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Complete this sentence.

A hypothesis is:

a statement of the aims of an investigation.

the methodical evaluation of research evidence.

a statement which serves as the basis for further investigation.

all of these.

Complete this sentence. Confounding variables are a problem in:

longitudinal studies.

correlational studies.

experimental studies.

all of the above.

Complete this sentence. Ideally, if a study concluded that jealousy

caused violence, it would have to:
measure jealousy and violence, over a period of time, on at least two

assign participants to groups of high and low violence and compare

their jealousy.

randomly assign participants to groups of high and low jealousy

and compare their violence.

show a correlation between jealousy and violent behaviour in


Randomised assignment is:

applied to participant groups to keep similar participants grouped


applied to data to control for a confounding variable.

sometimes done to data to allow cause and effect to be analysed.

applied to participant groups to control for a confounding


____ is a statistical index which describes the degree and direction of

the relationship between two characteristics or variables.




What is the name for a variable which wholly or partially accounts for
the relationship between two other variables?
Consistent variable.

Confounding variable.

Confounded variable.

Congruent variable.

Conducting research, and keeping abreast of current findings is more

important to research psychologists than it is to those psychologists
who are concerned with the practice of psychology.


Content analysis uses which of the below methods?




All of these.

Why does meta analysis provide a powerful integrative tool?

It provides statistical methods for combining and differentiating

between the findings of a number of data analyses.

It provides statistical methods for differentiating between the

conclusions of a number of data analyses.

It provides methods for combining and differentiating between the

conclusions of a number of data analyses.

It provides statistical methods for combining a number of variables.

In meta analysis, a correlation co-efficient is one statistic which is

used to calculate:
the effect size.

the standard deviation.

the variability in individual scores.

the sample size.

What purpose do clearly stated aims serve?

Aims state clearly in detail how research will be done and justify why
research is being carried out.

Aims state clearly what the research intends to contribute and justifies
the research being carried out.
Aims state clearly what the research intends to contribute and details
how the research will be done.

Aims state clearly how the research will be done and what conclusions
are expected.

Taking the idea that the more jealous someone is the more likely
there are to be violent, what would the correct hypothesis be?
People with more violent behaviour are likely to be less jealous than
individuals who are less violent.

Jealousy is positively linked with violent behaviour.

Greater levels of jealousy are will be associated with lower levels of

violent behaviour.

None of these.

Match up the following hypotheses according to whether they are

causal or non causal.

A matching question presents 2 answer choices and 2 items. The answer choices are lettered A
through B. The items are numbered 6.1 through 6.2. Screen readers will read the answer choices
first. Then each item will be presented along with a select menu for choosing an answer
choice.Using the pull-down menus, match each item in the left column to the corresponding item
in the right column.

6.1 Alcohol has an effect on short term

memory. Causal.

6.2 Socioeconomic status is positively
related to a child's reading attainment.

Match up the following hypotheses according to whether they are

causal or non causal.
A matching question presents 2 answer choices and 2 items. The answer choices are lettered A
through B. The items are numbered 7.1 through 7.2. Screen readers will read the answer choices
first. Then each item will be presented along with a select menu for choosing an answer
choice.Using the pull-down menus, match each item in the left column to the corresponding item
in the right column.

7.1 Greater risk taking is linked with a

higher number of motoring accidents.

7.2 Sleep deprivation leads to an Causal.

increase in reaction time.

"Individuals who are sleep deprived will differ significantly in their

reaction time, to those individuals who are not sleep deprived". If this
is the alternate hypothesis, which of the below statements would be
the correct null hypothesis?
Individuals who have more sleep will differ in their reaction time from
those individuals who are sleep deprived.

Individuals who are sleep deprived will not differ in their reaction time
from those individuals who are not sleep deprived.

Individuals who are not sleep deprived will differ in their reaction time
from those individuals who are sleep deprived.

Greater sleep deprivation leads to a decrease in reaction time.

Which of the following is the best way to test a hypothesis according

to the hypothetico-deductive method?
By rejecting the hypothesis.

By finding evidence which supports the hypothesis.

By repeating a study looking for consistency in outcomes.

By looking for instances where the hypothesis fails.

What is the comparative method?

A way of contrasting the findings of two different studies.

A way of deciding which participants get the highest scores.

A way of comparing the outcomes of several different studies.

Making comparisons between the findings from two or more different

groups in a study.

Which of the following is true of the hypothetico-deductive method?

It is a computer problem to help researchers to improve the quality of

their hypotheses.

It encourages the use of exploratory studies.

It is the basis for testing for testing for statistical significance.

It encourages the development of specific hypotheses based on

empirically derived theories..

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