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File: 001 Welcome to the course.


I really want to welcome you to the CCNY course.

Thank you so much for investing your money and investing your time in my course.

I've taught hundreds of thousands of students and I'm confident that you'll learn
something through

this course in this course.

There are a whole bunch of labs that you need to complete.

I want to make this course a very interactive.

So I'm gonna teach you some concepts some theoretical concepts but as quickly as
possible I want to

get you hands on I want to get you working on equipment and the best way to do that
is to use a Cisco

Packet Tracer labs.

I'm going to use standard labs but I'm also going to be using Packet Tracer
assessment labs to assess

your knowledge.

I want to make sure that once you've completed a theory section you can actually do
what you've learnt.

One of the best ways to learn is to actually do something.

I love the saying You can listen to someone you can read about it but the best way
to learn is to actually

do it.

So we're going to cover some theory but then we're going to practically assess your
knowledge and make

sure that you understand what you've just watched and hopefully learnt.

Don't worry if you don't pass the first assessment that's fine that's normal.

That's actually good because it shows you that you need to go back and watch the
videos again or read

a book and make sure that you understand a concept.

Make the mistakes during the assessments.

In this course rather than in the real exam.

This course contains Chris questions contains packet trace assessments contains a
whole bunch of stuff

to make sure that you're ready to pass your exam so it's not just videos.
It's not just theory.

I want to make sure that you practically understand the technologies covered in the
CCMA exam.

Let me warn you however to understand the technology you need to understand the
theory of that technology.

So there's gonna be times when you struggling.

There's a whole bunch of theory that you have to get through.

So as an example you need to understand IP submitting to be able to practically

subnet a network IP

submitting is one of those topics that a lot of people struggle with when you
struggling when you're

feeling down.

Just remember that if you continue you'll get it you'll understand it and you'll be
able to pass the

CCMA exam.

Don't let the theory topics hold you back.

Don't let the heavy theory.

If you're getting bored if you're getting tired if you're struggling take a break
and then come back

and make sure that you conquer those mountains or those topics.

Make sure that you understand subnets and make sure that you understand topics such
as access control


Don't let the theory stop you from reaching your goal.

It's initially difficult to understand a new technology or a new topic.


Make sure that you study and learn the technology so that you can then get to the
practical portion

and you can apply your knowledge.

We got a mixed theory and labs to make sure that it stays interesting to make sure
that you understand

the concepts but also understand the practical application of the technologies.

Biggest thing I can say is don't give up.

Continue everyday studying makes sure that you reach your goals.

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