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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur
College of Nursing
Website: Mail:
CP# 09177148749, 09175785986

NCM 109 Lecture

Activity 3
By: Catherine Prado BSN II - B

1. What is/are the impact of quarantine to your overall wellbeing?

 Quarantine has been quite meditative for my overall wellbeing, I had a lot of time to
reflect, realized things during this outbreak where I’ve encountered a lot of happenings
like people are being selfish and stubborn and many to mention. Freed myself from
stress, I had a lot of time for myself like I was able to sleep for 8 hours and do home
workouts and self-meditate. Had a great bond with my family which is so good for my
mental health, and I had stronger connection than before to Lord Jesus Christ. In short, I
was able to focus on what’s important in life. There are many people out there who are
not in the same position I am at the moment, so I am grateful for my opportunities and my

2. As a student nurse, what learnings this pandemic has thought you?

 This pandemic has changed the way we live and thought us a lot in life. As a student
nurse, this outbreak has thought me that life is really short and death is inevitable so you
should spend more time to your love ones and tell them how much they mean to you, jobs
are temporary so should always save money for emergencies and prioritize your needs
and not your wants, health is wealth. Also, they only know you when they need
something from you, they don’t see your worth on normal days but only in crisis like this,
for example the nurses, before this pandemic they are disregarding and not prioritizing
nurses but now look they are now heroes and I’ve heard that they even going to ban
nurses from going abroad. Even if you do good to others some will still harm you. God
and miracles really do exist if you trust in Him. And I have gained a new knowledge
about this Covid-19 disease.

3. As a future nurse, if there should a same infectious outbreak occurs again in the future, are
you going to participate in the frontline battle against the epidemic? Why?
 Yes, it is a nurse’s duty, my duty, duty to treat the sick and save the peoples live who is at
risk. I have to participate in this battle even at increased risk for myself, because this is
the profession that I pursue and I am under oath. And it is so priceless to see your patient
gets better and see those smiles on their faces knowing that you help them.

Catherine A. Prado BSN II - B

4. What message would you like to extend to our medical frontline workers, especially to our
fellow nurses as well as those among ranks that died due to his pandemic?
 To our dearest warriors, thank you for selflessly sacrificing yourself in the line for the
lives of the others as well as mine. You help the world shine in this darkness. Without all
of you, we may not able to tide through this pandemic together. From the bottom of our
hearts, thank you for your contribution to our comfort while we stay at home for you.
Thank you for staying at work for all of us! We appreciate your time, your energy, and
your sleepless nights. Some of you, your journey came to an end, my deepest sympathy
and prayers to our fallen heroes, we will be forever be grateful and you will always be
remembered as great modern heroes in this battle against Covid-19. Thank you and I/we
salute your bravery and love for the people. Appreciate all the hard work and dedication
through times like this. You are all HEROES in our hearts!

5. In a worst-case scenario that there will be increased surge of cases in our country and the
healthcare system cannot cope and the government decides to call on undergraduate
healthcare students, to help in the frontline, will you enlist and why or why not?
 I want to, but I am not yet knowledgeable as they are. I want to help to fight in this battle
against Covid19, I want to help to stop this pandemic because it’s so heartbreaking to see
people suffering from it and seeing their love ones torn and broken by not being with
them. So I will still enlist myself, in the near future when I get my licensed I will still
participate in battling against an outbreak anyway. Being in medical field, duty comes

6. As a student nurse who is now under quarantine, what can you do to help the community in
fighting against this pandemic?
 During this quarantine days I am able to help in the community in fighting against this
pandemic by simply staying at home and obeying the safety measures and initiatives.
Also, by telling and teaching my family, neighbors, and friends about my knowledge on
this Covid19, on how to avoid it, and the do’s and don’ts during quarantine, the effects
and what will happen to you when you get infected by it. I am also sharing articles, news
and updates for them to read about Covid-19. And I always remind them to always wash
their hands, stay at home, especially be healthy and to pray.

Catherine A. Prado BSN II - B

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