Lit Devices

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Pleonasm is used in the selected Disney song lyrics as a way of the writer to emphasize and highlight
important theme with the use of its superfluous words, phrases, or sentences which often results in
repetition of the same idea. Horberry (2010) mentions that the idea of pleonasm is that ''more words
mean more clarity''. Further, if a speaker wishes to avert confusion with another use of the same word,
he or she may add a pleonasm to create better clarity in the expression. Since they are used as a
rhetorical repetition, they are helpful for reinforcing a contention, an idea, or a question rendering an
expression easier and clearer to understand. This is supported by Nordquist (2017) which he stressed
that pleonasm may serve as a rhetorical strategy to emphasize an idea or image but if it is used
unintentionally, it may also be viewed as a stylistic fault.

In addition Briseno (2020) highlighted that the expressions that use pleonasm have been commonly
recorded in the popular context, and in the field of poetic lyrics since this rhetorical figure has facilitated
the development of rhythm in many verses and has given the strength and emotion that are transmitted
in every genre.


This literary device is used in the selected Disney song lyrics to emphasize the writer’s message or to
make his/her words memorable by repeating words or sequence of words at the beginning of successive
clauses, phrases, or sentences. Reed (2020) proves that songwriters make great use of anaphora and
embed it with their lyrics since its proper use can be a powerful and persuasive technique when
communicating with others and it can result in a compelling and memorable song. A writer from
MasterClass (2019) also added that judicious repetition, like anaphora, can make a piece of text more
musical and lilting, and therefore more pleasant to read or listen to.

Reed (2020) also noted that within music, this literary device can create great thought-provoking lyrics
and within writing, to counter otherwise mundane prose and draw the reader into the author's world.
With this, when the character repeats a certain phrase, anaphora draws the reader's attention to that
phrase and helps us realize that it is important (Harlan, 2016).


Alliteration is used in the selected Disney song lyrics to focus readers' attention on a particular section of
text since alliterative sounds create rhythm and mood and can have particular connotations. Poets,
advertisers, and headline writers all regularly take this approach of repeating initial letter sounds to grab
people’s attention and in poetry, it also injects focus, harmony, and rhythm with successive patterns
(Collins, 2019).

Walker (2018) added that the sound the alliteration produces may evoke feelings and meanings and its
sound effect may be pleasant or unpleasant, but the particular effect will likely be intended. As with
perfect rhyme, alliteration lends verse some melody and rhythm and imparts a sense of how it should
sound read out loud. Mitchell (2019) stated that poets will use certain letters or sounds to bring about
cultural connotations in their readers' minds which relies on sound symbolism. Sometimes, the
alliteration can serve simply as a means of emphasizing the dominate image in the piece.


Epizeuxis is used in the selected Disney song lyrics to accentuate theme since the same word (or words)
is/are repeated two or more times over in immediate succession. In writing, one might accomplish this
by putting the word in larger letters, or by underlining it two or three times. With this, lexical items are
repeated without any linguistic or punctuational intervention. The immediate repetition is not a normal
and commonplace use of language; its abnormal use makes the given linguistic section of the poem
foregrounded, to create the desired linguistic impressions on the mind of the reader (Kousar, 2013). He
added that with the help of these formal repetitions the internal conflict of the artist is described
successfully; there are so many actions and reactions of antithetical attractions upon each other which
are articulated through free verbal repetition; emphasis is put on some idea through these repetitions.

Blakemore (2004) noted that epizeuxis are also considered to satisfy the formal criteria for an
elaboration relation. In Relevance Theory, the discussion of epizeuxis is part of a wider discussion of
style (Sperber & Wilson, 1995). They discuss cases of epizeuxis to show that the use of a particular
device is a consequence of how utterances are processed for relevance, and there are no one-to-one
correspondences between stylistic devices and guaranteed effects. Sperber and Wilson (1995) say that
epizeuxis can encourage you to explore the context to recover more and more weakly communicated
implicatures (which are propositional), which then leads to or tips over into something more emotional
or affective.


This literary device is used in the selected Disney song lyrics to grab the reader’s attention and make
something intriguing thing that can be remembered for a long time with its repetition of the vowel
sounds that happens in the sentence. This happens when two or more words place together and the
same vowel sounds are repeated, but each word starts with different consonant sound. Help (2016)
denoted that writers use assonance as a literary tool to accelerate the musical effect in the poems. He
added that it develops the internal rhyme that enhances the pleasure of reading. He also stressed that
assonance creates a mood as well as a flow that allows the readers to connect with the subject matter.
Lydon (2012) also stated that assonant writing creates a flow of word sounds as pleasing to the reader's
ear since each word sound blends (or echoes or contrasts) with the word sounds nearby in the flow and
the interplay of word sounds creates patterns and textures. With the use of assonance, direct attention
to particular words will be emphasized and it will make them stand out and make them more
memorable. By doing this, it can also lead readers to make associations between words and can bring a
whole new dimension to a written work (Kermode, 2018).


