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I am Nilesh Shinde, hereby declare that this Project Report entitled with “A

Written and submitted by me to the University of Pune, in partial fulfilment of

the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration
under the guidance of Mr. Praful Sarangdhar is my original work and the
conclusion drawn there in are based on the material collected by myself

Place: Pune

Date: Nilesh Shinde

I would like to add a few words of appreciation for the people who have been
a part of this project right from its inception. I have taken efforts in this
project. However, it would not have being possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals and organization. I would like to extend my
sincere thank to all of them.

It gives me immense pleasure in presenting this project report “ A Study of the

scope of Digital marketing .

I also feel heartiest sense of obligation to the honourable Dr Jetendra

Bhandari Sir (Director,IMERT) and Dr.UttamSapate(DLF of IMERT).
One grateful thanks to CRD members who helped me to in dissertation
project on insurance.

I am also grateful to my internal project guide to Prof. Praful Sarangdhar

(Faculty Member, IMERT), for the valuable advice, guidance and precious
time and support offered.

Finally, yet importantly, I would like to express my heart-full thanks to my

friends for their help and wishes for the successful completion of this project.

Nilesh Shinde


Sr.No. Chapter Page

1 Introduction 8

2 Objective & scope of the project 18

3 Theoretical Background (Theory related to work 21

4 Research Methodology 31

5 Findings 34

6 Limitations of the project 36

7 Conclusion 37

8 Recommendations/ Suggestions 39

9 Bibliography 43


Digital payments are to finance what invention of wheel was to transport. It

offers an unprecedented opportunity to our people, most of who live in rural
India or are migrants in big cities. It promises access to formal financial services
and benefits from e- commerce, especially for those who continue to be
excluded. In addition to accelerating financial inclusion, opening new business
models and markets – digital payments can improve the State’s ability to curb
tax leakages, funding of criminal activities and reduce cash relatedcosts.

Analytical research methodology has been used for the given study. The
objective of research is to know the procedure of Digital payment benefits the
area of study is Kharadi. Since the research carried out for this project is
descriptive in nature, the various documents and official files would require for
understanding the methodology used by the banks, vendor, and customer. The
data collection is done by one-to-one interactions with bank officials, vendor,
customer & direct observations. At the same time, related articles, newspapers,
magazines, in-house journals, etc were referred. The information on the project
under consideration is obtained by the bank officials, vendor, andcustomer.

In this project Comparison among the Digital payment is done that is Digital
wallet v/s Plastic money like – PAYTM, JIO MONEY, AIRTEL
These DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS are the part of our study

According to my survey I found that people are ready to do transaction with

payment but some of the charges are directly deducted from their account
which make them paused to do digital payment. So government should make
awareness about the cost deducted through the digital transaction. And also
show how that deducted cost help to the society and nation.

In this project I also found that Digital payments are far cheaper than the
traditional method and also provide fraud protection and have worldwide
acceptance and they are good for online transaction. In this project my
limitation is that research is based on the data provided by customer and
vendor and the company statements provided on internet website and the time
period was very less and research was only based on one place that is
kharadi. At last I conclude by saying that digital payment made human life
convenient as a person can pay his payments online.


Today’s time of Internet has opened the gateway of tremendous digital

marketing opportunities for businesses. By utilizing different channels of
digital marketing, businesses cannot just share their product and services
online; additionally they can gain clients for their business, entice them and
can convert them to boost their ROI. The speed and straightforwardness with
which the digital media transmits data and support a business is astonishing.
In this Introduction to Digital Marketing E-Guide, every single aspect of
Digital Marketing will be discussed to help marketers understand what
Digital Marketing is, how it functions, and how it can help them optimize
their marketing campaign.

The world is super-connected nowadays and all things considered, marketing

and advertising are no more the same as they once were. This is particularly
valid because of the ascent of online networking, which has changed how
organizations speak with potential and existing customers.So, before jump onto
the introduction to Digital Marketing, let’s know what precisely Digital
Marketing is and what does it incorporate? Essentially, it is an aggregate term,
which is utilized where advertising and marketing meet web innovation and
different types of online media platforms. Let’s firstly throw some light on the
basics of Digital Marketing via the definition given below, this is the

first step when we talk about the introduction to Digital Marketing-

Digital Marketing Definition

Digital Marketing can be understood as a well-targeted, conversion-oriented,

quantifiable, and interactive marketing of products or services by utilizing digital
innovation to achieve the customers, and transform them into clients in a
sustainable fashion. The whole concept and functionalities of Digital Marketing
are more competent, effective, result-oriented and measurable, which make it
very different from traditional marketing.

