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EXIT TEST (Modules 1-8)

NAME ............................................................................................... DATE .....................................

CLASS ................................................................................................ MARK ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

Circle the correct item.

1 Alice usually wears .......... because they are 11 The Smith’s sometimes .......... skiing in the
comfortable for her feet. winter.
A sandals B gloves C jeans A do B go C play

2 A(n) .......... has got two long wings. 12 It’s Alan’s birthday .......... 27th August.
A eagle B squirrel C hamster A in B on C at

3 Cows are .......... animals. They live on a 13 I don’t really like horror films. They are
farm. too .......... for me.
A wild B pet C domestic A sad B frightening C funny

4 A parrot has got a .......... . 14 How .......... do you surf the Internet?
A beak B wings C fin A often B usually
C sometimes
5 Tigers are .......... animals. They live in the
jungle. 15 .......... time do you go to school?
A wild B domestic C pet A What B When C How

6 A .......... looks after sick people. 16 There are .......... eggs in the fridge.
A mechanic B nurse C vet A a lot of B much C any

7 A trout is a type of .......... . 17 My parents .......... play tennis on Saturdays.

A fish B bird C horse They never miss it.
A always B sometimes C usually
8 My mother’s sister is my .......... .
A cousin B aunt C niece 18 They finish school .......... three o’clock.
A on B in C at
9 A seagull has got .......... on its wings.
A fur B feathers C scales 19 .......... is your favourite sports star?
A What B Who C Why
10 A fish has got .......... to help it swim.
A fins B feathers C tails 20 We .......... eat pizza. We don’t like it.
A often B usually C never

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

EXIT TEST (Modules 1-8)

21 You need to wear a coat today. It’s .......... . 34 Bill and I usually ....... basketball on
A hot B sunny C freezing Wednesdays.
A play B plays C playing
22 How .......... apples are there in the bowl?
A some B many C much 35 Julie and Pamela .......... at home last
23 She .......... exercises every day after work. A were B was C wasn’t
A does B goes C plays
36 You ....... run in the classroom!
24 “Are there any grapes?” “Not .......... .” A mustn’t B have to C could
A some B many C much
37 Does your father fly planes? No, he ....... .
25 Ben sometimes wears a .......... with his A does B don’t C doesn’t
A tie B belt C glove 38 .......... they at the gym two days ago?
A Were B Was C Wasn’t
26 The months of ......... are December,
January and February. 39 Can I have .......... banana, please?
A winter B spring C autumn A any B some C a

27 Bill often .......... snowmen in the winter. 40 Would you like a .......... of hot tea?
A plays B does C makes A glass B cup C bottle

28 A bear has got thick brown .......... . 41 We usually eat ..... for breakfast.
A wings B scales C fur A pasta B salad C cereal

29 I like to watch TV .......... the afternoon. 42 I always eat ..... like crisps between meals.
A in B at C on A snacks B lunches C desserts

30 The months of .... are September, October 43 The film was very .......... . I nearly fell
and November. asleep.
A summer B autumn C spring A boring B exciting C sad

31 In .......... the actors sing and dance. 44 Would you like to ..... our soup, sir?
A westerns B musicals C comedies A fry B try C look

32 They ....... sitting in a café at the moment. 45 .......... you swim when you were five?
A ’m B ’s C ’re A Can B Could C Can't

33 I like .......... films because I learn about the 46 You usually eat ice cream for ..... .
past. A dinner B breakfast C dessert
A detective B musical C historical

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

EXIT TEST (Modules 1-8)

47 Alice eats two pieces of fruit every day – an

apple and a(n) ..... .
A carrot B orange C cabbage

48 I buy a ..... of bread from the baker’s every

A loaf B piece C bottle

49 Jim .......... at school yesterday.

A was B were C weren’t

85 He likes jazz. He plays the .......... .

A electric guitar B flute
C saxophone

A have B are having C had

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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