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 Taliban: Doctrine of Necessity.

 Reason for Talibans to reorganize: US invasion of Afghanistan post 2011. It was an act against
foreign occupation.
 Pakistan and US were allies in war on terror?
 American aid to Pakistan, billions of dollars.
 “In the statecraft, morality takes a backseat”. General Durrani
 TTP and the likes, a Frankenstein monster? A collateral?
 A stable Afghanistan, independent of foreign occupation, with Indigenous leadership, taking all
stakeholders onboard is solution to a better Afghanistan and region.
 Realist Politic: US and Pakistan had their own distinct interests in US war on terror. US accuses
Pakistan of playing on both sides. Pakistan had its own interests.
 Damage caused to Pakistan.
 Jihad glorified in aftermath of soviet occupation of Afghanistan. By US, Pakistan and KSA.
 A vibrant civil society of Pakistan; Reason for progress of Pakistan despite all the security and
security challenges to Pakistan.
 Institutional development hampered during military rule.
 Civil Military Relationship: Accusation of generals meddling in Political process. High approval
ratings of Army among masses of Pakistan.
 Military takeover described as a doctrine of necessity and under reluctance by General Durrani.
 Incompetence of Civilian governments; reason/excuse for military to take over?

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