Balaji S (Summer Initernship Report) Magna

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Submitted by



In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the degree of


Guided by





I, Balaji S, hereby declare that the work which is being presented in the summer
internship entitled, “Marketing Mix Of Magna”, in the partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration is my own
work carried out by me under the supervision of Dr. T.Ramachandran during the period
07/06/2020 to 06/07/2020 in the School of Management, Faculty of Management, SRM
Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur.
The matter presented in this Summer Internship has not been submitted elsewhere
for the award of any other/ diploma. I declare that I have faithfully acknowledged, given
credit to and referred to the research works which have been cited in the text and the
body of the report. I further certify that I have not wilfully lifted up some other’s work,
para, text, data, results, etc., reported in the journals, books, magazines, reports,
dissertations etc., or available at web-sites and have not included them in this Summer
Internship report and cited as my work.
Place : Kattankulathur
Data : 14 - 09 - 2020 S.Balaji
Name and Signature of the Candidate

Certificate from the Supervisor

This is to certify that the above statement made by candidate is correct to the best
of my knowledge. Certified that a check for plagiarism has been made on the software.

Name and Signature of the Supervisor


This is to certify that Mr. S. BALAJI (RA1952001010023) School of

Management, Faculty of Management of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, a
bonafide student registered for the MBA Degree under the supervision of Dr. T.
RAMACHANDRAN has satisfactorily completed all the requirements for the
submission of Summer Internship for the award of MBA degree as per provisions of the
MBA Regulations. He has successfully completed the Summer Internship and well
defended the presentation before the examiners.

Place: Kattankulathur
Date: 14 - 09 – 2020

Supervisor Dean


Permission letter
Summer Internship

The intend of letter is to state that the following students are allowed to do their
internship process for the month of June and July at Magna

BATCH 1-Magna


RA1952001010312 JONES ANTONY RA1952001010031
s BALAJI RA1952001010023
9940312164 NIKHIL RA1952001010030

Contact person: Mr. Louis babu

Dr. Rajan Daniel Dr.Manivannan

Faculty of management Faculty of management
SRM School of management SRM School of management
Kattankulathur Kattankulathur


I would like to take an opportunity to thank all the people who helped me in collecting

necessary information and making of the report. I am grateful to all of them for their

time, energy and wisdom.

Getting a project ready requires the work and effort of many people. I would like all

those who have contributed in completing this project. First of all, I would like to send

my sincere thanks to Dr. T.RAMACHANDRAN for her helpful hand in the completion

of my project.


1 Student Declaration 4

2 Certificate from guide 5

3 Acknowledgement 6

4 Abstract 7

1.1 Product
1.2 Pricing
1.3 Place
1.4 Promotion
1.5 people
1.6 process
1.7 physical Evidance
6 2: Customer Analysis of Magna International Inc 10

7 3: Segmentation of Magna International Inc 12

8 4:Targeting and positioning of Magna International Inc 13

9 5:Company competitive advantage inn the marketing strategy of 14

Magna International Inc
5.1 Cost based competitive advantage
5.2 Differentiation based competitive advantage
5.3 Competitive advantage model

10 6: BCG Framework in the Advertising System of Magna 15

International Inc

11 7:Brand Value of Magna International Inc 16
7.1 Brand value segments
7.1.1 Brand awareness
7.1.2 Brand affiliation
7.1.3 Saw quality
7.1.4 Brand loyalty
7.1.5 Restrictive brand resources
7.2 Brand equity development
7.3 Brand value measurement

12 8:Competitors analysis in the marketing strategy of magna 18

International Inc

13 9: Market Analysis of Magna International Inc 19

9.1 Market size Analysis for developing marketing strategy of
Magna International Inc
9.2 Market trends analysis for developing marketing strategy of
Magna International Inc
9.3 Market growth analysis for developing marketing strategy of
Magna International Inc
9.4 Market profitability analysis for developing marketing strategy
of Magna International Inc
9.5 Cost structure analysis for developing marketing strategy of
Magna International Inc

14 10:Conclusion 21

15 11.References 21


I hereby declare that the project entitled MAGNA “Markeitng mix of Magna” under

the guidance of “Dr.T Ramachandran” submitted in the partial fulfilment of degree of

Master of Business Administration from “SRM Institute of Management and

Technology, Chennai”.




