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SWO od CHRIST(DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY) STUDENT WELFARE OFFICE 10) Sera aU i \ i 4 ee Vo CONTENTS e WHAT IS DARPAN?...... ou eeeeeeseeeseeseees 4 e GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS... 5 e ART EVENTS RULES... © SKETCHING ec ecsccssssesscsssssseesseesssseees © PAINTING ...cscsscsssssseesssesssseen o JUNK ART/ UP-CYCLING. o FOOD STYLING/ PLATING... o ORIGAMI... o ART JOURNALING... e LITERARY EVENTS RULEG................ 21 o CREATIVE WRITING... o POETRY WRITING © QUIZ icressssnee o AIRCRASH..... © ADZAP.....ssssee o EXTEMPORE... @ MEDIA EVENTS... eeeeeceeseesseesseeeees 36 o PHOTOGRAPHY. o DIGITAL ART....... e MUSIC EVENTS... © INDIAN CLASSICAL SINGING (SOLO).........+.042 o INDIAN FILM & FOLK SINGING (SOLO)........44 © WESTERN SINGING (SOLO)...ccssscsssssesssessssneeeee 46 eo WESTERN ACOUSTIC (GROUP) o WESTERN ELECTRIC (GROUP)... 0 © INDIAN MUSIC (GROUP)....ccscssssssessscssssseeessessssneeee 2 o WESTERN ACAPELLA (GROUP)....sssssssssesseessn 4 e DANCE EVENTS RULES... 56 eo INDIAN CLASSICAL DANCE (SOLO)... By © INDIAN FILM & FOLK DANCE (SOLO)..........0.59 eo INDIAN DANCE NON-THEME (GROUP) o INDIAN CLASSICAL DANCE (GROUP)... 64 e THEATRE EVENTS... o VISUAL THEATRE - POSTER MAKING... 67 o PERFORMANCE THEATRE (SOLO).....1:nenn69 © DIGITAL THEATRE - SHORT FILM.wsssennennee72 © DIGITAL THEATRE ~ MIME..ssssnnnnnnnnnenine 75 e DARPAN SCHEDULE... eee 77 e POINT OF CONTACT... eee 83 ee WHAT IS DARPAN? DARPAN is one of the biggest fests organised by the Student Welfare Office across all the campuses of CHRIST (Deemed to be University). Taking place every odd semester, DARPAN hosts a collection of events ranging across different activities involving art, literary, media and stage events. This wide variety ensures that each and every student can find the opportunity to cultivate their talent and showcase it in front of the entire college. Not only are the students given the chance to develop something they are good at, but also take a break from the daily grind of online classes and assignments. The winners of Darpan would get to be a part of the University’s cultural team and represent CHRIST in any all kinds of inter- collegiate fests and competitions. So gear up to be a part of this celebration and let your creativity flow. ee GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS e DARPAN, an intra-college annual talent search fest will be conducted ONLINE this academic year 2020- 2021. ¢ The following set of events is open for the students of Bannerghatta Road Campus only. e Registrations will begin on September 3rd, 2020 and ends on September 18th, 2020. ¢ The google form link to register will be mailed to all students and be made available in the bio of our SWO Instagram handle @swo_bgr. e Students can participate in more than one event; No registration fee charged for any events. e For group registrations - one representative from the team can register and add in all the other team members to the respective WhatsApp group. e It is mandatory for the students to use their Christ email address to register, attend meetings, participate as well as submit their work. Registered students of respective events will be added to a WhatsApp group for ease of communication and smooth functioning of the event. For online events, requirement of stable internet bandwidth is necessary; in case of any discrepancies kindly inform the concerned event heads prior to the commencement of the event. Late submissions will not be entertained, in case of any technical issues or damaged file entries, notify the respective event heads right after the submission, defaulting of which will lead to disqualification. Sincerity and integrity is a standard expectation from all participants. Vulgarity is strictly prohibited. ART EVENTS RULES ee SKETCHING e Individual Event. e The event will be conducted via live video/audio platform (Google Meet). e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Duration of the event: 2.5 hours (includes 15 minutes to commence the event and 15 minutes for uploading). ¢ Theme will be announced on the spot. This is not a digital event. e Please present your sketch on a plain white sheet only. ¢ Only medium allowed is a black pencil/pen/charcoal. ¢ Submissions should be in pdf format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re-named as Event Name_Slot Number (Sketching_01). ¢ Keep your video ON throughout the duration of the event. In case of disconnection, rejoin the meeting immediately and keep your event head notified. e Any forms of vulgarity and banter towards college are strictly prohibited. e If found plagiarized, your submission will be disqualified even before judgement. e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Vo PAINTING e Individual Event. e The event will be conducted via live video/audio platform (Google Meet). e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. e