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National University of Modern Languages

Project Appraisal Management

Semester: 7th

Final Project

Last date of Submission: 30 June, 2020

Q.01: Project: Remodel and expand the current sports stadium of UoB.

The project will include:

i. installing new turf

ii. putting in all new lighting
iii. adding 28% more seats
iv. constructing a new parking lot
v. installing a new score board

a) List at least 10 people or groups you think might be interested in, involved
with, or affected by this project.
b) List at least 5 major deliverables for this project
c) Stakeholder Analysis Matrix
d) Probability Risk Matrix
e) What are the precautionary measures you taken(list at least 5)
f) Write done a detailed report on your project success criteria
after successfully acquired the project the first thing is taking every one on
board. meting with different stake holder( v.c sport board ) And solving their
issues related to project. Some students ,teachers have concern about their
studies We have also divided the project in small parts. So we can easily
monitor our performance and if any thing goes

Note: each requirement carry 5 marks and due date is 30th of June

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