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3rd Floor, ECJ Building

Intramuros Manila
Philippines, 1002

Prepared by Title: Date:

Approved by: Title: Date:

Version Approved by Revision Description of Change Author

Welcome to Seaversity Inc.

This employee handbook was developed to describe some of the expectations of

our employees and to outline the policies, programs, and benefits available to
eligible employees. 

Employees should familiarize themselves with the contents of this handbook. We

encourage you to direct questions about any part of this handbook that is not clear
to you to your supervisor or the managing Human Resources.

I, __________________, acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Employee Handbook

and understand that it contains important information on the company's general personnel policies and
privileges and obligations as an employee. I acknowledge that I am expected to read, understand, and
adhere to company policies and will familiarize myself with the material in the Handbook. Thus, the
company may change, rescind or add to any policies, benefits, or practices described in the Handbook
from time to time in its sole and absolute discretion with prior notice.
I understand that if I violate the rules outlined in this Policy, I may face legal, punitive, or
corrective action.

Employee Signature ______________________________________________

Employee Name (print) ___________________________________________
Date________________ Witness ___________________________
Message from the President
We are driven primarily by our objective to enhance the equality of
maritime education and training with the use of futuristic
technology. We believe in capability building and preparing future
seafarers through non-traditional learning techniques and programs.
The world, after all, is well on its way to automation and
digitization. Seaversity aims to contribute to that progression by
being the catalyst of tomorrow's maritime fleet.

Provide the innovations of the learning system for the next
generation of maritime professionals.

Become the catalyst of Philippine Maritime Education and Training
to global competitiveness through world-class innovations and
technological solutions.

1 Employment and Orientation - Working hours & Morning Devotion
- Hiring and Recruitment - Paid leaves
- New employee orientation - Holiday pay
- Employee Classification - Sick Leave
(Probationary, Regular, - Bereavement Leave
Project-Based, Outsource) - Paternity and maternity leave
- Promotion, Demotion, and Transfer
- Separation, Termination, and Lay off 7. Performance Management
- Retirement - Quarterly Performance Evaluation
3. Employment Status and Records
3.1Personnel Files 8.Training and Development
- Basic information - HR Plans trainings and everything
- Hiring Documents
- Job Performance and Development 9. Code of conduct and Disciplinary
- Employment-Related Agreements Action
- Compensation - Confidentiality
- Termination and Post Employee - Harassment and Violence
Information - Workplace safety and health

3.Confidential Files
- Medical records and workers compensation
- Leave documents
- Documents on an
employee investigation such as a
disciplinary action

4. Employee Benefit Programs

- Meal Allowances
- Free Medicines
- Medical Assistance
- Work From Home Arrangements
- Company issued equipment
- Statutory Benefits

5. Compensation and Timekeeping

- Wages and Salaries
- OT
- Leaves
- Timekeeping

6. Work conditions and Core hours

I. The Employment and Orientation

Hiring and Recruitment

The company’s goal is to seek individuals looking for personal and professional development as
well to attract highly qualified individuals and provide fair and effective selection for potential
job seekers to apply for vacancies to Seaversity Inc.

Recruitment Procedure

This is the traditional process of recruitment where the Human Resources Department (HRD)
uses various methods to source out, screen, and selects applicants. 
In this recruitment procedure, the following shall be the basis of selection: 

1. The level of education and experience meet the job specifications and requirements. 

2. Validity of reference certifies the applicant’s good moral character and attitude which
reasonably assures harmonious relations with other employees. 

3. Favorable report from officers who interviewed the applicants. 

4. Acceptable performance in the company’s written examinations designed to test an

applicant’s mental, intellectual, psychological, and technical capacity and knowledge. 

5. Submission and successful completion of the following documents: 

 Resume 
 Birth Certificate 
 Favorable Physical/ Medical Examination 
 Transcript of Records/ Diploma 
 Police Clearance 
 NBI Clearance 
 SSS and Tax Identification Numbers
 Residence Certificate 
 Previous Employer’s Clearance
 2 X 2 Photo
 Professional License (if there’s any)
New Employee Orientation
Employees are required to attend an orientation program within the first
week of employment or online orientation when the employee is on Work from Home
set-up on their first day if they are work from home. The program will provide
information on the following:

 Employee Contract and Non-Disclosure Agreement

 Read, run through and explain policies in company or employee manual
 The Company’s organizational structure, vision, mission, and goals
 The employee’s role in contributing to business success and objective,
 Introducing to different departments and/or employees of the Company through a
visit around the office (through General Meeting if WFH arrangement)
 The relationship of the employee’s department with other departments, and office

Employee Classification
Employees are classified under any one of the following categories according to the
nature of their job or their status of employment:

Probationary Employee
All employees, unless a temporary employee, shall undergo a probationary period of six
(6) months. For those temporary employees who have been considered for probationary
status, the probationary period is only for three (3) months.

