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Defence University College

Major General Mulugeta Buli Poli Technical College

For Entry 2010 HNS Class operate Database Application Final Exam Ms
Access Project (40 pts)
Write Your Name ----------------------ID No/--------------Section-----------
1. Create a new database by the name cpu under my document.
2. Create the following three tables under cpu database. .
Dept-code should be primary key for department table
(dept-code, ref-id) should be a primary key for employee table
Sid should be a primary key for student table

Table name: department

Field name Data type
Dept-code Text
Dept-name Text

Table name: employee

Field name Data type
Dept-code Text
Ref-id Text
Ename Text
Sex Text
Bdate Date/time
Marital status look up wizard
Salary Currency

Table name: student

Field name Data type
Sid text
SName text
English number
Math number
Civics number
3. Format the birth date to medium date format
4. Marital status : should accept single, married and divorced. (hint: use validation rule) (2pts)
5. The sex field should accept only male or female (hint: use validation rule) .(2pts)
6. Create a one to many relationships between department and employee table .(2pts)
7. Add the following Records foreach of the above tables.
Department table
Dept-code Dept-name
cpu001 Administration
cpu002 Finance
cpu003 IT
cpu004 Public relation

Prepared by Assefa D, Holeta Ethiopia

Defence University College
Major General Mulugeta Buli Poli Technical College
For Entry 2010 HNS Class operate Database Application Final Exam Ms
Access Project (40 pts)
Employee table
Dept-code Ref-id Ename Sex Bdate Marital Salary
cpu001 (W-252)-1450 Giram M 2/3/77 Single 2340
cpu001 (W-252)-1451 Tigist F 3/2/58 married 2500
cpu002 (W-252)-1450 Yeshi F 8/4/85 divorced 1200
cpu002 (W-252)-1451 Bekele M 1/6/78 single 3000
cpu003 (W-252)-1455 Senaite F 8/6/70 married 900

Student table
sid sName English math civics
S001 Yodit 78 88 90
S002 Tesfaye 90 89 95
S003 Mihret 77 60 61
S004 Selam 79 78 74

8. Create a select query that display

a) Those employee records whose dept-code is cpu002 (save:AAU-002) (2pts)
b) Those female employee with salary greater than 1000 (save: female salary) (2pts)
c) Those student whose names start with M(save: name start with T) (2pts)
d) Those employees whose salary is above 1200( save: salary above 1200) (2pts)
e) All male employee whose birth date is after 1/1/85( save: birth date before 85) (2pts)
f) All male employees (save: male employees) (2pts)
g) Only name and salary from employee table (save: employee salary) (2pts)
h) Employee name and department name (2pts)
i) Calculate Age of all Employees (2pts)
9. create a select query for employee table, which displays emp-name, salary and insert the following calculated
fields (save the query by the name net pay) (4pts)
If Salary tax
<=1200 20%*salary
<=900 15%*salary
<=650 10%*salary
<=150 0%*salary
Pension= 4%*salary
Netsalary= salary – income tax – pension
10. Create a select query for student table, which displays Sname, English, maths and civics and
insert the following calculated fields. (4pts)
a. total mark of students
b. average mark of students
c. remark of students
If student average >=90, remark= excellent
If student >= 80 , remark = very good
If student average>= 60, remark = good
Otherwise poor
11. Create a form for student table with the following calculated fields (4pts)
a. Total score of each student
b. Average score of each student
Add the Navigation button wizards such as Next, previous and Exit and make it active (2pts)
12. Create a report for department, employee and student table. (2pts)
13.create Finally Main Menu Form include salary and Student Grade (2pts)

Prepared by Assefa D, Holeta Ethiopia

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