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Exercises on Pronouns
Practice 1 : Write Pronouns of these words. (Subject)
1. A girl ______________ 11. Your mother ______________
2. The man ______________ 12. A bird ______________
3. You and I ______________ 13. This shirt ______________
4. My sister ______________ 14. The house ______________
5. A fish ______________ 15. An orange ______________
6. The old woman ______________ 16. Those elephants ______________
7. The notebook ______________ 17. Paula and his father _____________
8. The zebras ______________ 18. Jenny ______________
9. His friends ______________ 19. A boy ______________
10. Your brother ______________ 20. Mr. Pan _____________
Practice 2 : Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns.
1. My name is Sue. (Sue) ____________am English. And this is my family.
2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie) ____________is from Germany.
3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) ____________is a waiter.
4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) ____________is my brother.
5. (Sue and Simon) ____________are twins.
6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) ____________is two years old.
7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) ____________live in Canterbury.
8. (Canterbury) ____________is not far from London.
9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) ____________often come and see us.
10. What can ____________tell me about your family?
Practice 3 : Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.
1. Where are (you) your friends now?
2. Here is a postcard from (I) ____________friend Peggy.
3. She lives in Australia now with (she) ____________family.
4. (She) ____________husband works in Newcastle.
5. (He) ____________company builds ships.
6. (They) ____________children go to school in Newcastle.
(I)____________husband and I want to go to Australia, too.
7. We want to see Peggy and (she) ____________family next winter.
8. (We) ____________winter!
9. Because it is (they) ____________summer.
10. We are trying to do ____________ homework but it’s very hard.

35-8[AUXILIAR_VERBS]-v._be_do_have_ _conver_m.1 917

Have – Has - Go - Goes

A) Complete the following table with the correct forms of Have and Go.

Pronoun To Have To Go
I Have
You Go

B) Fill the gaps with the correct form of Have or Go.

1. Elephants ____________ four legs.
2. Children ____________ to school during the week.
3. A millionaire ____________ a lot of money.
4. He ____________ to English class three times a week.
5. Can I ____________ another cup of coffee please?
6. My husband ____________ very fast in his car.
7. Do you ____________ a pen I can borrow?
8. I can’t wait until I ____________ on holiday!
9. My brother ____________ two dogs and a cat!
10. Do you want to ____________ to the beach?

C) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of Have and Go in the negative.
1. I ____________________ any friends.
2. She ____________________ to her aerobics class on Tuesdays.
3. Your son ____________________ a new bike.
4. We ____________________ classes tomorrow!
5. The moon ____________________ any oxygen.

D) Make questions using the correct form of Have or Go.

1. Your friend / motorbike
2. Dogs / wings
3. Father / Church
4. You / movies

36-3[HAVE]-have-has-go-goes 925
Simple Present (interrogative)

1. Write questions as in the example.

1. You / speak English. Do you speak English?

2. She / work hard.
3. They / have dinner at eight
4. Jill and Tom / study at university
5. You / do your homework every day
6. John / watch TV after dinner.
7. He / wash the car at the weekend.
8. Her friends / live in London.
9. You / have any brothers or sisters.
10. Your friends / go to the cinema very often.

2. Complete the questions with do or does.

1. ...... she take her gog for a walk in the morning?

2. ...... your friend Paul work in the shop over there?
3. ...... they know the answers to the exam?
4. ...... your parents know that you smoke?
5. ...... Bill teach maths?
6. Where ....... your sister live?
7. What time ...... the lessons finish?
8. ...... you go to the coast in summer?
9. ...... it rain very often in Ireland?
10. Why ...... they ask so many questions in class?

3. Write short answers to these questions (yes, I do / no, I don´t / yes, she does /
no, she doesn´t, ....)

1. Do you speak French? ................ 6. Does your father work? .............

2. Does your mother like chocolate? ............ 7. Do you go to the cinema? ............
3. Do you study a lot? .............. 8. Does your best friend study? .......
4. Do you usually watch TV at night? ............ 9. Does it rain a lot in Africa? ...........
5. Do you play a musical instrument? ........... 10. Do you live in a flat? ...........

37-11[PRESENT_SIMPLE]-presentesimpleE3 929
Simple Present - Test 1
A - Put in the correct verb forms.
1) Andy ___________the family car. 6) His friend ___________to school.
a) wash a) gos
b) washes b) go
c) washs c) goes

2) Every morning my mother ___________at 6 7) Do you ___________milk in your tea?

o'clock. a) like
a) get up b) liks
b) get ups c) likes
c) gets up
8) ___________I correct?
3) Mr. Black ___________e-mails in the a) Are
evenings. b) Be
a) write c) Am
b) writes d) Is
c) writs
9) It ___________a beautiful day today.
4) The girls ___________the shopping. a) am
a) dos b) are
b) does c) be
c) do d) is

5) Mandy and Susan ___________films every 10) John often ___________handball.

weekend. a) play
a) watches b) plays
b) watch c) playes
c) watchs

B - Which sentences/questions are correct?

