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Defense: Your Honor, we offer the testimony of the witness to prove that the
accused did not commit the crime of rape against the person of Maja Panganiban
and that our witness was with the victim on the day of the incident.

D: State your personal circumstances.
B: I am Gerald Anderson Mateo, 19 yrs old., single, resident of 123 Maceda St.
Sampaloc Manila.

D: Mr. Mateo, do you know the complainant?
B: Yes sir.

D: How do you know her?
B: She was my girlfriend:

D: Was your girlfriend? For how long?
B: 1yr.

D: What’s the duration of your relationship? (This was from when to when?)
B: Sometime in 2015 up to Oct. 10, 2016

D: What’s the reason why did you broke up? (pakicheck if tingin niyo isasama ko pa
to or hindi haha)

OBJECTION YOUR HONOR! The question is irrelevant.

D: So that means you’re still in a relationship on Oct. 1, the day of the incident?
B: Yes.

D: Do you still remember where were you on the day of Oct 1?
B: Yes. I was with Maja.

D: Can you tell this court what happened on Oct 1, 2016 the day of the incident?
Remember that you swore before the court……..

B: Maja, my girlfriend at that time, texted me that she was alone in their home and
she needed something from me. So I went to their house at around 4am in the
morning to check if she was okay. She then started to seduce me and we had sexual
intercourse. We fell asleep until we were woke up by her mother shouting at us so I
jumped off the their window without my clothes on….(pakidagdagan please)

D: And then what happened next?
B: I ran and went home.

D: At the time of the incident, are you and the victim the only person inside the

B: Yes. (kasi nasa sala si father di nakita ni boyfriend kasi nung himapas siya ni
mother tumalon na siya sa window)

Your Honor, I would like to put on record that our witness admitted that he was
with the victim at the time of the incident and that the defendant is not around at
the scene of the crime.

D: No further questions your honor.


Prosecutor: You said you and the victim were the only person inside the house when
in fact the accused is also inside the house at the time of the incident…blabla

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