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Dear UHP Family,

The following lists provide additional information that supplement our videos, seminars, and certification process.
Many people have requested this and even though the book is not ready yet we wanted to provide this for your
educational process. We appreciate your continued interest in our programs and hope the following answers some of
the questions you have had.

UHP ROM 24Ô Ranges of Motion lists each of the 24 positions in order and the body areas and in some cases
specific muscles that are stretched in these positions. We do not list all of the muscles but just the major ones because
it might be boring and too much information for those who are not in this industry. For those who are in this industry,
you already know the names of some of the smaller muscles. That being said, we describe each position without
fancy names so that you can understand the basics and the details of each ROM 24 position.

UHP Top 18 Rules/Paradigms lists the most frequent of our 50 rules. The ones not listed of the 50 are for
certification process and not critical for you to know if you know these 18. The videos and seminar will actually
cover all of the rest of them too but again, this will fill in a lot of the process of what you need to be successful with
this program. The language that we use here is to help you understand the basics and the details of how our program
works. There are no fancy names except the “GOAL’d Standard”Ô

12 Types of Pain, of which 7 are negative and 5 are positive, are to help you start differentiating which are the good
ones to work through and which are the bad ones to not work through. You can manage and eliminate most pains by
understanding the difference. I think once you start executing the program you will be able to follow along with the
thinking here and understand how it works.

12 Reasons for “MuscleLock” Ô. In my many years of training I found that muscle pulls, tears, strains and other
medical terminology were not accurate for many of my 100 injuries. Instead what I found was that when muscles go
beyond tight, they will actually lock up. This is was we call “MuscleLock” Ô. With thousands of clients, we have
found inaccuracies in diagnoses/recognizing symptoms based on this simple fact that muscles lock but are called
something else. Not only do we find these inaccuracies, but we can tell you exactly why and how this phenomenon
occurs based on the 11 reasons listed. Many people tell us they need to heal before they do our stretching program,
and we find that healing is not the case. Stretching the muscle lock out makes the pain go away and restores the
normal function, blood flow, etc., which shows us that the muscle was just tight and locked as opposed to pulled,
torn, or strained. There will be more information in the book, but these lists, videos and seminars will more than
adequately suffice for now.

UHP 18 Variables for Flexibility list all the criteria that went into developing this program. The medical and
therapeutic community is still confused and confounded about the simplest of variables like duration of stretch. There
have been thousands of studies to try to make a determination on this point and they still can’t come to a conclusion.
Why? Because there are too many other variables that they don’t know exist, which are listed here. We will teach
you in our videos and seminars not only how long to stretch but what to stretch, what order to stretch in, what
standard and how far to go, the stages, the phases, the pain response, static vs dynamic, how injuries and age play in,
etc. and how to integrate this program into your lifestyle and sport.

Okay, enough said. The information is here and explained, and there is more in the videos, seminars, and certification
process. We hope you can join us and grow with us in establishing the new paradigms for healthcare based on
eliminating pain and injury in everyday lives and athletics continually.

Be Awesome Every Day. And, Stay Loose.

Joe Hippensteel, CEO

UHP - 18 Variables for Flexibility:
1. Why Stretch 10. The role of stretching in “warm up”
2. When to stretch 11. Four parts of a proper “warm up”
3. Which stretches to do 12. Static vs. Dynamic
4. What sequence/progression 13. Age
5. What STANDARD, how far to stretch 14. Caliber of the athlete or non-athlete
6. How long to stretch 15. Genetics
7. 2 phases, 4 stages of MuscleLock 16. What is “MuscleLock”
8. Pain response, how hard to stretch 17. Injuries/surgeries
9. How to assess ROMs 18. Program integration, FLEXIBILITY in your workouts and lifestyle