1) Which sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) He can a bike ride.
b) He can ride a bike.
c) He can rides a bike.
d) He cans ride a bike.

2) Which sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) He has read a book.
b) He is reading a book.
c) He read a book.
d) He reads a book.
e) He will read a book.

3) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) He do not reads a book.
b) He does not read a book.
c) He is not reading a book.
d) He not read a book.

4) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) We do'nt work in a bank.
b) We does not work in a bank.
c) We don't work in a bank.

Simple Present - Test 1 - page 1

37-15[PRESENT_SIMPLE]-test_simple_present_en 940
5) Which question is in the Simple Present?
a) Do she work in an office?
b) Do she works in an office?
c) Does she work in an office?
d) Work she in an office?
e) Works she in an office?

6) Which question is in the Simple Present?

a) From where do you come?
b) Where do you come from?
c) Where does you come from?
d) Where dos you come from?

7) In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?

a) Carol clean the bathroom.
b) Carol cleans the bathroom.

8) In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?

a) Andrew wash the dishes.
b) Andrew washes the dishes.
c) Andrew washs the dishes.

C - Form questions in the Simple Present.

1) Frank / to read / comics ______________________________________

2) what / they / to eat / for breakfast ______________________________________
3) when / his mum / to come / home ______________________________________
4) to be / Peter / from Austria ______________________________________
5) Marie and Joe / to like / homework ______________________________________
6) you / to walk / to school ______________________________________
7) where / she / to live ______________________________________
8) why / you / to ride / your bike ______________________________________
9) how / Linda / to go / to the park ______________________________________
10) can / Ron / to speak / English ______________________________________

D - Negate the sentences.

1) Kevin plays basketball. ______________________________________

2) Steve can make breakfast. ______________________________________
3) I run to school. ______________________________________
4) The kite flies into the air. ______________________________________
5) He is from Spain. ______________________________________
6) Mr Smith teaches French. ______________________________________
7) Sandy washes her hair. ______________________________________
8) The children know the answer. ______________________________________
9) She sits on a chair. ______________________________________
10) Anne and Sue carry a box. ______________________________________

Simple Present - Test 1 - page 2

37-15[PRESENT_SIMPLE]-test_simple_present_en 941
Simple Present & Present Progressive

Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense in the Negative

Choose the correct verb from the list below to Make negative sentences using the correct verbs
complete the following sentences. Use the correct from the list below.
form of the simple present tense.
speak know go need want drink love be
fix stand speak drink eat do wear move smoke wear sell have get up serve
have wash make listen buy
take watch brush Ex. 1. She is Japanese. She doesn’t speak French.

1. I ___________ breakfast at 7:00 every morning. 1. I ______________ any dinner because I am not
2. He always ____________ a suit to work.
2. Jerry and Beth are strangers. They
3. The teacher ____________ at the front of the _________________ each other.
3. We ________________ to school on the weekend.
4. He ________________ his teeth three times a day.
4. Mrs. Smith wants a divorce. She ______________
5. We usually ______________ our groceries on the her husband anymore.
5. Turtles ___________________ quickly.
6. He _____________ a meeting every morning.
6. Children _________________ coffee.
7. She often ______________ chicken for dinner.
7. You _______________ jeans to a wedding.
8. They _____________ the bus to school everyday.
8. Poor people ________________ a lot of money.
9. We often ____________ television in the
9. It’s warm today. You ________________ to wear a
10. He _____________ to the radio on his way to
10. Jessica is very healthy. She __________________
11. The teacher ______________ three languages.
11. The students are from China. They
12. A mechanic _______________ cars. _________________ English.

13. She ___________ the dishes after dinner. 12. The shoe store _____________ hats.

13. That restaurant ________________ breakfast.

14. They _____________ coffee every morning.
14. The children ______________ early on the

37-1[PRESENT_SIMPLE]-2_Simple-Present 946
Simple Present & Present Progressive

Simple Present Tense – Yes/No Questions

Practice making questions and giving short answers in the simple present tense.

Ex. Do you wake up early every day?

Yes, I do. (I wake up early every day.)


_____________________________________________________ (He takes the bus to school.)

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ (They don’t live in a big city.)

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ (We like to play tennis.)

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ (They don’t watch TV a lot.)

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ (He lives in an apartment.)

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ (The students work hard.)

7. _________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________(She doesn’t eat in the cafeteria.)

8. _________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ (I speak French.)

37-1[PRESENT_SIMPLE]-2_Simple-Present 947

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