Chewu 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 402 012022

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Autonomous navigation of a mobile robot in dynamic indoor

environments using SLAM and reinforcement learning
To cite this article: C C E Chewu and V Manoj Kumar 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 402 012022

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2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022

Autonomous navigation of a mobile robot in dynamic indoor

environments using SLAM and reinforcement learning

C C E Chewu1and V Manoj Kumar1*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
*Corresponding Author:
Abstract. The recent advances in robotics has resulted in a more convenient use of mobile robots in
alications such as assisting the disabled, deliveries and domestic purposes. The main challenge faced
by mobile robots is navigation in a dynamic environment, which is path planning for dynamic
obstacle avoidance. This paper proposes a novelty method for solving the path planning problem for
mobile robots posed by dynamic obstacles based on SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Maing)
algorithm and Reinforcement Learning. The algorithms implemented relied on the Kinect sensor for
maing and rotary encoder for localisation of the robot in the map. The SLAM algorithm implemented
resulted in a mean error metric of 4.07%. The modified Q-learning algorithm implemented in this
paper allowed the mobile robot to avoid dynamic obstacles by re-planning the path to find another
optimal path different from the previously set global optimal path. From the investigation, it was
shown that it is possible for a robot to navigate in a dynamic using the Reinforcement Learning

1. Introduction

The ability of mobile robots to autonomously navigate in an environment static or dynamic, has
initiated a number of inventions which are very crucial to a number of different sectors. To aid the mobile
robot to successfully maneuver through a number of a static and dynamic obstacles to its goal, it needs to
have a good perception of the environment. In this paper the Microsoft Kinect v2 was used to create a 3d
depth map of the environment by utilizing its point cloud data output. Point cloud enables the robot to
determine how far it is from obstacles which also govern the robot’s trajectory planning process. SLAM
algorithms enable the robot to continuously update its location and map as it navigates to the goal. [1] [2]
The navigation of a mobile robot relies on its perception of the environment. In a recent study focusing on
the comparison of cameras for robot perception in which Laser camera, Roland Picza LPX-600, and
Microsoft Kinect v2 output was analyzed, the results from the 2 sensors in-terms of accuracy, did not differ
much when compared with the actual ground data [3]. The Microsoft Kinect v2 was chosen over Laser
camera because of its high accuracy over short distances and also being available in the market cheaply (less
than USD200) when compared to the laser camera which is at least 10 times more expensive. [4] [5]

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2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022

The Kinect camera is mainly useful for Local navigation that is in detection of static and dynamic
obstacles and also in the global navigation of the robot which is dependent on the accuracy of the 3D map
created using the Kinect. Several algorithms have been recently evaluated by researchers but of interest the
Iterative Cost Point (ICP) algorithm used in the map registration process of map creation for alignment of
consecutive point cloud frames from the Kinect [6] [7]. This algorithm has high accuracy which is of
importance in the localization of the robot as it navigates in the environment. For even much more higher
accuracy, the Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm was also suggested to be implemented in
the registration process, acting as an initial or pre- processing step before the implementation of the ICP
algorithm [8] [9] [10].
The Adaptive Monte-Carlo Localization (AMCL) particle filter algorithm which is based on Bayesian
probability, allows for a more accurate navigation (localization) of the robot in its environment when co
pared to the traditional Monte-Carlo Localization algorithm. The AMCL algorithm was adopted for use in
this investigation. [11] [12]
Due to the increasing number of uses of mobile robots, many researchers have now directed their
attention to dynamic obstacles rather than the static obstacles only. The popular A* and D* algorithms
cannot adapt to the rapid changing parameters of a dynamic environment. Reinforcement Learning performs
better and adapt to the changes in the environment [13]. The Q-Learning (QL) algorithm, which is one of
the most popular Reinforcement algorithms was able to create a policy to model the environment with no
initial input. This investigation is mainly focusing on adapting the modified QL to establish policy that can
be used for an environment characterized by dynamic obstacles [14] [15]. The Regime Switching Partial
Observable Markov Decision Process (RSPOMDP) based QL algorithm was adopted in this investigation
for the navigation of the robot in dynamic environment. This is the first time this algorithm has been
implemented for such an alication. To speed up the process of the QL algorithm in obtaining an optimal
policy, a greedy search algorithm used in conjunction with QL algorithm has also been found to give
satisfactory results in this process. [16] [17]
2. Methodology