If one’s performance is found to be satisfactory by his immediate superior, he may be

recommended for permanent employment before the end of his probationary period. If
found to be unsatisfactory, the immediate superior will recommend termination of the
probationary employee’s services within the probationary period.

The management discourages extensions on probationary period.

Regular Employee
An employee who has satisfactorily completed his probationary period and is expected to
remain in continuous service with the company.

Project-Based Employee
A project employee is one whose employment has been fixed for a specific project or
undertaking. There must be a determination of, or a clear agreement on, the completion
of the project at the time the employee is engaged.
The services of project employees are coterminous with the project.
They can be terminated upon the end of the project or a phase of the project, for which
they were hired. The employer has no obligation to pay them separation pay.
Promotion, Demotion, and Transfer


Seaversity Inc. wants to give recognition to those employees that duties and functions may
change in complexity and responsibility. As a result, promotion is based on status changes that
involve increasing responsibility levels and position with a higher pay in a different job
description and classification.


Demotion may be needed for the company and the employee when he/she is unable to
satisfactorily perform the tasks given in his/her current position. The management and
Human resources department may endorse or recommend, together with a written request
letter for an employee to be demoted due to disciplinary reasons and justifiable reasons.


Transfer is a movement from one position to another, which is of equivalent rank, level,
or salary without break in service involving the issuance of the appointment. Any inter-
department transfer of an employee will be allowed only upon the recommendation of the
head of the releasing department/unit, in consultation with HRMD, and upon acceptance
of the head of the absorbing department/unit.

Separation, Termination, Layoff, and Retirement

Separation and Termination

Disengagement of employees from the company can be initiated by the employee or in

other terms resignation. An employee should render at least thirty (30) days prior to
resignation to go through clearance procedures and exit interview with Human

The company may terminate an employment for any of the following causes:
 Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of the lawful orders of
the company in connection with his work;
 Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties;
 Fraud and willful breach by the employee of the trust reposed in him by the company;
 Commission of a crime or offense by the employee against the duly authorized
representative of the company; and
 Other causes analogous to the foregoing

Layoff of Employees
Employees may be laid-off due to the following reasons:
 Lack of source funds
 Serious illness or physical disability
 Disciplinary actions

The procedure and other requirements provided by the Labor Code and its
implementing rules and regulations shall be observed in cases of termination of
employment and lay-offs.

Seaversity Inc. provides a retirement program for eligible full‐time and part‐time
employees who are 21 years of age or older. {ORGANIZATION NAME} contributes to
the employee’s retirement plan when the employee becomes vested after one year of
employment. Eligible employees may contribute to the retirement plan at the start of
employment. Employer percentage contributions to the retirement program is reviewed
and determined 10 annually by the {ORGANIZATION NAME} Board of Directors.
Information about {ORGANIZATION NAME}ʹs retirement plan will be provided to the
employee at the time of employment

Due to attainment of employee’s retirable age based on the requirements of the law
which is age sixty-five (65) or optional retirement at sixty (60) or more but not more
than sixty-five (65).

Outside Professional Engagement

Employee responsibilities to fulfill their assigned tasks or job performance in Seaversity Inc
should not be affected or compromise by activities or employment outside the company. To
prevent the conflict of interest policy, employees are prohibited to perform any similar services
in their outside employment activities that are performed by Seaversity Inc.
Furthermore, poor job performance, tardiness, and refusal to the tasks that are given to them to
work overtime should not be justified by the employee and should not be considered. Thus:
disciplinary procedures will be made for dealing with the resulting job-related problem(s).
All employees are enjoined to devote their full professional time and expertise to work for the
company. Before accepting any outside professional engagement, the employee should discuss
the matter with his Department Head and HR Head to obtain clearance.
II. Employee Status and Records
Personnel Confidential Files
Seaversity’s Personnel File shall be kept for each employee that includes Hiring documents or job
application, Job performance evaluation and development, Employee related agreements or contracts,
disciplinary records, records of compensation, termination and post-employee information, medical
records, employee’s basic information such as personal mailing addresses, telephone numbers, names of
dependents, and individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency. If an employee tries to tamper
or falsify time records or recording time of another employee’s time record, he/she would be in
disciplinary action or separation from employment.

