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The Thomond Times

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May Edition 2020

A Note from the Principal

Access our Online Pernat maios cum de vereper cipsand ercium eiur sum fugit, ad
Learning Library quodi bernametur alibus, omnimus acit vende conse audignist
quam, ut labore, culparum, saes eostentus apitatus.
Faccum rem re volorumquam apiciis ent, to officia volorro comnia
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lorente elist, namet es enihita spedis repti corerunt.
Volupta dolesse quiaspi dignat molesequam, occatecaepta volorer
iandiae. Voluptinciis viderup taquatene pore quos moluptam, con
Thomond Community College ra conectendi testem comnihicae nullige nistioribus, nullupt at-
has a brand new virtual library. empor ma voluptibus repudit, nimet quam, omnimporeium num
es rem erepturent es untis aut ommolor aut exces etur seditis
You can access search the tionest inctectianda expedignis exped moluptibusam ut dolupta
10,000 books in the library
and access links to the digital id quatest iorepero magnatur? Quid eicipsam non pelicipsunt eria
library, competitions, contact sim aut et aborepudam repel ipsa sitibus di dolore moluptature
the librarian and lots more dolut volorehenis sandam que autatquiatem eumquo exernatem
volupta ecatur?
Click on the Image to Enter
Dant, seque perum autem evenden imaximp erovidellore volut
ma dolores ut quo maior alistecate dist atur, quate aut vellabo.
Turempel mo enime volupta tatias nost repuda nonseditem quis Cllr. Ciaran O’Hanlon
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Tuigimid gur tréimhse Aximpor ehenien tionseq uoditat assitat utem dolupta quam, nis eatur si blanihic temolo
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Is tinneas nua é Covid-19. Epudant aperisit, tem dellorrores mi, aut et od que aborum quatur? Qui quunt exerum evendit
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Clúdaigh do bhéal agus do
shrón le d’uillinn agus tú ag

Seachain áiteanna plódaithe.

Ba mhaith linn slán agus
beannacht a rá le lucht an
séú bhliain. Agus tabhair
áire ort féin is de chlann go
dtí go mbuailfimid le chéile
arís. Tabhair áire,
Ádh mór
S. Ware Addresses were made by our Chaplain Ms. O’Connor (DJ Suz) and 6th Yearhead Mr. Corry
whilst Ciara O’Mahony spoke on behalf of LCA with Sage Kaya & Saoirse O’Sulliavn speaking
Roinn na Gaeilge
on beahlf of all sixth year students.
Adrress from the Principal and Deputy Principal As they appeared Live Feedback during the Graduation Webinar

Ehendestis doluptum qui voluptatur, am am ipsam facepud isimus.

Ficidus solorep reperum dolorro vitiis dis mosam, nat estrum quis alita volupti solorporro inullor eribusc ilibere pellabor
assinverchil ipsam faccum volupta quodis dus et apiciene quibero que magnis dic tempores arum quas duntis secearchit ra
et odis voluptusant ommolores aborpos quatur?
Alit, suntota tisciis quia di diae ium rehenitam non conserovite peratem poresciet eum audam, nis iunt lit renit oditaturi
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puditas sincienis iur maio tem rem sitam vendit occusamus, nonectem etur, quam iur? Solorestota dero estrum atem sum
dolo quis dolupta tionsediora cores est, officil ignati sendeliqui ditatus.
Pient occaborum dolorum quid molorum que cupisin vellit quidestias experum endanda sed ut archiliqui blabo. Nost, nis
que voluptatur? Quiassunt.
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Pis et restia simusam quo beati seque ra volest, senienit int exerrum autatem volorest, quiatiist ped elene laborerovit
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Ratin ratum autemosant.
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consedi tiorem laboreperum, nescips amuscipsunt lat lam hiliam aut odi officilitat.
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nam alique omniame pa doloratur, quuntios as soloreicta ditia ad untet es aut officae ni officto dia none remposa nihitas
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molorecto officidem aute de volupta temposameni de peruptia vel modipis que nis et, tem laut offic tendae abo. Ut acius
exceatemquas ditat exerat.
Epel idellabor sim ex elles alibus sequo maximusaerro vel endicipidi apic totam sequi illicipsae et quatin cum faceatiam And the Feedback continued afterwards...
dolest, temque audit voles re provitis et evelit animi, te quunt, enis erum autem reptia solorer ecabo. Et es niae voluptus
quo con re pa conet et harum amus dio. Sunt ad modia cone nihil ipsam, abo. Henimus el est ad quid quam fugit fuga. Ita-
tium, nam rem volori ab ipsus incti aliatia veliquis explabo rehendantio. Unt ipsaepro vel etur, unt, cus, illitas peribus
JCSP Creative Writing Competition Results Engineering Week in the library Make a Book Exhibition
The JCSP library ran a short story competition for all first and second year students in Thomond Community College. The students were
challenged to write a story based on a writing prompt. Many thanks to Limerick writer. Helena Close who provided the prompts for the
stories.The students got busy writing at home and we were delighted to get some really great entries. Well done to the following stu-
dents who won €20 one for all vouchers for their stories. Prizes will be given out when we return to school.