Its thing capacities consolidate body, case, outside, seating, powertrain, dynamic driver
help, equipment, mirrors and lighting, mechatronics and housetop structures. The
Company Body Exteriors and Structures segment fuses its body and edge systems,
outside structures and housetop structures exercises. Its things and organizations join
front end modules, estimated get to structures, fixing systems, sliding crumbling and
specific housetops, body structures, body systems, dynamic smoothed out highlights,
lightweight composites, fuel structures, planned glass, and retractable hard tops and
sensitive tops. The Company's Power and Vision divide incorporates its powertrain
systems, contraptions structures, mirrors and lighting and mechatronics errands. Its things
under this part consolidate transmission structures, driveline systems, metal-forming
courses of action, impelled driver help systems, electronic controllers, inside mirrors,
outside mirrors, actuators, tail lights, small lighting, electronic controllers, snaring
structures, gateway systems, power end structures and turns and wire molding .Magna
International Inc should make exceptional thing design, name and features to hang out in
the genuine market. Following segments should be considered to develop the thing
framework quality, combination, features, packaging, brand name and extended
organizations. Ensuing to dividing the customer grandstand and picking the right target
advertise, Magna Universal Inc directly requires to set a sensible arranging declaration
that could make a positive image of the offered thing in the customers' mind. The
partition technique revolves around making brand faithfulness by offering premium
things. The association can find different ways to deal with make partition organization,
for instance, by focusing on the faithful quality, robustness, benefits and undeniable
features of things, by making strong brand affirmation and by extending use on
advancing undertakings like huge name supports and sponsorships, etc. The high number
of stars and cash bovines will show incredible execution, however, a high number of
question marks and canines will be a purpose behind concern for Magna Global Inc. The
thing gathering is significant for surveying the accomplishment of the Advertising
Technique of Magna Global Inc. Brand alliance reflects the customers' relationship with
Magna International Inc reliant on their memories, past experiences, association with
Magna Universal Inc's agents, esteem centers, advertisements, WOM, hotshot affiliations
and presentation in different media channels.



Magna International Inc. (Magna), consolidated on November 16, 1961, is a versatility

innovation organization. The Company's portions incorporate Body Exteriors and
Structures, Power and Vision, Seating System and Complete Vehicles. Its item abilities
incorporate body, case, outside, seating, powertrain, dynamic driver help, hardware,
mirrors and lighting, mechatronics and rooftop frameworks.

Body Exteriors and Structures

The Company Body Exteriors and Structures section incorporates its body and frame
frameworks, outside frameworks and rooftop frameworks activities. Its items and
administrations incorporate front end modules, measured access frameworks, fixing
frameworks, sliding collapsing and particular rooftops, body frameworks, body
frameworks, dynamic streamlined features, lightweight composites, fuel frameworks,
designed glass, and retractable hard tops and delicate tops.

Force and Vision

The Company's Power and Vision portion includes its powertrain frameworks, gadgets
frameworks, mirrors and lighting and mechatronics tasks. Its items under this portion
incorporate transmission frameworks, driveline frameworks, metal-shaping
arrangements, propelled driver help frameworks, electronic controllers, inside mirrors,
outside mirrors, actuators, tail lights, little lighting, electronic controllers, hooking
frameworks, entryway frameworks, power conclusion frameworks and pivots and wire
shaping (poles).

1 Marketing Mix of Magna International Inc

The advertising blend model is applied to talk about the Marketing Strategy of Magna
International Inc.

1.1 Product

This Marketing Strategy component mirrors the answer for the clients' needs. Magna
International Inc ought to create one of a kind item configuration, name and highlights to
hang out in the serious market. Following components ought to be considered to build up
the item system quality, assortment, highlights, bundling, brand name and enlarged

 Sells its items under 5 general classifications, and every one of these fills in as

independent product offerings. The entirety of its items are sold under the brand
name of.

 Sells items with a ton of assortment accessible, which permits clients to choose the
item assortment that best suits them.

 Sells items that are profoundly separated, with different highlights offered to clients
that contenders don't offer. Its items are along these lines viewed as extraordinary.

