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 Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors

Religiously inspired militant groups: e.g TTP, ISIS. Location: (Tribal areas like North Waziristan)

Nationalist Insurgent Groups: e.g BLA, PTM Location: Balochistan and KPK

Sectarian groups: e.g Sipah Sahaba Location: Medrassas in Punjab mainly

 Role of security forces and law enforcing agencies.

 Complicated situation on borders. Adding to complexity of security challenges that Pakistan is

 A major threat of RSS and BJP backed rising religious nationalism in India is that it can give rise
to sentiments of far-right Islamic groups in Pakistan, who, do not necessarily look at things the
same way as state of Pakistan does. The state claims to have reigned them in but things can
become difficult if this genie gets out of the bottle, particularly at this time when Pakistan is
facing economic and diplomatic challenges. (Any and every decision has to be taken by the
government and state of Pakistan, because only it can look at the holistic picture).

 Word: Intifada

 Pressure/Obligation on Pakistan to support Kashmiri resistance movement against colonist

Indian aggression. India has not been able to suppress Kashmiri peoples will power for 70 years
so it will not be able to do it now either. The resistance/intifada will be there. Non state actors,
who are against Indian occupation of Kashmir will reorganize themselves to cause resistance,
with whatever support they can garner from which ever source.

Pakistan has two options in this scenario:

a). Tell the world about real face of fascist Indian regime. All human rights violations committed
in IOK should be known all over the world.
b). Stand with the Kashmiri people in these difficult times.
c). Deal with the resistance movement. Pakistan must weigh that how it is to approach this
movement. Outright support may be troublesome because of economic and diplomatic
weakness of Pakistan. India uses it to malign Pakistan by portraying it as a terror financing
country. On the other hand, sentiments of people of resistance movement are well understood
and respected by Pakistan. So Pakistan will do well be Subtly supporting the movement and by
continuously reminding the world of human rights violations being committed by India.

 UNSC and UNGA resolutions on Kashmir issue. Giving kashmiris right to self-determination and
recognizing Indian aggression as an occupation.
 Topics being covered: Kashmir Issue, Indo Pak Relations, Pakistan’s security challenges
(Traditional and Non-Traditional), Security situation in South Asia, Role of UNO as a Peace
making institution, Role of USA as a mediator, International Law, Inability of world powers to act
in case of violation of International Law, Human Rights Crimes (UNHCR reports), Global Security
Challenges, Nuclear Threat, Hindutva, Ultra Nationalism, Extremism.

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