The traditional way of marketing lets businesses market their products or

administrations on print media, radio and TV commercials, bill boards,
business cards, and in numerous other comparable ways where Internet or
web-based socialnetworking sites were not utilized for promoting.

However, traditional promoting approaches had constrained client reach ability

and extent of driving clients’ purchasing conduct. In addition, traditional
marketing methods were not quantifiable too. Let us understand noticeable
difference between Traditional Marketing & Digital Marketing.

Difference b/w Traditional Marketing & Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing

Communication is unidirectional in traditional marketing, which means, an

organization communicates about its services with its audiences.

Medium of communication in traditional marketing is generally phone

calls, emails, and letters.

Campaign in Traditional marketing takes more time as designing, preparing, and
launching are involved.

It is best for reaching local audience.

It is almost impossible to measure the effectiveness of a traditional marketing


Digital Marketing

Communication is bidirectional in Digital Marketing as businesses can

communicate with customers and customers can ask queries or make
suggestions to businesses as well.

Medium of communication is more powerful and involves social media

websites, chats, apps and Email.Digital marketing campaigns can be
developed quite rapidly and with digital tools, channelizing Digital
Marketing campaigns is easier.It is very effective for reaching global
audiences.Digital Marketing lets you measure the effectiveness of a digital
marketing campaign through analytics.Digital Marketing accomplishes
targets of marketing of a business through various Digital Marketing

Now, in this Introduction to Digital marketing guide, we will go through

different digital marketing channels and understand their roles-

Digital Marketing Channels

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO can be understood as the process of optimizing the structure, design, and
content of your website so the Search engines can index them accurately and
position sites in the top results of SERPs. SEO also incorporates different
promotional activities that boost search engine ranking of your site.
How does Search Engine Work?

Generally, most of the Search engine does- Spiders or Web Crawling, Indexing
& Displaying.

Spiders & Crawlers: In this, spiders crawl over the web for searching the content.
Once spiders finish the scanning process, they copy the searched content to store
that in a search engines database. Web crawlers collect following information from

introduction to digital

marketing web crawlers

information Website URL

Website Title

Meta Tag

Information Web

Page Content

Link on the page and where they go

Indexing: Search engines crawl and index the content of different web pages
and additionally, they keep track of all those relevant pages in keyword-based
indices. To determine ranking, search engine looks into the content of the page,
Page URL, Page Title, Domain Age, Topicality, Domain Trust, Social Signals,
Number and relevance of external pointing links to the page and other factor

Displaying: This is the last step in how search engine works and it involves
retrieving of the best-matched results for the search queries and then displaying
of the search result to the visitor.

Role of Keywords in SEO

Introduction to digital marketing PDF emphasizes that keywords play the most
important role in SEO, as its right use is the key to successful SEO. It is what a
user enters on the search bar to find specific information. Different important
associated with Keywords

are- Keyword Density-

More keywords can even get you penalized for “spamming “or keyword stuffing
and that is why having keyword density from SEO point of view becomes
mandatory. For best result, you need to have keyword density around 3-7% for
the major and 1-2 % for minor keywords.

Keywords in URL

- You need to know that first word is best position for keyword in URL

Keywords in Title tag- Keywords should be in beginning of title tags, 10- 60

characters, no special characters

Keywords in description meta tag- Show theme less than 200

characters Keywords in Keyword meta-tag- Show theme less than 10

words Keywords in Headlines- Use Hx font style tags appropriately

Link Building in SEO- It involves Off-page and On-page optimization-

2. Social Media Marketing

Social Network Marketing incorporates marketing strategies that use social

media channels as marketing tools for optimizing exposure of a brand,
targeting audiences, conversions and returns. Social Media marketing can be
done by adding social media links to the site content e.g. RSS feeds and
sharing buttons. It can also be done by promoting sites through social media
channels by updating tweets, statuses, blog posts, photos and so on.