 Its items are seen to be of higher caliber than that of contenders. In this way, clients
are happy to follow through on a greater expense for these.

 Sells items that are celebrated for its customary plan that is additionally handy for
clients to utilize.

1.2 Pricing

This Marketing Strategy component requires an assessment of the estimation of items for
focused clients. The estimating procedure of the Magna International Inc will concentrate
on setting the rundown value, credit terms, installment period and limits.

 The current evaluating procedure to set the value level that follows is a serious based
estimating technique. This is on the grounds that the information on contenders is
effectively accessible because of countless contenders that exists inside the business.

 It additionally mulls over expenses to set costs for a couple of items for which either
data isn't accessible on contenders, or are costlier to make,

 sells its items at a more exorbitant cost than contenders. This is on the grounds that it
offers more highlights, and the exorbitant cost compensates for these.

 It presently utilizes item pack evaluating too, where items are packaged together and
sold at costs lower than the all out of individual things.

 It likewise utilizes a discretionary item estimating system for specific items, where it
offers a cost for the base item and separate costs for the adornments that join it.

 It charges a more prominent cost for the items it sells on the web. This is on the
grounds that conveyance costs have been remembered for the cost of the item.

 has fixed the costs of the last item. Channel individuals; retailers and wholesalers,
purchase the item at a lower cost and acquire through their own edges.

1.3 Place:

This Marketing Strategy component requires Magna International Inc to settle on some
significant choices when building up its conveyance plan. It ought to choose:

 Sells its items through two promoting channels. The first is the place it sells
legitimately to its client through its online site. The second is the place it offers to
wholesalers who at that point offer to various retailers found everywhere on over the
nation. These then offer to its clients.

 Has its items present on more than 500 retailers all through the nation. It follows an
escalated showcasing procedure where it attempts to remember its items for whatever
number retailers as could reasonably be expected. This guarantees its items are
accessible to clients effectively in various pieces of the nation.

 Has a generous measure of online deals with regular traffic on its sites. So as to run
its online activities, has collaborated with various conveyance specialist
organizations so as to give opportune conveyances.

 It follows an omni-channel dissemination framework where it has incorporated its on

the web and disconnected stores to permit clients simple admittance to its items.

 Has an organization of more than 500 providers that furnish it with the crude
materials required for creation. It has built up a nearby working relationship with its
providers permitting the organization to work with them to develop and present new
and alluring highlights on its items.

1.4 Promotion

This is one of the most significant components of Magna International Inc Marketing
Strategy. Magna International Inc can mix above and underneath the line limited time
procedures to accomplish its advertising destinations. The over the line advancement
alternatives for Magna International Inc are-TV, radio and print publicizing. Beneath the
line advancement alternatives are-indexes, tradeshows and regular postal mail battles.

 Utilizes different media channels to advance its items. It utilizes customary media,
which remembers a notice for TV and radio. This is helpful because of its huge reach
and capacity to pull in an enormous number of individuals. It utilizes on the web and
online media promoting, which is less expensive and useful because of the expanding
use of the web.

 It publicizes on different online media stages with an emphasis on YouTube,

Facebook and Twitter because of the high month to month use of these. It has more
than 100,000 preferences or client following on these pages, which are presented to
visit content transferred by.

 Goes through different deals advancement participating in different exchange

displays and occasions around the year.

 Goes through close to home selling, with an enormous deals power to build its
quality in retail locations.

 Utilizes a level of deals strategy to decide the advancements spending plan for the

1.5 People:

 Has individuals working under its business group that assume a crucial part in its
advertising endeavors. These individuals have been prepared in powerful methods,
yet additionally to show regard to the business clients thinking about their

 Has individuals working in its client support division. These are reached by clients in
the event of any issues inside the item, and these individuals manage clients Through
the way toward getting the issues settled. These individuals are prepared to regard
the clients and make an honest effort to get their issues settled.

 Has individuals working with providers to acquire crude materials. These individuals
assume an imperative part in keeping up or improving the nature of the last item

 Has individuals working at retail locations who help the client on location, by
addressing any inquiries or helping them choose the item that best suits their

1.6 Process

 Magna International Inc A has sorted out and efficient Process set up to ensure that
the business encounters reliable development.