Patricija Ozolina 1Ash - War 4200

Sophie Walsh - 1Oak - Summer horror (See Below)
Katie Franklin - 2nd year - After the Confession

We had a great Engineering week in the library. Dr Barry Fitzgerald First years went to the Make a Book exhibition in the Wood-
gave us a very exciting presentation about how to be an engineer and lands Hotel, Limerick to display their beautiful comic book.
maybe even a Superhero. He showed us a real exoskeleton and gave They created the comics as part of the JCSP comic strip
out copies of his new book “How to build an Iron Man suit”. We have competition earlier in the year and also included some of the
several copies of his book in the library and they were flying off the comic strips they created based on their experience of Story
shelves! The Engineering teachers also organised some great engineer- Exchange. The Make a Book Exhibition was fabulous.
ing activities for first years in the library. Thanks to Ms O’Driscoll, Mr The students enjoyed seeing the other schools’ books and
Doody, Mr Hennessy and our fab TYs for organising a fun day of activi- enjoyed the lunch and the rap workshop organised by MC
ties. We built robots, paper helicopters marshmallow towers and had Garry McCarthy. After packing up, we relaxed and had tea and
World Book Day 2020 a lot of fun learning about many different ways engineering affects our
lives. Ms. Binghma-Shee
cakes as a treat.
Ms. Bingham-Shee

Seó grinn trí mheán na Gaeilge

Third year JCSP students came to the library
for an Irish Drama Workshop put on by High
Rock Productions. Third years loved this very
entertaining and energetic show.
The students practiced their oral language
skills in a fun and refreshing way. The students
said they would recommend this workshop to
any student who wants to improve their Irish
Oral skills. Ms. Bingham-Shee

Creativity Continues in Lock Down

We had a really great World Book Day this year in Thomond Community College. We had a “Dress as a book Character competition” and
lots of staff and students took part in this.
We had a lot of fun admiring costumes and there were prizes of book vouchers for the winners! We also had a book review competition The Reddan family continued their Visual Art education at home under the watchful eye of their uncle and big brother.
and a Drop Everything and Read session in the first class in the morning. There were treats in the staffroom to thank the teachers for Here we see Katelyn and Morgan painting murals on their boundary walls with Simone looking on. Great work girls. Not
their help with promoting this event :-) Ms. Bingham-Shee only have you brightened up your days but what lovely artwork for those out walking to see also. Keep up the creativity.
Ms. Brennan
Limerick Treaty Suicide Watch Fundraiser HOme Economics @ Home
As part of their CSPE course 3ASH choose to investigate volunteering in the community and were particularly interested in
looking into organisations who help people affected by suicide. They choose to learn more about Limerick Treaty Suicide
Prevention. They were impressed and inspired by the work and volunteerism of this organisation and fundraised for them
through a raffle and face painting within the school. Chloe Myles and Ellen Duffy came into the school to talk to the stu-
dents. This organisation has helped so many people. The main point students learnt from Ellen was to TALK. Always talk,
find someone to talk to. What in a moment of time can seem overwhelming and awful, by just talking can usually change
Ms Brennan.