III. Employee Benefit Programs

Meal Allowances
Office employees are provided with meals during lunch on ordinary working days, worth
eighty pesos (P80). This benefit is granted as an allowance for all employees in the company.

Free Medicines
All employees can avail of free medicines for regular sickness like colds, fever, cough,
headache, stomach ache, and muscle pains when sickness occurs while on duty.

Medical Assistance
Work From Home Arrangements
Company issued equipment
If you give equipment to employees (like phones, laptops, etc.), inform them how they should
take care of it. Also, mention what happens when that equipment is stolen or damaged.
Statutory Benefits
Other benefits given are those already prescribed by the Philippine Labor Law, SSS Benefits,
PAG-IBIG Fund, Philippine Heart Insurance Corp. (PHILHEALTH), and Thirteenth Month Pay.

IV. Compensation and Timekeeping

Wages and Salaries
Paychecks of regular and probationary employees will be distributed on the 15th and the last day
of each month, except when either of those days falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, in
which case paychecks will be distributed on the preceding workday. Timesheets are due to the
Human Resources and Accounting Officer within two days of each pay period. All salary
deductions are itemized and presented to employees with the paycheck.

Wages and Salaries of Project-Based employees will remain even if additional tasks were given
to him/her in a scope of stated project on their employment contract.

Attendance is regularly checked especially during the core hours. Employees who have not been
available at the core hours shall be reported to their Lead and the Lead shall inform the HR if
they have reported for the day. (HRS should be added)
Overtime Pay
On occasion, staff may be required by their supervisor to work more hours than their normal
schedule. Such work is treated as overtime (OT) and requires a minimum of one (1) hour to be
considered, in addition to the official daily eight hours of work.
Employees who engage in overtime work are required to obtain consent from their superior by
filing an Overtime Authorization (OTA) before the overtime work.
Aside from overtime pay, a meal allowance is also provided for overtime work rendered for
more than 2 hours. This is integrated with the payroll at the end of the month
*Because of the nature of our business, your job may periodically require overtime work. If the
Company requires that you work overtime, we will give you as much advance notice as possible.
You should not work overtime hours without prior approval by your immediate supervisor or the
designated manager

Paid Leaves

Regular Holidays
New Year's Day January 1
Maundy Thursday Movable date
Good Friday Movable date
Araw ng Kagitingan April 9
Labor Day May 1
Independence Day June 12
Bonifacio Day November 30
Christmas Day December 25
Rizal Day December 30

Nationwide Special Holidays

All Saint's Day November 1
Last Day of the Year December 31

a. Vacation Leave (VL)

The company recognizes the need for employees to take rest from work to revitalize their
physical well-being. Thus, the company grants Vacation Leave to all regular employees who
rendered continuous service for:

1 year entitled to 5 days VL

2 years entitled to 6 days VL
3 years entitled to 8 days VL
4 years entitled to 11 days VL
5 years entitled to 15 days VL

b. Sick Leave (SL)

Sick Leave is a privilege, which employees can avail of only in genuine cases of sickness. The
company grants Sick Leave to all regular employees who rendered continuous service for:

1 year entitled to 5 days SL

2 years entitled to 6 days SL
3 years entitled to 8 days SL
4 years entitled to 11 days SL
5 years entitled to 15 days SL

At the end of every year, the unused Sick Leave shall be converted to cash. The purpose of this
policy is to encourage employees to take care of their health.

c. Birthday Leave (BDL)

Regular employees are given one (1) day leave with pay on the occasion of his birthday. It could
be rescheduled on any day if they would fall on a Sunday or holiday provided that it is approved
by his immediate superior. This leave should be availed only within the birth month period.
Birthday leave is not convertible to cash.

d. Emergency Leave (EL)

Emergency Leave can be availed by both probationary and regular employees provided that it
will not exceed three (3) working days per calendar year. The following falls on Emergency
 Accident
 Hospital confinement of immediate family member (spouse, parent, child)
 Fire
 Typhoon
 Earthquake
 Flood
 Serious domestic issues
 Bereavement Leave (BL)

All probationary and regular employees shall be granted Bereavement Leave of not more than
three (3) days with pay on the occasion of death of an immediate family member (a. unmarried
sister, brother, parents b. married-spouse, parents, child).

