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My expectations in this course is I will be able to understand the importance of physical education and
its many purposes for me to do my job effective and efficiently. I’m expected to learn the theory of
physical education down to the muscle and bones of a person, a very complex understanding of how a
person create or do movements in kinesiology and counting ,memorizing every muscles and bones in
anatomy and physiology. All of this is just under the 1 st year curriculum and there’s a lot of memorizing,
understanding and demonstration already. For 2 nd year I was able to understand the dance and games of
the Philippines and how to be a first aider, a very familiar part for me and it was a fun experience. Even
though the pandemic was a big obstacle up until now, we were able to learn it through online class at
the middle part of the 2nd semester. All in all I will incorporate all my learning in teaching and be the best
teacher I could possibly be and make my future alma mater proud.

1.What’s make a pe teacher?

Philosophy as a pe education teacher?

-My teaching philosophy is to guide my students through the learning process by providing them
tools for success to be able to achieve their dreams in life. As a teacher I have to be fully
equipped with what the school demands and ready for any challenges that may come. This
teaching profession requires skill and knowledge to perform because Physical Education requires
proper movements of your limbs and other part of the body to prevent injuries in the process. To
be able to achieve this, you have to be able to be trained well as a P.E. teacher and incorporate all
your learning for proper teaching to your student, I will never have negligence in my work as I
have promised myself to be a great teacher in the future to inspire and motivate student for their
successful future.

Furthermore, I will also allow them to see mistakes and imperfections as a part of the process
because being imperfect is perfectly fine as it is part of being human, it’s better to deal with
failures early in school than deal with it later in life as it can affect you big time and have trouble
dealing with it.
As a future educator how would you teach diverse students inside your class? What strategies do
you apply to this kind of students.

-having a diverse group of students simply means recognizing that all the people are unique in
their own way. Their differences could consist of their reading level, athletic ability, cultural
background, personality, religious beliefs and the list goes on. All of these are factors to consider
when teaching inside a diverse classroom. As a teacher who understands diversity, we must
provide students with an environment that is conducive to learning. If a student feels
uncomfortable, unsafe, or not respected, then their chances of success in that class dramatically
decrease. These are the few things to do to create an environment where each student feels
valued and respected.

-Take time to learn about your student’s background, interest, and learning style.

* this will allow teacher to create a conducive environment to each individual student.

-Allow time for student to learn about each other and gain an appreciation for the diversity they
bring in the classroom.

*Tell them how boring it would be if all of them were alike and there were no differences among

* Teach students that all of us has strength and weaknesses.

*In class activity encourage them to take advantage of the strengths of the team members in
order to produce a very good result.

-Never tolerate bullying, teasing, and other put-down behavior at any time in the classroom.

*Implement a zero tolerance for anything that is disrespectful, hurtful or intolerant of diversity.

When everything is in place the teacher now have a less complicated job to do and have a diverse
and inclusive learning.

What makes a good teacher great

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