Social Media Marketing aids an online business get direct feedback from their
customer on different social websites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,
LinkedIn, MySpace, Instagram, YouTube, etc.The success of a social media
marketing campaign is based
on “Personal” interactions between the user and

business. Facebook Marketing

Facebook includes most powerful social media marketing features that allow
marketers provide videos, photos, longer description option and testimonials
on their Facebook page for others to see.Marketers can make a group or join
a group of their liking on Fb and ask questions or give answers related to
topics associated with your kinds of businesses.There are automated
scheduling tools available to automate Facebook Marketing, which makes it
one of the most quantifiable SMM channels incorporated in most of the
basics of digital marketing e-guides.

Twitter Marketing

Twitter marketing is one of the best ways to reach out new customers without
invading their privacy.

Twitter is actually a micro blogging service that lets marketers send and receive

It helps businesses contact and communicate with their customers.

You can also create your personal page in twitter, upload your site and share
information regarding your business on Twitter.

LinkedIn Marketing

As one of the most preferred SMM channels of ‘Introduction to Digital

Marketing PDF’, LinkedIn connects professionals from various backgrounds.

It provides professionals an opportunity to expand their businesses by

connecting with other businessprofessionals.

By using widgets, LinkedIn memberscanpromote their companydirectly to their

“Company Page” can also be created on LinkedIn that acts like a business resume
for your client to have a quick overview of your business.

Google+ Marketing

Google Plus offers a variety of social media marketing features that are
considered essential to know while going through the basics of Digital

Circles: Helps marketerscreate groups or join circles of

their likings Stream: Offers instant updates on selected

contacts or groups Photos: Helps marketers upload photos

Sparks: Lets marketers specify their area of interest every time they logged in

Plus One: It is similar to Facebook’s ‘like button’ through which you can
express your opinion about any particular product or service

Video Chat and Huddles: Helps you solve all the queries by using video chat
facility that can be used to channelize live customer interactions while
huddles allow marketers to conduct groupchats.

Video Promotion

Video promotions are amongst the quickest ways to reach your prospects.
Visual effect creates more powerful impact on customer than print or digital

Video promotion enables marketers explain the product more convincingly

compared to any other medium.Social Media Marketing on “YouTube” help
marketers turn their viewers into fans then fans into customers. Video
promotion also aids in getting a good rating because there is very less
competition for video promotion pages.
3. Online Paid

Advertising PPC Ads

Online Paid Advertising, Pay per click advertising or PPC is another important
digital marketing channel that you need to understand while going through
introduction to digital marketing. In paid advertising, you need to pay each time
a user clicks on your Ad. You need to pay according to your bid amount and one
of the most popular pay per click programs is GoogleAdWords.

Google AdWords

Understanding purpose of your PPC

campaign Researching on targetaudiences

Proper Keyword Research and conduction of A/B Testing

Learning from your competitors’ Ad copy before you make your own AdWords

Keyword grouping and Organization along with Ad groups creation and

Management, etc.

Facebook Ads

Facebook offers its users the unique facility of paid advertising to advertise
their product or services on Facebook. Facebook offers different options like
Click to Website, Page Post Engagement, Website Conversion, Page Likes
kinds of Paid Advertising options

Twitter Ads

Marketers can directly implement Twitter ads right into the timeline of Twitter
that lets ads inherently fit in, and hence do not distract the viewer’s
experience.Twitter is considered incredibly competent through its promoting
Ads and product. Some of the
noticeable Twitter Ads are-

Twitter new Ads arrival with

Download options Ads with click to

call button

Promoted hashtags, promoted account, promoted tweet

Twitter Cards

4. Email Marketing, Mobile App Marketing & Web

Analytics Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most pervasive and effective strategies to reach
optimum users with least expenses. It is a type of direct marketing that
utilizes email as a method for correspondence. Email marketing is a
proficient approach to remain associated with the customers and in the
meantime advancing your business and services. With email marketing,
marketers can likewise track how much percentage of individuals has
demonstrated enthusiasm for your item or administration. Proficient email
marketing is considered as a superior approach for well-organized digital
marketing campaigns. Here are a few advantages for email marketing-

 Permission-based list building, which is a making of an email list by

giving a sign box to imminent email contacts and affirming their
endorsement with a subsequent email.
 Campaign creation that is understood as the capability to organize and
structure extensive volumes of e-mails by branding, subject and schedule
 Online reporting that offers the ability to track the sending of individual email
campaigns, their bouncing rates and other related details.
 Rich content Integration that provides features like addition of graphics,
audio, video, and test using templates along with drag and drop editor.
 List Management that offers the ability to organize, edit, segment, grow and
manage a database of client e-mail contact details.
Mobile App Marketing