In this chapter, the milestones involved in this investigation have been outlined in order of execution.
This involves the 3 major categories for SLAM, Reinforcement Learning and evaluation of these algorithms.

The following flowchart shows the order of processes involved in the formulation of this investigation.

2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022

Problem Identification

Research Objectives and Scope

Research Background

Implementation of PRM
algorithm (Environment

Implementation and
Evaluation of Q-Learning
for path planning

SLAM Algorithm

Robot motion analysis

Figure. 1 Flowchart showing methodology

2.1 Slam

This is the major step which will enable the robot to accurately navigate in its environment. The
complication posed by the SLAM technique is which process to start with maing or localisation since these

2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022

2 processes depend on each other. This problem is normally referred to as the egg-chicken problem, when
2 interdependent processes have to be started simultaneously. The Kinect sensor captures the visual
information of the environment in frames which are converted to point cloud data which involves the depth
- colour (RGB-D) association of every point in each frame. The alignment of consecutive frames is done
using the ICP algorithm. The process of map creation juxtaposed with odometry data enable to create an
accurate 3-D map for robot navigation [10].

The Extended Kalmann Filter algorithm has been suggested to account for the cumulative errors in the rotary
encoder sensor.

The Adaptive Monte Carlo Localisation (AMCL) is an important algorithm for accurate robot localization
which is based Bayesian probability. AMCL makes use of weighted samples and Bayesian Particle Filter to
predict the pose of the mobile robot from the encoder output. Initially, with no previously known information
of the mobile robot pose, it is assumed to be a uniform random distribution over the entire environment. The
estimates or assumed states of the mobile robot as it navigates are shifted and resampled in accordance to
the information from the rotary encoders. [12]

2.2. Reinforcement learning for dynamic obstacle avoidance

Hierarchical Partially Observable Markov Decision Process based Reinforcement Learning (modified Q-
Learning) has been suggested for robot’s Global and Local motion planning. This algorithm is not only for
obtaining time-distance optimal paths but is also useful in predicting which paths can be avoided by the
robot due to blockages.

Long-term and short-term motion prediction is also possible by calculating the tangent vector of the obstacle
trajectory hence aiding the robot path planning process for dynamic obstacle avoidance. Kalman Filter has
also been integrated with this algorithm for predicting motion of a previously identified dynamic obstacle.

3. Implementation of the system

The algorithms used in this investigation were implemented using the Robot Operating System (ROS) which
is a popular framework for developing robot software. R.O.S. allow researchers to easily evaluate their
algorithms and publish them to the robotics community for further improvement. Perhaps the most important
advantages of R.O.S. is that it enables researchers not to reinvent the wheel by the reuse of previously
designed algorithms. Open AI-gym software was used to train the Q-Learning algorithm used in this
investigation and test for its convergence. an environment similar to the real environment where the robot
is to operate was created in Open AI-gym software and a turtlebot was allowed to learn the environment
basing on the modified Q-Learning algorithm used. The results of simulation of the modified Q-Learning
algorithm used are shown in Figure 5.

The system implemented mainly comprises of 4 components namely: i) Global Navigation ii) Local
Navigation iii) Path planning iv) Motion execution.

Global Navigation: this whereby the identifies its obstacles and its position relative to the previously
constructed map.

2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022

Local Navigation: the robot detects and identifies obstacles in relative to its current position. In this paper,
local navigation is done with the use of the depth sensor, the Kinect camera.

