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JLU – School of Law Freshers Moot Court Competition 2020

Rules and Guidelines

I - Team Composition & Registration process for JLU – School of Law Freshers Moot
Court Competition 2020:

A. Each team shall comprise of three members i.e. two Speakers and one Researcher.

B. Any modification in the name of the participant shall not be entertained, however in
exceptional cases Moot Court Committee may allow modification limited to one modification
per team.

C. Interested team shall register themselves by filling up registration form and mailing to the and submitting the same to the Moot Court Society, latest by 17th June 2020,
till 15:00 PM. The format of registration form is given below.

D. The moot proposition shall be same for all the participants.

II – JLU – School of Law Freshers Moot Court Competition 2020 Rules:

A. The competition shall be held between students of present first year only.
B. Memorial submission is mandatory for appearing at the oral rounds. Memorial submission in
soft copy is allowed latest by 28th June 2020, 18:00 PM.

C. Registered teams will have to submit the soft copy of memorials only.

D. Upon successful registration a team code shall be provided to the teams through e-mail.
Participants are requested to maintain confidentiality of their team code and to use the same team
code for any identification during the competition.

IV. Memorial Submission Guideline:

A. Teams shall have to prepare Memorial for both Appellant and Respondent. Teams shall
submit the soft copy at latest by the deadline mentioned under Clause II (B).

B. Teams shall use their team codes only for the memorial identification purpose. Unfair or
unwarranted use of Team Code shall lead to disqualification of the team in entirety.

C. The memorials must contain the following sections:

i. The Cover Page
ii. Table of Contents
iii. List of Abbreviations
iv. Index of Authorities / Table of Cases
v. Statement of Jurisdiction
vi. Statement of Facts
vii. Statement of Issues

viii. Summary of Arguments
ix. Arguments Advanced/Detailed Arguments.
x. Prayer

D. The title page shall include:

i. The Name of the Court
ii. The Year of the Competition
iii. The Name of the Case
iv. The Name of the parties
v. Team Code to be indicated at the top right corner in bold. (For example - T1) which shall be
intimated to the respective teams.
vi. The title of the Document (i.e. “Memorial for Petitioner” or “Memorial for Respondent”)

E. The font of the body of the memorial should be Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5
& headings should be 14. Font Size of the cover page may be 14 or 16. All the copies of the
memorials must have the team codes at the upper right corner in bold manner. Teams shall
follow 20th edition of Bluebook Citation in the memorial wherever applicable.

F. The Arguments should not exceed 15 number of pages. However the total number of pages for
the memorial shall be limited to 25 pages including cover page.

G. All the pages of the memorials should have page numbers at the bottom.

H. The appellant’s memorial should have Blue cover page and the respondent’s memorial should
have Red Cover Page.

I. The teams shall use the uniform citation format throughout the memorial.

J. The maximum score for the memorial shall be 100 marks. The criteria for evaluating the
memorial are as followed,
i. Knowledge of Law and facts (20 Marks)
ii. Analysis and Interpretation (20 Marks)
iii. Use of Research (20 Marks)
iv. Organized Manner and Clarity (20 Marks)
v. Grammar and Style (20 Marks)

V. Oral Submissions:

A. The language of the competition shall be English.

B. Each team shall be leading the case from both the sides. The opposing teams shall be decided
by draw of lots/patterns.

C. Each team will get a total of 20 minutes to present their case for one side, the time will
include rebuttal. Any time exceeding the allotted time will lead to deduction of 0.25 marks per
minute. However extension of time is permissible at the discretion of the judges.

D. The division of time per speaker for a team is left at the discretion of the team members
subject to a maximum of 12 minutes per speaker.

E. The oral arguments should be confined to the issues presented in the memorial. The researcher
shall not present any oral argument however the presence of the researcher is mandatory during
the oral rounds.

F. Strict adherence to court manners shall be observed by all the participants.

G. Maximum score for oral rounds shall be 100 points per speaker, which consists of the
following break ups:
i. Vocabulary Skills and Speaking skills (20 Marks)
ii. Court Ethics and time management (20 Marks)
iii. Ingenuity and Ability to Answer Questions (20 Marks)
iv. Application of law (20 Marks)
v. Knowledge of Law and Moot Problem (20 Marks)

H. The participants shall mandatorily abide by the dress code.

i. For all Participants: Formal Black/white Attire

I. Oral rounds shall be conducted on online platform. Information regarding the same shall be
sent to the registered teams by the organizing authority.

J. The final would be between top two teams having cumulative highest score in oral rounds.

Date of JLU – School of Law Freshers Moot Court Competition, 2020 – 1st July, 2020 – 3rd
July, 2020.

Note : - Moot Court Committee reserves the right to amend rules, guidelines etc. of JLU –
School of Law Freshers Moot Court Competition, 2020 which shall be notified.


Team comprises of -

Name of speaker 1: ---------------, Phone no. - --------------, Email ID. ………………

Name of speaker 2: ----------------, Phone no. - --------------, Email ID. ………………

Name of researcher: ----------------, Phone no. - --------------, Email ID. ………………

We hereby apply to participate in the JLU – SCHOOL OF LAW FRESHERS MOOT COURT
COMPETITION, 2020 knowing that we are bound by the rules and regulations of the same.

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