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Unit 2 Your future life

Lesson 2 Personal plans and preferences


Learning Goal
Recognize and use the futures to express ongoing actions at a specific time in
the future to make affirmative statements, plans, questions and predictions
about daily life situations and issues of world interest, furthermore express an
action that will have finished at a specific moment on the future.


Watch the Presentation PowerPoint about “Futures”

-Through the Presentation, we have checked how to talk about the future at a
specific time.
-Now, listen to the audio “Traveling” in which tips for travelling are given
using the information you know about the Future perfect and its uses. Answer
the following question Y (Yes) or N (No) according to the information.


1. Read the examples (based on the talk of page 18 of Make it Real!

Professional) and answer the following questions on your book:

1. How long has Jill been married?

A.-She has been married for a decade

2. When will she have been married?

A.-Immediately after graduating

3. When did Jackie leave the USA for Ecuador?

A.-After she took an English course

4. When will she have lived in Latin America for ten years?
A.-After living in Ecuador for 4 years
2. Answer part B, exercise 2 on page 19 of Make It Real! Professional.

The place of women in society will change

It won’t improve
Will change many things

Technology will replace


Click these links and answer the exercises, upload to study guide in the google drive

Self-learning activity

Learning product


The world will be changing…

Use the writing rubric to evaluate yourself.

Next page

Nowadays we have been influenced by the technology and this is just the beginning of a new era.
All the humanity has changed along the latest years, our way of life. Along the years we as humans
have evolved, we passed from hunt mammoths to have machines that give us food.


I think in the future the human work is going to be replaced by a new machines, or robots. In some
countries already exists, but, I mean in the entire planet will be possible.

Referring to the medicine, and the moments that today we’re living we have realized that always
could be exist a new virus and diseases, that are going to try out the technology and humanity, but
we’re so intelligent, that’s why, we always find the exit.

The education is going to be the best.


In the future the technology there will be the most developed and we will have a more comforting


Excellent Acceptable Not acceptable

Grammar Structure
Future tenses, especially future Future tenses are used, but future Future tenses are not used
progressive, are used frequently in progressive is not frequently found properly and have an incorrect
the text. The sentences have a in the text. The structure may structure.
correct structure. someti mes have mistakes.
Content and Structure
The essay has an introducti on, Parts of the essay are not clear. It The essay has a lack of structure.
development and conclusion. is hard to identi fy the There is no introducti on, or
Sentences in each part of the introducti on, development and conclusion fi nd in the text and it
essay are congruent and logically conclusion of the text. Some ideas does not have sequence.
related. are mixed up, but the aim of the
essay is understandable.
Vocabulary and Spelling
There are no spelling mistakes. Some words are writt en incorrectly Many spelling words are found and
Vocabulary and words are used and some vocabulary is not used the vocabulary is not proper for
properly with a correct use. properly. There are informal the acti vity, there are too many
words. informal words which make the
aim of the essay complicated to
Length and Punctuati on
The text has from 90 to 100 words The text has more than 86and less The text has less than 60 words.
or more. There are punctuati on than 80 words. Some punctuati on There are too many periods or
marks used properly and correctly. marks are not used properly. There commas, losing the structure of
Periods separate sentences and are some periods or commas that paragraphs. Paragraphs are too
mark the ending of paragraphs. are not necessary. short or long and the aim is not

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