 To ensure that its items are consistently accessible at retail locations has frameworks
introduced where retailers can advise when their stock levels are low. furnishes them
with more items while requesting its creations to recharge its stock. This guarantees
items are consistently accessible to clients when required.

 Has an online conveyance measure, where requests are gotten in the PC framework
and dependent on these requests, the significant item from the stock is transported to
the conveyance specialist organization.

 Is effectively engaged with exploring market openings so as to comprehend client

needs. It likewise creates understanding with respect to client needs through criticism
gathered at store, its helpline or web-based media pages.

1.7 Physical Evidance

 Sells its items in a particular shading bundling that effectively recognizable on retail
retires. These are put on unique racks gave by the organization, which likewise have
an unmistakable shading and plan. This makes it simpler for clients to find such
retires in occupied retail locations.

 Has an online site that is easy to use and permits clients to see its items in excellent
pictures taken from different edges.


2 Customer Analysis of Magna International Inc

The advancement of compelling promoting blend methodologies relies upon Magna

International Inc's information on its potential client base. The methodologies will be
increasingly powerful if the organization comprehends the necessities, desires and
disposition of its clients. The point by point investigation leads towards the recognizable
proof of various client profiles or portions (as clarified in detail in the following area).

Magna International Inc can follow three stages to lead client examination:

 Right off the bat, Magna International Inc ought to unmistakably characterize who
current and potential clients are? At this progression, an entire gathering of clients is
recognized with the goal that it could be separated into various portions dependent on
their inspirations, qualities and attributes. Distinguishing proof of potential clients
can be more testing than current clients.

 The client examination should offer data about how the necessities and desires for
various gatherings vary from one another and what can be potential reasons.

 Ultimately, Magna International Inc ought to break down how it's offered
item/administration serves the requirements of various gatherings and which client
bunches have more benefit and development potential. This data will help Magna
International Inc create client profiles and personas.

Magna Global Inc can consider following elements when building up the client profiles:

 The client investigation must recognize the complete market size including current
and potential clients that could be separated into little quantifiable fragments.

 The client profiles must have some noticeable contrasts.

 The organization ought to likewise direct social investigation to distinguish the

psychographic profiles. It includes distinguishing and gauging the overall
significance of variables thought about when settling on a buy choice or all the more
ordinarily called purchasing rules. Normal purchasing standards are-esteem, comfort,
quality and cost.

 Magna Global Inc would then be able to build up the client personas. Significant
components to be remembered for creating client personas are:

 Segment data (for example sexual orientation, family, age, area and so forth.)

 Favored correspondence channels.

 Conceivable influencers (distributions or big names they follow)

 Difficulties they face due to unserved needs and wanted arrangements.

The client examination and improvement of division techniques run in equal. Magna
Global Inc can utilize the data acquired from the client investigation to build up the
division, focusing on and situating procedures as talked about beneath:


3 Segmentation of Magna International Inc

The advancement of Magna Global Inc Showcasing Technique requires recognizing

division premise to comprehend the particular purchasing conduct of clients. The
necessities, desires and purchasing conduct of clients are heterogeneous and rely upon
multifaceted variables like:

 Age
 Gender
 Income
 Lifestyle
 Values etc

By utilizing the division strategy, Magna International Inc can limit the enormous,
broadened target crowd into explicit and barely characterized gatherings. Market division
studies are regular strategies for getting the client explicit data that could be utilized to
make bunches sharing normal qualities.

In the wake of understanding the remarkable purchasing conduct of clients and getting
the necessary data through studies, Magna Global Inc can isolate the market into little
homogeneous gatherings. It tends to be finished by investigating the geographic,
segment, conduct and psychographic qualities of clients.

 The organization can utilize at least one of these division techniques to pick the
correct market fragments and build up a viable Advertising Procedure.

 The geographic division separates the market as indicated by geographic regions,

similar to city, nation and locale.

 The segment division will require Magna International Inc to partition advertise as
indicated by segment qualities, similar to sex, age, salary and ethnicity.

 In the event that Magna Global Inc picks conduct division, at that point clients will
be partitioned by their purchasing behavior like use recurrence, benefits looked for,
use events and brand dependability.

 Utilization of psychographic division will bring about clients' gathering as indicated

by their ways of life, interests, perspectives, qualities and attributes.