Upon return to work, a copy of the death certificate should be filed by the employee to the HR
Department together with the Leave Form signed by the Department Head.

Maternity Leave (ML)

Female employees are entitled to maternity leave with pay of 60 calendar days for
normal delivery or miscarriage, and 78 calendar days for caesarian operation for the
first four deliveries only. The company shall reimburse one hundred percent (100%) of
the employee’s daily maternity allowance as provided under the Social Security Law.

Paternity Leave (PL)

A married male employee cohabiting with his lawful wife is entitled to seven (7) days
paternity leave, which he can avail before, during, or after the maternal delivery of his
wife. It shall apply only for the first four (4) deliveries of the employee’s wife.

Solo Parent Leave (SPL)

Solo parents with at least one-year continuous service in the company, with Solo
Parent ID issued by the DSWD will be given seven (7) working days parental leave
per year in addition to the existing leave benefits provided by the company.

Employees are expected to accurately record their hours by using any Time Tracking program
used by the company when they are working. Hours include all time spent on the job performing
assigned duties. Employees are responsible for timely reporting of corrections before their hours
are submitted to Payroll, to ensure correct pay. Altering, falsifying, or tampering with time
records may result in corrective action, up to and including termination of employment
V. Work conditions and Core hours
Working hours
The normal operating week for Seaversity Inc shall consist of 8 hours a day and is flexible from
Monday to Friday but shall not surpass 10:00 AM. All employees are expected to be at work
during these hours unless they have a reasonable reason such as Sick Leave etc. and have
approval by their Leads or Managers. All employees and project-based employees are eligible
for flextime.
Morning Devotion
This shall be attended by all employees regularly every day at 9 AM to the devotion room or as
scheduled through Facebook Live.

VI. Performance Management

The purpose of a performance appraisal system is to evaluate how well an employee
performs her job duties and tasks, her supervisory and leadership capabilities and other soft
skills, and how well she manages workplace relationships and conflict resolution.
Quarterly Performance Evaluation is made. (Include process)

VII. Training and Development

Human Resources shall have plans on training and development programs to ensure that
employees optimize their productivity, enhance professional and personal development, and
assist the entity in accomplishing its goals and objectives.

VIII. Code of conduct and Disciplinary Action

- Confidentiality
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Harassment and Violence

Concern/ Complaint Procedure

Any concern or complaint by an employee must be done in writing with the signature of the
complainant or the person concerned to avoid possibilities of accusations without merit, proof, or
The LETTER OF CONCERN/ COMPLAINT can be sent to any of the following:
 Supervisor
 Department Head
 Human Resources Department
It is the responsibility of the above-stated officers to inform the Top Management and give a response
to the concerned person or complainant within three (3) working days. Otherwise, the concerned
person/s or complainant/s can send his/her letter directly to any of the following :