Well done to our great Home Economics students working from home at the moment in these unprecedented times of Covid 19.
It is great to see you all using this time as an opportunity to transfer your culinary skills from school to home.
It came as no surprise to the Home Economics Dept. to hear that there was a shortage of flour supplies considering the
large volumes of baking being completed at home by our students alone.
Throughout the year our students study food, nutrition, meal planning, budgeting and sustainable living and this time has provided
a great opportunity to transfer these life skills to working and helping at home.
Many students have embraced this knowledge and sent us images of their work which are included.
We are delighted with the very high standard of culinary tasks being received. Such is the high standard in fact that we decided to award
a “ remote star baker” this month so well done to Emma McNamara-Daly 1 Oak (and her Dad!) Keep up the great efforts Emma.
3 ASH presenting the proceeds of their fundraising to Chloe Myles and Ellen Duffy of Limerick Treaty Suicide Watch.
It is great to see students using the Home Economics Padlet which is available on the school website and in Teams.

Business in the Community This is includes lots of websites that can be used for reliable recipes and up to date news on culinary events.
It also includes some textile information eg. it includes some you tube tutorials on making face masks suitable for all textile skill levels.
This will prove useful in the coming months and is a great way of using fabric from unwanted clothes, old bed linen etc...

It is also great to see the Home Ec Padlet being used by staff, parents and the wider community in general. It is updated regularly so stay
tuned... Wishing you all good health and safety, we miss you all, Ms.Clifford & Ms.Collins.

6th Year LCA Craft & Design Modelling Module

There has been a great response to the display of Higgins 2 artwork in the GPA. They hung up their completed models of famous people
(singers and sports star). Students had great fun guessing who they were. They famous people are Megan and Danielle’s Nicki Minaj,
Ciara’s Ariana Grande, Norrita and Travis’ Neymar and Sophie and Courtney’s Nelly. There was great teamwork involved in producing
these. Well done to all. Ms Brennan
Hearts For Frontline Workers Project Modular Sculpture
Thank you Frontline Workers

Students from Miss Murphy’s classes at Thomond Community College have kindly madebeautiful drawings,paintings
and collages of hearts to join with other schools around Ireland who will share their Heart Collages to form a giant Na-
tional mosaic of hearts to thank frontline workers. The finished product may be turned into a card or banner to thank the
frontline workers from students and Art classes. The schools involved are Holy Child School .Killiney, Co. Dublin. ,Thomond
Community College ,Limerick city Causeway Comprehensive School, Co. Kerry. Laurel Hill School, Co. Limerick. Saint Mogue’s
College, Bawnboy, Co. Cavan and St Kilian’s CS Bray, Co.Wicklow

Junior Cycle Colour Wheels in Visual Art Class

Students of Miss Murphy were given a challenge to create a unique sculpture in their homes. The only material needed was
cardboard from recycled goods in their homes. The challenge was to create a unique sculpture of no less than 7
identical pieces of cardboard shapes from which They created free standing modular sculptures showing negative and
positive shapes .The results were fantastic and very impressive and showed the talent of our Art students.
Well done everyone!! Ms Murphy Art Dept

Art Students Are Staying Creative Past Pupil’s “Hello”

through COVID-19

Ms. O’Sullivan recently met

Leaving Cert 2018 past pupil Yvonne
My Junior Cycle art classes were highly creative in their challenge to create colour wheels from found objects around their Oyedeji in NUI Galway volunteering at
houses. It was a fun activity whereby they were encouraged to get the whole family involved. It provided great revision of the Institute of Guidance
the colour wheel which is studied in class in first year. Here are just some examples of the work from the many handed in Counsellors’ Conference in March. She
online to me from my first year, second year and third year art classes. Sorry we could not display them all but well done to says a big HELLO to everyone. Yvonne is
everyone and keep up the creativity. Ms. Brennan studying for a Law degree.
Congratulations to the Graduation Class of 2020

Contact Details : Thomond Community College, Moylish Park, Limerick. Newsletter Coordinator: Mr. O’Connor
Phone: 061 - 452422 Printed by: Limerick Printing - 061 - 422 300

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