Magna Universal Inc can consolidate the diverse division methodologies for increasingly
explicit focusing as clarified in the following segment.


4 Targeting and positioning of Magna International Inc

In the wake of isolating the huge differentiated client showcase into littler gatherings with
homogeneous attributes, Magna Global Inc ought to carefully pick the objective
fragment/sections whose necessities and desires coordinate the organization's assets and

The focusing on should be possible by assessing the business engaging quality and
development capability of recognized fragments. Magna International Inc can pick at
least one sections relying upon the fragments' attributes and the organization's assets,
capacities and development destinations.

The business engaging quality and development capability of each portion can be
assessed by utilizing the accompanying pointers:

 Distinguished portions have the fitting size

 Have solid contrasts.

 The assessed benefits ought to surpass the extra showcasing costs.

 Fragments are effectively available.

Subsequent to fragmenting the client showcase and picking the correct objective market,
Magna Universal Inc presently requires to set a reasonable situating proclamation that
could make a positive picture of the offered item in the clients' brain. Magna Universal
Inc can follow the accompanying strides to build up a compelling situating technique:

 Build up the situating explanation for Magna International Inc Showcasing

Technique by responding to the accompanying inquiries:

 What your brand rely on?

 What are the necessities and needs of your objective market?

 How your brand serves those requirements?

 How unique is your contribution from rivals?

 Answers to these inquiries will yield enough data to build up a situating explanation.

 The examination of their correspondence and informing technique with contenders

will uncover the potential territories that could be tended to with focused situating


 Distinguish the qualities/shortcomings of business by contrasting with contenders

with find that holes that offered item can fill.

 Investigate situating of contenders and assess own situation in the market.

 By utilizing the systematic information gathered from an alternate market, client and
contender studies, build up a situating proclamation and intermittently test its
viability by gathering subjective and quantitative information (like center gatherings,
surveys, interviews and so on.).

 Utilize the test results to make important alterations in the brand situating.


5 Company competitive advantage inn the marketing strategy of Magna

International Inc

The endurance in the inexorably serious market requires Magna International Inc to set
the unmistakable separation premise that could give an edge against rivals. Magna Global
Inc Showcasing System should concentrate on distinguishing interesting selling
suggestions (USPs). A few instances of USPs are the most excellent, least expense or
uniqueness of thought. Distinguishing USPs isn't adequate as the viability of the
Promoting Methodology of Magna Global Inc will legitimately rely upon the executives'
capacity to impart the recognized one of a kind selling suggestions.

The Magna Universal Inc can apply Doorman's conventional methodologies model to
investigate how upper hand can be made. The pictorial introduction of the Doorman
Model is given beneath:

The organization can set an upper hand dependent on cost or separation.

5.1 Cost based competitive advantage

 The cost administration procedure will suit if Magna Universal Inc has created
abilities to decrease the expense underneath the business average and accomplish the
economies of scale. Additionally, it will require Magna International Inc to grow
close coordinated effort between various useful territories.

 Growing best appropriation channels, access to most recent mechanical instruments

to help creation forms, utilizing lean creation techniques and solid bartering position
while haggling with providers are a few pointers of setting upper hand dependent on
cost initiative.

5.2 Differentiation based competitive advantage

The separation methodology centers around creating brand steadfastness by offering

premium items. The organization can discover various approaches to create separation
administration, for example, by concentrating on the unwavering quality, solidness,
benefits and unmistakable highlights of items, by creating solid brand acknowledgment
and by expanding use on promoting endeavors like big name supports and sponsorships
and so forth. Magna International Inc can set accomplish upper hand by embracing item,
administration, quality, picture, individuals or advancement separation.

5.3 Competitive advantage model

Following the model shows how Magna Universal Inc can build up a powerful
Showcasing Procedure by assessing its assets and capacities, recognizing particular
capabilities and utilizing those skills by receiving either cost or separation direction:


6. BCG Framework in the Advertising System of Magna International


Magna Global Inc ought to constantly assess its product offering by surveying their
development potential and offer in the market. The items can be ordered into the
accompanying classes:

 The items with high development and high piece of the pie are delegated stars.
Magna Universal Inc should build the speculation subsequent to recognizing the stars
in its product offerings.

