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(Malad East)
T.Y.B.COM. - Semester VI (Regular) Subject: MHRM

Question Bank for October 2020 Examination


1. HRM ensure the availability of competent ___________________
(Customers, Public, Manpower, Competitor)
2. _______________ is the process of estimating future manpower needs of organization.
(Promotion of employees, Human resource planning, Placement of employees, Transfer of
3. Human Resource Managers need to align HRM policies with __________________ strategy.
(Competitors’, Government, Corporate, Planning)
4. ________________analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to
operations and responsibilities of a specific job.
(Job, Role, Cost-Benefit, Market)
5. _________________ is a process of searching and attracting capable candidates to apply for the
(Selection, Recruitment, Induction, Training)
6. __________________ is a standard format of the company to obtain information about every
candidate applying for the job.
(Application Form, Appointment Format, Application Blank, Resume)
7. _____________________ test is conducted to judge specific talent or skill to handle a particular
type of job.
(Aptitude, Interest, Intelligence, Personality)
8. _________________ interviews are conducted as per the rules and practices.
(Stress, Formal, Informal, Group)
9. In _______________ interview, a list of questions to be asked to the candidates is prepared well
in advance.
(Structured, Unstructured, Informal, Formal)
10. ______________ refers to horizontal movement of employees in respect of job position.
(Training, Promotion, Transfer, Orientation)
11. Employees’ welfare includes _____________.
(Counseling, Crèche facility, Promotion, Training)
12. ______________refers to fitting the right person at the right place of work.
(Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Promotion)
13. _______________ is a process of choosing the right person for the right job.
(Selection, Recruitment, Placement, Transfer)