Growing prevalence of smart-phones makes mobile app one of the most

important parts of ‘digital marketing PDF’. While building your mobile App,
below given are the important things you need to pay heed upon-

 You need to optimize social media presence of your App by improving a

steady social media following on different social networks like Facebook,
Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.
 You should drive engagement across your mobile app by focusing your
efforts on boosting ongoing engagement and keep updating fresh content to
influence users have interest in your app.
 Another important factor is to increasing app store ratings that you ought
to try, as this will drive a lot of traffic to your app.
 Ensuring a steady rise in app downloads is one of the important things you
need to consider in mobile marketing. However, if your product is valuable,
its download rate will automaticallyincrease.

Web Analytics

Web Analytics is the review, examinations, and reporting of a web

information and data for motivations behind comprehension and enhancing
web utilization. This strategy is helpful to quantify what numbers of
individuals have gone by a site, and how frequent they have used the site or
what course they have selected to reach your site. It is exceptionally helpful
for marketers as they can make sense of it, which digital marketing strategy is
effective, and which is most certainly not. This is thoroughly covered during
introduction to Digital Marketing.

 Different Web analytics tools can be used to measure whether your site
page is working effectively or not.



The Nine main objectives of Digital marketing are:

 To create BrandAwareness

 To generate potential leads through advertising

 To increase engagement amongst the audience related to

your domain or business.

 Reducing bounce rate on your website.

 Market segmentations on basis of your product.

 Increasing customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

 Understanding your consumers needs and connecting with them directly.

 Promote your new services or product launches.

 Surveys your audience to validate your product and its application in long


In today’s world of internet, Digital Marketing is the only one and most
guaranteed way of marketing, which is popularly being the most preferred
space for marketing communications and related interactions.The future of
marketing is way beyond the traditional marketing and now, marketing is
majorlybased on the Digital Sphere.
The scope of Digital Marketing provides some of the most powerful
techniques of marketing where traditional modes of marketing fail.The
great panjandrum on Digital Marketing over industrialists is to empower
them and to optimize their start-ups in the quickest possible and most cost-

effective fashion. Future of digital marketing is going to be more

encompassing in 2018. Undoubtedly,
it is an undeniable fact that there is a great scope in digital marketing
The role of this area of marketing is to understanding the target audience for
each social media segment and work on realizing their motivators, and needs.
This is because they will need to work on advertising campaigns that are
linked to social media, and hence ensure that the right audience is reached
through those.
Digital marketing also involves developing, implementing and
managing brand awareness of the organization and its products and
services, in the digital space. Brand awareness followed by association
is critical for achievement of business results. This can happen only
through a focused digital media approach where the brand values are
demonstrated in a series of innovative ways.

In 2019 brands will involve in telling the digital stories that define the
company. These could be internal stories that reflect its culture and
hence share the employer brand it is. Or they could be external stories
from client that share how the organization is a true partner for them.
The idea is to ensure appropriate messaging through the digital space
so that it is used optimally.

Communicating information is one of the crucial roles of digital

marketing. The information available online is consumed faster and
readily by the customers rather than printed or other such forms of
communication. Also it has the potential to reach a much wider
audience than the physical media channels and due to availability of
the internet, information can be revised to reflect the most current
form of it.

Collaborations with other related partners such as individual digital

influencers or media agencies that ensure social media presence
through creative techniques like contests, games, knowledge sharing
sessions, live videos and so on are part of the role too.


Digital Marketing projects needs to be very creative in its approach which

basically means if the project is not a success, your clients are definitely
going to be upset about it. So, it is very important from the start to work on
the project on marketing, taken effectively andefficiently.

Digital Marketing in layman’s language is marketing the product, brand or a

service on the internet or creating a virtual image of a brand or a product. How
do we go about it is going to be the process of a digital marketing project but the
other very major part is how to make every Digital Marketing Project a success.

Also, marketing experts are known as creative geniuses but not great project
managers and lag there, they fail to deliver successful projects on marketing.

So, here are some ways through which your project will definitely be a success.
The concept of Digital Marketing is very broad. It brings together all forms of
marketing, operating through electronic devices (i.e. online, on mobile and on-
screen). Have a glance at some ofthe most common digital marketing types used
these days

Email marketing:
Being one of the earliest forms of digital marketing, it includes delivering
personalized or targeted messages at the correct time. For example, brands
like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. deliver emails that are tailored to meet the
user’s requirement.