 Items with high market development however low offer are named question marks.
Magna Global Inc ought to examine why piece of the overall industry is low in spite
of the high development rate.

 Items with low development yet high piece of the pie are money dairy animals that
should be drained for constant great execution in the market with low development
and restricted chances.

 In conclusion, items with low development and low piece of the overall industry are
canines' Magna Global Inc ought to strip as it is hard to make benefits and get a
satisfactory return by putting resources into hounds.

The high number of stars and money bovines will show great execution, though, a high
number of question marks and canines will be a reason for worry for Magna Global Inc.
The item grouping is important for assessing the achievement of the Advertising
Technique of Magna Global Inc.

Brand Value of Magna International Inc

Brand value mirrors the general estimation of the brand. The clients' encounters and
discernments decide the brand esteem. Positive discernments mirror the high brand worth
and positive brand value, while negative observations mirror the low brand worth and
negative brand value. Magna International Inc ought to consistently assess its image
value to guarantee the drawn out endurance in an inexorably mind boggling and serious
client advertise. It tends to be finished by assessing the accompanying brand value


7.1 Brand value segments

7.1.1 Brand awareness

Brand mindfulness gives the premise to mark value improvement process. High brand
mindfulness shows that the clients realize that the Magna Universal Inc brand exists and
can review the significant brand-related data. The organization can quantify brand
mindfulness by directing brand review overviews. The high brand mindfulness goes
about as a stay to different affiliations. It expands brand perceivability that can help
Magna International Inc gain thought in the serious market.

7.1.2 Brand affiliation

Brand affiliation mirrors the clients' relationship with Magna International Inc dependent
on their recollections, past encounters, connection with Magna Universal Inc's
representatives, value focuses, commercials, WOM, superstar affiliations and exposure in
various media channels. It is significant for Magna Global Inc to deliberately design
every cooperation with inside and outside natural on-screen characters, (for example,
government, representatives, investors and media), as clients create brand affiliation not
just because of direct collaboration with the brand, yet in addition the backhanded
connection with various ecological variables.

7.1.3 Saw quality

Magna Universal Inc ought to painstakingly assess the clients' impression of item quality
as these observations impact their valuing choices.

7.1.4 Brand loyalty

Brand steadfastness is among the most significant component of Magna Global Inc's
image value. It very well may be attitudinal (clients' sentiments towards the brand) or
potentially conduct brand reliability (rehash buy). Higher brand steadfastness can
diminish the promoting use, increment Magna Universal Inc's capacity to present new
items effectively, erect the hindrances to new players and fortify the organization's
dealing power against other channel individuals.

Magna Universal Inc can expand brand unwaveringness by remunerating the clients'
recurrent buy conduct. In spite of the fact that the reliability programs are costly, it will
profit Magna Global Inc be decreasing the expenses of securing new clients.

7.1.5 Restrictive brand resources

In conclusion, Magna Universal Inc ought to assess its restrictive resources (like
channel connections, trademarks and licenses). These elusive resources forestall
the upper hand disintegration and create brand steadfastness.

7.2 Brand equity development

Considering Keller brand value model (shared over), the Magna Universal Inc can find a
way to build up the brand value:

 Build up the brand personality by building brand notability/mindfulness.

 Recognize and impart the importance of Magna Universal Inc brand. How it serves
the clients' unmistakable needs (execution) and passionate/mental necessities

 Assess the clients' emotions and decisions of Magna Global Inc brand to survey their

 Finally, center around building-social devotion, feeling of network, attitudinal

connection and dynamic commitment to create brand reverberation that sits on
pyramid top.

7.3 Brand value measurement

Magna Global Inc can gauge its image value by assessing the:

 Distinction between the cost charged by Magna Universal Inc because of its image
name and cost charged by comparative unbranded items.

 Measure of additional business volume produced contrasted with other marked and
non-marked contenders.

 The organization's offer cost.

 Brand's capability to make future income.

 Come back to investors.

The organization can likewise join the above techniques and figure a multiplier to
precisely evaluate the regard and quality of the brand that mirrors the brand value.


