in the form
of can do statements. They state what students can do at each Task: have a look at the Study Help: self-assessment on
level. There are six levels: A1 is the lowest, C2 is the highest. page 88 of New Challenges 3. How can this help students
A1 Basic User. This is the lowest level which is described to self-assess and to become more aware of their own
within the Framework. It is also described as progress and development? Why do you think this is
Breakthrough Level. important?
A2 Basic User. This is also described as Waystage Level.
Levels 1 and 2 of New Challenges 1 and 2 cover all the
key objectives of these levels.
B1 Independent User. This is also described as Threshold Level.
B2 Independent User. This is also described as Vantage
Level. Levels 3 and 4 of New Challenges 3 and 4 cover
some of the objectives of these levels.
C1 Proficient User. Learners at this level are also described
as having Effective Operational Proficiency.
C2 Proficient Use. Learners at this level are also described
as having Mastery.

Categories within the Common

European Framework
Level descriptions are divided into five main categories or
areas: Listening, Writing, Reading, Spoken Interaction, Spoken
Production. There are descriptions within the Common
European Framework of what students are expected to be
able to do at each level in each of these five areas. You will
notice that the objectives for each module of New Challenges
3 also always include the four main skills, Listening, Speaking,
Reading, Writing. At this level it’s not always possible to
separate Spoken Interaction from Spoken Production so the
word Speaking is used to cover both in New Challenges 3.

Objectives within the Common

European Framework
The level descriptions within the Common European
Framework are also called competences or objectives. The
objectives in New Challenges 3 are written in a similar way
to the objectives in the Common European Framework. Have
a look at the objectives on page 59 of New Challenges 3.
You will notice that these objectives are all phrased as things

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