SEO (search engine optimization):

Well, it is the most general type of Digital marketing which is used to

increase the website’s visibility across the search engines. There are
various techniques involved in this process ranging from on-site
technical analysis and improvement, to blogging, link-building and
PPC (pay per click):

It is better known as Paid Search. In this process paid adverts are

typically placed to the right or above of the ‘organic’ search results.
The cost will depend on the competitiveness of the keyword you’re
bidding on.

Social Media:

It is all about managing a brand’s image across multiple social channels

including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin and many others. This
type has become greatly popular, mature and complex over the last few

Online Advertising:

Don’t confuse it with PPC! This involves the process of advertising on

others website. For example, you can buy a banner space on popular
website, payingthe website owner for the same.

Viral marketing:

It is a perfect blend of various elements of the marketing. Generally, it

always involves publicizing an element of content across multiple
channels. It may include videos on Youtube, blogs, email marketing, as
well as some traditional elements, all with goal to assure that the
content grabs the attention of the market and spreads naturally through
online communities.
Text messaging:
Besides, the aforementioned online marketing components, it is the
widely used Digital marketing type. Especially, with the exponential rise
in usage of smartphones around the world has enhanced the dependency
on them for quick and timelyinformation.

Traditional marketing includes business cards, notices, announcements,

handouts, business promotions on TV and radio, print advertisements in daily
newspapers and magazines to publicize an occasion or products. Even so, as
the technology keeps on advancing, the universe of Digital Marketing
propels. Digital marketing includes websites, social media, and YouTube
videos, and so on to publicize product or services.

Online marketing is somewhat like traditional marketing, as both Digital

marketing and traditional marketing are used for similar objectives those are to
draw in clients and to construct a brandpicture.


There are a few variations in the cost of traditional marketing and digital
marketing. As business advertisements on TV and radio, print ads in daily
newspapers and magazines and other such media ads cost a lot while online
social media ads are very affordable. Along these lines, traditional marketing
spends an enormous cost to hold the advertisement running under the plan.
Internet marketing can likewise cost, however, there are several Digital
marketing techniques that are free.

Ongoing result

In traditional marketing, we need to wait for weeks or sometimes months to see

an improving result in the business. While once we start using online marketing,
we don't
have to hold on longer to see an important increment in the business.Results
of traditional marketing technique can't easily be measured. On the other
hand, in Digital Marketing, it is easy to determine a return on investment
(ROI) by utilizing Google analytic tools.

Traditional marketing contains Print media (newspaper and magazines ads,

newsletters, brochures and other printed material)

Broadcast media(like TV and radio ads)

Direct mail (including fliers, postcards, catalogs)


Verified techniques for a higher rate of success

Long-standing projects that the public already recognizes

Analytics for measuring results

Digital marketing includes marketing efforts anchored on electronics devices

just like-


Social networkingsites

Content marketing

Banner Ads

Google Ads

Online videomarketing.
Cost-effective strategies for marketing

Remarkable visitorsachieve

Enables primary response from the intended audience.

Easy Analytics

Digital marketing calculating your marketing opportunities turns out to be

simple and sharp.

You can quickly see which technique is performing and which isn't via Google
Analytics, other than different things too, for example, basic trend, incoming
traffic, transformation rate, interest visitors, bounce rate and benefit.


It is tough to track traditional marketing techniques. To evaluate your group

of viewers and their communications we have to put up added efforts which
are time-consuming. For example, we have to direct overviews to discover
the actual results.

Information and results of digital marketing techniques can be simply registered.

We can without a lot of hard work check if the procedures are working by
utilizing Google Analytics. If not, we can take the best measures for better
marketing and accordingly take a shot at better keywords to target the group of
viewers we can likewise utilize Social Media channels which are free and nearly
everybody utilizes them.

Advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing are very necessary

information for today’s modern world. Nowadays social media affects us in
all the aspects of our life.

Digital marketing benefits businesses of all sizes by giving access to the mass
market at an affordable price. Unlike TV or print advertising, it allows truly
personalized marketing. The main advantage of digital marketing is that a
targeted audience can be
reached in a cost-effective and measurable way.