 Company Head / General Manager 

 Chairman
Lack of action from key officers shall mean negligence of their duties and may lead to disciplinary action
up to dismissal. Sending formal letters of concern or complaint is a great responsibility and a brave step
taken by an employee. Thus, it must be taken seriously and the response should never be delayed.
1.   Absence without Official Leave (AWOL) for 5 consecutive days or abandonment of work.
2.   Failure to return to work on the appointed time following cessation of disciplinary suspension.
3.   Diverting business opportunity due to the company in favor of other companies without the
Chairman and management's consent.
4.   Demanding or soliciting money, gifts, or favors, directly or indirectly, from clients, suppliers, and the
like in exchange for favorable company action in any matter in which the clients, suppliers, and the like
are interested in.
5.   Engaging, participating, or involving oneself directly or indirectly in any transaction, undertaking,
a business enterprise where such engagement or participation is in conflict with or is improper or
undesirable to the interest of the company.
6.   Cost padding in the procurement of company supplies/ services.
7.   Gross incompetence.
8.   Sexual Harassment
9.   Challenging one's superior or any member of Management to a fight.
10. Using, processing, distributing, or padding drugs or reporting for work under the influence of
11.  Serious horseplay which results in serious physical injuries or death.
12.  Deliberate and intentional destruction of company property, machines, or equipment.
13.   Willful damage to or unauthorized removal of property belonging to the company or another
14.   Fighting or inflicting harm upon another for any reason within Company premises or during
Company-sponsored activities.
15.   Failure to turn in a collection of money (cash or check) within the prescribed period.
16.   Malversation of company funds.
17.   Falsification of personnel and other Company records, data, documents.
18.   Fraud or willful breach of trust where continuance in the service is patently inimical to the
company's interest.
19.   On the part of the superior, deliberately condoning, tolerating, or participating in an offense
committed by a subordinate.
20.   Securing or fraudulently obtaining company materials.
21.   Disclosure of confidential data, trade secrets, or classified information to any unauthorized person.
22.   Sabotage or any form of slowdown or deliberate restriction of output.
23.   Membership in any unlawful organization.
 24.   Conviction in a criminal case with a penalty of imprisonment of more than one month.
 25.   Stealing of company property or that of any other employee.
1.   Absenteeism (Excessive accumulation of avoidable absences)
2.   Making false claims for overtime.

3.   Insubordination or willful disobedience.
4.   Discourtesy to clients and counterparts.
5.   Sleeping during working hours.
6.   Gross and habitual neglect of duties.
7.  Using profane or obscene language in addressing a superior, or uttering vile, provocative, or abusive
language to an employee or any member of the management.
8.   Making or spreading false, vicious, malicious statements concerning any employee,
superior, the Company, or its products and services.
9.   Indecent conduct or immorality including verbal and non-verbal harassment.
10.  Conduct outside of work which would reflect unfavorably towards the Company.
11.  Giving false testimony on the occasion of a company investigation.
12.  Prolonged malingering, wasting time, loitering, or loafing during office hours in such a degree as to
disrupt operations or disturb other personnel.
13.  Unauthorized substitution of designation or takeover of other's duties or responsibilities.
14.   Unauthorized use of company forms or issuance of company documents.
15. Instigating a fight or attempting to inflict harm upon another for any reason within
Company premises or during Company-sponsored activities.
16. Drunkenness or reporting for work under the influence of liquor.
17. Threatening, intimidating, or sourcing fellow employees to engage in any act in violation of company
rules at any time and for any reason.
18. Unauthorized possession of firearms, knives, explosives, or deadly weapons inside company
 19. Bringing out company records of any kind without authority.
 20. Unauthorized use of company vehicle or equipment; speeding or careless driving of company
1. Absence without prior notification/ permission.
2. Habitual Tardiness (5 or more times in a month)
3. Unauthorized under time.
4. Failure to log-in/log-out or accomplish required timekeeping record or leave form within the
prescribed period.
 5. Failure to report to the place of work after logging in.
6. Failure to attend the morning devotion despite the presence in the company premises without
permission or just cause. For employees who do not share the same religion shall be excluded thereof
and shall be respected by the Company in accordance with the law.
7.       Improper/ incorrect attire at the office during office hours like wearing shorts, slippers, etc. (please
refer to employee decorum)
8.       Failure/ refusal to wear Company ID upon entering and while inside company premises.
9.       Unauthorized and improper use of Company ID.
10.   Stubborn behavior; discourtesy; uncooperative attitude towards superior.
11.   Refusal to work overtime without justifiable cause or reason where such refusal would result in a
serious loss on the part of the company.
12.   Failure to submit required reports properly without just cause.
13.   Loss of accountable forms.
14.   Carelessness as to wastage, spoilage, or damage to company property.
15.   Malingering, wasting time, loitering, or loafing during office hours. (short duration)
16.   Frequently receiving visitors during office hours for personal business or making frequent phone
calls or emails for personal business.
17.   Posting of notices, signs, or printed matter on bulletin boards or removing approved notices
without approval.
18.   Destroying/ deleting the company's computer data without consent from the company.
19.   Littering, creating or contributing to the unsanitary condition, violation of common health, and
20.    Unauthorized overstaying inside the restricted area or within the company premises.

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