24 Ranges of Motion – Body Areas and major (but not all) muscles stretched
1. Stand Calves Lean - calves, achilles, arches, gastroc, soleus
2. Sit Cross Lean (SXL) – de-arch low back, knees, lateral collateral ligament (lcl), lateral ankles, hips, upper
back/neck, spinal erectors, quadratus lumborum (ql), glutes
3. Sit Cross Lean Side (SXLS) – same as #2, and hip flexors, lateral neck, obliques
4. Sit Groin Lean (SGL)– same as #2, and groin (adductors)
5. Windshield Wiper –mcl (medial coll lig), IT band, tensor fascia lata (tfl), hip flexors
6. Lie Leg Over – hips, low back, glute med/min, ql
7. Lie Arch Up – abs, hip flexors
8. Lie Back “Quad Stretch” – quads, hip flexors, iliopsoas, tibialis anterior
9. Lunge Front – back leg, hip flexors, quads, iliopsoas, front leg soleus, achilles, arches
10. Lunge Side – hip flexors, glute med/min, obliques, abduction
11. Lunge Groin – low back, groin, adductors, ql, glutes, soleus, achilles, arches, hams
12. Frog Squat Lean – low back, glutes, ql, soleus, achilles, arches
13. Stand Hams Front – hams (hamstrings), glutes, low back
14. Stand Hams Spread - same as 13, groin
15. Stand Side Bends – obliques, lats, IT band, tfl
16. Hands Behind Up – biceps, anterior delts, brachioradialis, brachialis
17. Hands Out Back- same as 16, and pecs, brachioradialis, brachialis
18. Arm Across - rotator cuff, rhomboids, levator scap

19. Arm Up and Back – teres, sub scap, triceps

20. Fingers Forearms – forearm flexors
21. Forearms Down Fist – brachioradialis, brachialis
22. Neck Hang Back – anterior neck muscles
23. Neck Hang Side – lateral neck muscles
24. Neck Rotate Side – neck rotator muscles
UHP - Top 18 Rules/Paradigms for ROM 24Ô Flexibility/Mobility:

1. 4 Pillars of Fitness, CV, Strength, Conditioning, Flexibility

2. Lack of Flexibility is not just a funny, genetically inherited limitation. It’s a choice
3. Stretching takes time, not force
4. UHP ROM 24™ - Ranges of Motion, the “GOAL’D Standard™”
5. Danger Zone - vulnerable for injury if can’t reach UHP/ROM 24™ Standards
6. IPR™ - Inducing Physiological Response, stretching resets sarcomere muscle length
7. Building Phase 1-100+ hours, Maintenance Phase - 15-30 min/day. Pre-workout is maintenance (De-
kinking), after workout is building for increased ROM
8. Goal - Build to Maintenance Phase 15-30 min/day
9. 2 minutes/positions (multiple iterations) building phase. <60 seconds in maintenance
10. Dead Zone - 60+ seconds after each stretch or press. Relax.
11. Limiting Factor - worst (tightest) spot/muscle
12. MuscleLock™ - 11 Causes (See List Below)
13. Hipp 86 Method™ of tension release only to aid stretching
14. Stay at a 7 or less (pain or stretch sensation) while stretching, 8 max pressing hot spots
15. Static becomes Dynamic when you reach UHP Standards
16. 4 Step warm up - general warm up, static, dynamic, sport specific
17. Positive Trauma™ - weak malnourished muscle tissue after hard session
18. 48 Hour Rule - don’t overload malnourished muscles after new ROM. Take day off after 3-4 hard days of

12 Types of Pain: 12 Reasons for Muscle Lock:

Negative: 1. Impact Injury
1. Itis/Inflammation 2. Overuse
2. Nerve Pinch 3. Lack of Flexibility/Mobility
3. Sharp 4. Lack of Strength
4. Dull Ache 5. Lack of Conditioning
5. Throbbing 6. Lack of proper warm up
6. Fatigue/Ache 7. Stretching too hard
7. Grade 1-3 Strain 8. Stretching too fast
9. Come out of stretches too fast
Positive: 10. Pinched Nerve
8. Work Out Soreness 11. 48 Hour Rule
9. Stretching hard 12. Integration of Training

10. Dead Zone after Stretching

11. Relief from Trigger Point
12. 48 Hour Rule after Hipp 86 & hard stretch

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