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Privacy: What`s the limit?

Before I start talking about privacy, I feel like I have to define it first. Privacy is the right that
someone has to keep their personal matters and relationships in secret.

Nowadays, having some privacy is difficult. Why? Because of the technology. And to be more
precise, the internet. The internet has invaded the privacy of all the people around the world.
Everyone uses internet and social networks. If you want the information of a specific person, you
just type the name on google or in a social network, and in seconds you know a lot of things of
that person. Like their birthday, where do they live, their friends and family, what do they like,
their photos, etc. This is very dangerous and invasive, you never know if someone is stalking you or
gathering information with bad intentions.

The thing is, in these times, we became vulnerable, and it was something that we accepted
consciously or unconsciously. We were the ones who put our own personal information on the
internet by creating an account on google, facebook, instagram,whatsapp, etc. Actually if we think
about it, we didn’t have an option. It was necessary to communicate with others, make life easier,
be recognized and to be accepted by the society.

The only thing we can do now is to be cautious with the information we share and respect the
privacy of others. But I know that that is not going to happened, and it’s not because I’m being
negative, it’s because of the reality. There are many people that will use someone`s information
for their own bad benefits. And there are a lot of people that has mental problems.

So yes, I do think the technology has violated our privacy, but it`s our fault. And there`s nothing to
stop it.

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