Path planning: this involves the finding the best way possible for navigation to avoid static and dynamic
obstacles. Global path plan is required to first find the best path that allows the robot to reach the goal
avoiding static object. Path re-planning is crucial to determine a different optimal path when a dynamic
obstacle id detected.

Motion execution refers to actuation of the dc motors that drives the mobile robot to accurately move the
robot in its environment. This involves determining correct input current to the DC motors to give the mobile
robot a proper acceleration and velocity.

Reinforcement is used in this section using the Q-Learning algorithm for dynamic obstacles avoidance.

The modified Q-Learning algorithm used in this investigation can be mathematically represented as:
   ( ,  ) =    ( ,  , ) + ,
[  ( ,  ) +  max    (  ,   ) −    ( ,  )]

The optimal action policy for the algorithm is given as:

∗ ()

= (   ∗  (, )) (2)

Where s is the observed environment state, a is action to be taken, r is the reward factor, is the discount
factor, s’ is the predicted next state of the robot and π is the action policy
The Q value for this algorithm is obtained by taking into account the cost function which is expressed as
( ,  ) = (  ,   ) + (1 − )( ) (3)

Where w is a weight adjusted to balance the equation, w was set to 10/100, (  ,   ) is a Euclidean
distance function between 2 nodes in the robot environment based on the Probabilistic Road Map algorithm
used in discretizing the environment, ( ) is the reward function based on dynamic obstacles.
The dynamic obstacle reward function was set as follows:
 = 10; ℎ ℎ  ℎ ℎ 
( ) =   = −10; ℎ ℎ  !ℎ  "#$  (4)
 = 0; $ # ℎ $!$
The cost function in equation (3) allows the Q-Learning algorithm to cater for dynamic obstacle avoidance
as it is based on the shortest path and dynamic obstacle reward function. When a dynamic obstacle is
detected to block the current optimal path, a new regime or step setting is initiated and the path planner is
able to quickly choose another optimal path, using the previous experience about the map, as determined by
the Q function value.
A diagram showing the interconnection of the software modules of the navigation processes in this
investigation is shown in Figure 2 below:

2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022



Navigator Mobile



Figure 2. System Software Configuration

(a) (b)

Figure 3. (a) Side view (b) Back view of the robot (c) experimental set-up of
robot with 2 moving Lego-mind robots

2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022

4. Experimental results and discussion

In this section, the results of the investigation have been presented and analysed. The results range from
Map building to path planning for dynamic obstacle avoidance algorithms. Figure 4 below shows the results
of the map created using Real Time Aearance Based Maing algorithm (RTABMap).

(a) (b)
Figure 4. (a) Map building process using RTABMap algorithm (b) Map result
using RTABMap algorithm

To evaluate the accuracy of the generated map, the map is first binarised and aligned respectively to the
ground truth map. The distance between the cells of the ground truth map and the generated is obtained
using the K-nearest neighbor (K-nn) algorithm. The summation of all these distances is then divided by the
number of occupied cells in the ground truth map. This mean error metric was found to be 4.07%.
The results from Open AI-gym software for evaluation of the implemented Q-Learning algorithm have been
shown in Figure 5 below, and they show that the algorithm was able to converge after aroximately 2000

Figure 5. Q-value vs episode graph of implemented


2nd International conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (2018) 012022 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/402/1/012022

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

In this paper, a Reinforcement Learning algorithm was proposed for the autonomous robot navigation
problem. The Q-Learning algorithm used in this investigation was able to learn the dynamic environment
and upon implementation the robot was able to avoid 2 dynamic Lego-mind robots by re-planning and
choosing another optimal path based on the past experience of the robot learning the environment. The
learning experience of the robot also got better with more experience acquired by the robot showing the
ability of this algorithm to be used for robot dynamic obstacle avoidance.
Predictive navigation framework, for long-term and short-term trajectory prediction of the robot has been
suggested for further improvement of the autonomous navigation of a robot in dynamic environments for
future research. This framework can have the capacity to increase robot learning and avoid these dynamic
obstacles more effectively.

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