Lower cost – a properly planned and effectively targeted digital marketing-

campaign can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than traditional
marketing methods.

Digital Marketing Importance- Helps you Generate Better Revenues. Along with
better conversion rates created by successful digital marketing strategies, Digital
Marketing also ensures great revenues. It conveys heaps of gainful advantages
for you and your business appreciates better and higher incomes.

Extremely lowrisk

Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media

Faster response to both marketers and the end user

Increased ability to measure and collect data

Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalization

Increased interactivity

Increased exposure of products and services

Boundless universalaccessibility

Disadvantages of digital marketing:

Before you start working on the digital marketing area, you should know
about its limitations also. Otherwise, you may regret afterward. So, before
you work on digital marketing, you should well aware of its limitations also.
The limitations are:

Dependability ontechnology

Security, privacyissues

Maintenance costs due to a constantly evolving environment

Higher transparency of pricing and increased price competition

Worldwide competition through globalization



It is seen that the impact of digital marketing is immense in various sectors

such as banking, tourism, health, and education. Digital and social media has
been impacting the young aspirants of the higher education and it had become
an integral part of the decision-making process of the young students seeking
higher education. It is found that education plays a pivotal role and is
regarded to be the backbone of a nation which is directly related to its
development in the global context. The higher education comprises a part of
services offered, thus all the marketing concepts related to services can be
applied to higher educational institutions. In the present scenario, the students
are regarded as the customers of the higher education sector. India, with its
growing population, has the significant number of youth, which increases
opportunity in the higher education sector of the country and in turn,
increases the competition among different players.

Thus, the sector had observed a longing for quality higher education both
among the rustic and the urban population (Abbas, 2014). Higher education, as a
part of the service industry, is based on the human resources and it necessitates
an effective and efficient delivery of services to its clients(Brown & Oplatka,
2007) (Mazzarol & Soutar, 1999). Marketing communications represent the
"voice" of the various services and the branding of a business organization which
enables to build a strong alliance with its clients (Kotler et al, 2012). With the
emergence of digital communication and high-level technologies, organizational
changes and new developments are being accelerated to a next level. century
witnesses the growing demand for learning along with the technical advances
which are in fact, a critical point for challenging the presiding assumptions and
characteristics of existing traditionally organized universities and institutes. The
combination of demand, along with costs and application of content and new
technologies has opened the door to emerging competitors and organizations to
compete directly with traditional universities and institutes for aspiring students
and learners. (Hanna, 1998)

The literature review on digital marketing shows that considerable work has
been done on digital marketing in various countries but the study factors
impacting digital marketing in the education sector in West Bengal is scarce.
Digitalization has replaced the traditional retail shopping to a remarkable extent.
Consumers nowadays browse the internet to know about various products and
services offered which is less time to consume andcost-effective.


Research methodology:-

Analytical research and descriptive methodology has been used for the
given study. The objective of research is to know the procedure of Digital
payment benefits the area of study is Kharadi pune.

Data Collection:-

Every project requires research to be carried out in order to get collective data
which in turn helps us to better understand the methodology used by the Bank
therefore resulting in better planning & implementation of the same and
progress of the bank. The technique of Data Collection for this particular
project is as follows:

Data collected specifically for the study the process of Digital payment:
Digital wallet v/s Plastic money. Since the research carried out for this project
is descriptive in nature, the various documents and official files would require
for understanding the methodology used by the banks, vendor, and customer.
The data collection is done by one-to-one interactions with bank officials,
vendor, customer & direct observations. At the same time, related articles,
newspapers, magazines, in- house journals, etc were referred. The
information on the project under consideration is obtained by the bank
officials, vendor, and customer.

A. Primary Data:-

Primary data is a data, which is gathered by the researcher himself.

This data can be collected through experiment or through survey.
The various method of primary data collection is used in this study
1- Observation Method
2- Questioners Method

3- Through interaction with user of digital payment

B. Secondary Data:-

This data is collected from organization web site; bank’s internal

document’s which is made on monthly basis & from Web sites. Secondary data
is scrutinized on the basis of suitability, reliability, adequacy and accuracy.

About the study

Compare among the Digital payment: Digital wallet v/s Plastic money like –




Digital payments are far cheaper than the traditional method of mailing
out paper invoice and then processing payment received.

Digital payment provides fraud

protection. Digitalpaymenthave

worldwideacceptance. Digital Payment is

good for online transaction.


