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Cockers condition their fighting cocks into 21-days or 14-days conditioning. Conditioning fighting cocks
need more time. Your battle cocks need exercise, proper nutrition, and vitamins during the conditioning
period. Some cockers use the rotation method or table exercise and others combine the rotation method
and table exercise in conditioning their fighting cocks. The conditioning method that I am going to discuss
here is a 21 days conditioning method and uses the rotation method. The candidate fighting cocks to be
condition in 21 days have already passed in pre-conditioning stage. It is also assumed that you have
already de-wormed and delouse your fighting cock prior to this 21-days conditioning. 

Day 1:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- Inject 0.5ml Complexor
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 2:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 3:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM Spar them 1 to 2 buckles only under the light
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest
Day 4:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 5:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 6:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 7: 

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM Spar them 1 to 2 buckles only under the light
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest
Day 8:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 9:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give Aminoplex 1 table
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 10: 

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give Aminoplex 1 tablet
- Delouse your fighting cock
- At 10:00AM put them in the flying pen
- Deworm your fighting cock (lunch time)
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest
Day 11:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn(4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give them Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM Spar them 1 to 2 buckles only under the light.
- Inject respigen B15 0.25ml (Evening)
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 12:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give them Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 13:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give them Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- Inject 0.3ml complexor
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest
Day 14:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give them Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- Inject respigen B15 0.25ml (Evening)
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 15:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give them Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 16:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give them Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest
Day 17:

- At 4:30AM limber your cock in a scratch pen with dry banana leaves (under the light). 
  Throw some crack corn (4pcs only) so that he will start scratching.
- 20 flys
- Chord and Feed your cock at 6:00AM
- Give them Aminoplex 1 tablet
- At 8:00AM put them in the flying pen
- At 4:00PM Chord them and give there afternoon feeding
- At 7:00PM limber them in a scratch pen under the light. Throw some crack corn to
   encourage them to start scratching for 20 minutes.
- Inject respigen B15 0.25ml (Evening)
- 20 flys
- At 7:30PM chord them and let them to rest

Day 18: 

- delouse using shampoo only

Start carboloading. Carboloding means give the cock more carbohydrates. Give them 75% crack corn
25% pellets
No exercise
Keeping period
Inject 0.3ml Complexor
- Limit water intake into 8-dips morning
- Limit water intake into 8-dips afternoon

Day 19:

Carboloading. Give them 80% crack corn 20% pellets

No exercise
Keeping period
Give them Voltplex KQ (morning)
- Limit Limit water intake into 8-dips morning
- Limit water intake into 8-dips afternoon

Day 20:

- No exercise
- Keeping period
- Carboloading. Give 90% crack corn 10% pellets
- At 4:00PM give them 1 capsule Votlplex KQ
- Inject respigen B15 0.25ml (Evening)
- Limit water intake into 8-dips morning
- Limit water intake into 8-dips afternoon

Day 21: Fight Day 

- At 6:00AM feed them and give 1 capsule of Voltplex KQ

- Carbo loading give 95% crack corn 5% pellets
- Limit water intake into 8-dips morning

DAY      SUPPLEMENTS                    TIME/DOSAGE                             

1           AMTYL 500                             1 Tablet                                          

2            RESPIGEN 15 GEL/DROPS    1 GEL or 7 drops @ 6:00 AM         

3           RELOAD PLUS                       7 drops before & after sparring

            PROMOTOR 43                       1 Capsule after afternoon feed

4           ZEROMITE Shampoo               10ml mix to 2 gallons of water 

5           VOLTPLEX KQ                        1 Capsule after morning feed

             RELOAD PLUS                         7 drops after morning and afternoon feeding

6           RESPIGEN 15 GEL/DROPS     1 GEL or 7 drops @ 6:00 AM 

             VOLTPLEX KQ                         1 Capsule after morning feed                       

              RELOAD PLUS                         7 drops after morning and afternoon feeding

7           VOLTPLEX KQ                        1 Capsule after morning feed

             RELOAD PLUS                         7 drops 30 Minutes after

                                                              morning & afternoon feeding

                                                               3 drops 2 hours before fight

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