8. Competitors analysis in the marketing strategy of magna

International Inc

The itemized contender examination is exceptionally significant for the advancement of

Magna Universal Inc Advertising Methodology. The serious investigation is done to
comprehend the relative situating and piece of the overall industry of the organization's
immediate and roundabout contenders. Magna International Inc should initially recognize
the contenders, assess their systems and look at the qualities and shortcomings of their
items with their item contributions. There are five stages Magna International Inc can
follow to comprehend the vital situating of its key rivals:

 Right off the bat, plainly characterize the objective market.

 Distinguish the chief contenders and make a rundown of it.

 Investigate the contenders' item contributions, their piece of the overall industry, key
qualities and shortcomings.

 Build up a succinct synopsis of the contenders' market and item procedures.

 Direct a similar examination against its items or potentially benefits.

 Persistently update the serious examination to settle on educated and deliberately

insightful choices.

The organization can utilize various methodologies to get the data about contenders, for
example, doing Google research, going to expos, perusing open records, asking clients,
playing mystery customer strategy and tapping the merchants

A point by point contender investigation can be arranged into the accompanying parts:

 Distinguish showcase development, share and budgetary targets. A few models are
augmenting transient benefit or putting resources into Research and development for
long haul development.

 Assess the contenders' procedures by gathering data from investor reports, white
papers, official statements, limited time battles, employing practices, acquisitions and
mergers. This data will uncover the heading where the contenders are moving.

 Utilize the above data to examine contenders' qualities, shortcomings and center


9. Market Analysis of Magna International Inc

Magna Universal Inc Promoting Methodology improvement requires an exhaustive

market investigation. It tends to be finished by quantitatively and subjectively evaluating
the client advertise. The data got from the market reviews will help Magna Global Inc the
executives in distinguishing the developing chances, uncovering the likely dangers and
seeing how they identify with the organization's significant qualities and shortcomings.

Magna Universal Inc can follow the accompanying strides to direct the market

9.1 Market size Analysis for developing marketing strategy of Magna

International Inc

Magna Universal Inc ought to assess the market potential and volume to decide the size.
The market potential incorporates likely clients and considers upper interest limit. The
market volume incorporates certain pointers like acknowledged deals and all out
turnover. Magna International Inc can take data from various sources to precisely decide
the market size, for example, monetary information of industry's significant players,
government information, client reviews, distributed industry reports and exchange
affiliation information.

9.2 Market trends analysis for developing marketing strategy of Magna

International Inc

It is imperative to examine the developing business sector patterns, especially when

ecological choppiness is high. Magna International Inc can utilize diverse pattern
examination methods for this reason, for example, promoting blend displaying, hazard
investigation, decision demonstrating and client examination. Magna International Inc
ought to likewise screen the political, lawful, administrative, social and financial changes
as these natural powers assume a significant job in molding the market patterns.

9.3 Market growth analysis for developing marketing strategy of Magna

International Inc

Magna International Inc can extrapolate the verifiable information to decide the market
development rate. This data can help an organization in deciding the current life-Process
phase of the business.

9.4 Market profitability analysis for developing marketing strategy of
Magna International Inc

Magna International Inc can utilize Doorman's five power structure to decide showcase
productivity. The high purchaser force will adversely influence advertise productivity,
indicating Magna International Inc's clients have various choices. Low provider power
decidedly impacts productivity and shows Magna International Inc has a solid situation
during the arrangement procedure with providers. High passage boundaries show that
there will be lesser new participants in the market. High substitute item danger and high
serious contention will likewise diminish the market productivity and engaging quality
for Magna Global Inc.

9.5 Cost structure analysis for developing marketing strategy of Magna

International Inc

Magna Global Inc can utilize Watchman's worth chain model (as offered beneath) to
decide the business' cost structure.

It will help Magna International Inc in disengaging the expenses and distinguishing basic
achievement factors. Magna International Inc can likewise utilize the data acquired from
cost structure examination to create cost advantage.



Magan international inc has become a mobility technology comoany, that supplies to the
automative industry. It is being operated through its following segment- body,exterior &
structures, power and vision, seat systems and complete vehicles. Each of those system
were analyzed is the study. Other than that its custmoer analysis, segamentation, market
startegy,, framworks in advertising system, brand value and market analysis were also
compretensively studied. With these studies, the magan inc provides more leading
technologies for automated driving in order to secure connectivity & vehicle


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