Limitations Of DigitalMarketing:

1.Lack of face to

face intertion 2.Can

be obstructive

3.Not suitable for every product





Madehumanlifeconvenientasapersoncanpayhispayments onlinewhile
he is taking rest.

Override traditional marketing system into digital

marketing system. Payment cards provide fraud protection.

Plastic money is required for digital wallet to add money in wallet.




With this constantly changing environment, marketers should look to

continuously update and refine digital marketing strategies so as not to
become stale or lost in the noise. Here are 5 ways marketers can re-evaluate
digital marketing objectives to maximize impact and results.

1. Focus on Conversion, Not Just Leads

One of the most important pillars of a winning digital marketing strategy is

data. Data and metrics should influence every decision and action a
marketing team takes. In
today’s market, this means digging through the data to understand where
potential customers are spending their time (which social platforms and
websites), and then targeting them with specific content.

While B2C marketing teams traditionally take the approach of casting a wide net
and hoping for the best, advances in big data and machine learning have made it
possible to dig deeper and impact conversion rates on an individual level. By
targeting specific demographics and audience segments with certain types of
content, incentives, or product recommendations, marketers can go further in
pushing the customer’s decision toward apurchase.

2. Set the Stage for Long-Term Value

While it may be tempting to shoot for short-term wins, marketers should

always consider long-term value when making strategy decisions. Before
pouring resources into a one-off campaign for a specific social media
platform, marketers would be wise to perform due diligence and research to
ensure the investment will pay off in the long term.

This mindset also applies to tools and solutions. When navigating the purchasing
process, marketers should make sure the solutions are positioned to help the
team succeed in the long run, not just solve short-term problems. While it’s not
critical to have every detail of a multi-year strategy ironed out, it is a good idea
to have a plan for growth and an understanding for how a tool will help make
that plan a reality.With technology changing at an exponential pace, there will
always be ideas and trends that are ‘in’ or ‘the hot new thing’ in the industry.
Marketers should take care to understand where the brand best stands to benefit
from these trends before making any decisions that could impact long-term
growth or revenue.

3. Double Down on Customer Service

Digital marketers may be thinking, “What does customer service have to do with
me?” Although it’s sometimes easy to forget, every single interaction a customer
has with a brand impacts their opinion of that brand, and is thus considered
‘customer service’.
This is even more important for digital companies that must repeat brand-
conscious customer service tactics across multiple platforms and channels.
This is a critical component of achieving success with omni channel
marketing, which means ensuring a single customer has a seamless,
integrated buying experience, no matter the platform or channel.

Even though the concept of customer service may feel like a more fundamental
concern for brick-and-mortar stores than online retailers, many of today’s brands
have shown the importance of stellar service in e-commerce experiences. Digital
marketers play a key role in establishing a customer-centric reputation for the
brand. Whether this is through personalized emails, welcome pages, or
customized product recommendations, that personal touch can make a huge
difference in the eyes of the customer. In fact, 56% of customers are more likely
to buy from a brand that recognizes them by name. Consumers expect
personalization because they expect superior customer service.

4. Create the Ultimate Buying Journey

As it becomes easier for marketers to understand their consumer audience in

more depth, it’s also possible to refine processes and create the ultimate
buying journey. Digital marketers can see exactly what content is most
successful among consumers, and then strategically build upon that
momentum formaximumreturns. If, forexample, a brand knows a majority of
customers are coming to their website via social media, it can beef up social
campaigns and design smoother workflows to help the customer from point A
to point B.

Creating the ultimate buying journey for customers also means optimizing
their online and mobile shopping experiences. As shopping moves online,
and online shopping moves to mobile, brands must make sure their sites
render well, are consistent with brand guidelines, and make it simple for
shoppers to find what they’re looking for. After all, the smoother the buying
journey, the higher the likelihood of a conversion.

5. Know When and How to Go Back and Refine Processes

While talking about refining processes is easy, it’s a little more difficult for
marketers to
actually get their hands dirty. If a workflow or process just isn’t working, it
might be time to go back and re-evaluate where things went wrong. This is also a
great opportunity to A/B test different campaigns and strategies. Marketing itself
is a constantly changing landscape, and digital marketing is one of its most
dynamic features. Marketers need to keep their eyes on the metrics and data to
stay informed about the processes that are working, and where it may be time to




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