14. _______________ test measures the skills and knowledge required for a job.
(Performance , GK , Interest, Aptitude)
15. _______________ aids in problem solving and qualitative decision making.
(Selection, Mentoring, Recruitment, Promotion)
16. Interview is a _______________ communication between candidate and interviewer.
(One-way, Three-way, Two-way, Group)
17. _____________ is one of the element of Goleman’s model.
(Morale, Knowledge, Selfwareness, Skill)
18. ______________ is handled by a junior executive in respect of selection of employees.
(Medical check, Initial screening, Final interview, Personality Test)
19. ______________ is the most crucial and final step in selection process.
(Test, Interview, Job offer, Reference check)
20. _______________ manager plays an important role in counselling and stress management.
(HR, Finance, Marketing, Production)
21. Human resource development is one of the important areas of _____________.
(Human resource management, Human resource planning, Human resource research, Human
resources accounting)
22. ______________ consist of planned programs undertaken to improve employee knowledge,
attitudes, skill and behaviour.
(Performance appraisal, Training, Recruitment, Selection)
23. ___________ is a method of training wherein trainees are trained in an environment that closely
resembles actual work place.
(Environment scanning, Simulation, Work place training, Conference)
24. ____________ is a systematic description of employee’s job relevant strengths and weaknesses.
(Placement, Induction, Performance appraisal, Promotion)
25. ___________ is a traditional method of performance appraisal, whereby the performance appraisal
report is normally not disclosed to the employees.
(Confidential report, Check list, ranking, Critical incident method)
26. ______________ appraisal is conducted by various parties.
(Management by objective, 360 degree, Role analysis, Assessment center)
27. Generally, higher employee turnover rate takes place among _______________ achievers.
(High, Medium, Low, Average)
28. _______________ generates equity in pay
(Performance related pay, Monthly pay, Bonus, Incentives)
29. ______________ is a ratio of returns to cost.
(Efficiency, Morale, Productivity, Improvement)
30. _______________ helps to introduce newly appointed employee to the existing employees.
(Placement, Selection, Induction, Recruitment)
31. In ____________ method of training, the subordinate is trained to perform the duties and
responsibilities of the superior.
(Junior Boards, Understudy Position, Business Games, Management Games)
32. _____________ means that the performance appraisal is influenced by past performance.
(Horn effect, Halo effect, Spillover effect, Social Effect)
33. _____________ effect influences the rater’s consideration of one positive factor to rate the
(Horn, Halo, Spillover, Performance)
34. _______________ is a learning process required by managers for enhancing general administrative
(Placement, Performance appraisal, Development, Skill Improvement)
35. ______________ is a method of training wherein employees are transferred from one job to
(Coaching, Counselling, Job rotation, Case- Study)
36. _____________ is a sequence of position occupied by a person during the course of his life time.
(Performance, Career, Job Rotation, Transfer)
37. _____________ planning is a process of making arrangements to fill up key organizational positions
in an organization.
(Succession, Career, Human Resource,Corporate)
38. _____________ is a process of an effective motivation of individuals in a given situation to achieve a
balance of objectives.
(Training, Human relations, Performance appraisal, Incentives)
39. ____________ is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives.
(Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Training)
40. ____________ is pattern of behaviour of a leader to get the work done from subordinates.
(Decentralization, Leadership style, Motivation pattern, Coaching)
41. Under _______________ leadership style, the leader makes all decisions by himself without
consulting the subordinates.
(Autocratic, Participative, Laissez-faire, Democratic)
42. Under ______________ leadership style, subordinates make decisions.
(Laissez-faire, Participative, Consultative, Autocratic)
43. According to Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, _______________ level needs to be
satisfied before other needs.
(Lower, Middle, Higher, Average)
44. ERG Theory stands for ______________ relatedness and growth.
(Existence, Empathy, Energy, Ego)
45. Theory X assumes _____________ approach of the managers towards employees.
(Traditional, Professional, General, Scientific)
46. _____________ is a general term used to describe overall group satisfaction.
(Job Satisfaction, Morale, General Satisfaction, Participation)
47. ______________type of leadership style is mostly followed in Government organisations.
(Autocratic, Bureaucratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire)
48. ______________ leadership style is mostly adopted in Japanese organisations.
(Sociocratic, Neurocratic, Paternalistic, Autocratic)
49. According to Need Hierarchy Theory _____________ needs are the basic needs of human beings.
(Physiological, Psychological, Social, Financial)
50. Theory Z blends Japanese and _____________ management practices.
(US, Indian, Chinese, Russian)
51. Theory X is based on _____________ assumptions of human nature.
(Positive, Negative, General, Scientific)
52. Human relations are the study and practice of utilizing ___________ resources in an organization.
(Physical, Financial, Human, Technological)
53. Knowledge of human behaviour helps to find out ___________ people behave in certain situations.
(How and Why, How and Where, Why and Where, Why and When)
54. Human relations approach has _____________ application.
(Universal, Special, General, Social)
55. The concept of emotional quotient was proposed and explained by Waye Payne in ____________.
(1985, 1975, 1995, 1980)
56. ______________ is a combination of mental, physical and social qualities.
(Ability, Personality, Mentality, Knowledge)
57. Knowledge of ____________skills is required by a leader as he constantly interacts with his
people.(Human, Market, Technical, Scientific)
58. ____________ is a feeling of injustice at the workplace.
(Grievance, Motivation, Direction, Dispute)
59. Competence refers to a combination of knowledge, attributes and ____________ which are
required to improve work performance.
(Skills, Feelings, Opinions, Talent)
60. Problem solving requires weighing ________ before a final decision is made.
(Alternatives, Suggestions, Opinions, Guideline)
61. ____________ refers to the general competencies, which are specific to an organization.
(Core, Technical, Behavioural, Mechanical)
62. _____________ popularized the concept of learning organization through his book ’The Fifth
(Peter Senge, Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Peter Roy)
63. ___________ organization provides autonomy to the employees.
(Innovative, Line, Matrix, Structured)
64. Innovative culture is the work ________ that managers encourage to nurture and develop to
generate innovative ideas.
(Environment, Rules, Ethics, Procedure)
65. Employee ___________is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs and are
committed to their work.
(Enagagement, Recognition, Satisfaction, Disengagement)
66. _____________ employees perform what is expected of them and nothing more.
(Not engaged, Actively engaged, Actively disengaged, Disengaged)
67. ______________ is an integrated system used to gather, store and analyse information regarding
68. _____________ employment is a system of working for a fixed number of hours with the starting
and finishing timings within the agreed limits.
(Flexitime, Temporary, Part-time, Fulltime)
69. ______________ refers to planned elimination of positions or jobs.
(Downsizing, Upsizing, Termination, Promotion)
70. ______________ guidelines are in respect of prevention of sexual harassment at work place.
(Vishakha, Apsara, Mehrotra, Sudha)
71. Employee ____________ refers to a gradual reduction in workforce without firing employee which
takes place as and when workers resign or retire and are not replaced .
(Attrition, Turnover, Downsizing, Transfer)
72. Employee _____________ involves giving employees the autonomy to take right decisions.
(Empowerment, Engagement, Education, Participation)
73. Generation ____________ includes persons born between 1979 and 1999.
(X, Y, Z, P)
74. Competency __________ is a process of identifying key competencies required for undertaking
organizational tasks.

(Mapping, Scaling, Tasking, Grading)

75. _______ techniques is used to appraise the behaviour and attitudes towards the job.

(Bars, Mbo, 360 Degree, Case Study)

76. In basket training is also called as________ training technique.

(Sensitivity, Vestibule, In- Tray, Mentoring)

77. There is good interaction between the trainer and the trainees in_________.

(Work Shops, Seminars, Committee, Conferences)

78. _________ is a very expensive training techniques.

(Simulation, Classroom Method, Business Game, Conference)

79. The________ process aids in human resource planning.

(Job Rotation, Junior Board, Transfer, Appraisal)

80. __________ test requires interpretation of problems or situations.