Consonance is used in the selected Disney song lyrics since it provides a structure of poetry with a
rhyming effect. A writer normally employs the tool of consonance for the purpose of reiterating the
significance of an idea or theme. Further, the use of the device makes the structure of poetry or prose
appealing for the reader (LiteraryDevices Editors, 2013). It can be used to heighten emotion or enhance
an image in poetry since it presents poets with the possibility of playing around with the repetition of
consonant sounds. Clennan (2012) added that the writers normally employ the tool of consonance for
the purpose of reiterating the significance of an idea or theme and create a background for the themes.
She also stressed that the use of the device makes the structure of poetry or prose appealing for the
reader. Dufrisne (2015) also supplemented that consonance is a powerful literary tool not only because
it is a principal account in appreciating and understanding literature, but because it allows the author to
convey meaning without explicitly stating anything to the reader. He also proved that works become
more lively and vivid depending on with strategies are utilized and can assist literature in becoming
profound and resonant.


This literary device is used in the selected Disney song lyrics to suggests that things that come in threes
are inherently wittier, more satisfying, or more effective than other numbers of things. Perry (2015)
expressed that the reader or audience of this form of text is also thereby more likely to remember the
information. This is because having three entities combines both brevity and rhythm with having the
smallest amount of information to create a pattern. He added that it can make the author or speaker
appear knowledgeable while being both simple and catchy.

Boss, lisod najud kaayo ☹ Wa nakoy Makita lain for this. Sensya

Polysyndeton is used in the selected Disney song lyrics to slow down the rhythm of a phrase, make it
more memorable, or emphasize each individual item in a list. It was also used to make the items in a list
seem to pile up, one atop another, giving the reader a sense of being overwhelmed. According to Hogue
(2020) this literary device often appears in conversation as a natural way of speaking, and it can also be
used in writing when the desired effect is to mimic everyday speech. This is especially true in speeches,
dramatic monologues, or when a character or speaker is exuberantly childlike. Zimmerman (2005),
Spencer (1998), Holcomb and Killingsworth (2010), Yefimov and Yasinetskaya (2011), Harmon (2012),
Duke (2004) and Wales (2011) agree that polysyndeton is a tool of reiteration (the use of conjunctions
such as and, nor, or) in a series of words, phrases or clauses. Furthermore, Quinn (1982) points out that
choosing to have a lot of conjunctions is to form a polysyndeton, adding that polysyndeton presents
“the sense of an ever lengthening catalogue of roughly equal members.” According to Farnsworth
(2010), polysyndeton organizes the pace of the utterance and can create the idea that the speaker
makes up the meaning as the utterance goes along.

In addition, polysyndeton functions as a means of rhythmical organization of the utterance. That is why
it is commonly used in literature. It also makes for underlining the most vital part of information (Hamza,
2020). He added that the extensive use of polysyndeton creates a kind of sing-song rhythm in the
statement that creates a particular kind of emotional charge and sometimes a ritual quality. While it’s
uncommon that a writer would need to produce those effects in a business or academic document, this
effect can be valuable in short stories, novels, and so on.

PWEDE PA PUD NI I THINK -> Polysyndeton often lends rhetorical emphasis. It produces the effect of
extensiveness and abundance of by means of exhausting summery. It creates uncertainty since the
reader does not know when the end is coming. The emphasis is usually on the object coming between
the conjunctions. Everything has an equal value. Polysyndeton slows up the rhythm of the prose. It may
produce an impressively solemn note or suggest the flow and continuity of experience or suggest
tediousness. It is an example of balance. (Spencer 1998).


Asyndeton is used in the selected Disney song lyrics as a tool that speeds up the pace of a sentence and
adds emphasis to a passage since it is the usage of lists without conjunctions such as "and." Michele
(2017) stated that without extra words in speaking or writing, the author can effectively quicken the
pace of the sentence, which could create a dramatic effect, especially in a suspenseful scene. Without
the distraction of "and" between words, the author places more emphasis on the important parts in the
list. Asyndeton is a figure consists of omission of connections between words or clauses. The intended
effect is, sometimes, to make the sentence impressive by requiring the hearer's imagination to supply
the connectives, thereby fixing the attention more earnestly upon the subject. In delivering such
sentence, the speaker should make a marked pause at each point where a connective is omitted, or the
effect will be lost. Again, the figure is used to suggest great rapidity of action (Johnson, 1903). Al-Abodi
(2014) also added that this literary device adds speed and rhythm to the words and leaves an impression
that the list is not complete. Sometimes an asyndetic list is useful for the story and direct climactic effect
it has, much more emphatic than if a final conjunction was used.