will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. ¢ Duration of the event: 2.5 hours (includes 15 minutes to commence the event and 15 minutes for uploading). e Theme will be announced on the spot. e This is not a digital event. e Please present your painting on a plain white sheet only. ¢ Only medium allowed is Paints. Use of any kinds of paints is allowed. e Use of any other medium (markers / sketches/color pencils/soft pastels, etc.) might lead to reduction in points. e Submissions should be in pdf format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re - named as EventName_Slot number (Painting_0O1). ¢ Keep your video ON throughout the duration of the event. In case of disconnection, rejoin the meeting immediately and keep your event heads notified. e Any forms of vulgarity and banter towards college are strictly prohibited. e If found plagiarized, your submission will be disqualified even before judgement. e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. ee JUNK ART/ UP-CYCLING Up-cycling can be stated as a three- dimensional art made from discarded materials such as glass, scrap, metal, newspaper etc. that is both playful and imaginative but at the same time promotes consciousness about extending the useful life of materials and reducing the amount of waste generated. Individual Event. The event will be conducted via live video/ audio platform (Google Meet). The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Duration of the event: 2.5 hours (includes 15 minutes to commence the event and 15 minutes for uploading). Usage of any recyclable material allowed. Apart from recyclable materials, usage of only glue, tape, thread and scissors are allowed. Theme will be announced at 8.00 AM on the day of the event and the participants are expected to gather all the required materials before the event begins. Please submit a small write up about your art piece. 2 pictures should be submitted; one with the materials you are going to use and one with your final work. Submissions should be in pdf format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re- named as Event Name_Slot Number (Junk Art_01). Keep your video ON throughout the duration of the event. In case of disconnection, rejoin the meeting immediately and keep your event heads notified. e Any forms of vulgarity and banter towards college are strictly prohibited. e If found plagiarized, your submission will be disqualified even before judgement. e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. ee FOOD STYLING/ PLATING Food styling is an art of playing with food and food arrangements so it looks appealing, delicious, and fresh. e Individual event ¢ This is an offline event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Theme will be announced at 8.00 AM on the day of the event and submission deadline is scheduled at 9.00 PM on the day of the event. Participants can use only edible material and crockery to style their food. Use of paints, glitter and any other decorative material is not allowed. Participants need to submit only 1 picture of their final piece. ¢ The slot number of the participant must be shown within the picture. e Submissions should be in pdf format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Food Styling_01). e Any forms of vulgarity and banter towards college are strictly prohibited. e If found plagiarized, your submission will be disqualified even before judgement. e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. ORIGAMI Origami is the art of paper-folding into decorative shapes and figures Individual Event. The event will be conducted via live video/audio platform (Google Meet). The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Duration of the event: 2.5 hours (includes 15 minutes to commence the event and 15 minutes for uploading). Theme/category will be announced at 8.00 AM on the day of the event and the participants are expected to gather all the required material before the event begins. Use of any kinds of craft and decorative materials is allowed. Use of art materials like paints, color pencils, crayon etc. is not allowed. You can use color paper. e The participants must send one photograph of the final piece. e Submissions should be in pdf format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re- named as Event Name_Slot Number (Origami_O1). Keep your video ON throughout the duration of the event. In case of disconnection, rejoin the meeting immediately and keep your event heads notified. Make sure your work is original. If found copied, your submission will be disqualified. Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. ee ART JOURNALING An art diary, art journal or visual journal is a daily journal kept by artists, often containing both words and sketches, and occasionally including mixed media elements such as collages. e Individual Event. e This is an offline event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. ¢ Theme will be announced at 8.00 AM on the day of the event and submission deadline is scheduled at 9.00 PM on the day of the event. e This is not a digital event. e Make sure you present your work on two sides of an open book. e Use of any kind of art material is allowed. e Inclusion of collage/ printouts/ magazine cut outs/ decorative materials like buttons, tapes, cloth, etc. are allowed. e Your entry should consist of at least a few words. e Make sure your work is original. If found copied, your submission will be disqualified. e Participants need to submit one PDF document of maximum 2 pictures of their art journal. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re-named as Event Name_Slot Number (Art Journal_O1). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. LITERARY EVENTS RULES ee CREATIVE WRITING ¢ Individual Event. e This is an offline event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Theme will be announced on the day of the event. The write-up must be in English. The write-up must be in English and must not exceed 700-800 words. All entries must be original works by the participant and must not have been previously published in any professional media. The author will have to give a title for their write-up and the same will also be judged. A person is allowed to submit a maximum of one entry. e Submissions should be in pdf format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re-named as Event Name_Slot Number (Creative Writing_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. POETRY WRITING Individual Event. This is an offline event. The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Theme will be announced at on the day of the event. Participants are requested to strictly adhere to the word limit. The event is limited only to the English language and should not have obscene language or any vulgar innuendos. Usage of such will lead to disqualification. The poem should be original and plagiarism of any sort will lead to disqualification. The participant will have to give a title for their poem. A person is allowed to submit a maximum of one entry. e Submissions should be in pdf format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (pdf format) re-named as Event Name_Slot Number (Poetry Writing_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. QUIZ Individual Event. The details inclusive of slot numbers, meeting link, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. The is an online event which will take place in the platform, Kahoot and the participants will also be asked to connect on Google Meet to ensure all avoidance of unfair means. So two electronic devices, a laptop and a mobile phone will be necessary. Participants have to log in to the meeting with their slot numbers at the assigned time and stay for the entire duration of the event. Questions relating to current affairs, general knowledge, sports etc. will be asked. e The event will consist of 2 rounds; Prelims and Finals. The Prelims will be a qualifying round. The number of questions in each round will be specified on the day of the event. e The participants are requested to be ready 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the quiz to avoid any inconvenience. e The participants are requested to ensure proper internet connection throughout the duration of the quiz. No complaints regarding network issues will be entertained. e All the questions will have a time window, post which the questions cannot be answered. e The participants cannot go back to previously answered questions. AIR CRASH Individual Event. This is an online event. The details inclusive of slot numbers, meeting link, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. The event will be hosted on the Google Meet platform. Participants have to log in to the meeting at the assigned time and stay for the entire duration of the event. The participants will be given a character and put in a situation involving an aircraft that is about to crash. The participant has to convince the captain to give them the only parachute on board. Participants shall be judged on spontaneity, humour and wit. e The participants have to log in from their laptops and after the time given to research on the character, they will be required to keep their phone away from them and sit at a certain distance from the camera to avoid any unfair means. ADZAP Team Event. This is an offline event. The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Participants have to register in a team of 2 members. Each team will be allotted a product and the team has to create an advertisement for the product. The advertisement has to be in video format. The maximum time limit for each advertisement is 3 minutes. Special effects are not allowed. Points will be given for clarity and humor. The topics will be announced at 4.30 PM on the day of the event and submission deadline is scheduled at 8.00 PM on the day of the event. e Submissions should be in (.mp4) or (.mov) format and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Adzap_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. EXTEMPORE Individual Event. This is an online event. The details inclusive of slot numbers, meeting link, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. The event will be hosted on the Google Meet platform. Participants have to log in to the meeting at the assigned time and stay for the entire duration of the event. The format will be 3+2+2 minutes per speaker: 3 minutes for preparation, 2 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for rebuttal. Topics will be given on the spot. Points will be awarded for content, fluency, relevance to the topic, style and humor. Vulgarity is strictly prohibited. This includes vulgar language or actions. e The participants have to log in from their laptops and after the time given to research on the character, they will be required to keep their phone away from them and sit at a certain distance from the camera to avoid any unfair means. Vo DEBATE ¢ Individual Event. e This is an online event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, discussion link, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e The event will be conducted on the platform KIALO. So the interested participants are requested to get acquainted with the said website. e Debate topic will be sent to the participants 24 hours prior to the event and the participants have to choose one out of two given topics and prepare both for and against it. e The participants will be required to present their arguments in clear and concise points and they will be judged by both the audience as well as the judge who will be present in the discussion. e The participants are requested to be ready 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the debate to avoid any inconvenience. e The participants are requested to ensure proper internet connection throughout the duration of the discussion. No complaints regarding network issues will be entertained. MEDIA EVENTS RULES ee PHOTOGRAPHY e Individual Event. e This is an offline event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. The theme for the contest will be announced at 8.00 AM on the day of the event and submission deadline is scheduled at 9.00 PM on the day of the event. All rights to the photographs remain the property of the participant. By submitting to the contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all contest rules. All the submitted photographs must be original works. The photographs must be taken after the commencement of the contest. e Any nudity or vulgarity in the photograph will result in disqualification. Entries must not be previously published on any digital platform. e An original caption must be submitted with the photograph, which further explains the photograph. e A participant will be allowed to submit a maximum of one entry. e The submission should be in jpeg format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (jpeg) file re-named as Event Name_Slot number (Photography_01). e All photographs taken on digital cameras and mobile phones are eligible. e EXIF details of the photograph must be provided. e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. ee DIGITAL ART e Individual event. e This is an offline event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. The theme for the contest will be announced at 4.30 PM on the day of the event and submission deadline is scheduled at 7.30 PM on the day of the event. All rights to the content remain the property of the participant. By submitting to the contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all contest rules. All the submitted artwork/illustrations must be original works and must be made only after the commencement of the contest. e The submission should be in (.jpeg) format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (jpeg format) renamed as Event Name_Slot Number (Digital Art_01). e Any nudity or vulgarity in the meme will result in disqualification. Banter towards the college will be allowed to a certain extent, which will be decided by the judges. The entries must not be previously published on any digital platform. e A participant will be allowed to submit a maximum of one entry. e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. MUSIC EVENTS RULES INDIAN CLASSICAL SINGING (Solo) ¢ Individual Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Authentic Indian Classical song to be selected. e Song featured in movies is not allowed. e Unaccompanied or One Accompanist. No Karaoke or backing Track. ¢ Only one song. e¢ Accompanist Student ID is also required. ¢ Song Timing maximum 3 minutes. ¢ No editing to be done. It would lead to disqualification. e Dress code should be decent and presentable in your video. e A participant will be allowed to submit a maximum of one entry. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. e For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Indian Classical Singing Solo_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 3 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. e Special effects cannot be added in the video. INDIAN FILM & FOLK SINGING (Solo) e Individual Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. ¢ Song Timing maximum 3 minutes. e No sequenced beats / samples or backing tracks are allowed. ¢ Only one song is allowed. ¢ No editing to be done. It would lead to disqualification. ¢ Dress code should be decent and presentable in your video. e A participant will be allowed to submit a maximum of one entry. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. e For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Indian Film and Folk Singing_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 3 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video. Vo WESTERN SINGING (Solo) e Individual Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Best Original Composition will be awarded. e Unaccompanied or One Accompanist. No Karaoke or backing Track. e Accompanist Student ID is also required. ¢ Song Timing: Maximum 3 minutes. ¢ No editing to be done. It would lead to disqualification. (exception to raw mixing) e Dress code should be decent and presentable in your video. e A participant will be allowed to submit a maximum of one entry. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. e For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Western Singing Solo_01). ¢ Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time : 3 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video. WESTERN ACCOUSTIC (Group) ¢ Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Strictly Accoustic and no backup tracks and no plugging in. e Keyboard only in Piano mode or Accoustic guitar. e Minimum 3 members to maximum 10 members per team. e Prize for Best original Composition if any. ¢ Song Timing: Maximum 5 minutes. e Raw Audio Mix to be submitted. Audio editing will disqualify your team. e Dress code should be decent and presentable in your video. © Only One video of the whole performance should be submitted. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. ¢ For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Western Accoustic Group_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time : 3 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video. WESTERN ELECTRIC (Group) ¢ Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e No Backup tracks. e Minimum of 3 members and maximum of 10 members per team. e Maximum of 2 songs within the time limit. Prize for Best original Composition will be awarded if any. ¢ Song Timing: Maximum 5 minutes. e Raw Audio Mix to be submitted. Audio editing will disqualify your team. e Drums recording or drum pad is allowed but not drums programming or sequence. e Dress code should be decent and presentable in your video. © Only One video of the whole performance should be submitted. ¢ The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. ¢ For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Western Electric Group_0O1). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time : 3 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video. INDIAN MUSIC (Group) e Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Time: 5 minutes e Minimum of 3 members and maximum of 10 members per team. e Maximum of 2 songs within the time limit. e Individual prizes for best original composition, will be awarded. e Drums recording or drum-pad can be allowed but not drums programming or sequence. e Raw Audio Mix to be submitted. Audio editing will disqualify your team. e Dress code should be decent and presentable in your video. © Only One video of the whole performance should be submitted. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. ¢ For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Indian Music Group_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 5 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video. WESTERN ACAPELLA (Group) e Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. ¢ Time : 5 minutes. e Minimum of 5 and Maximum of 9 members per team (Including a Beatboxer). e¢ Maximum of 2 songs within a time limit. e Individual prize for Best Original composition will be awarded. e No instruments or Backup Tracks allowed for Acapella. e Raw Audio Mix to be submitted. Audio editing will disqualify your team. e Dress code should be decent and presentable in your video. © Only One video of the whole performance should be submitted. ¢ The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. ¢ For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Western Acapella Group_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 5 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video. DANCE EVENTS RULES INDIAN CLASSICAL DANCE (Solo) e Individual Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Authentic Indian classical song to be selected. ¢ No songs from any films and folk will be allowed. e Only one song is permitted, no dialogues can be added in between. ¢ Costumes are compulsory. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. e For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Indian Classical Dance Solo_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 3 minutes. ¢ A video of the dance to be made. ¢ Criteria for judging depend upon the creativity with the choreography and well-timed video. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video (graphics, already existing videos). INDIAN FILM & FOLK DANCE (Solo) ¢ Individual Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. ¢ No medleys and no dialogues can be added in between. ¢ Only one song is permitted. ¢ Costumes and props are not compulsory but can get creative with available resources. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. e For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Indian Film and Folk Dance Solo_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 2 minutes. ¢ A video of the dance to be made. ¢ Criteria for judging depend upon the creativity with the choreography and well-timed video. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video (graphics, already existing videos). INDIAN DANCE NON- THEME (Group) ¢ Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Minimum 6 members and maximum 15 members per team. ¢ Only Indian Films songs can be used. e Songs can be fused, but not more than 3 songs. ¢ Only Indian dance forms (including Bollywood and contemporary) are allowed. e Vulgarity in movements will not be entertained. e Costumes and props are not compulsory but can get creative with available resources. ¢ No dialogues should be added in the performance. ¢ No fire, water or any such dangerous act is allowed. e¢ A small write-up about the theme to be submitted (pdf format) along with the video file. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. ¢ For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Indian Dance Non-theme Group_01). ¢ Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 3 + 1 minutes. e A video collage of the dance has to be made. ¢ Criteria for judging depend upon the creativity with the choreography and well timed video. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video (graphics, already existing videos) INDIAN CLASSICAL DANCE (Group) e Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Minimum 6 members and maximum 15 members per team. e Authentic Indian classical song to be selected, no film or any folk songs is allowed. e No dialogues are to be included in the performance. e Vulgarity in movements will not be entertained. ¢ Costume is compulsory. e No fire, water or any such dangerous act. ¢ A small write-up about the theme to be submitted in (pdf format) along with the video file. e The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. e For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Indian Classical Dance Group_01). ¢ Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for video submission: ¢ Time: 3 + 1 minutes. e A video collage of the dance to be made. Criteria for judging depend upon the creativity with the choreography and well-timed video. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video (graphics, already existing videos). THEATRE EVENTS RULES VISUAL THEATRE - POSTER MAKING ¢ Individual Event (Only one entry per participant). e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e¢ Theme - Defining your theatre. e Provide a Title to your work. e Mention email id and phone number on the poster. e Read and research to arrive at a different perspective of theatre before starting your design (Free E-book on ‘Defining your theatre’ available on request). ¢ Create an A4 size poster in soft copy. e The submission should be in .jpeg format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (jpeg format) re-named as Event Name_Slot number (Visual Theatre Poster Making_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. PERFORMANCE THEATRE (Solo) Individual Event (Only one entry per participant). The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Theme — Hope. Time limit - 2 to 6 minutes — (First minute — Start with event title PERFORMANCE THEATRE and give an introduction and background about yourself) Theme of ‘hope’ needs to be incorporated. Sets and properties are allowed. Dangerous acts/stunts, vulgarity, offensive and obscenity in words and actions, porn, nudity and extreme violence is strictly prohibited. Smartphone video camera recording only - minimum high definition FULL QUALITY (1080 HD format) video in widescreen format. Should look good on big screen. Languag — English only. Judging Criteria: Best performances which will appeal when showcased to a LIVE audience. Type of Performance: It could be ANY SOLO performance including Acting, Mime, Story, Magic, Singing, Painting, Dance, Public Speaking, Music, Acrobatics, Visual Art, Cooking, Standup Comedy, Sculpture making, Paper Art. The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Performance Theatre Solo_01). Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for Video ¢ Time: 2-6 minutes. e A video of the participant performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video (graphics, already existing videos). DIGITAL THEATRE - SHORT FILM e Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. e Theme — Graduate Attributes. e Minimum 2 participants and a maximum of 30 participants per team. ¢ Time limit - 2 to 10 minutes including credits - (First 30 seconds — Start with event name DIGITAL THEATRE and give an introduction and background about the team. Last 30 seconds — Behind the scenes proof that the film was shot ona mobile phone including video of making of the film). ‘Graduate Attributes’ need to be incorporated. Sets and properties are allowed (Short course on ‘Create your performance’ with graduate attributes - available on request). Dangerous acts/stunts, vulgarity, offensive and obscenity in words and actions, porn, nudity and extreme violence is strictly prohibited. Any software to edit video and audio as well as color correction and effects if required are allowed. Smartphone video camera recording only - minimum high definition FULL QUALITY (1080 HD format) video in widescreen format. Should look good on the big screen. Language: English only. Judging Criteria: A moving story explored in depth with good acting performances. The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Digital Theatre Short Film_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for Video e Time 2-10 minutes. e A video of participants performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video (graphics, already existing videos). DIGITAL THEATRE - MIME e Group Event. e The details inclusive of slot numbers, submission platform, queries (if any) etc. will be communicated/addressed via the WhatsApp group. Maximum 8 + 1 (video editor) members per team. Vulgarity and obscenity in movement strictly prohibited. Time: 5 + 1 mins. Use of props is not allowed. Music of mime to be pre-recorded, mixing of music is allowed. Adding effects to the video is not allowed, basic editing is allowed. Dangerous acts/stunts, vulgarity, offensive and obscenity in words and actions, porn, nudity and extreme violence is strictly prohibited. ¢ The submission should be in (.mp4) mov format only and the slot number provided must be mentioned. For example, the participants should submit a (.mp4) mov format re- named as Event Name_Slot number (Mime_01). e Participants will be given a submission link. Late submissions will not be considered. Rules for Video ¢ Time 5 + 1 minutes. e A video of participants performing must be made. ¢ Special effects cannot be added in the video (graphics, already existing videos). DARPAN SCHEDULE ART DATE DURATION EVENT NAME 4:30 - 7:00 JUNK ART 23 SEPT OM (LIVE) 2:00 - 4:30 SKETCHING 24 SEPT OM (LIVE) 4:30 - 7:00 ORIGAMI 25 SEPT P.M (LIVE) ART 26sept BAM-9PM GURNALING (OFFLINE) 8AM-9PM FOOD STYLING 27 SEPT (OFFLINE) 2:00 - 4:30 PAINTING 29 SEPT OM (LIVE) Se LIT DATE DURATION = EVENT NAME 4:30 - 7:00 QUIZ 23 SEPT OM (LIVE) 2:00 - 4:15 AIR CRASH ae P.M (LIVE) a5 sEpT 4:30 - 8:00 ADZAP P.M (OFFLINE) 2:00-4:30 EXTEMPORE 26 SEPT P.M (LIVE) CREATIVE 27 SEPT van WRITING , (OFFLINE) 4:30 - 7:00 DEBATE 28 SEPT P.M (LIVE) POETRY 29 SEPT eM WRITING , (OFFLINE) MEDIA DATE DURATION ~=EVENT NAME PHOTOGRAPHY 29SEPT 8AM-9PM (OFFLINE) 4:30 - 7:30 DIGITAL ART 30 SEPT PM (OFFLINE) SUBMISSION DATE 26 SEPT 26 SEPT 27 SEPT 29 SEPT 30 SEPT MUSIC LIVE TELECAST DATE 1 OCT 1 OCT 2 OCT 3 OCT 5 OCT EVENT NAME WESTERN SINGING (Solo) INDIAN SINGING (Solo) WESTERN ACOUSTIC AND ELECTRIC (Group) INDIAN MUSIC (Group) WESTERN ACAPELLA (Group) SUBMISSION DATE 6 OCT 1 OCT 2 OCT 3 OCT THEATRE LIVE TELECAST EVENT NAME DATE VISUAL o THEATRE - POSTER PERFORMANCE THEATRE - SOLO PERFORMANCE 6 OCT DIGITAL 7 OCT THEATRE - SHORT FILM DIGITAL 8 OCT THEATRE - MIME DANCE LIVE SUBMISSION TELECAST EVENT NAME DATE DATE INDIAN 4 OCT 8 OCT CLASSICAL DANCE (Solo) INDIAN 4 OCT 8 OCT FILM/FOLK DANCE (Solo) INDIAN 4 OCT 9 OCT CLASSICAL DANCE (Group) INDIAN DANCE 5 OCT 10 OCT NON THEME (Group) Ve POINT OF CONTACT STUDENT COORDINATORS Dhurriya R : +91 9003657417 Chitra Jawvaji : +91 7032910689 ART EVENTS Abhijith Varma : +91 8328128585 Mithali Agarwal : +91 9381003285 Mehak Sharma: +91 9115702840 LITERARY EVENTS Anzar Mehboob Bergqi : +91 9108520700 Priyasha : +91 9348070728 MEDIA EVENTS Savio Joseph : +91 7722945598 Nitin MJ: +91 8095483919 STAGE EVENTS Ayesha Rifath : +91 7259593480 Chitral Shah : +91 8780671308 Rishik Rajpal : +91 9919893291 en risa 4 Co aa Se Ce LNW AN Si Student Welfare Office Student Welfare Office CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bannerghatta Road Campus, Bangalore. For updates, follow on Instagram: @swo_bgr

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