(Interest, Projective, Intelligence, Aptitude)

81. ____ is a process of managing human resources.


82. _______ reduces monotony of doing routine jobs.

(Job Rotation, Under Study, Mentoring, Planned Progression)

83. _________ training is also known as T group training.

(Vestibule, In- Basket, Sensitivity, Apprenticeship)

84. _______ is on the job method of training.

(Role Playing, Case Study, Management Games, Job Rotation)

85. ________ deals with cost and contribution of human resources to the organization.


86. _________ is a technique of potential appraisal.

(MBO, Case Study, Mentoring, Planned Progression)

87. In __________ technique of counselling the counsellor comes up with a solution to the problem.

(Directive, Non- Directive, Participative, General)

88. __________ is most simplest method of performance appraisal.

(Check list, Confidential Report, Ranking Method, Narrative Essay)

89. ________ is a technique of class room method of learning.

(Case Study Method, Conference, Seminar, Assessment Center)

90. _________ needs lie at the highest level of the hierarchy of needs.

(Physiological, Safety and Security, Social, Self-actualisation)

91. _________ is the desire to have freedom or to direct one's own activities.

(Mastery, Purpose, Autonomy, Morale)

92. Every industrial establishment with______ or more worker must set up grievance redressal
mechanism to resolve dispute arising out of individual grievances.

(10, 20, 30, 40)

93. The GC members make recommendations to the management to overcome the grievance, with in a
period of______ days of the employee request.

(10, 7, 8, 15)

94. The _______ function begins with HRP.

(Acquisition, Transfer, Promotion, Training)

95. Management may conduct a yearly employees' survey to find out the level of employees' ________.

(Morale, Aptitude, Talent, Knowledge)

96. ___________ is strength of belief that one's work related effort will result in completion of a task.

(Motivation, Expectancy, Creativity, Purpose)

97. _______ needs refers to ego needs.

(Social, Esteem, Safety and Security, Self- actualization)

98. ______ gives brief details of the job contents in terms of tasks or activities to be performed.

(Job identification, Job summary, Job title, Job specification)

99. _____ refers to horizontal expansion of the job.

(Job rotation, Job specification, Job enlargement, Job enrichment)

100. _________ is a voluntary work arrangement in which two people share responsibility for one full
time position.

(Job analysis, Job title, Job sharing, Job rotation)

101. ___________ organisations require personal mastery of the individual employee.

(Learning, Formal, Informal, Large)

102. _______ employees actively collaborate with cross functional teams, whenever required.

(Engaged, Disengaged, Actively Engaged, Not Engaged)

103. ________ is to periodically or regularly perform work for one's employer from home or another
remote location.

(E-learning, Online Job, Telecommute, Telework)

104. __________ culture at the work place brings harmony and leads to team work.

(Innovation, Rigid, Economic, Political)

105. _________ competencies is specific to a particular job.

(Individual, Functional, Behavioural, Core)

106. According to Vroom, motivation is a product of three variables valence, instrumentality and

(Power, Desire, Expectancy, Skill)

107. The concept of Transformational leadership was initially introduced by_______ in 1978.

(J.M.D’souza, J.M.Burns, B.M.Bass , B.M.Goleman)

108. ________ is a leadership style, where by a leader secures compliance of the followers through
reward as well as punishment.

(Autocratic, Democratic, Transformational, Transactional)

109. Statutory welfare schemes include_______ provisions.

(Housing facilities, Educational facilities, Rest-rooms, Flexi- time)

110. Management may adopt the method of_______ to find out the level of morale or job
satisfaction of the employees.

(Corporate Spying, Survey, Interview, Research)

111. Theory Y is the_________ approach of management.

(Traditional, Professional, Outdated, Rigid)

112. Career planning and development helps to reduce________.

(Dispute, Problems, Employee turnover, Mismanagement)

113. _________ reflects healthy work practices of the management.

(Potential appraisal, Transfer, Rules, Incentives)

114. Professional firms adopt_________ to appraise the performance of its employees.

(Interview, Survey, Bell-shaped Curve Method, Research)

115. _____________ is the fourth level of Kirkpatrick's four level model.

(Reaction, Results, Learning, Behaviour)

116. In___________ every movement of employee from one job to another involves higher pay,
position and duties.
(Job Rotation, Management Games, Planned Progression, Coaching)

117. The application and dedication on the part of the mentee largely contributes to his__________.

(Morale, Discipline, Transfer, Bonus)

118. Succession Planning may help to maintain and improve________ in the minds of stakeholders.

(Corporate Image, Trust, Confidence, Learning)

119. Recruitment precedes ____________.

(Interview, Research, Selection, Orientation)

120. ____________method leads specialization due to repetitive performance of the same sub task.

(Job Rotation, Job Simplification, Job Enlargement, Job Enrichment)


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