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Joan Mae C. Balanta


1. Describe Coach Carter's character in the movie.

Amazing and fantastic are words that aren't enough to describe the character of Coach
Carter. Therefore, transformational is the perfect word that I can find to describe him. He sets
vision for the team not just for himself. He set goals for him and the team to achieve and he uses
any possible method in order to make sure that those goals are met. I can compare his character
to a repairman because he was able to get a once shattered and troubled team to work perfectly.
Besides that, his character does not only portray a leader but also a father. A father not only to
his own son but to all of the members of the team. He is a leader and a father who only wants a
better future for his kids.

2. Describe the job of Coach Carter and what motivates him to take it despite of some

The job of Coach Carter as a basketball coach is definitely not easy. It takes a lot of
patience, respect, and time. It's not easy to work with undisciplined high school students who
only see basketball as their lives. But despite of the job being hard, he still accepted it for the
reason that he wanted to implement change to these young men to have a better life and to
overcome the system of education that is designed for them to fail. What motivates him to do the
job is from his personal experience. He said that some of his teammates ended up in prison or
dead and he doesn't want that to happen to the kids. He wanted to teach them how to be a good
player and a good student thus instilling in their minds the concept of student-athlete, and in the
end all of those goals were achieved.

3. Describe the Richmond players from the beginning and at the end of the movie.

Richmond players at the beginning are failures and losers. They were all angry, and
undisciplined which results for them to lose every game. They don't have coordination and
teamwork and they are always fighting. They do communicate but they don't understand each
other. But in the end, the boys that were once playing like a child became men. They became
better and coordinated. They became understanding of each other and treat each other as
brothers. At the end, they really became a team whereas the triumph of one is the triumph of all
and the loss of one is the loss of all.
4. In what ways are the players disrespectful to Coach Carter?

The players were disrespectful to Coach Carter at the time they first met. They were
mocking Coach Carter and calling him "nigger" which is an insult for black males. Also, players
are also disrespectful to Coach Carter when they were not able to fulfill their obligation written
in the contract which is obtaining the required GPA. They were also disrespectful with Coach,
specifically, Timo when he started a physical fight with Coach Carter.

5. What are the struggles faced by the team and how did it change their views in the

The first struggle they faced is themselves as they don't have teamwork. Second, they
struggle to maintain the GPA required at the contract of coach carter and they performed poorly
in academics. But at the end, they realized that teamwork is the most important in a team and that
this is what will make them win every game. They also realized that having education and going
to college will give them a better life and it will free them from going to prison or from being
involved in a crime.

6. Do you think that the contract given is fair? What are your opinions regarding this

Yes. I think that it is a win-win situation for both the players and Coach. The contract
states that the players must maintain an average of 2.3 and i think that's a great tactic to balance
academics and sports as a student. It is good for the players as it will give them a better future
and an education that could get them to college. Next is that the players should sit in front rows
and again, I think that's fair as it will result for better learning. Lastly, it was also said that when
a player is late, he will do push-ups. And i think that's important and fair as it promotes
discipline which is important when you are an athlete. So i think, there is nothing wrong with the
contract, it is great, actually.

7. Who among the characters in the movie you like the most? Whom you can relate with?
Explain your answer.

The character I like the most would probably be Timo Cruz. I like his character
development. He went from being a gangsta, and badass student to a sporty and disciplined
young man. I also like how he gets help from Coach when his cousin was shot which means that
he wanted to change and wanted to start a life that is free from drugs and prison. On the other
hand, the character that I think I can relate with is Coach Carter. I can relate to him because of
his view about education. We can both agree that education is very important and that we should
balance being a student and being an athlete because education is a treasure that can't be stolen
from us.

8. What is your most favorite scene in the movie? Why?

My favorite scene were the time where Timo wanted back at the team and Coach said he
needed to do 2500 push-ups and 1000 suicides until Friday and then Friday came and he was still
short 500 pushups and 80 suicides so Lyle volunteered that he will do some until all the players
did the same thing and Timo was back at the Team. It only shows how great their friendship is
and how good they teamwork is.

9. If you are in the shoes of Coach Carter, would you have taken the job?

As for me, no. Because I don't have any knowledge about how to coach a team and I'm
very short tempered so I don't think I will fit for that role. Besides, I'm not a sporty person.

10. What did you learn from the movie and how will you relate it in your chosen
course/program and in achieving your goal/s?

I learned from the movie that education is an essential part of our lives and we should
harness it for us to have a better future. I also learned that there must be a clear line of balance in
being a student-athlete. Lastly, I also learned that we can achieve our dreams and everything we
want if we are given the right belief. Because in the movie, the belief that was instilled by the
principal to the students is that they can't go to college because only 50% of the students can
graduate from Richmond High School and probably only one of the members will be able to
graduate and the belief that basketball is the only thing that the players can be good at. Coach
Carter didn't agree with that belief. What he believes is that the players can also be good
academically as they can be good at basketball only if they were facilitated and trained right and
look what he did. He achieved what he believed with the boys and the boys became successful.

Having said those lessons from the movie, I can relate it to my course. I think teamwork is also
essential to my course as a business student as I will deal with lot of people in the future. And
with education as being important, I couldn't agree more. That's why I'm in school because that's
what I believe and it'll help me to get a stable job at the future. Lastly, is the right belief that
should be given to become successful. That lesson, I believe can be related to any course. Our
course which is HR can sometimes be belittled saying that our only job is to hire people and its
easy that's why some students don't want to have this course. But only if those students were
taught how critical and important the role of an Hr. is, maybe they will pick and love this course
and become successful.

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