Aphesis is used in the selected Disney song lyrics since gradual loss of a short unstressed vowel at the
beginning of a word is evident. In International English Usage (2005), Todd and Hancock observe that
while clipping "tends to be rapid and usually applies to the loss of more than one syllable," aphesis is
"thought to be a gradual process." Alexander (1988) stated that the vowels that became subject to
aphesis were those which were corruptions of earlier prefixes that had lost their distinctive force,
generally a- and y-li-. With its gradual and unintentional removal of a short unaccented vowel at the
beginning of a word, formation of new words will be realized and grasped as time passes by. However,
Hofstra (2013) expressed that this distorted speak can give thanks to writing since it is born on the lips
of laymen, almost every change to language is made for the ease of the current speaker. She added that
these words and their kin may all come about thanks to the never-ending sloth that rests in the hearts
and bodies of the human race since it lets them manipulate prosody better.


Syncope is used in the selected Disney song lyrics since shortening of a word by omitting sounds,
syllables or letters from the middle of the word are evident in the table thus it helps the poets
desperately want to avoid a single syllable from a word to harmonize the meter in each line. Syncope
follows the same pattern, as descriptions and expression of emotions or injuries that often cause
fainting become more detailed in prose. Moots (2015) stated that syncope discloses something about
the text and the body, as the physical body cannot remain conscious because of overwhelming
emotions, injury, or sickness. This fainted body then helps elaborate and guide the text as authors rely
upon the motif to emphasize certain scenes, characters, and themes. She also added that syncope
distinguishes a character whose behavior is out of the ordinary, and a dramatic collapse creates a bodily
performance both for the reader and the other characters while also serving as an external marker for
an inner state.

By removing syllables, a poet can conform to a specific metrical pattern. When one grows used to the
use of syncopic letters in poetry it becomes quite natural to read the lines without getting tripped up on
missing letters. Because the lines are part of a specific meter it often makes more sense to naturally
follow the syncope rather than try to reinstate what’s missing

In addition, authors provide reactions to syncope, and depending on the text, characters may discover
an unconscious body after an unnoticed faint, witness the event and state their reactions, reproach a
character for collapsing, or faint themselves. As emotions become a more central focus in literature,
instances of syncope increase to portray an internal state, and the outward descriptions become more
realistic. The romances provide a greater space for elaboration, and authors include medical
descriptions, showing a greater awareness of diagnoses and treatments.


This literary device is used in the selected Disney song lyrics as a rhetorical stylistic medium which can
be used to vary the linguistic sound, to change the dynamics of the speech, or to maintain a certain

*Sorry Boss


This literary device is used in the selected Disney song lyrics to omit some parts of a sentence or event,
which gives the reader a chance to fill the gaps while acting or reading it out. Halliday discusses in his
book that Ellipsis is another form of Anaphoric cohesion in the text which is achieved by proposing
something by means of what is left out. He further adds that it contributes to the semantic structure of
the discourse. But unlike reference, which itself a semantic relation, ellipsis sets up a relationship that is
not semantic but lexical grammatical - a relationship in the grammar rather than directly in the meaning.
(Halliday; Matthiessen, 2004).

Linguistic context plays important role within ellipsis, Crymes (1968) affirms that ellipsis implies
syntagmatic relations when a construction is repetitive of another and this repetitive construction may
under certain conditions be deleted if it is recoverable from the linguistic context. The suitable
explanation is afforded by Grant-Davie which is better understanding of what ellipsis means, ''readers
recognize ellipses in text when they notice that ideas have been implied or invoked but not stated, and
they notice ellipses in their own knowledge when they are unable to fill the ellipses in the text'' (1995).
That means the information or meaning of ellipted items can be recoverable from background
knowledge of subject matters and such knowledge may vary among the readers.

Moreover, Quirk et al. (1985) view that "the normal understanding of the term ellipsis is that words are
omitted where understanding can be achieved without word repetition." It is the omission of items
which are often obvious to depend on linguistic structure, context, or situation. This is not to say that
every utterance/sentence which is not fully explicit is ellipted, but most messages require some input to
make sense of them (McCarthy, 1991). It can be concluded that ellipsis is an omission of word, phrase,
or sentence and employed to avoid repetition usually presupposed, which must be recaptured
structurally, contextually, or situationally.

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